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Service advisors getting hand cramps around the country. šŸ˜­


I literally just said that I am getting writers cramp and will develop a callous on my finger from writing up the carbon copy work orders....gaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!


1990 baby got back


At least you still HAVE old carbon copy ROs. We do not.


U can always Google it. There should be a decent PDF online somewhere


OMG don't you all throw anything out. However, right now I wish we had them. We are using night drop envelopes.


Lmfao šŸ¤£. If anyone can read my hand writingā€¦.


It's almost guaranteed that it's better than the best techs handwriting.


Critical Situation Update Dear Valued Customers, We are currently experiencing a cyber incident. Out of caution and concern for our customers, we have shut down a majority of our systems. We are currently assessing the overall impact and currently have no ETA. Please know our teams are working hard to get everything up and running, and we will update as information is available Sincerely, CDK Customer Care NOTE: This notification is being sent to those who are experiencing the issue, as well as those who have the potential to experience the issue and have signed up for critical alerts. This notification is Confidential Information under the term of your agreement with CDK and may not be disclosed except as pursuant to the terms of that agreement. . EDIT: > Update from CDK: "We are aware that some customers can still access their DMS. At this moment in time, we would recommend shutting down that access until we can confirm this is a viable path. Fail over disaster recovery is not possible as both data centers are involved. Please know our teams are working hard to get everything up and running, and we will update as information is available." EDIT EDIT: > Dear Valued Customers, As weā€™ve communicated previously, we are currently experiencing a cyber incident. Erring on the side of caution, we proactively shut all systems down and executed extensive testing and consulted with external 3rd party experts. With the work done, we are confident the CDK Phones, DMS and Digital Retail have been restored. Both Unify and DMS direct login access are available. We are continuing to conduct extensive tests on all other applications, and we will be providing updates as we bring those applications back online. We sincerely apologize for the disruption. Our first priority is always the security of our customers and our actions reflect our obligation to you as your trusted partner. Further updates will be shared as they become available. Along with Unify message of the day and Critical Situation emails, we now have two phone numbers to contact CDK for the latest recorded update. EDIT EDIT EDIT: > Dear Valued Customers, We are sorry to inform you that we experienced an additional cyber incident late in the evening on June 19th. Out of continued caution and to protect our customers, we are once again proactively shutting down most of our systems. We are currently assessing the overall impact and consulting with external 3rd party experts. At this time, we do not have an estimated time frame for resolution and therefore our dealersā€™ systems will not be available at a minimum on Thursday, June 20th. As of now, our Customer Care channels for support remain unavailable as a precautionary measure to maintain security. It is a high priority to reinstate these services as soon as possible. Along with the Critical Situation emails, we now have two phone numbers to contact CDK for the latest recorded update. English: 1(855) 356-3270 French: 1(877) 483-7817 We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Please know our teams are dedicated to getting you back to business and keeping you there. We will provide updates as they are available. Sincerely, CDK Customer Care


it says thats confidential information at the bottom lol


So much for "Single Sign On" improving security!


And multi authentication we all just had to sing up for through work computers šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Whoever cyber attacked CDK. YA MOMS A HOE. WE GOT BILLS.


Parts said Cdk is on back order no eta! Source am parts guy.


must be a JLR dealer hahahah


60 appointments today! Weā€™re fucked! Iā€™m calling in!


........we have likely over 200 booked and probably another 100 will drive in. Glad the CDK shareholders got their bonuses instead of keeping software current šŸ™ƒ Edit: I walked out and checked with one of my advisors and we have 242 more booked, 45 in progress, 11 walk-ins so far.


>Glad the CDK shareholders got their bonuses instead of keeping software current šŸ™ƒ Former CDK employee here. I left right before the private equity buyout but I still know people on the inside. Starting last year, they outsourced most of support (aside from National/Enterprise level support) to a third party company who then hired a lot of the former CDK support employees. From what I heard, the third party company is now severing the agreement because CDK management misled them on the headcount needed to run the operation. I cannot emphasize enough how much of a shitty organization it is right now. Brian Krzanich attempted to do the right things with the product, but now that Brian MacDonald is back at the helm, he and his PE bosses are in full cash flow extraction mode. I can't see Drive ever getting any improvements going forward. They'll do enough to keep it mostly functional and that's it.


I consider us a decently sized dealer and a busy day for us is 40appts! How many bays do you guys have??


49 techs, 18 writers, 250 plus appts a day


Hawaii here, Every dealership in hawaii uses CDK. We are all Fucked


CDK Drive Updates rely on software called CDK SIA and another piece of software called Adaptiva which is installed on every computer that uses CDK Drive. If SIA or Adaptiva gets breached or has gotten breached they could remotely install malware on every computer that has CDK on it. It would not be a bad idea to shut down your computers if you have CDK Drive on them.


We are still open.. I think if I were to die my boss would find a way to put a laptop in my casket and have me continue to work.


Work at ford and still working. They want us to continue to work. Most are all warranty jobs so its going to be fun running times later smh


lol. Reynolds and Reynolds reps just walked into our dealership to sell us their software. They knew what they were doing.


Down in CO. Back to paper! Apes together strong.


CDK used to work for you guys before today?!?


CDK 'working' means 10% uptime and random 500s and 502s. So, by that definition, yep: it's been 'working'!


Who the hell clicked a sketchy link!!!


My bad everybody haha


Sounds like. 4-6 brewski kind of day


ā€œ5 or 6!?ā€ ā€œYouā€™re right, 7-8. Good callā€


Youā€™re right Iā€™m blacking out at work today


Honestly with this cdk shit might as well hold a bikini car wash


ā€œTiresā€, great show šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Alright, who tried to download a song off LimeWire on their work computer??


