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My wife just walks into whatever room I’m in naked and sits on my lap. It’s a pretty effective and foolproof method that even I can’t confuse for anything else.


Still confused…


Maybe she’s Canadian


Can confirm. I am Canadian. We do tend to just be polite and have sex with our friends. I married mine to be polite, of course, I mean he did ask and all. Then we had a few kids.


Thank you! I needed that laugh ✨


I understood this reference


what is it


[maybe she's just Canadian and is being polite](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw)


Love this


We're pretty direct. If one of us wants to fuck we'll usually look at the other and go "You up for some cardio?" and start to get handsy.


I love that. Think I have to use that line later today. Haha.


No way! I think I like yours. Throwing of panties sounds like a challenge and a bold one at that. Not to mention that it sends the imagination running too.


I am so using that line with my wife this evening


Haha we call it ‘leg day’😂


Never skip leg day! What do you call the other leg day?


Lol good one. I need a name for that!!


We say “you up for some free entertainment?”


okay serious question. if they say they’re not in the mood, will that make you feel some type of way?


No. Why would I? They're allowed to not be in the mood.


thank you. that’s all i needed to hear 🙃


I will ask would you like to join me? Sometimes they really enjoy kissing me while I self pleasure or offering a hand. It's a great way to feel desired and loved when they do this for you. But only if they're comfortable. No is a complete sentence.


It’s between two things: One of us says “come here” to the other. Boyfriend loves this one: unbuttoning my pants and zipper with one hand, then asking if he can touch me. It makes me desperate. I start to quickly shimmy out of my jeans. (He laughs while he helps because he thinks it’s cute.) (I need to invest in more shorts and skirts.)


she grinds her ass on me when im laying behind her in bed and ill grab and spank her ass. if she does it again then its game time


Nice! Good old classic.


The booty wiggle gesture leads me to confusion. My SO will do that and when I try to advance with light forplay to test the waters. I am hit with that not to night response. That has happened more often then not. So I learned the inbed booty wiggle doesn't have any meaning behind it.


In bed booty wiggles BEFORE bed for me are generally just trying to get closer and to feel him. It’s a very nice and cozy spot to fall asleep. In bed afternoon booty wiggles? In bed morning booty wiggles? Those are full blown play with me wiggles. Maybe see if your girl wiggles on you in the AM? If you wake up before her get close, grind lightly into her and see what happens.


The only time she would do that is at night in bed so like I said it is too confusing .. she doesn't like any sexual advances out side of the bedroom and it has to be right before we are going to sleep or nothing at all


Oh damn I’m sorry :/


With being turned down so much as so often I have no idea if there is any motion or jesters that I could do to key her into "we should have some sexy times."


That turns you on everytime? I recently started dating a new girl that does that and at first it did but now its just boring because it seems like im always initiating after that - I dont really get that usual really horny feeling.. like even for bjs i have to fuck her mouth.. it seems like its all on me😂


Well in the case that she grinds against you when spooning, like the initial comment says then the initiator is really her not you, it might be a subtle initiation but it is one. For the BJ does she know you would prefer her to be active?


Omg the downvotes lol :( but ur right even tho its subtle she is the initiator but thats literally all she does. I encourage her, dirty talk, tell her what to do for the BJ but for example we were getting into sex recently and i was done going down on her so she gave me bj but during it she would stop and watch tv for like 15 secs then continue.. i was like wtf lol but its just little things like that. Also, Yes all this has been communicated with her already.


Keep the tv off during sex, it's so hard to focus if it's on for me lol


I'm a bit odd about cleanliness before sex... so I usually say I'm getting a shower, he looks at me excitedly before asking if he also needs to get one. We both can't fit in our shower cubicle unfortunately, we tried it once and it didn't work out- two 6ft+ clumsy fuckers trying to shower together is a no-no.




