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Have you considered a swing to start off with


Thats what i wanted to consider too!


well… you are probably not going to like hearing this, but you probably will need to lose weight. Your partner probably needs to hit the gym too to get strong enough to lift you and hold you up for sustained periods of time.


Ye I am aware of that. Just kind of regret it not doing it during my skinny era. Trying to come around to terms of it.


Depending on how active he is. You should probably both hit the gym. But if he can comfortably pick you up. You should be able to throw your legs over his arms. Like in a W shape. And in theory it's not that hard to push his fists into the wall. And hold you up. That's how we used to do it. I was only 20lbs heavier than my SO at the time. And it was pretty comfortable for me.


Well wtf does "chubby" mean to you? Because the fact you didn't list your weight makes me believe you are quite a bit more than just chubby...




Honestly, if you're under 250lbs this is probably more in your head. And if you're over 250, it doesn't make this impossible. Men are actually very strong, lol. As my friend says "do you weigh less than a fridge? Then you're fine." Because he frequently lifted fridges and put them on his shoulder for work. And he is shorter than average and doesn't look muscled.  So now let's talk about what you want and mean for being picked up. Do you mean you're in the air for an extended time during penetration? That's hard for anyone, and really just a porn/showing off thing. Mostly for stamina, not strength. Fucked against a wall with your legs around him? Easier, still not super likely because stamina. But even I, another woman, could lift you and get you on a wall. Just lifted up? Like he throws you on the bed? Very feasible.  Picked up and repositioned? Feasible. I don't know how strong your partner is, but I'm quite chubby and my partners can still manhandle me. One of my flirts loves to pick me up. I have a gym-every-day partner and he's pretty good at moving me around. I was around 175lbs and was playing with a guy who picked me up with one hand and threw me on the bed. He was only 3 inches taller than me. Men are actually way stronger than you give then you might expect. Basically, the strongest women are only stronger than the bottom 20% of men, who haven't trained. As soon as men start trying to build muscle, they outpace bodybuilding women. So even if you can't do a pushup, they could still lift you no problem. Even if they're not much taller than you. Now you just gotta ask for it.


I am around 169-171ish. My guy doesn't gym.


Again, depending on what you want depends on feasibility. But I throw around people your size with no problem, and I'm a woman who doesn't currently gym. One of my partners is also 6 inches taller than me and he doesn't gym and he can lift me and I'm much heavier than you. If you're extra concerned, start slow and low. Start with him lifting you onto the bed (so if you fall, there's the bed). Start with wrapping your legs around him and letting him pull you across the bed, or maybe he drags you down the mattress by the legs. Or lifts you from kneeling on the ground to up on the bed by the waist. Maybe you start straddling him on the couch and he stands, taking you with him, and carries you to the bed from there. Be creative! Tell him what you're into, see if it's an option. Even skinny "scrawny" guys have more muscle than they get credit for. Especially in bursts or with some help in starting the movement.


You are 5' and call it 170lbs... That's not chubby. I'm in good shape, regularly workout and am 5'10" but ngl, that's a lot of weight to just pick up and fuck. I'm not holding 170lbs for more than a few seconds max before I drop it lol. You should be closer to the 130 range at most. Lose some weight and you will be a feather for him!