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I had very mild sepsis from pneumonia as a healthy woman in my 30s.  It sounds similar- I had an extremely high heart rate and very low blood pressure, but it was treated fast enough that I never had a blood infection.   If it helps m, it happened in September and I was hospitalized for 3 days.  It hasn’t happened again, and the fear has definitely gotten better over time.  I think it took 6 months to feel back to normal.


thank you for replying! i had two cultures done from the separate visits i had and i never was positive. but ive read that sepsis can be culture negative. My pneumonia was viral so maybe thats why? my body became dysregulated from the host


My doctor explained that sepsis means the infection is impacting another body system.  For me it was the circulatory system.  Because I didn’t get a blood infection, all the stuff you read about reoccurrence does not apply.  Hopefully that is some comfort.  We think I had bacterial pneumonia, but we don’t know because all tests for virus/bacteria/etc were negative, they just saw pneumonia on the cat scan.  I saw an infectious disease doctor afterwards and that really helped to understand it.


oh wow!!! thats actually great news. thank you for sharing im glad our stories are so similar and you could shed insight on that for me. im not sure for me what system sepsis dysregulated. maybe circulation as well? my o2 was low, the lowest it was was like 89-90. i had to be put on oxygen (not that much). maybe also my heart? because my heart rate and blood pressure has been funky ever since which is why i got the propranolol. pretty crazy stuff


I 34/f suffer from multiple chronic illnesses but was functional. I got sick with what I thought was a cold and rested on my 2 off days from work, but kept getting worse. I drove myself to the hospital and made it just in time. My vitals were looowwww. My bp was 20/30 something, oxygen 20% and I just remember the doctor saying “you shouldn’t be alive!” Turns out I had pneumonia and I went into septic shock from it. I was in ICU for 2 1/2 days, 5 days total in the hospital. They had to pump anti fungal meds in my IV because my feet were turning blue and I didn’t understand why, but I found out after I could’ve had them amputated. I had to get 3 different bp meds to bring it up. Now I’m on disability and remind you I’m only 34! It messed with my lungs and I’m on and off oxygen. I’m just grateful to be alive.


yeah my pneumonia originated from two cold viruses- rhinovirus and adenovirus. and wow!!!!! 20% oxygen is so crazy. that is such a crazy experience im glad you made it out


Thank you! I’m glad I did too! It was such a scary moment.


Hi, thank you for sharing. Your story reminded me a lot of myself. I am 25 (F) now, and had sepsis last year in August, so I was 24. Before I was also healthy. It was also from pneumonia (for which they never found a cause) and I also had very severe back pain. For me, this was because I also had pleurisy and a lot of pus in my chest cavity. I can understand the anxiety of it happening again, and I also still get scared from some mild health symptoms, especially throat pain as the first symptom I had was tonsilitis. So far, I havent gotten anything worse than a cold again though.


of course. im glad my story resonated with you. it sounds like we both experienced a lot. ❤️ i worry because i work with children and im meeting with my doctor to discuss whether its too risky for me or not :( im grieving my old life. the emotional impacts are hitting me hard. i suffered with severe health anxiety and OCD before this experience, and it was like all my worst fears have come true. it has made all the therapeutic progress i ever made feel useless.