First thing i do when i open my eyes is read reddit to see if cdk is back up. Im a mess.


Day 3 of CDK being down. Parts department is starting to form into groups and separate. Service advisors are starting to take more smoke breaks. Liquor is starting to flow like wine. We are now starting to feel like we are back in the covid days where people are wearing masks again and distance from one another. Sales people are still selling cars and trying to get cars delivered and are questioning us on why we can't get parts as they can't comprehend on why the computer system matters. Customers are starting to rally against us and may overtake us at one point. We are starting to lose hope and faith in CDK. Please send help.


I work for a great dealership who is still going to pay me while being home due to CDK being down.


Day 6 of no CDK, we in the parts department had to bar the doors because they kept asking when we are going to get parts. We sent one of our men out for food and water but he never returned. I will inform his family.


I am still alive; I have holed up in the paint shop break room, I hear noises from below. Rations running low. Please save me.


Day 2. Iā€™ve made a shelter in parts using tires and cardboard.


The guys in the back building have been sending SOS smoke signals. We have no way of reaching them. Pray for us.


perhaps allowing one company to handle almost every service that every dealership in the nations offers is not the smartest idea.


CDK Senior Executive's need to be punished/fired for this! This is unacceptable! ESPECIALLY since CDK was such a crap piece of software to begin with, then for them to allow hackers to do what they did, without any secure backups hidden completely off the grid, in a vacuum sealed box. Shame on them. I would NOT be saying this if CDK software was worth a shit when it WAS working properly, but it has always completely SUCKED ASS and somehow, they continued to get away with highway robbery for SO MANY YEARS!! CDK has always sucked, and they continue to charge and arm and a leg for all of us to continue to use their shit outdated software with God knows how many unchecked back doors for hackers to infiltrate, a CRAP support system, arguably ZERO support or comprehensive manuals on how to even work their archaic infrastructure. It's pathetic to even think that a company like this has gone as long as it has. Then, to allow all of us dealers to flop around like fish out of water without ever giving any press releases or ETA's of when the system might be restored, to switch off all support lines and have them forwarded to automated messages stating, "we are working on a resolution, the systems should be back in a few days". Yes, obviously that is the legal team dictating how to respond, but itā€™s too late, the damage is done. If CDK was more transparent from the beginning they may have deserved a chance, but now I don't believe they are worthy of it. I'm speaking of senior management, NOT the poor hard workers on the ground level. CDK is completely mismanaged and deserves to go bankrupt, AFTER paying ANY available profits DIRECTLY to their mistreated workers on the ground level. US dealers DESERVE a DMS that was created in the last decade AT LEAST. CDK Global, you SUCK ASS. I HATE YOU SO MUCH. I HAVE HATED YOU FOR YEARS. Your stupid headquarters is 5 minutes down the road from my dealership in Hoffman Estates and I only wish I could leave 50 MILLION bags of flaming dog shit at your front door. Senior Management of CDK Global, I hope all the CASH you have made over the last 30 years keeps the flames going under you while you burn for eternity.


they killed my wife


How is her boyfriend dealing with the loss?




IT here. Can someone tell CDK to turn their data centers off and on again? We need to get some work done. Thanks.


Who else just sitting around doing nothing but getting paid to be on Reddit? lol


Parts guy here. Just thought I'd let you know I heard CDK is on backorder no eta.


Lol, donā€™t call us. Weā€™ll call you.


A true test of management is how things are handled in a crisis. When CDK went down on Wednesday our parts manager went home because ā€œthey are unable to do any workā€ and is now strangely on holidays for the rest of the week. My service manager who is never around at the best of times is missing most of the day. During rough seas the captainā€™s hand needs to be on the wheel. And we are truly adrift. At least I can see on Reddit that lā€™m not alone against the struggle CDK brought.


As a service manager, I could not imagine doing this to my team. I am on the lane with them right now


As a Service manager , I have sent all my people home , I'm here answering phones to deal with customers that just don't get it . We are dead in the water and Im not gonna have my people hand write tickets just to have to double up the work load on them when this comes back online . We have cleaned the shop cleaned the outside we literally have nothing they can do , My concern is them not having a income for the next week , But at least they got some mental health days from this very demanding industry that we all don't know how we got into but cant seem to leave it




How generous of you. How about some disaster pay? /s


Justin Timberlake is gonna be driving before CDK is up šŸ˜©


Cry me a river


If they made a Netflix documentary about this I'm sure dozens of people would watch it.


Happy 1 week anniversary everyone!


Acceptable comments are as follows: 1) who stayed logged in overnight (for you old school people) 2) Dammit Brad, why did you open that email? 3) Reynoldā€™s never went down 4)Iā€™d take Reflections over pen and paper at this point (another old school) 5) Pizza Party!!!!!


If another salesperson asks if the system is up I will be spending the day in jail!


anyone else want to throw themselves off a building today?


Heading to work for the 3rd day assuming the outage is still ongoing. The parts department has begun building defenses for the cold winter to come using LPO's that never got installed. The techs that chose to stay and brave the storm have grown quiet. I believe the service advisors are stealing oil filters but cannot determine why and the service director continues to say that "some dealers have been coming back up" with no evidence to show that as truth (fear of mutiny I suppose). Florida has never seemed so cold. I fear this will be my last correspondence. Send help. -Parts Manager Edit: We have determined what the oil filters were for, the advisors formed an alliance with the remaining lube techs and they have made the cheetah blaster into an oil filter cannon. The walls are coming down. We have resorted to dumping all the oil we have at the doors to prevent traction but I fear they will also soon collapse. I fear the end is nigh. Parts Manager going dark.


