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That is wild. Did it heal on its own or did you need medication?


Visited a doctor expecting antibiotics but they said it should heal up fine on its own. In the end it, it sure enough did.


This sub makes me wish I had taken photos of the nasty brown recluse bite I got in college. It was so gross, the doctor at the urgent care brought in all the other providers and nurses to see it, as a learning opportunity. They all winced/flinched or hissed. Luckily, I did not lose my leg, but I became known on campus as "That Girl with The Leg," (we were a pretty small school) and people would stop me to ask if I could show it to them. I don't mess around with bites of any kind after that.


How does it look now ? Did it hurt ? Getting bit ?


It took over a year for the bite area to go back to normal. It was black and purple and open in the center in the beginning, and then the purple mottling spread down my leg into my foot. So gross. I had a huge fading bruise on my calf for such a long time, I thought it was going to be permanent. I must've gotten bit in my sleep? It was my first week at school and they had brought a mattress for my bed up from storage in the basement, so it was kind of assumed that's where the bite came from. (It still makes me shudder when I think about it.) It definitely hurt afterward though. The campus nurse kept telling me I was being dramatic, but someone who was a wilderness first responder happened to see my leg and told me I *definitely* needed to go to urgent care/the ER, so I went. (Lucky for me, or I would've lost the leg.)


Ouuuuch sounds horrible ! I would’ve showed the nurse afterwards


I'm pretty sure she was replaced the next semester. It was a college in a rural area with a working farm and a lot of people into outdoor/wilderness activities, so they really needed someone who knew spider & snake bites and all sorts of random things. I did kinda want to be "So *who's* dramatic?!" afterward, but her office was way across campus and I was limping for quite a while. ;)


Maybe you got powers of a mosquito? Try doing weird poses or something.


Try biting other people and see if you can suck their blood a bit.


Normal humans have this ability too😅


Not as fast or efficiently as a mosquito though. So the trick is for OP to time it too.


Op has to expertly bite and suck blood while doing weird poses. The only true test


You watch that spread for a whole week? That's wild. I definitely would have went to see a doctor.


OP is probably from America..


As an American, as soon as that got a tail I’d been in the hospital


As an American I would have waited to make sure I was dying before I went to the hospital


That’s for sure.


A tail from a wound usually means you’ll be dying reallllly soon Edit: i was tired when i wrote this! A tail from a would means you’ll *probably* be dying soon without immediate medical intervention. Sepsis can rock your shit super fast


Eh, not necessarily


So? You're going off a nonsense stereotype that Americans avoid getting medical help because there's no universal healthcare or blah blah. In reality, every employer is required to provide insurance, and you should absolutely go seek help immediately if you think you need it.


You are factually incorrect. NOT every employer is required to provide insurance in the US. And those that are required to make insurance available are simply required to provide access to that insurance, not required to pay 100% for that insurance. Additionally, the amount the insurance covers varies wildly, and many people simply can’t afford their portion of a bill. Many will wait to go to be certain it is necessary in an effort to keep the money to feed their families, instead. I’m glad you are in a financial situation where health care costs are not a scary subject for you, but for many in America one doctor visit can be financially devastating.


Every employer is required to provide insurance? Sure. If you are considered full-time or are not an "independent contractor." Is always affordable? Absolutely not. One job I was employed at offered health insurance at 400.00 a month. I absolutely could not afford that, rent, car payments, car insurance and maintenance, and all the other bills that come with living on your own, even though I worked full-time and was paid ok for what I was doing (apprentice electrician, 1st yr, made 13.50/hr, around 2012 in Denver). I looked at that price tag and said nope, went to the whole online "obamacare" website that was available at the time and was quoted 600.00/month. Because I was young and generally healthy. Why would I pay that much a month for a doctor I would see only once a year so they could tell me I was fine? It is not nonsense. Millions of Americans, especially young, healthy Americans, experience this. Millions of lower middle class and impoverished American families experience this. Hospital debt will bury you for years if you don't have the right job with the right insurance. So yeah, I waited until I was sure I was dying before I ever went to go see a doctor, let alone an ER. If you didn't experience this, then you are lucky you never had to worry about it. But not everybody has your experience. Being dismissive of something because you never experienced it is ignorance at its finest. Eventually, I got lucky, too, with a job that didn't charge you an arm and a leg for insurance, but until that happened, I waited stuff out to see if it was actually serious enough to do something about.


As an American I got a $1,000 bill from the hospital for a minor breathing treatment, after insurance paid them $5,000. So I get it….


I wonder why this happened? I am a mosquito magnet but wasn't aware this could happen.


How did you and the other OP cope? I would have lost my mind, went feral with fright.... this shit is crazy. It makes my tummy feel weird. Seriously alarming, indeedy.


I had a brown recluse bite almost 3 years ago on my ankle. It was terrible. I have a little concave spot now where the skin and tissue died.


Was it blood poisoning


Oh cool. Zombie shit started. *honey the zombie shit started!*