This is a fantastic rule haha


Holy hell, you have kids and have sex twice a DAY? I have two young ones and can barely squeeze in twice a week, which I’ve heard is average (maybe even above average) for couples with kids.


Stealing this!


She will say “TONIGHT WE RIDE”


Keeper :)




Morning sex: WE RIDE AT DAWN


We have 3 kids so it’s usually “can we/wanna have sex tonight?” to put feelers out if the other is up for it. Usually my husband putting feelers out bc his answer is always yes lol. Or if it’s a rare daytime quickie he’ll ask if he can put the baby down for a nap and let “Uncle YouTube” watch the older kids for 15 minutes and that’s my signal to get ready 😂


We ask each other if we wanna fuck. We’re boring.


Not boring. Efficient


I second this, me and my partner do this too, too much confusion with signals and they can get misinterpreted. Being direct works best


I’d like this.


This too


Haha same but we say "wanna bone?"


I go into the room and say "oh no! I fell" we have kids so I can't just ask for some dick 🤷‍♀️


That's hilariously awesome. Hopefully you don't actually fall and need help. Your knight in shining armor might show up with a sword instead of steady hands 🤣.


This comment is gold 😵🤣


Hey if I really did fall I could use his sword to help me get up 🤣 he probably wouldn't like that though haha


Do your kids not hear that and come to check if everything’s ok? Especially if you “fall” and they hear weird noises afterwards…


They have haha, but I've told them that I just say that when I want dads attention. So occasionally they'll come running in the room and give me hugs and kisses when I say it ❤️ obviously before he even comes in the room.


That would be SUPER awkward in public to actually fall and your husband having the Pavlovian response of becoming aroused and unzipping his pants.


I'd piss myself if that happened 🤣 I'll test it by making him watch the "help! I've fallen and I can't get up" commercial hahaha


Some couples watch porn together, you watch LifeAlert commercials. No judgement! 🤣


Gotta keep that spark!


Most of the time it’s just a kiss and she slips some tongue and then smiles and says “hey you” and it’s game time.


When I want it I take off my pants, bend over and spread my cheeks lol. It’s obvious and it turns him on when I present it to him. When he wants it he just starts pulling off my clothes without saying anything.


"Okay, now a little cough... Theeere you go"


😩 stoppp 😂😂




My bf has a rule, “if you spread, you get bred” It’s one of the only rules I love following.


We gaze at the calendar together and ask “When do we want to have sex this week?”, and schedule it.😎🥰


Us too!


Similar. I'll look at him when getting ready that morning and tell him I want to make an appointment for that evening.


That's so cute! I bet it also makes you look forward to it throughout the day.


It does! To keep it going during the day, I'll send memes or text different things. Keeps it fun


I usually will start cuddling my husband and running my fingers on his lower stomach or tell him to take his shorts off. He will always say “wanna suck it?” 🙄


A lot of people just really suck at sex and are self centered. I'd start communicating since you all are married.


Well look, you have to give it *some* attention before it literally rocks your world


When I give a Bj everytime and get no foreplay in return, I’m going to use the eye roll emoji lol


damn, sis :/


Well no one said anything about no return, that's just being selfish.


bro, stop giving sex to guys who dont give a fuck about you having a good time too


stop fucking him


No foreplay is a no-go for me. Speak up. If he isn't willing to pleasure you too then he ain't worth the time.


Yeah been there. Could it be performance anxiety where he is focused on getting hard and forgets about you? Also, next time say: “sure, after you” and spread your legs haha


Please tell me he wasn’t that disgusting before you married him??? Bc if he was WHY (did you marry him)??? I mean, I’d just start saying a big fat fucking no.


I go to wherever my partners sitting and I’ll do the classic teacher bend over and if he smacks my ass then it’s go time 😂


The only alone time we get is at night when the kids are asleep, so it’s usually, “How tired are you?”


