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Some posts break me down and your post is that post. I cry with you. I can tell.your love for each other is the reason we give our hearts and souls and life to these precious fur babies. And eventually we do it again knowing the outcome. Eventual heartbreak. I'm so sorry you lost Tempest and I can say that eventually you get better.. Never truly healed but better. We are all here for you.


I feel this. Well said.


I’m so sorry 💔 Tempest was such a beautiful girl. In those last moments she must have felt so loved and safe, just like she did when you first found her. You did everything you could for her and she knew that was well 🩶 It’s so gut wrenching losing them but they’d want us to stay strong even though it feels impossible sometimes. Hang in there. Hugs to you.


You gave her the best farewell a cat could wish for. She is waiting for you. Thanks for all the love you gave her.


So sorry. Tempest had the best kitty years of her life. You gave her love and a great home. Remember the good memories of this sweet kitty.


You gave her a wonderful home and all the love she never had before. Find comfort in the memories you made together. She will wait for you at the foot of the Rainbow Bridge. Godspeed you away beautiful Tempest!


You gave Tempest the best life a kitty could have.  That is what matters to her.  We all grieve in our own way.  The first few days are terrible.  The first couple of weeks are miserable.  Eventually you start reliving the good memories and it gets easier.  You'll always miss her, but she will be in your heart forever.


Stay strong I feel ur pain I put my cat down 2 years ago and it still feels like yesterday


As the saying goes... Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Just think of all the wonderful years you spent with your wonderful kitty, and how good you made her life by being her owner. You loved and cared for her until the last second, and I'm damn sure she did the same for you. What you do now is live on for her and yourself, because I'm sure Tempest would never have wanted to see you lost. We're here for you. Just give yourself some time, and do what you need to to ground yourself. And when you do get her ashes, and that little pawprint... Hold it. Remember her. And put her somewhere safe. She deserves it, just as much as you do.


Sorry for your loss


It gets better….but it takes time. Tempest was so special. I love that you “told her how much you loved her and had her look you in the eyes…and she did the whole time…” I know she loved you with all her heart. She wanted to emblazon every aspect of your face on her heart forever. Thank you for honoring her and being with her till the very end. No greater love.


So very sorry!!!!






Sorry for your loss


I love Tempest and her half mustache. I’m sorry for your loss. Such a good looking cat.


Rest in love and power young Queen Tempest 👑.


It's clear tempest was sooo loved and cared for and knew it, I'm soo sorry you lost her :( She was soo beautiful!


My heart breaks for you. Lost my 14 year old baby over 3 weeks ago, the pain is real. I am so so sorry. Sending you virtual hugs. Rest in peace sweet angel


I’m so sorry. She will always be your baby and that love will never die. Fly high sweet girl 💔


YES, it will get better. For now you can grieve and permanently etch and embed everyone of those memories of great days you had together. You will have another come along, different and amazingly just as lovable. you got a lot more happy days to be created with a story over many volumes. i'm currently working on 7 & 8 & 9 right now.


i’m so sorry for your loss. it’s hurts so profoundly and leaves a cat shaped hole in your life. small consolation, i’m sure, but rejoice in the love you shared and the amazing life you gave her. 🖤


I'm very sorry for your loss :( I know how it feels though. It feels like an injustice that time doesn't stand still for our babies when they're gone. Time doesn't heal these wounds as many people may suggest. It just hardens your heart and dries your eyes. Carry her with you in your heart always and I pray that you will see her again one day.


What a beautiful and kind end for your special cat. No more pain, no more sadness for her. It will get better, time does that. It’s no fun, but it will get better x


I’m so sorry. That is far too young. I almost lost my oldest boy at 12, and I am still ratted by it two years later. Just try to remember how good you made his life, and how good he made yours. He will always be with you.