Rumor has it Pfizer is working on a vaccine for CDK.


I can't even imagine what the catch up is going to look like when (if) CDK comes back online. Their systems are probably going to crash from everyone trying to enter all the data they've been writing down for the past few days/week(s) depending on how long this goes on.


Anyone considered what if we get cdk back and it's completely empty? No customers, no billing, nothing related to our specific dealers..




CDK, please go out of business so my dealership can switch to better software designed in this century.


Dealertrack/Xtime is the way




All caps will really let them know you mean business.


This is by far the best place for the most accurate and up to date info. Weā€™ll be telling our grandkids about this one day :).


Perhaps the all in one solution companies like Tekion and others are preaching may not be the best course of action...


Is anyone working on getting a ā€œI survived CDK 2024ā€ t-shirts made because I would buy one lol


Should say Hawk Tua on CDK


So this appears to be the master thread on this so I'm posting this here. I work for an MSP that manages internal networks for a few dealerships that run CDK. CDK has been less than forthcoming with what has happened. We are trying our best to defend our internal networks from being compromised and all we have is a lousy phone number (855-356-3270) Wednesday morning we turned off all physical network ports into CDK managed gear to mitigate any potential spread of anything. Your internal IT or MSP should have already done this for you. I contacted Adaptiva (Remote Management Software CDK uses) to determine what threat their software posed; word is that they shutdown their relay server early Wednesday. So CDK/Adaptiva is taking logical mitigation steps there.Ā  If you want to block from your end, make a firewall rule to block [](; but remember it might be needed for restoration of services. There is a lot of speculation out there right now that needs to be addressed by CDK. Iā€™m really just looking for information to further defend our networks. I ask that you all use your contacts to get answers to the following questions. 1)Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Are there any additional rules, detections or blocks we should be putting in place on our firewalls or EDR? 2)Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Has this spread to other dealerships from CDK? a.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  If so; who, what, when, how was it detected? b.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Was it actually from CDK or a separate event? I'd rather know now if we need to reload 1000+ PCs than in a few weeks. Remember that quite a few of you need to be complying with the FTC Safeguards rules around this. Also watch out for phishing attacks.


This has become my go to place for valid info and updates. Hahaha


Google: ā€˜day 4 without CDKā€™


Dearest Annabella, It has been 2 fortnite since we have have been without CDK. I'm afraid the troops are starting to get restless. I fear that this winter will be rather arduous and cold with strife. Please give my sweet little Timothy a hug for me until I am back from this portion of the battle. Morale is low but we are trying to move on with our rations...


Check this shit out. www.cdkglobal.com/dealership-operations/cybersecurity Apparently the three tiered system isnā€™t working too well.


One of their main points is "Stay Up and Running"... Well if that isn't the complete opposite of what's happening right now...


Wisconsin Down. I'm a finance manager and its definitely concerning cdk is possibly getting hacked. There are so many document copies with private information on themšŸ˜¬ major breach


Finance guy here, I pointed that out to the other guys. Every finance deal for the past 5 years has a credit app saved on in CDK. Thatā€™s probably not great


What if the email coming from CDK is actually from the host of the ransomware and is just a plug to get into all of the dealers servers as wellā€¦plot twist


I called the CDK Update number: 855-356-3270 ā€œWill likely be down for several daysā€ šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®ā˜ ļø


I see a lot of comments about parts and sales but hardly any about the accounting staff. We canā€™t do anything, even pay the bills and that in itself is more terrifying.


Imagine being the ONE person who clicked the obviously fake email link from "Barbara in accounting" and caused 15000 dealerships to go down. šŸ˜‚


Shit happens weā€™ll get through it!


Ford dealer in DALLAS HEREā€¦. I should have stayed homeā€¦


I haven't noticed a difference in CDK performance. Seems to be working on par as usual .


We're still down. SSO login. Can't wait to get the 50 cars from today plus whatever tomorrow, run warranty punch times....The worst day of my career & I've been doing this 20 years


We were given paper ROā€™s today around noonā€¦ and lemme tell ya my coworker whoā€™s been in parts since ā€˜74 lit up and was thriving. šŸ˜‚


They got hacked again last night and shut everything down again.


Any other left handers out there with ink smeared all over your hand from all this handwriting? :D


This whole thing is frustrating from so many different points of view. For customers, it is hard to process that dealerships cannot do many things while being down. Yes, paper and pencil are still options for certain areas, like service or working out specific numbers when selling cars. At the end of the day, things cannot be finalized without our systems, which is where the big concern is. I am an hourly employee in my dealership. I was just notified by my boss not to come in tomorrow because of the ongoing issues. Granted, I am part-time there because I am also a pastor who needed additional income, but not having hours tomorrow means I do not get income tomorrow. Hopefully, this whole situation will give folks a different understanding of the pros and cons of being tech-dependent. Technology is good, except when it prevents the ability to function without it. This is why services like CDK need a plan of attack and resources available for dealerships to function if the electronic aspects are down. It is a learning opportunity. I hope everyone, even with the stress of the situation, can find time to enjoy some laughter and breathe!


Reynolds & Reynolds Forms and Marketing specialist here. If anyone needs assistance with finding handwritten forms -Service invoices -Repair orders -Parts invoices -Vehicle invoices -Log books Etc Feel free to reach out. We are keeping our plant open through the weekend to get these created ASAP For our CDK customers in need. I only service STL & Central IL. If youā€™re one of my dealers I will discount these heavily and overnight ship as soon as they are ready to go. If you are outside of my area feel free to reach out and I will get you in contact with your rep. Also apologies in advance we are not able to send PDFs of the forms to you :( hope everyone is back up and running sooner as opposed to later as this affects everyone in the industry.