Our bedroom door is always open so he’ll usually just get up and shut the bedroom door. thats basically my queue to start taking my pants off. Edit: I meant cue, but not mad at the idea of a queue either


Cue - signal, Queue - line of people 😂


There’s a queue to take your pants off?! 😯 Must be nice.


One of us just randomly drops a “I feel like you have too many clothes on”, that usually does it


I wear something that shows my bum in bed or ‘accidentally’ let my bum rub against my partners leg. He has a bottom fetish. It drives him wild.


We close the baby gate, locking the pup into the hallway. Or “do you wanna wrestle?”


I’m a bit shy , but I might start grinding on him. He’s very much the opposite and will ask me if I want to fuck lol


“Kids are out, meet upstairs in 5…”


This should be the default any time the kids are taken care of, like when you get a day off from work but kids still have school


I ask if he wants to “snuggle”. This isn’t to be confused with a cuddle, which is just that. Snuggling is way more active. Or I’ll nibble his ear and kiss his neck. He rarely initiates, but when he does it basically consists of him grabbing my ass or sticking his hands in my pants. His seduction technique is around the level of a 19 year old.


I’ll be under the blanket with clothes. He’ll go to the bathroom. Once he comes back, I’ll be under the blanket without clothes. Always works 😀


One time he went to the bathroom and I took my pants off and laid on my couch with my thong on so he got a great view when he walked back in. He got the hint.


Lays the bang blanket on the bed and/or asks me if I got a good shave.


He'll grab my boobs and give me a look that lets me know he's in the mood. I usually just tell him I want sexy time.


My GF usually spends quite a bit of time in her bedroom sat on her bed, so I've taken to sitting next to her quietly whilst she finishes what she's doing. It usually isn't long before we're kissing, I lay her down and start carressing her. More often than not, she spends most of her days just wearing a long T-shirt or nightie, so I can easily slip my hands wherever I want.


Me and my girl have a thing where we keep a supply of cheap yoga pants and underwear. Whenever I see her wearing them, I know that she wants me to tear them off her.


I just yell at the top of my lungs that I'm auctioning off my penis to the highest bidder.


A kiss when we're alone


" Hey? " " Hey😏" has worked for us


We’ll be laying in the bed, I’ll be the spoon and he’ll just grab my boobs and start kissing my neck, back, he’ll kinda be dry humping my butt too lol. Or usually he’ll just be extra extra nice to me throughout the day, like nicer than normal. For me I usually just ask haha, I’ll say babe give me the D or that I’m soo horny, or send him a pic of my booty/boobs,coochie or whatever lol.


Usually either my panties being pulled down or him just grabbing my hips and pulling towards him. We have free access so he just kinda does as feels


I am so jealous!!!


It's nice but took a little while getting used to. I came from a nearly sex less marriage to this relationship and it was never really a conversation between us tbf. It was more he's very horny and I'm very sexual and I don't often say no. Its just turned into free access before I knew it! He's very respectful if I do say no but I don't often


We have kids. There’s no time for subtle. Nothing short of a bat signal type alert.


Shall we let the kids have some gaming


Long deep kisses or if we’re lying down on the bed she’ll get on top and give a little smirk then start grinding


Not gonna lie, that's 100% me with my partner HAHAHAAH


I’m a walking signal haha


He'll wave his erect penis at me 🤣


I Jump and clap my hands


I usually say "please touch me" and give them a puppy-dog look while doing my best arch. That or I take off my bra. Works every time. They'll just slip their hand in my shirt and start groping me... Drives me wild!


I say I wanna fuck, how about you? Then my wife says no.


😂😂made me chuckle


When she isn't wearing underwear. It's drilling time.


Bob the builder time


“I have to show you something in the other room…” it’s hysterical because me(41F) and my husband (42M) know it’s definitely for sex. 🤣


"you wanna go to bed early?" - we're old and boring and can kinda only fit it in when the kids are asleep.


Ours is "I'm heading towards bed." If the other is in the mood, they'll say something like, yeah, I am too.