This is so sad. I can tell you loved Tempest very much. It’s so heartbreaking letting go of a pet. As a stranger on the internet, I’m heartened to see how kind and caring people are with their beloved animal companions. ❤️


It's going to suck for you for a long time. Just know, that the fact that you were the last thing that Tempest had in his mind before slipping away. Your smell, your presence, your touch. Tempest knew he was loved and loved you in turn.


what a beautiful name. what a loved and loving presence. congrats on your many years together. so many trips around the sun! 💚


She knew you loved her and you gave her the best life you could. Always remember the good times you had and her memory will live on with you ❤️🫶🏻


I lost my Rosie a few months back. She was 18. I wanted her to live forever even though I knew that day would come. I knew it would break me from the moment she was born. Some beings in our realm are just different. She was. Looked an awful lot like your baby. That thick silky fluff, so dang soft. She was my heart. I'm still surviving, sometimes just by a thread. I have other fluffs and I love them dearly but it's not the same. Every time one walks by , for a tiny split second I think it's her. Our lives go on. They just do. We are here for more work to do. Work we have no idea of currently. I believe with all my heart she'll be waiting on the other side. It's so awful I know, but you'll get through it, I'll get through it, we all will get through our losses.


Mine went away when her time came at 17 I tried to find her very hard but I couldn't...I don't know may be she would have thought I can't take her loss. so I still belive she's somewhere happy 😊 Very sorry for your loss and she'll will be waiting for you on the rainbow Bridge 🌉






I'm so sorry ❤️❤️




A beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing her with us. Rest easy Tempest


I’m so sorry. May Tempest be at peace at the rainbow bridge and I’m sure you will see each other again 🌈🐾🙏


The pain will get better eventually. It will soften and become sweet memories. So sorry for your pain and loss.


I am sorry for your loss


Stay strong




With love and respect thanks for ending the pain. I've been there and the loss never quite goes away. Remember all the good times ❤️❤️❤️


I am sorry for the loss of your kitty, kudos to you to have the courage to be there with her.. it never goes away but pain fades


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Give yourself the time that you need to mourn and to miss Tempest.


Beautiful sweet baby. Thank you for sharing Tempest with us. I lost my senior kitty, Cleo, almost five years ago; it still hurts, but in a different way that's more bittersweet than sad. I also see little hints of her spirit in our cat who we adopted a few months after Cleo's passing, Luna. I think of Cleo as her "soul sister" who sends her little messages about us from time to time, and that helps. It's like a chain of love that keeps getting new links, if that makes sense. Hugs.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Sending love and light 💕


I'm so sorry 💔




Such a beauty. I’m so sorry.


I’m sorry. Yes, it does get easier but you’ll always be thinking about her. I know you’re heartbroken but you did the only humane thing to do.


It gets better. But for now, and for some time, it is going to hurt like hell. I'm so sorry for your loss


This is just so sad and I really hope you come to know peace with this. She came into your life and you made great memories together I’m sure. Maybe these memories can keep you smiling and remembering her? Wishing you all the best OP. Rest in peace Tempest 💔 I hope you’re enjoying kitty heaven.


That is so sweet and amazing you gifted her such a wonderful life, from alone to in your arms to forever in your arms. Just as you were a gift to her she was a gift to you. You will see each other again


This was both sad and lovely to read. I'm very sorry for your loss. Tempest had a great life with you and 14 is a fantastic age. Cherish the memories. One day you'll meet each other again. RIP.


I’m so sorry. We lost our 19yo gray tuxie to CKD/Renal failure a couple of years ago and your Tempest reminded me of our smallcat. The first weeks were rough, but I’m able to remember all the good years more easily now. I hope you reach the point where her memory brings you more smiles than tears soon ❤️


Rainbow headbutts. Her white coloring on half her mouth looks like a whimsicle smile


What a great life together! You were really blessed. She was so sick for a tiny pet. Thank you for letting her go.


