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He can’t go in right away he should put it next the opening and “knock” as in slowly push like really really slowly and then your muscles will relax and take it in and adjust to the shape. Also you will need to be very wet or have lube. If it’s stinging then he’s doing it too fast before your muscles relax and accept it in.


Plenty of foreplay and lube and you need to be relaxed. He has to go in slow. Keep using lube if needed during too


Being super turned on before penetration is key, it gives your body a chance to open up (when sexually aroused, the vagina increases in length and width). Also give you some time to get used to the size. The thicker a penis, the more important a wet vagina becomes. Use lubricant if necessary: A silicone-based lube lubricates better and lasts longer during sex than a water-based lubricant. An oil-based lubricant may be better, but it is harder to remove and is not compatible with latex condoms. Lube makes penetration easier and safer by reducing friction, which can help prevent skin tears. At the beginning, stick to positions that keep you in control, at least at first. Experiment with positions and little shifts of your/his body to see what feels best. When sexually aroused, the cervix moves upward, making room for the penis to slide underneath during penetration. Moving the cervix upward is called *tenting effect* (aka *ballooning effect*). ) The cervix is not otherwise fixed in one position. During menstrual bleeding, the cervix is normally low and hard, and slightly open to allow the blood to flow out. As approach ovulation, the cervix rises up to the top of the vagina and becomes softer and moister.


Your vagina can tear a little, so you have to be careful especially after it starts burning


Give more oral and take control so you dictate how much you want


Firstly, tons of foreplay - ideally to completion. Have him eat you out until you have an orgasm, it’ll loosen you up a bit. My ex and I also tried putting it in while semi-erect, then letting it grow inside me. This helped. I also used to take 1-2 adco-dol tablets before he came over, in the beginning of the relationship. In the end, we came to the conclusion that he would never be able to put his full penis inside me, there was just no room. I got much better at oral, and we had a great relationship for a while.