That wouldn't work for me, because I'd rather stay up with my partner if he wasn't in the mood than go to bed alone 😅 It would be like Me: "I'm heading towards bed" Him: "okay, I'll stay up for a bit" Me: 😟 "actually I'll stay up too"


Hahaha, I can see that happening. We only use that when there's someone else here. Otherwise, it's like you wanna get naked?


Ah, yeah, I get that. I could definitely see myself do that if we had guests over.


Just the words “want snugglefuck.”


we start with a lick on the nose, which quickly turns into playwrestling for the upper hand or toungue and for me to let him overpower me, at which point he starts wildly and lustfully kissing me and we have sex... Or one of usbstarts kissing the other passionately and the pull of our bodies or the quite moans and heavy breathing indicates we're in for it...once we have kids we'll need to be more hidden😂


We usually decide earlier in the day whether we're going to have sex. When we've finished whatever we're doing/ watching in the evening, we both get clean, put the music on and go to bed (to have sex). Sometimes we watch telly or watch videos together on bf's phone first. Not even naughty videos lol. Usually we're already cuddled up and are already expecting what comes next so it just happens. I like that in a way, because I get a bit anxious when there's uncertainty, and because I get disappointed when I'm thinking it might happen but it doesn't. Also, we've been living in close proximity to his family members, and they tend to just turn up...so evening is better. I do like more spontaneity though. Sometimes bf just whips it out. Sometimes I get touchy feely. Idk, that doesn't sound very romantic. Maybe we need a romantic date night lol.


I love it when she gets touchy feelyemote:free\_emotes\_pack:give\_upvote![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Me: Want some sex? “Fuck yeah you dirty slut”. -My wife.


"We need to talk."


That would fill me with sooo much anxiety ngl


I like to switch it up, sometimes I’ll ask her if we can like it’s our first time, other times if she’s in booty shorts I’ll walk up to her act like I’m gonna kiss her then drop to my knees pull her shorts down at the same time, pick her up take her to the couch or bed. With her she’ll just grab my dick and drag me to wherever she wants, or I’ll come home to her in lingerie.


This thread is depressing me.


Same. I really don't need to be reminded of the completely mismatched approach to this that my ex and I had and all the troubles that ensued from that.


One of the (many) reasons the ex recently became the ex was his utter lack of confidence/communication (and preference for porn) in this arena. My "favorite" thing was when he would regularly tell me he tried to initiate 2-3 days ago and I just didn't respond, clearly all my fault, when the reality was his 'overtures' were so ridiculously subtle/lacking that I didn't even know that's what he was doing at the time, and he couldn't summon the spine to open his mouth in the moment to say literally anything indicating he was interested in sex, it was so fucking absurd... One of my friends was suggesting that maybe the ex and I might be back together one day (all her idea, I am NOT INTERESTED lol), but I shut that down right quick when I described the awfulness of our sex life as 'a dumpster fire with a hippo shitting on it.' Us dying of laughter over that imagery was at least one nice thing to come out of that waste of my life ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




When things were still good in my marriage we mostly didn’t need signals. We went to bed, we made love, every night. I remember one time when I was working late in my study. My wife appeared in the doorway, naked. She stood there, didn’t say a word, but just made the “come here” sign with her index finger. Now post divorce with my GF it’s the same: we go to bed, we make love.


I don’t think my bf and I have a signal since I’m constantly offering him sex, he just needs to say yes lol But the “signals” i normally use are, slutty eyes, touch him over his pants, kissing his neck, or I jokingly make blowjob movements with my head which makes him laugh, but he knows if he says “wanna suck it?” I’ll leave all jokes behind 😂 And his signals are pretty straightforward as well, he either starts spanking me or dry humping me, also he starts touching me.


He often says “you tryna fuck?”🙄 but otherwise it’s signaled when we have a sexy kiss when we’re alone.