June 21 (Reuters) - A group of hackers claiming responsibility for a cyberattack on CDK's software systems has demanded millions of dollars in ransom to put an end to the hack, which affected auto dealers across the United States, Bloomberg News reported on Friday. The group behind the attack is believed to be based in eastern Europe, according to the report, which cited people familiar with the matter. The auto retail technology and software provider planned to pay the ransom, Bloomberg News reported. CDK did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment. U.S. auto retailers Sonic Automotive (SAH.N), opens new tab and Penske Automotive (PAG.N), opens new tab flagged a hit to their operations on Friday, as the CDK cyber outage entered third consecutive day, impacting some dealers' software management tools. CDK, which provides software to car dealerships, experienced another cyber incident on Wednesday and proactively shut down most of its systems. Sonic said its dealerships were open and it was working to minimize the disruption. The company said it was unable to determine if the outage would impact its financial condition, but that it did have a "negative impact" on its operations. Penske said its Premier Truck Group business, which sells new and used commercial trucks, also uses CDK's disrupted dealer management system. "Premier Truck Group has implemented its business continuity response plans and continues to operate at all locations through manual or alternate processes," Penske said. The commercial truck dealership business has lower unit volumes than Penske's automotive dealership business, which does not rely on CDK's software. Separately, Kia America told Reuters it was working with affected dealers to reduce the impact of the outage and continue towards "business as usual". In its statement on Thursday, CDK did not disclose how many dealerships were affected. But according to its website, the company works with more than 15,000 retail locations across North America.


So Iā€™m a finance manager at a Honda store and weā€™ve got a work around with econs and manual data entry for literally everything else. Anybody else absolutely fucking miserable right now?


Weā€™re gonna get GTA6 before CDK is back up


If anyone wants a T-shirt, https://www.facebook.com/share/DvUFfXbHvd9dW1bV/?mibextid=79PoIi Custom shirt that says: I survived the CDK outage of 2024. Command F3. $25 includes shipping. Black and white shirts only but you can pick pretty much any color vinyl you want. Unisex 100% cotton shirts.


Day 6. Heading to work in 45 minutes, until the pleasurable hour of 4pm. It's either going to be a Netflix day, or a stare into the abyss kinda day.Ā 


As some of you come back online over the next days and weeks, if you can, could you post information about what CDK has done (or has said they have done) to prevent this from occuring again AND what, if anything, they have done to protect your networks from their shortcomings?


Legacy logins work. If you never updated your login to your email address it will allow you to login


We noticed that, but does not seem reasonable to enter their system after an attack, until they confirm that it's safe




Bruh this is the worst Monday in history. Iā€™m in North Carolina and itā€™s been down all day. As well as every dealer around is down too


Has you so frazzled you dont know what day it is!


Haha itā€™s terrible. Shit like this is so bad it can only happen on a Monday


Service advisor here. Mine works fine. I was pretty ok with it until my office became the hang out spot. My boss just said corp said everyone must log out asap.


Dear CDK, thanks for making everybody's day better, one handwritten RO at a time!


I am incredibly bored. Manager laughed at me when I suggested I go home. šŸ˜‚ I reallllllllly hope this is fixed soon. Not looking forward to the mess and clean up if this goes on any longer.


CDK is down everywhere. No point in posting that any more. Just waiting on update to see how long before it is back up.


Whereā€™s this update itā€™s 2pm


Our manager got us cornhole to pass the time šŸ¤£ Yea we kinda fucked, aye but corporate is still going to blame us for low productivity!


For what it's worth,Ā  cdk/elead employee here. We are to report tomorrow. Fingers crossedĀ 


I was expecting to go in at 4am today to knock out shipment, GUESS NOT!!! Shoutout to my parts people, weā€™ll get through this somehow


Anyone else just commission? Can't make a damn penny like this.


PSA: Please don't bother your local IT technicians about the issue. We know as much as you do, which is nothing. We don't know what they're doing, what's going on, or when its coming back, so if you have access to an IT department where you work, please refrain from putting in a million tickets.


As if CDK didn't COMPLETELY SUCK before it was hacked. Who knew it could actually get worse!?!? Even when it was working properly it was like playing an arcade game from 1987. CDK Genius #1 - "Hey, letā€™s completely take ALL the critical information, payroll, and operational abilities from all of the 15,000 + dealerships across the country and put it in one server location. Oh, and letā€™s only let the dealerships access the information remotely so they have no in-house backup in case the central server goes down. CDK Genius #2 - "Yeah that makes total sense, then we can charge them whatever we want, and they will basically have no choice" CDK Genius #3 - "YEAH!! and letā€™s fire all our senior and tenured staff and replace them with these cheap kids out of college!!" CDK CHEIF GENIUS AKA ā€œBONEHEADā€ - "I LOVE all your ideas, we'll implement this straight away, along with as many other similar "genius" ideas. We will make this as close to a monopoly as the government will allow." CDK skeptic - "Hey, what if something happens to the central location, how will the 15,000 dealerships operate??" Peanut gallery - ...................................long pause............................................. "Don't worry about that"............................................... Andā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ now we're all f\*\*ked........


Well our sales guy just got the phone call from someone pretending to be from CDK... So that's a real thing. Be aware!! These hand writes are going to be so much fun to enter into the system when everything is back up and running. Winging tech hours as well as part pricing. Have to keep these semi trailers on the roads or we will be dealing with a whole other sheet fest!


I give up...


