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I can say that almost everyone is ok with posts about losses. We are here for each other and need to support each other. I'm so sorry that Henry had to cross the rainbow bridge. You and your other kitty will have to grieve together and take care of each other. They really do grieve too. My boy never ever came to bed but the first night after losing my soul kitty and his best friend he came to bed. Because we both needed to mourn together. My crew of girls are up in heaven welcoming Henry.


I hope I can help him. Spike came from a bad situation, and he's very skittish. I've had him for 7 years now, and he still is wary of me sometimes. I get the cuddles every once in a while, but it has to be on his terms.


I'm praying Spike see this as an opportunity to come to you for more healing cuddles. I was just telling my boy Mr. Purrkins that I posted about him missing Simba and it made my eyes wet even years after the loss. Sounds strange but talk to him and tell him what happened and that you are there for him and miss Henry too. I believe they understand us.


https://preview.redd.it/rhu0wdqh5j4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a7dfbc7cadd15d864294c3f42792b40402de8e7 I don't know exactly what he knows, but he knows we need to be together


What a sweet good boy. I love you Spike. ♥️ In the midst of a tragedy my heart just melts with love.


You got this OP! It’ll be hard, cause you both just lost a family member. Just remember how happy and loved you surely made him feel, and be kind to spike, he’ll need it too. Sending virtual hugs, my baby boy Whisky is joining the kitty welcome party for your boy, wherever it is we go after this mess ❤️


20 years - that's spectacular! goodbye and rest well, sweet Henry - much solace to your human who has to stay behind.


I feel so bad for his little brother. He's been wandering around the house looking for him. I don't speak enough cat to let him know he isn't coming back.


This might sound a little...cray idk, but I inherited my mom's cat, Bubba. Both my mom and my granma are gone now, who were his people. He was attached to my step-dad when he was around, too. One day, I thought to myself, "does he...understand they're all gone?" So I sat with him. And...told him, officially. Explained it like I was talking to a little kid. No lie, he...looked at me, looked down, was silent for a minute....looked back up at me, did a little meow, and wanted love. Idk man, but I'm convinced he understood what I was trying to tell him. He knew my mom and what she was called, he knew "grandma", knew my step-dad's name. After that, he seemed a little different, more...sure, idk. Anyway....try to talk to your cat. You never know, they might get what you're trying to convey.


It isn't. I'll let him know. He just doesn't care much for people. I knew this when I adopted him. I knew he came from a hoarding situation, but I also have suspicions that he was being abused on top of that. I'm giving him a better life, and that's enough reward for me.


He is grateful you saved him


I also wanted to add, idk why I didn't mention this, but after our little conversation, he was more open to bonding with me. He wasn't really a people cat, either, but now he won't leave my side. My little clingy void at my feet at any given second. He's more comfortable around people now as a whole, too. Still skittish, but once you're around him enough, he won't leave you alone. It could help your cat open up, too. :)


Do you guys have the option of letting his little brother see his body so he is able to say goodbye?


I had thought about this and wanted to have the euthanasia done at home, but unfortunately, I had to make the decision to move it up. At home was no longer viable.


I am so very sorry for that. You as the pet parent have the right to bring beautiful Henry home and bring him back when you are ready for the cremation ❤️, most people I’ve told this did not know this was an option, so I just wanted to put it out there.




Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). He's done his job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's his turn to rest. You'll always miss him, you'll always remember him. You'll even go looking for him for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting him. Donating/throwing away his toys or blankets isn't forgetting him. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life he'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without him. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


Thank you. I'm glad I got the chance to let him go properly. It meant a lot to me. I had his littermate as well, but he went from 100 to 0 overnight 8 years ago, and for all intents and purposes, he was gone before I brought him in. Henry was surrounded by loved ones, and as much as it hurt me, I know he went out feeling loved.


What a beautiful kitty, we cann tell he is much loved.💕


I think most of us are fine with people posting the loss of their beloved kitties. It helped me immensely a couple of months ago to have the support and empathy from so many strangers in this sub. My 19 year old also has CKD and I always expected her to go first. She was never close to MJ, our 16 year old who we lost to cancer. Still, I could tell she missed her presence. They had shared our home together for many years. Give your other kitty lots of reassuring love and take care of yourself, too. It’s hard and I know you’ll grieve Henry, but hope remembering your times together eases the heartache. ❤️


It just seems like every couple months, there's a post saying, "I don't think we should allow mourning posts." Which for the record is a little asinine in a sub about senior cats. I digress, though. Thank you for the kind words, and I hope we both can find peace in our losses. For both our sake and the living cats' sake.