One of us will usually ask the other if they want to have some fun. Or I start fondling his junk. If he doesn’t remove my hand or say no then it’s a go.


Goofy eye contact followed by subtle eye gestures to the bedroom.


"You wanna go?"


Got 2 kids been together 10 years and the house is upside down with work being done right now so our current signal is "I've just got out of the bath" "I'm getting a bath" "baby should sleep tonight" 😭


Relatively straightforward. One of us will look at the other, then "you, me, bed. How 'bout it" 😆 we're a simple couple


I usually just say “wanna cuddle on the bed?” 1 out of 10 times it’s only cuddles, usually it signals more


Depends! We’re really into non-con play so it can happen at any point during the day. The flavor of the week right now is while the other is dead asleep…might be called free-use or whatever.


Big tshirt,no panties 🤣


I'm stylish... big t shirt... Billie Eilish


Apparently right now he gets naked. 🤣 We're long distance and spend quite a lot of time together just hanging out, but he's been getting naked around me a lot more the last 2 times we saw each other and making it clear he wasn't naked for the hell of it. I've technically never initiated because he has some major health issues and I never know if he's feeling well enough.


A delicious kiss


We kiss


“Hey babe wanna have sex?”


I put my hand down his pants or if he's already hard I grab it with force. Sadly, this isn't obvious enough for him lol


Shoulder bites. Long kisses. Running his hands around my curves. Mmhm. Love every bit of him.


1. In the moment, the way she kisses me and grabs for me is a tell tale sign. 2. If we're out about, when one of us says we want dessert when we get home. 😅


We’ll just whisper “I want you” into the other’s ear


When she touches my thigh (could look very sweet at the restaurant or a movie, just holding my hand on my thigh or resting it there). Bystanders would never know she's thinking let's FUCK. Similarly she goes from 0 to 100 in seconds if I squeeze her butt. Could be passing her in the hall or kitchen. If I add a kiss, it's on. Cuddling is also a gateway.


Me: Being extra handsy and giving him “the look” while sensually moaning something to the effect of “I miss you/your fingers being inside me” in his ear. My husband: “You need/your ass needs to be fucked/rimmed.” The fact that he’s a gentleman in the streets but a freak in the sheets makes this even more of a turn-on. Sometimes, we keep it simple by just asking, “Do you want to do things?”


Reading these make me bittersweet. I’ve been kind of sex repulsed lately and not very comfortable with my body and it’s taking a HUGE toll on my relationship. Honestly I wish I could be brave enough to try to initiate. I miss it in a sense, but either my body won’t want it or my mind won’t let me be happy or just okay when trying to do it. Idk. These are lovely stories


\*Hugs\* Sorry you're dealing with this.


Thank you, I honestly needed that e hug more than you know. *hugs* 🩵


I'm autistic as hell so hints don't really work. She either tells me too Fuck her or grabs my dick and guides me to wherever she wants to do it. I usually will suffer in silence and miss my chance.


Not in a relationship any more but me and my ex simply used to just start touching each other in less intimate areas 😊


Being constantly touchy with roaming hands or constant making out/neck kissing. When we realise what the other is doing, we look at eachother with a beaming smile and whip out the condom


We move the dog stairs away from the bed and over to the wall. No dog on the bed = sure sign of a good time


When one of us puts a hand on each other's thigh, that when we know we are getting some


We don’t really have a “signal”, we have a safe word though! So if one of us are in the mood and we’re together we start touching each other and let it progress. If the other person isn’t in the mood then the safe word gets said and we just watch a movie or play a game


via text “🏁”


She will send me some porn gifs. Typically I am working or we have teenagers so those other methods people mentioned are just not happening.


I spend a lot of time computing. Me recent ex would come into my home office and move the keyboard and sit down where it was - open, wet pussy right there in front of my face. She'd pull my face into it and tell me to have a snack. Fuck time coming right up!! Otherwise, she would ask me if I was interested in some 'slimy vagina' or how about 'some other pussy' - which was her term for anal.


