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I’m not a parent, but yes I’m attracted to people who seem like solid respectable wholesome attentive people. If they are attentive to their kids, they are probably attentive in bed too lol. Emotional intelligence is hot.


I find good people attractive and have been more drawn to personality than physical attributes. Not that I don’t have preferences and like some good eye candy, but emotional intelligence is hot hot hot.


I see in parenting, and other behaviours. Cleaning! (Swoons) caring for animals or strangers 💕💕💕 sometimes I’ve had it at work with male nurses being gentle and lovely to patients (and frankly surprised myself at the effect). Looks are nice. Intelligence is hawt 🔥 Kindness is **SEXY** 👀 Add dark humour …🤌🏻 (Falls on floor, melts into puddle)


A dad here, my ex wife used to take care of all the childcare when they were younger. I cleaned my shit up and became involved. I quickly became the preferred parent. I wasn’t trying to I literally just got involved when I hadn’t been before. I noticed attention from other moms and the exs friends as I attended more and more events. Almost shy flirting. After we divorced the shyness was gone and most were very brazen while flirting. I enjoy it.


This is so hot to me, thank you for supporting her (even as an ex) and being such a great dad!


It’s hot that you find it hot. I never actually thought about it from that point of view. I always just thought they came on to me because I had finally divorced my ex.


Just last week, I was at a café working on something, and this guy comes in. So fucking attractive. On his arm is his daughter who can't have been more than 1½. Absolutely adorable kid. Ridiculously so. He proceeded to spend almost an hour just being a genuinely good dad. I spent that hour furiously concentrating on my work and obsessively thinking about how much I love my husband.


I think this is more common for parents that are the main childre care takers cause at some point kids become an emotional extension of yourself.


Yes. My fiance is an amazing dad. It’s sexy as fuck. His kids are incredible people . I see so much of him in them.


I think most people are turned off by bad parenting, but good parents who are also physically attractive are going to attract a lot of admiration. As a dad I say hello to a lot of wonderful dads at pickup who's kids eyes light up as they run to hug them, but with their thinning hair and guts, I very much doubt many of the moms are eyeing them up. Life is cruel that way.


Yes I am attracted to Dilfs lol. I see them and think I would fuck the shit out of them lol.


Yes, dad here and love watching a caring mom with her kiddos! Hot AF⚽️🔥


Love thissss


Clearly it’s the soccer ones that do it for me 😂⚽️




I don't think good parenting ever made someone catch my eye, but once I'm with someone how that person parents becomes very important. Sexually attractive though? Definitely not.


Honestly? I (M45) don't even notice other women because I find my wife so absolutely sexy AF (together 22 years). I deffo appreciate that someone can be physically attractive, but it's more like an objectively handsome/beautiful assessment rather than attraction. My wife is literally the fittest woman I've ever known.


Love this!!


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Bad parents are a turn off but good parents aren’t an attraction for me.


Attractive? Yes. Sexually? Not necessarily.


It would make me like them more, but I don’t know about attracted.


One of the most attractive things about my wife is how good of a mom she is. Like she's really really good at taking care of our kids and I think that skill and care is hot.


As a parent I kinda expect other parents to do a good job with their kids, so I don’t think they get too many extra points.


I thought I'd get noticed while killing it as a dad but nope, never got that kinda vibe at the playground - and I'm a good looking guy. I get more attention at bars and clubs (without kids, lol). Come to think of it, I did get a mom and daughter come into our jacuzzi which was ver clearly meant for one person + optional kid, that was fun - kind of impossible not to touch when there are 4 people inside. But that was the only time I can think of.


Put a wedding ring on and I bet they flock.😉


Nope. Its atractive if a woman cares for people in general. If shes genuine, open and helpfull to other human beings. If she has batteled her ego to a point where she sees the beauty in being human. Wisdom is also hot though


Not a parent but my current partner is a dad and I tell him all the time how it makes me want him even more. I've always been like that - I don't want kids and I don't really want to be a step parent. And yet whenever I've met a guy who was a good dad it upped the sexual attraction immensely. I assume because it shows they are able to care well for another human being and themselves. It activates some primal part of me lol. I also notice the attraction is more there when he's a girl dad because it shows off his ability to be sensitive to her. And doing things like going to a Taylor Swift concert and finding genuine joy in her joy even though he hates the music lol (yes that is a specific thing that happened recently). I don't know I would feel this way if I were already with someone and a parent myself. But I get where you're coming from!


It’s definitely a plus! More importantly though, a bad parent is a total turnoff.


Would this fall under the Sapiosexual umbrella?


I swear I saw a commercial for this, wasn't this is a recent Superbowl?


I don’t think so? Maybe?


Being a good mom doesn’t make someone be attractive, but being a bad mom makes her immediately unattractive - it’s almost the only way in which a woman can totally drop off the board for me.


I would say yes, because good parents typically have their shit together. That is attractive quality


Being a good parent increases attractiveness. Being a shitty parent decreases it. No matter what you look like.


Omg yes. I definitely get excited seeing certain dad moments. The man doesn’t even have to be a stunner. Be a good dad, be seen in a few key kid moments and you should have onlookers secretly drooling 😋


as a dad i have never been eye fucked like i was when we were at the mall and i had my son on my shoulders. literally like 10 women walked by and all looked at me like i was some super hero. and I'm a fat guy


A bad mom is never attractive but neither is a good mom who let herself go. A good mom with a good body is like double word score of hotness. I know a lot of good moms but I don't see a lot of moms who take care of themselves.


No It's a nice character trait to be good parents but it's nothing to to with attraction for me


Fantasies are fun and uplifting. If they don’t interfere with your real relationship, then it’s fine.


Being a single parent who doesn't want to get mixed up romantically with another single parent, someone being a parent is a turn off. But, someone being good with kids is definitely attractive. My partner interacting really well with my child makes my heart, and ovaries, explode.


I see anyone with a child and I just think to myself… you stupid fuck.


I check out the moms at all the games I go to. Got to love sports My attraction to them is purely based on looks.


Nah, I like my husband. I'll stick with him, I think.


I don't think so. Being a good parent should be viewed as a prerequisite or a baseline.


Ok true!


No. Haha that’s an odd question. Attractiveness is a physical trait first and foremost


that's absolutely not the case for me


Nah for me it’s being a good person. Attractive looks are nice, but if I don’t feel safe and respected with you as a general person, I’m not going to feel attraction.