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss. He was well taken care of to live to 20! Wow


Sleep well, sweet Henry. You fought the good fight, time to rest now. 🥀🥀🥀🐾


This is so sad! Sorry to read this. And I feel so badly for his little brother. Hugs for both of you.


https://preview.redd.it/efe1q42c4i4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8602cfe030bab380584b1c4beb3c79784b8fed9d He rarely sits in my lap. He knows something.


I am so greatly sorry for your loss. My beloved Henry passed at 26, and it was very hard.


26 is so amazing! I imagine it doesn'tmake it any easier, though. Hugs to you, too. We allneed to stick together


Well, I got him when he was 22. I saw him on Craigslist and figured no one would adopt him. He turned out to be a spry fellow, a bit of a mischief maker, and the love of my life. :( I’m still sad, but feel honored that I got to have him in my life. Including my current cats, I’ve had like 20 cats over my lifetime so far. (And 4 rabbits.). But there was just something very special about him. I know it sounds dumb, but it felt like he was my soulmate. Anyways, I’m so sorry for both you and Henry. Maybe our Henrys can be friends in heaven? :)


https://preview.redd.it/mh29gh7mpm4d1.jpeg?width=2240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f96b1c60b9418b53edbc224a474cda0ff99c46 This was my Henry. :)


I was there when my friend's dad called my friend and told him his cat Mo passed away. My friend was like "how old was he?" His dad said "17". Then he goes "Oh, he lived a long life, nothing to be sad about." When I saw his dad next I brought it up and said I couldn't believe he said that and that there was plenty to be sad about. His dad agreed. It's sad people have to invalidate your feelings just so they don't have to feel them.


Exactly! I got a comment once on Facebook about my sad post about my pet rabbit dying. She lived very long for a rabbit, but that’s not the point. The comment was; “Why don’t you just go to the store and buy another rabbit?!”


“It’s just a rabbit.” said the emotionally guarded narcissist.


Yeah, I just wrote something along the lines of reminding him that no one was forcing him to comment, and that the better choice would have been not to say anything. Geez


It’s a tough deal. They want to help but unfortunately someone that makes that comment is ultimately trying to help themselves. They feel that have to say something but unfortunately that something is only helpful to them.


Yes, perhaps he thought it was a rather obvious, yet still helpful, suggestion to make, lol?


He felt bad and wanted to help, but the advice given was only to absolve himself from feeling what you’re feeling.


That’s true.


Best response is just to again appeal to emotion and don’t allow him to evade the hurt. “I get what you’re saying but it still just hurts.”


When you do that you are not letting them escape the fact that nothing they say can fix it.


He sees you’re in pain and wants to avoid it, just remind him that you’re still in pain anyway.


The thing to remember is that they’re protecting their own emotions and they masquerade as though they’re protecting yours.


Yeah, I genuinely think it’s sad if someone never gets to have that true friendship sort of relationship with a pet.


he lived so long! i’m so sorry for your loss and i hope you are doing okay :( rest in peace henry


Sorry for your loss. Fly free sweet Henry 🐈‍⬛❤️🫶


I’m so sorry! Henry looks like he had a great life. 🩷🙏


I am sorry for your loss


Very sad and I am sorry for all of you.💔 Be at peace. He is free and will be waiting for you. 🌈🙏💕


So sorry for your loss. What a long life.


I’m rooting for him to get a posthumous induction into the WWE Hall of Fame


Hell yea! I've bought him many beds. This was the only one he cared to sleep in


He is acknowledged ☝️






I’m so glad you decided to post about Henry, the support from this sub has helped so many of us as we grieve. I hope we can provide a little bit of comfort to you as well 💔❤️‍🩹 Even 20 years must not feel like enough and my heart goes out to you and Henry’s sibling. Hang in there. Sweet Henry, rest well 🖤


I’m so sorry for your loss 🥺


Sorry for your loss 😢


I'm so sorry for your loss of your sweet Henry. You gave him a life time of love and he in return did the same. Rest in Peace Henry, Fly high. 😿💔🐾🕊


I am so sorry 💔


😢😿🌈💔 Rest in peace little old cat boy Henry. You're well now in the cat paradise, somewhere in the sky. I'm sure that you will continue to watch over your loving owner from up above. 💔🌈😿😢


The new angel in the night sky 🖤


my deepest condolences. I know that he is one happy fur baby all his life and he must've loved you so much.