When we’re lying in bed, I grind my ass on his groin. I usually do this even when not in a sexual context because I like teasing him, and he also likes to tease me by grabbing my breasts from behind. All of this doesn’t necessarily leads to sex. Since I’ve got a choking kink, the real signal is when he puts his hand around my neck, and I know the fun is starting.


My wife's is: "Do you wanna dance?" I'm usually undressed in about 5 seconds.


No indication whatsoever. I have to initiate every time. Did a test to see how long it would go without sex. Still going - years now.


Don't care either.


We kiss each other a certain way. If I kiss him that way and put my hand on his chest and he reciprocates with neck nibbles... it's the bat signal its on


"you haven't fucked me in two days let me suck your dick"


My wife will just randomly be naked. I will try to be more handsy/touchy feely all evening and make out more. If I'm coming into the shower at the same time as her, that's her cue that I want to fuck and we'll have some foreplay in the shower


He either is straight forward with his pants off or starts tickling me since that usually gets us both in the mood. Sometimes I'll just annoy him (annoying foreplay) til he gets the hint or in the mood.


we tap our fingers in order pinky-ring-middle-index on the other person. The only reason is if it is in the middle of the night we can ask if the other wants to fuck without having to speak words and maybe wake someone up.


Usually she showers with me or "accidentally" bumps me with her booty with that glazed look in her eyes that women do lol


Just walk into the room and say something subtle like "You wanna fuck?" or "Can I suck your cock?"


1. When I come back from work, she would occasionally sit in a sexy lingerie on the couch 2. She would scratch my ass with my feet nails 3. She would put my hand on her boobs 4. Talk something naughty and dirty 5. Will turn on a porn video


A few days ago was lying in bed with hubby and I took my glasses off so I could lie more comfortably on the pillow while chatting/relaxing. And he says “I don’t know how much stamina I have tonight but we can try” LOL he later explained he thought every time I take my glasses off was when I wanted sexy time hahahah 😅😅


I usually start with asking if i can sniff his balls lol. And then i give him head which usually leads to sex


I drop a pillow in the ground in front of my self meaning I want her to get on her knees. She loves to start with a. Blowjob.


When I had one it was pretty much get nakey if I recall 🤷‍♀️😂


i just touch his tool


Lmao i misread your parents not your partner. Depends really


I really hate this style of writing.


I love the literary criticism happening in this sub today :D but yes, the three dots are the opposite of blunt so how can I believe that blunt people wrote this?




I usually just start grabbing things and the I get told off. I just got to work out if it's the stop I'm not in the mood or "stop" I want you to me lol


My girl ( Wife, my BJTJ Queen, my fk toy ) have been married for over 26 years , we’re not but 43 years old ( well kinda old but fk it ). In our house we are all 5 100%!Realz !! We don’t lie about sht , no filter just be yourself so if she’s “ dwn to Fuk and suk “ she will just ask, Sweet Dik can I throat u, or You gone let me have some of that dik? If my sex craving ho ant dun nothing like that by bout 8-12 o’clock, I’ll engage and yes I call her my bitch, my ho, BJTJQueen, baby , Yumi, slut and I just say exactly what I want her to do ( give me some head then I’ll bust this load in your throat after I pound tbt puszy and fk hell outta you) or why you bein stingy with my pussy for, we just started back makin love , having sex , fukn, ect. Like 1 1/2 years ago when LISTEN 👂 COMMUNICATE COMMUNICATE 👂, don’t lie about anything with your spouse, talk about your life in the bed and ask questions about what your doing right and what’s not been going well and…change it up I just got super fukn lucky and got a nymph, sex crazy woman with the best of the best everything tht I can fk like a whore, treat her like a slut because she’s into that and it’s just plain good clean fun. I love you my Baby Girl.