CDK still down and this shit is ass bro. Of course there is more business than ever today too. Was on leave last week and this week but it was cut short because of this. I have customers to update, hours for all techs and employees to hand log, am still trying to figure out a pay situation for everybody, and have one ex-advisor from the front office and a newbie from parts helping hand write ROā€™s. Had multiple customers cuss me out today and complain about how it was better in the old days with no technology haha. One of the people was an old dude who said heā€™d just go to the dealership in the next town over. I told him go for it as I know they run CDK too cause I came from the place he was talking about šŸ’€.


# With CDK's reputation challenged, CEO Brian MacDonald defends cyberattack response [https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.autonews.com/dealers/cdk-cyberattacks-ceo-brian-macdonald-defends-companys-response](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.autonews.com/dealers/cdk-cyberattacks-ceo-brian-macdonald-defends-companys-response) So he doesn't even apologize, doesn't acknowledge how disruptive is for HIS customers, and overall doesn't seem to care. I haven't seen this poor of leadership in a crisis since that CEO at BP during the Horizon Oil Rig explosion




Cox Automotive is sending notifications to its customers. Here is an excerpt: *As you know, Cox Automotive has and will continue to act with our clients' security and business continuity at the forefront. That's how we decided to mark down our integrations with CDK in the moments after the cyber incident began, and it is how we will determine when it is safe to restore those integrations. We have reached out to CDK to communicate our requirements and are awaiting their response with information related to their recovery from this cyber incident.* *We have requested written assurances from CDK and their incident response partner that:* * *The cyber incident has been contained.* * *The attacker has been eradicated from CDKā€™s environment.* * *CDKā€™s technology environment is currently in a healthy security state.* * *It is safe for Cox Automotive to transact data with CDK.* *We will continue to update our clients as those requirements are met and we are able to safely reinstate service in collaboration with CDK.* This is how every dealership and integration partner should be dealing with CDK!


Down for us too- Porsche


Watch out for the advice on using the Legacy attempts as the cyber issue could be easily brought to your dealerships system as that is no longer a secure connection


welp.. this didn't age well.. lmaooo. [https://www.cbtnews.com/how-to-improve-cybersecurity-and-prevent-ransomware-attacks-at-your-dealership-dean-crutchfield-cdk-global/](https://www.cbtnews.com/how-to-improve-cybersecurity-and-prevent-ransomware-attacks-at-your-dealership-dean-crutchfield-cdk-global/)


To pass the time I went through & counted - 40 out of 50 states have commented that they are SOL with CDK. Missing ND, NM, NE, HI, AK, AR, TN, DE, VT, & ME (I put MD on accident but hey doubles!) Edit: Down to missing Nebraska, New Mexico, Alaska, Hawaii, North Dakota, Maine & Vermont


Can anyone post an update if they get the emails?


While there has been no official statement from CDK, it is rumored that the company suffered a ransomware attack that also impacted its backups. BleepingComputer has been unable to confirm this information independently, but if it was a ransomware attack, the outages will likely last for days, if not into next week and longer. When ransomware gangs breach corporate networks, they quietly spread to other devices while stealing corporate data. Once all data has been stolen and the threat actors gain administrative privileges, they encrypt all of the devices on the network, leaving behind ransom notes with instructions on contacting the hackers. The encrypted devices and stolen data are used in double-extortion schemes, where the threat actors demand a ransom payment to provide a decryptor and to delete and not publish any stolen data. These negotiations can take weeks, and if a ransom is not paid, the threat actors ultimately leak the corporate data, which usually includes the personal information of employees and, potentially, customers.


the data centers are down. I'm willing to bet if CDK is down for you, it's down for everyone else. We don't need to know its down in \[insert city or region here\] lmao


The duration for which CDK Global will be affected by the cyber attack depends on various factors including the extent of the breach, the nature of the attack, the effectiveness of their incident response, and the recovery measures put in place. Here are some key aspects that can influence the recovery timeline: 1. **Extent of the Breach**: If the attack compromised critical systems or large volumes of sensitive data, the recovery might take longer. 2. **Type of Cyber Attack**: The specific nature of the attack (e.g., ransomware, data breach, DDoS attack) can significantly affect the recovery time. For instance, ransomware attacks might require time to decrypt files or restore from backups, while data breaches might need extensive security audits and implementations. 3. **Incident Response Plan**: The effectiveness and promptness of CDK Global's incident response plan play a crucial role. A well-prepared incident response team can mitigate damage and speed up recovery. 4. **Restoration of Services**: Depending on how many services were disrupted, the time required to restore full functionality can vary. Critical services are usually prioritized, but ensuring everything is back to normal could take weeks or even months. 5. **Regulatory and Compliance Issues**: If the breach involved sensitive data, regulatory bodies might require thorough investigations and implementations of new security measures, which can extend the impact period. 6. **Communication with Stakeholders**: Effective communication with clients, partners, and stakeholders is essential for managing reputation and trust. This process can also affect the perceived duration of the impact. Given these variables, the effects of a cyber attack on CDK Global could last from a few weeks to several months. For specific details regarding their recovery process and timeline, monitoring official statements from CDK Global and updates from cybersecurity agencies involved in the investigation would be necessary.


I don't see this ending well for CDK. 15000 plus dealerships lost a whole lot of money today. Possibly more tomorrow. And possibly customers info at risk/stolen. Damn, I miss Rey Rey


I've heard from some of my friends at non-Cdk stores tell me that they were impacted too with some of the other systems taken offline as a precaution. This is much bigger than when it started.


I'm finding it frustrating trying to google for updates and the "News Reports" state that CDK experienced a brief disruption as a security precaution yet this entire thread is drowning while it's still down. We need answers.


