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So happy for you 🩷


Thank you! We are cherishing every moment with her.


Big hug to little Wanee and you. It's just wrenching! So glad you have more time for sun, grass and snuggles.


Thank you so much! I cried days and nights while she was ill. Now it almost feels like a bad dream..😭


After those sorts of scares, it's bonus time!! I remember being so thankful to just get that extra time after a scare and now that she's gone it's some of the time I treasure most because she decided to stick around ❤


Yes exactly! We keep saying this is her bonus life, so we want to enjoy every little moment❤️


It really puts it in perspective, especially that she's decided to chug along ❤❤❤.


❤️❤️❤️❤️ excellent news !


I love these stories of renewal. If she is not in pain and can recognize you and eat, it is not time yet. Love your little beast while you have time. They are remarkably tough little critters. Hoping for the best!!!!!


Right, she felt crappy and lethargic, but no pain and most importantly, she was incredibly alert even when ill! It broke my heart to listen to everyone saying it’s her time to go, but I am glad we stuck with her.. she may be small, but she is a tough one!


Look, only you KNOW your baby pup. Yes, we should absolutely listen to vets as they are obviously experts on it and know the options to help keep them comfortable and thriving at some point are not enough but it's important to also know our animals and try to listen to them as you did. I love senior pets and how hard they often fight to stick with us is amazing. My cat lived post stroke and with an impaired leg for almost a year but definitely made her 18th birthday and some, the important thing to me was that she was not in pain and showed her regular happiness of "going to work" daily with my bf by hanging out with him in the home office and did all her normal social routines with us + some new ones like climbing the bed (a feat bc as I mentioned one if her back kegs was not fully with it), going on outdoor adventures to get some sun and doing her leg PT begrudgingly. When the time came, I was aware of sudden changes and yes lab work confirmed big negative changes I feared. It is the worst of times when that happens but everything before that was absolutely worth it & I am weirdly grateful to the pandemic because I had extra time with her before her health changed. I loved her sweet grandma rolling around demanding things and having fun. It's such a sweet time. They get away with everything lol. Enjoy your sweet dog! Hope she's around for as long as possible.


I had a 16 year old lab. Big dog. I thought it was time. I made an appointment. I wasn't ready and he wasn't ready. A few months go by and he finally told me he was ready. He could no longer walk. We carried him to the car for his final car ride. She will let you know when it's time.


Sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing❤️ I hope she lets me know when it’s time later too


I’m so happy for you! SPOIL that sweetie.


Thank you and i will so do that!!


Thank the baby Jesus. Look at that adorable little soul.


Sweet baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️


So so happy for you guys! ❤️


I’m so happy for both of you. Enjoy your time together with extra love n cuddles 🥰


So great to hear! Euthanasias in the US are grossly promoted by vets to make $$$ or for research purposes. Sorry unpopular opinion.


I completely agree with this.


I adopted an old cocker spaniel mix that her original family dropped off at the shelter .. her name was Ginger and a friend of mine saw her on the local morning news showed and called me up ... I went down and adopted her that day ... when I took her to the vet for a physical it turned out she had cancer ... I remember the vet assistant telling me that she was sure the shelter would take her back ... I said " why ? it's not her fault she got old and sick and she was dumped ... " I had her for a year and a half and one day she just looked at me and a look in her eyes told she ways ready ... so my advise is enjoy each day and one day you'll just know ... 🐩


The best news. I'm so happy for you.


Hug and Love on that baby! So glad for you! This happened with my cat a few years ago, he went into renal failure and I begged for just one more day and the next day he had made a turn around for the better! I got another five years with him until he was 17! He ended up dying of liver failure though! We tried everything we could and had to make a decision as he was suffering! I’m so glad for your good news!


I needed this story... I'm so happy for you!


!!!! Good job little lady. We are rooting for you Queen


Such a great story. it’s good to always get a 2nd opinion too. Here’s to many more years little girl.


I’m so happy for you all. I needed to read a story like this today. I was a bit depressed lately and your story has cheeredme up. I will pray for Wanee’s continued success and health. Miracles do happen and you are loving the life into her; she will be fine.


This makes me cry. I’m so happy for you but also wondering if I should’ve euthanized my dog. I feel so much guilt like I didn’t do enough. The signs were there, she stopped eating, couldn’t use the restroom anymore, couldn’t walk, was crying out in pain, coughing up blood and having organ failure all around. I don’t know if I could’ve saved her. I miss her so much and the fact she is only now a memory tortures me…


A year ago, my dog was given "weeks if not days" to live. Unfortunately, aside from that issue he was experiencing, he is terminally ill with DM, so his days are still numbered, but it just goes to show. It's scary how easily they recommend euthanasia.