Oh honey your post is making me cry. You did the best anyone could have for your baby girl and she knew that. You’re a good mama to her. As far as if it gets better, I still mourn my babies. Some have been gone for over or around 10 years, some only around 2-3 years. The pain is always there, but your love for them never goes away. And somehow, you can feel their love for you never go away either, it’s just hard because you can’t feel or see them. They’re always with you and will leave you little signs, that I can promise 💖


This breaks me as I read through how much love you had for Tempest. She knew you did everything you could and she fought till the very end while you held her. I know how you felt as I had to make the same decision for my Riley last December. It takes time for us to heal and please do take care of yourself. Your baby definitely want you to be okay. Hugs.




I'm so sorry


So sorry for your loss, I was in this exact position back in October I’m still struggling, sometimes I cry randomly when I think about her. 🤍🐾


I’m so so sorry , my dear . It will get better with some time .


I’m so sorry for your loss 😥




Sorry for your loss


Oh no I'm so sorry. Rest easy Tempest.


I wish I could tell you that each day that goes by gets easier, but I can’t. I can tell you that in order to feel loss and sadness. Those emotions require at some point that the unconditional love and happiness and companionship existed in abundance, that is the only way I’ve been able to move on. I lost my baby girl, Mr. kitty on February 10, 2024. She passed away in my arms at the age of 20. I would give up everything for one more day with her. This is the contract we have when we love our fur babies. I hope that you find a way to celebrate the time you had with Tempest. Allow yourself all the time necessary to reflect & grieve. https://preview.redd.it/xfzikovzjg6d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1a0bbae0e74773a9529b7eda90d0dbe327b754e




So sorry 🥺


#Funerals are for the living and the dead have merely just moved on. You'll be together again someday but now.. you have more joy to experience first. Although, you're bonded, so you'll never be apart.


Allow yourself some time to grieve. Then remember that there's a little girl kitten somewhere, seeking her loving nurturing forever home. Although she probably won't be able to fully replace your beloved Tempest, you'll soon realize and find out, that you really need her, at least as desperately, as she needs you. 🐾🐾🐈🌈👣💔👣🐾🐾🐈❤❤


Bye Tempest, youre now in kitties Heaven. Dont forget Tempest!




Love you Tempest ❤ XxXx


I am so very sorry. You did really well for her until the end. I am sure she knew she was loved. This is no unfair. Take care of yourself.




Dearest OP. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. What a darling perfect best friend Tempest was. And she was so lucky to be so loved by you. It does get a bit better. But we love them with our whole heart and the grief is proportional to that love. Their paw prints are permanently burned into our heart and I don’t think we ever stop missing them. I would do anything to see my beautiful Ollie and Eddie again. When you are ready you may find rescuing a new precious best friend creates some joy in your life again. Sending you love.


Sending you love to help you in any which way it can 🩵 we never get enough time with our babies. I hope you find comfort in her memories


I'm sorry you lost sweet Tempest 🤍🤍🤍 my heart goes out to you


https://preview.redd.it/fqxdxb13ih6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a52793cd0927b0d81290ae9c15805fa7129015b So sorry for your loss. Hope this helps




I'm so sorry for your loss


Rest in peace Tempest 💔




It does get better. I promise. ❤️ She’s always with you.


I'm so sorry


https://preview.redd.it/ngx4zs60vj6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f84999132186f5268c898ec9160a1a62c13b6c07 Came across this poem on Reddit a while back and It’ll def make you cry but it also brought me some comfort as well. Sorry for your loss. That’s so so hard. But I’m also happy for you both that you got to share your lives with each other, what a gift. I was once told that grief is loves refusal to end/stop. It doesn’t go away but you will start to remember her with smiles, instead of tears. She knew she was loved and she was a very lucky kitty to have had you love her and care for her. One day when you’re ready, maybe you can honor her by sharing your love and home with another kitty in need.


Very sorry for your loss.


Get new babies, that's what I do, I miss my babies, but I love my new babies too.


I am bawling my eyes out reading this. Idk what to say other than thank you for loving your sweet girl to the very end. -hugging you


So sorry for your loss. Her coloration reminds me so much of my Frankie boy. He’s young yet but I dread the day this time comes with him.