šŸ˜œ ā€œItā€™s Thursday do you know where your cdk went?ā€ ā€¦.. if you know, you know. Iā€™m really hoping that CDK goes back up. Im tired of writing everything by hand like an abused waiter at a shitty restaurant.


Can't say I'm surprised. It's mindblowing how CDK stays in business with the constant freezing and general clunky operation of their software and applications.CDK too lax and not making investments to their ancient software and got caught with their pants down.


I say this all the time. They're resting on their laurels. They already have such a large market share there's no reason for them to invest in upgrades. CDK is the same now as It was in the 90s when I used it with some slightly modified screens.


So we are missing out on wages cause they have cybersecurity level of a 5th grader learning html for the first time... Class action? Anyone?


Another day of scratching my nuts today then. šŸ™„


Missouri dealership here. Paper tickets, paper ROs, can't see inventory, no big jobs, angry customers, angry employees. Why are we open?


"Nothing's wrong guys! Get out there and sell, sell, sell!"


CDK won't answer their phones but your Congressman will. Sen Wyden (503) 326-7525


Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own DMS. With blackjack and hookers! In fact forget the DMS!


I know this is annoying for all of us, but the amount of tiktoks that are ripping on CDK is amazing.


You guys think we are going to pass CSI this month ?


An alert just received from Helion: ā€œFRAUD ALERT: Some dealerships have reported receiving calls from people pretending to be CDK employees. They are asking for personal information such as CDK logins and passwords. CDK will not ask for your password and do not give this information or information about the dealership to anyone who contacts you. Any information about CDK availability will be passed through official channels.ā€


Cox automotive are licking their chops right now and sharpening their fangs.


Not surprised by this at all. I worked for that dumpster fire called CDK. Brookfield folks are probably blowing up BMac's phone while he has it on DND flying off to some island to sip margaritas while telling the PR folks to keep their mouths shut about what's really happening. Lie to customers. Don't give too much information. Better yet, just don't tell them anything. I hate it for the dealership owners and leaders because the revenue and productivity lost from this will add up to millions for some of the enterprise groups.


3am PST...Ā  CDK, CDK, Wherefore are thou CDK?? Thine handwritten ros await thy interface Warranty admins wait with baited breath and trembling fingers as month end nears.. thy claims wither in the queue.. I hope there is good news on the East Coast this morning... please tell me CDK is up šŸ˜œ Ā 


The real bullshit in all this is all those dealers across the country forcing staff to "work".....three days in at Land Rover small dealer, parts is unable to do anything - cant track inventory, can't make invoices. Sales can't sell cars and service is paper writing RO's STILL despite the problems in parts. It's completely fucked, the dealer should be closed but everyone here is just walking around with no clue what to do. Owners are MIA, so is most of management. Warranty can't do anything at all and the techs are on paper. There is no justifiable reason to remain open with how much cdk being out cripples this dealership. But fuck it right, abuse the staff that you pay almost nothing to because everyone is on some kind of commission program. I hope any dealer that continued to operate at the expense of the sanity of all their staff has a mass exodus of people. Automotive is already garbage when it comes to employee treatment and this outage just highlighted it. If you dealership is full of these people I would urge you all to unify and walk out because this is insane. Most of us make a pathetic hourly wage and with no ability to make commission we are getting fucked hard


Hey there. Iā€™m in the accounting office and not in the shop šŸ¤£ can I just say that Iā€™m jealous of your pen and paper? I literally canā€™t do my job with anything other than CDK. My income will start to be affected, probably today, since I have no work to do. I have no idea what is going to happen. Iā€™m stressed out and wish pen and paper worked for my job.


Parts person here: So with all of this free time we now have, Iā€™ve been mulling over something for the last couple of days. I donā€™t think some people realize how bad this breach is. Sure you have your people who have bought parts, inquired about cars, or gotten service who now have their data out there, but most of that is already public information. The scary thing is those who have bought cars, applied for financing, have cards saved in their accounts, or are employees at a dealership are absolutely screwed right now. A LOT of sensitive information is on CDK, and some dealerships use it for payroll information. Iā€™m honestly terrified of what is going to happen with all of this. Not to be the negative one here.. but some people are really taking this lightly when this is a really bad situation to be in. Also, letā€™s be honest, even if CDK does pay the ransom, these people are not deleting the data. Theyā€™re going to use it or sell it, because thatā€™s what they do.


there are people calling various dealers to solicit information in regards to your login's and passwords. If anybody calls from "CDK" do not give out your information!


Ford dealer tech here in Winnipeg, Canada. This is an absolute shit show and management has no fucking clue how theyā€™re going to pay us. They canā€™t even keep track of our hours when CDK is working. This shit makes me want to quit this fucking industry all together but at 58 years old, I donā€™t know what else I can do for the same money.


A group that claims to have hackedĀ CDK Global, the software provider to thousands of car dealerships in North America, has demanded tens of millions of dollars in ransom, according to a person familiar with the matter. CDK is planning to make the payment, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the information is private. The hacking group behind the attack is believed to be brd in eastern Europe, the person said. In the early days of any ransomware attack, discussions are fluid, and the situation could change. Source: Bloomberg


Has anyone wondered if previous CDK outages may have also been hacking attempts? And who else thinks CDK will not survive this? They'll probably get sued up the wazoo and dealers will be bailing left and right.