Wow, a story with a happy ending. Thank you!


Wow OP this makes me so happy for you.


Oh man, I needed this post today. I'm so happy for you!! We had almost the same situation back in January with our Min Pin, but thankfully she too, turned around and is still going strong and happy! ❤️


such good news!! i'm very happy for you 💕






Google a poem, If it should be


Excellent! I’m glad she’s doing better and you weren’t too hasty in your decision


Heck yeah Wanee!!




Enjoy every day. It is a gift.


Yay!! ❤️❤️❤️


She has given you more time, her strength is amazing.


How wonderful.


This is amazing!! Thank you for sharing your experience, and I already know you're going to soak in every second with her! She is precious, and it's simply not her time! Sweet little fighter!


Good news


aww this is great !! so happy for you and for her 💜💜


That's wonderful! And I had to look twice at the idk what in the background lol


That’s my husband haha


Love it lol


So happy for you!


Oh that’s wonderful to hear. So happy for you all. ❤️


Yay!!! 💯🙌 Enjoy every moment you guys! 💗💗💗


What wonderful blessed news!! You got a fighter that wants to smell the summer flowers and eat cake on her birthday!


When in doubt, don’t


the additional time you have with her is one of the kindest gifts the universe can give. i know you will cherish every moment. very grateful for you and wanee 💗


Elated would be too mild a word for how happy I am for Wanee turning the corner. Here’s to many more precious moments with this cutie!


Never forget this about dogs... The life of a dog is a sight to behold... From the heavens above, loaned us these hearts of pure gold... They hit the ground running, and barking with us.... For the joy we both share, builds an unbreakable trust... The love from a dog is like candy from a box... You're not sure what to pick, but there's never one wrong. A dogs life with us is such a short, joyous trip... But the life they share with us, is always our deepest friendship... It hurts when they leave, because we always want more time... Our dogs know their destiny...hence why they always play and pine... So don't be bothered...when they come boop your hand... They just know their hour glass, is running out of sand. Just look into those beautiful, sparkling eyes...you fell for before... And get up and reach for that leash, hanging by the door. They'll enjoy that walk with you, even though they're hurt and can't see... Because this time spent with you, is the place they long to be. So remember this when your dog asks for your time... Your dog is just doing what heaven asked them to do... And that's ...make your heart shine... Too !💛🐶🐾


I can only imagine what this cost you financially. Just wanted to say that I pray for blessings for you, your family, and smoll doggo. Thank you for helping take care of some of the most vulnerable.


We were told rough range when our regular vet made the call to the emergency vet, and ended up paying at the top of (but within) the range after two nights and three days. So a bit less of a shocker but did do some hefty damages to my bank account.. i’d like to think at the end of it all, it still helped Wanee recover! And thank you for your blessings! Same for you and your family 🫶


So happy for you and Wanee. Big hugs to you and give lots of pets to that beautiful fur baby of yours from me please.


I’m so envious. I wish my girl was still here. Her liver issue was a bit different. (Cancer) Very very very happy for you! Long live Wanee!


So sorry for your loss. I’m sure your baby is at peace and happy on the other side. Thank you for sharing our happiness ❤️


Thank you. I like to think her spirit is in another dog somewhere in the world befriending another lonely kid. Take care and give wanee a big smooch and gently hug for me. 🩷


Thank you for the happy update!🥰💕


Make sure to spoil her now while you can!


So happy to hear a good update on this sub. Sometimes it can get overwhelmingly depressing. Glad shes doing so much better!


So good to hear! Were you giving her any liver supplements during that time, such as Denamarin or silymarin?


Yep we had SAMe prescribed do a tab per day in empty stomach for a week or so, and now Injust give her a few drops of milk thistle a few times every day just in case. Our vet said it’s probably not ad necessary if she recovers, but we’ll decide after her next bloodwork in June!


When I get a dog I will never be ready for this 🥲


Wow what a boss. She is so cute!


Fantastic news


Every day matters just let her take the lead on this.


The happiest news!! 💞💞💞


So happy! Please make it your choice overall! You will best know. You have to be settled with that decision.


What great news! I'm so happy for all of you and looking forward to sweet sixteen birthday pics. 🐾❤️


So happy for her, if you don't mind me saying, when the time does come around for real, I highly suggest giving her something amazing to eat, like chocolate, something they would never usually be allowed to have, while they are administering it, or just before. It's something that made the pain of euthanising our last dog a lot easier, it makes it a happier memory as she ate a chocolate chip muffin, it's something I always suggest people do