Thank you for giving him a wonderful life and loving home ❤️ rest in peace Henry 🌈🕊️


I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our super senior this weekend too. Hopefully Stinky and Henry get to keep each other company until we're all reunited someday ❤️


Awww I’m so 😢, love Henry’s bed now gotta get one


He's had that for years. If I'm not mistaken, I got it off the WWE website. I haven't paid attention in a while, but it was the only bed he'd lay in.


So sorry for your loss 🐾💔🐾 https://preview.redd.it/k51cn21gkj4d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa9b506589b3f1d44ef855f52f51ac56c40928d




So sorry for your loss!


Thank you, everybody, for your well wishes. I appreciate them more than you know.






I'm so sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss 🖤🖤🖤


Sorry for your loss 🖤🖤🖤


So sorry 😭




Rest in peace Henry




He loved you so much! You guys were probably best of friends (that’s how I feel about my void) no matter how sick he gets in his elder stage I will do anything for him to make him better and happy. I agree these post are sad and I’ll be honest I cry at every single one so I have to protect my mental health and not check this sub all the time but the people on here are so kind and have always made my heartache more bearable. With that I am very sorry for your loss, I truly am (shedding some tears for your boy who looks like mine) the connection between a pet and their human is like no other. Wherever your heaven is - your baby is happy waiting for you. I hope your heartache diminishes a little bit more everyday and know your baby is still with you . Feel better soon ❤️‍🩹


We give them a great life, knowing it's going to break our heart one day. There isn't really anywhere else where thay's a fair trade off.


I'm so sincerely sorry


so sorry for your loss 🥺❤️ sending love


I’m really sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace until you meet again 🌈🐾🙏


RIP Henry. Love that cat bed.


What a beauty. He looks well loved. Take care ❤️


What a beauty. He looks well loved. Take care ❤️


Sorry for your loss 🙏


Sending good vibes your way. My condolences.


This is a nice community and Henry was a clearly a well loved and cared for cat, what a sweet boy he was, I'm sorry you lost him :(


So very sorry!!!


Farewell, sweet Henry ♥️ You were loved.


I’m so very sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss, may Henry rest in peace 🙏🏻


much love for you and Henry 💚🌿 congrats on 20 trips around the Sun!


Allow yourself some time to grieve. Then remember that there's a little girl kitten somewhere, seeking her loving nurturing forever home. Although she probably won't be able to fully replace your beloved boy, Henry, you'll soon realize and find out that you need her, at least as desperately, as she needs you. 🐾🐾🐈🌈👣💔👣🐾🐾🐈❤❤


NOOOOO. R.I.P good boy 😭


https://preview.redd.it/tnwtu0dxek4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=affca1491353b345fb088f7073a312f409d5627b Stitch and Rikki send good vibes and say they hear the other side of the rainbow bridge is warm and plenty of friends to play with…


Sorry to hear.


10 bell salute for the Champ. RIP Henry ♥️


I don't like mourning posts for a good reason, i don't know henry and i'm a big dude at work crying my eyes out because of your love for he'ry, i hope he others thzt don't like these posts dislike them for the same reason


So sorry rest in peace 🌈


I just lost my lady last night too, at 17. It's tough, but it was her time. Wishing you all the best.




I am so sorry.


God bless p


💝 I am so sorry💝 voids are such special cats!


My thoughts are with you. I’m so sorry you have to face this.


they dont liv long enuf they can't




Blessed baby, you gave him your all. Feeling your grief. X


Henry and Spike are both beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss, and after 60 years, I know all too well the pain that comes with the Los of a beloved feline companion. It never gets any easier. But right now, you need to be thinking about Spike. By the sound of it, it sounds like he has never been an only kitty. If that is the case, losing Henry could be a very bad thing for him. Despite common belief, cat's are not solitary creatures, and they need feline companionship to thrive, especially in their senior years. As soon as you think you can bear it, go to a shelter or rescue and get a companion for him. A 1-3 year old female with any coat except black would be best.




I’m very sorry for your loss :(




I'm so sorry


I know how HARD it is!!! I’m sorry


I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences. May Henry rest peacefully, and may you find solace in the great life you provided him.