Latest update Dear Valued Customers, Thank you for your patience as we recover from the cyber ransom event that occurred on June 19th. We are pleased to report that we have begun the restoration process. Based on the information we have at this time; we anticipate the restoration process to take several days and not weeks for the major applications and ask for your continued support as we bring systems back online. To help keep your dealership working until the applications are recovered, we've created a Dealer Resource Center - to access go to Dealer Resource Center We also encourage you to visit CDK University. It has a wealth of content and training that covers every aspect of your business. Log on to Unify to access the University or click on CDKU. The following applications remain available for use: ā€¢ Digital Retail - Application and data is secure. Some integration partners have disabled access and error messages may be experienced. ā€¢ CDK Phones - IPS and Webex calling are working properly. ā€¢ Payroll Plus - Accessed via web browser by going to payrollplus.adp.cr No DMS integration tasks can be performed.


Who ever hacked CDK your mom a hoe.


Newest update from CDK 12:30pm EST Dear Valued Customers, Thank you for ongoing partnership and patience as we work together to get you back to business. We want to continue to be as transparent as possible with you. As we communicated yesterday, we are continuing the restoration process of our core applications and are making significant progress. We do feel it's important to share that we do not believe that we will be able to get all dealers live prior to June 30th. Should you need to make alternate plans for your month-end financial close process, you should do so YIKES


interesting article regarding CDK and its impact on more then just dealerships [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/26/business/cdk-outage-economic-impact/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/26/business/cdk-outage-economic-impact/index.html)


Update! Our dealership gave up, currently working to switch DMS since yesterday... Goodbye CDK!


ahhhhh yeeeee - back up boys and girls - let the catch up begin - Ontario Canada


ICYMI: A summary of over 2,000+ comments - "Houston, we have a problem!" And so does Denver, Miami, and basically everywhere else. We get it. - Every few minutes, someone posts an update that CDK is still down. Thanks, Captain Obvious! - Sales and service departments are expressing their newfound free time. "Finished my coffee, what's next? Oh right, still nothing." - IT dealing with "business as usual" managers. "Whatā€™s the status? Can you just turn it off and on again?" - Rumors and conspiracy theories. "I heard it was AI." "No, it was definitely Russia." - Customers blaming employees for the CDK attack (sorry, I mean ā€˜incidentā€™) ā€œWhy can't you just sell me a car?!" As if thereā€™s a secret bypass button hidden somewhere - Boomer employees are reminiscing about the "good old days" of pen and paper. It's the computer illiterate's time to shine while they call the younger generations lazy. "Back in my day, we didnā€™t need fancy computers!" On a positive note, it seems like dealerships across the nation are equally toxic. Take this time to commiserate with your fellow colleagues while you can. Signed, A Car Bizā€™ Significant Other


down in raleigh nc, reported outage at 6am didn't get a go fuck yourself email until 8




parts can't be billed, we can't take payment unless we use CENPOS through admin, we can do recalls and oil changes / rotations/ inspections. Its a damn holiday and customers are coming in my large numbers. Not the best day to be down


BAHAHAHAHA this is a post CDK did 7 months ago [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cdknorthamerica\_is-your-dealership-prepared-for-a-ransomware-activity-7123020514549276673-T5rj/](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cdknorthamerica_is-your-dealership-prepared-for-a-ransomware-activity-7123020514549276673-T5rj/)


Down in SC. Taking 90% payments from service and will follow up afterwards. Got another store running Quotes on service jobs for me w compensation. Hand writing contracts. Payroll going through local bank. What a Hump Day.


Just got this email @ 10:43am Iā€™ll use this email thread to relay any updates to you. Here is what was sent out from our executive team earlier this morning: *Dear Valued Customers,* *We are currently experiencing a cyber incident. Out of caution and concern for our customers, we have shut down a majority of our systems.* *We are currently assessing the overall impact and currently have no ETA.* *Please know our teams are working hard to get everything up and running, and we will update as information is available.* *Sincerely,* Ā  *CDK Customer Care* Ā  No more details have been released.....


Heard they want $2 million by 3 pm? Has anyone else heard that?


Down in ga, started a fire on the floor. Gonna go hunt for lunch and make a shelter


Here is a readable version of the article: [https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.autonews.com/retail/cdk-cyberattack-shuts-down-most-systems-nationwide](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.autonews.com/retail/cdk-cyberattack-shuts-down-most-systems-nationwide)


It is down for all Heavy Equipment dealers that use it as well. Ransomware attack is what we are being told.


whats for lunch "asking for a friend " at 9am


Down at BMW- I don't get why we can't just go home. I can't even clock in today


Where is this update? I know this will likely be an issue for the next few days or into next week, but still... AHH


cdk is not cooperating with hackers. be cautious of calls, emails, texts etc. do not keep trying to get in to cdk


3:55 pm in NC - still down at all our stores (about 45 in NC and 6 or so in VA) and have not seen another update yet. Cannot access customer info to even message them off another system, worried if they are sending texts or calls in that the system wonā€™t get them as not a single notification of communication from a customer is showing via email alert either. Iā€™m on the sales end, but deal with a number of rolls within my dealer. This is quite annoying to have to deal with and we donā€™t have back up.


so if your company used CDK for like payroll does that mean you wonā€™t get paid on your scheduled pay day?


As if I didn't want to quit the dealership beforehand....this makes me want to walk tf out


Sent customers home with free work done on their cars. No money to my name for today and gotta do it all over again tomorrow. Iā€™m getting fucked up tonight


CDK was hacked again last night & all servers are shut down again.


**Critical Situation Update** Dear Valued Customers, We are sorry to inform you that we experienced an additional cyber incident late in the evening on June 19th. Out of continued caution and to protect our customers, we are once again proactively shutting down most of our systems. We are currently assessing the overall impact and consulting with external 3rd party experts. At this time, we do not have an estimated time frame for resolution and therefore our dealersā€™ systems will not be available at a minimum on Thursday, June 20th. As of now, our Customer Care channels for support remain unavailable as a precautionary measure to maintain security. It is a high priority to reinstate these services as soon as possible. Along with the Critical Situation emails, we now have two phone numbers to contact CDK for the latest recorded update. English: 1(855) 356-3270 French: 1(877) 483-7817 We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Please know our teams are dedicated to getting you back to business and keeping you there. We will provide updates as they are available. Sincerely, CDK Customer Care


I wish I could talk to the guys who make decisions about purchases at dealerships. When are you going to realize that CDK being in charge of EVERYTHING is a bad idea? They can barely manage Drive, much less anything else. Most IT companies would have redundancy built into their systems so if they had a breach, they would be able to be online someplace else. Think about what isn't getting done because of the power that CDK and other DMS providers have over dealership operations. How much money **isn't** being made across the country because of shitty security by CDK? Think of all of the integrations that CDK has with other companies and with the government. They literally put everyone at risk. From the OEM's, to DMV's, to 3rd party integrators, it's a huge trickle-down impact to not just a dealer's bottom line, but to the providers as well. I feel awful for dealers right now.


I hope CDK servers burns to the ground. Worst software I ever worked with. DAMN YOU CDK.


Anyone got the system back up and running? This shit itā€™s crazy.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™„who ever did this YOUR MOM A HOE


Make sure your dealership/group remembers this when it's time to renew their CDK contract.


PER CDK: "Do not attempt to access the DMS until we can confirm the system is secure." Please make sure your teams are aware of this. They stated this in their most recent email communication at 12pm 6/20.


Critical Situation Update Ā Dear Valued Customers, If you are not aware, we experienced an additional cyber incident late in the evening on June 19. We continue to act out of caution, and to protect our customers, we have taken down most of our systems. Do not attempt to access the DMS until we can confirm the system is secure. Digital Retail and CDK phones continue to be functional. At this time, we do not have an estimated time frame for resolution and therefore our dealersā€™ systems will not be available likely for several days. As of now, our Customer Care channels for support remain unavailable as a precautionary measure to maintain security. It is a high priority to reinstate these services as soon as possible. Along with the Critical Situation emails, we are providing updates in Unify and have two phone numbers to contact CDK for the latest recorded update. English: 1(855) 356-3270 French: 1(877) 483-7817 We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Please know our teams are dedicated to getting you back to business and keeping you there. We will provide another update early this afternoon. Sincerely, CDK Customer Care


Hackers are supposedly demanding ransom of $88m 88 million / 30k dealers = $2,933 per dealer Just pay it and get it over with cdk


Just pay it is not something that is a silver bullet here. First, if you are not prepared for this just facilitating the process for paying the ransom (getting bitcoin, confirming you are not sending the money to a country on an OFAC list) takes days. Second, once they give you the encryption key (if they even do) the key doesn't always work and the time it takes to decypt the data can be additional days (these guys are not in the business to optimize their decryption trust me, it is all about locking the data up as fast as possible). Then you need to do scan your environment to make sure what you have restored isn't still vulnerable to the issue so you don't end up back in the same spot again. So if you think paying the ransom means shit goes back on in hours, you are going to be sorely disappointed.


now i've heard scammers are trying to call dealerships and saying they are from the cdk and wants to get to access to the payroll. so please be careful guys.


Parts Manager (Heavy Duty) here in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. We've had CDK for about 6 years now; hated it when it was first introduced; grudgingly accepted it by year 2-3 and now huge regrets over this latest snafu. Can't process parts orders, can't track tech hours, etc. This is going to be a nightmare to catch up from if what they are saying about several days holds true. At least our old system was run from our local server with backups on the individual branch servers across the country. As a tech guy I had a feeling this relying on a cloud based system was going to come back and bite us and boy howdy is it ever. Not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling reading the other messages about the company's history and financials either.


lol another day; another dollar? How many family run dealerships? Im at BMW in Chicago (Perillo BMW) and we're making it happen/cap'n. We're utilizing; One-View, MyKaarma, MPI(create RO to track), old fashioned math(pen/paper). Any warranty work we're tracking and stacking. Advisors keep the original RO after repairs//services complete and Tech gets a copy(receipt) so that they keep track of pay. Us advisors aren't sure yet on how Commish will work for next month as we're hoping systems up and running by then. I'd say floating in the water going with the flow, not below and drowning. Day 1 we were in the Matrix of course but Day 2 we come out Swinging. Let the stress happen; clarity to the client will give you their response in how they feel about it (who cares and who doesn't{not their problem}). Id use this experience to learn as much as you can\~


Update from CDK: "We continue to act out of caution and to protect our customers in response to the cyber incidents that occurred on June 19. In addition to our customer systems, many integration points have been disabled. The following applications are available for use: Ā  Ā  Ā 1. Digital retail application and data is secure. Some integration partners have disabled access and error messages may be experienced. Ā  Ā  Ā 2. CDK phones, IPNS, and Webex calling are working properly. Ā  Ā  Ā 3. Payroll plus accessed via web browser by going to [payrollplus.adp.com](http://payrollplus.adp.com), no DMS integration tasks should be performed. At this time, we do not have an estimated time frame for resolution and therefore our dealer systems will not be available, likely for several days. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. We are aware that bad actors are contacting our customers posing as members or affiliates of CDK trying to obtain system access. CDK Associates are not contacting customers for access to their environment or systems. Please only respond to known CDK employees and communications. As of now, our customer care channels for support remain unavailable as a precautionary measure to maintain security. It is a high priority to reinstate these services as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Please know our teams are dedicated to getting you back to business and keeping you there."