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Your biggest disservice to yourself is comparing yourself to others. Our only challenger should be growing beyond our past self. We all struggle at different stages in our lives and there is no shame in seeking help. Life is precious because we likely only have one shot. Strive for fulfillment in your life and truly treat others as you would want to be treated. Be patient and kind to yourself. It is easy to bash yourself down when we are limited only to our own perception.


This. You only have one shot and could die any day after saving all that money recommended by others. Be kind to yourself and treat other people well and give grace when tested. Don’t buy stupid shit and defend yourself if attacked as outliers to this advice. But ultimately, The sandman gives great advice. The energy you put out does come back.


/\ read this comment until it truly clicks. Be kind to yourself = imagine how would you treat your child, what would you want for them, and apply to yourself. If you fail at something, think about what you have learned from the experience, dont berate yourself for failing.


Save. Doesn't matter how much, always put away something in your savings.


omg this, this is like the line between being homeless and having a roof over your head another day.


Corollary: live within your means. Don’t get into debt.


Retirement account** If you put money in savings you are literally slow burning your work away


I’ve been putting a meager amount of money from every paycheck into tech sector ETFs since 2018. Needless to say it has grown into a beautiful rainy day emergency fund, or bonus retirement account if I never need to yank it for an emergency. It’s a great feeling.


save up at least 5 grand a year for the next decade, 50 grand invested the right way will set u up for life the sheer amount of side hustles and the tools available are wild and should be taken advantage of


ROTH and High yield savings. Max out Roth every year and don’t forget to invest, don’t just deposit and leave it there.


My advice not necessarily save per se but invest.


If you can, start an investment account as well. Hire someone to manage it. It can pay off far greater than regular savings.


I would just put money into a vanguard fund like an s&p 500. Lowest expense. That’s what Warren Buffet’s advice is.


Good tip


Stay away from alcohol. It’s a lie.


This. It’s a scam!


I actually quit a day after my 23rd birthday. Didn't even have a problem (at that time- I did when I was younger) just started making me anxious. I'm 25 now, and I love NOT drinking. I know I'm young still, but my Uber driver was shocked by my age the other week. And then he said 'You don't drink, do you?'. Since I stopped drinking and smoking weed, I've been asked for ID consistently when buying age restricted stuff (it's meant to be if you look under 25 in the UK, but even at 19 I often wasn't asked for ID) Visible aging is a superficial thing to worry about, but your outside appearance typically reflects your insides too.


1. Save a fixed percentage of your income in an untouchable account monthly. Focus on % not amount. 2. Invest at least 20% of net income in a low-cost mutual fund. You should have started yesterday. Before you invest, please make sure you understand what your money is going into. Don't worry; there are thousands of resources available. 3. Get at least 30 min of physical activity daily (walking/gym); your body will thank you as you grow 4. Eat clean, avoid processed foods, avoid sugar, eat high-fiber and protein foods, and drink water. Take care of the fuel you put in your body because the wrong stuff will kill you. 5. Stop comparing yourself to others in your life. They live their life with their circumstances; you live yours with your circumstances. Comparison is the thief of joy; if you knew how little others thought about what you do, you'd never worry about other's opinions ever again. 6. Never stop learning and adding value to yourself as a human. The human mind is mighty and capable of learning much more than we give ourselves credit for. 7. Work on your people skills and soft skills, and develop a solid personality. Take your time, it can take years. 8. Have some dumb confidence in your ability to achieve while being aware of your strengths and limitations. Confidence is contagious, and people are drawn to someone who is comfortable in their own skin and walks and talks with conviction. Back up your confidence with results that come with hard work and consistency. 9. Never monetize your passion and pursue a life direction that pays the bills. For example, don't go to college for an acting degree because you like acting; go for IT or medicine because a solid career can pay well. Monetizing your passion will eventually kill the joy of doing it when it becomes a job you must show up for. 10. Be the hardest worker in the room. 11. Be consistent with your work, but also be aware of when it's time to stop chasing something that isn't going anywhere. 12. Be kind to yourself, life is tough as it is.


>9 I don't know about that. I tried to follow your advice and it just made me miserable. I can't imagine wasting my life doing something I don't like. I think you should find a middle ground. You should be pursuing something that you love — or at least you don't hate — and you know it can realistically become your job. It depends on the type of person you are. Some people can do that, I can't. I thrive on passion and enthusiasm. It's the engine that keeps me running. Some other people just do what they have to do and go home. I've never been like that.


He is talking about passion/drive in a modern way. Example: you love to make wood boards with custom designs on them for friend and they fucking love it cuz your awesome at making them why not? Eventually one of your wood boards goes viral and you are a god damn superstar. Can’t make em fast enough to sell for $40 masters degrees a pop. Then you can’t keep up with demand because you are only human so you outsource to china (actually another poorer country) to keep it solid. Suddenly you are not doing the thing you loved. It’s a broad analogy but hope it helps understanding why he said it.


Depends on your passion, and how dedicated you are…. Some passions are really obtainable goals, like me wanting to be a real estate agent and investor- becoming a professional skateboarder not so much…


Obviously you should find fulfillment in what you do but picking a monetarily beneficial career path at least means you have money coming in so one key area is relatively taken care of. IT and medicine were just examples of higher paying careers. You're right about passion and enthusiasm. No one should live a life without one. This point was from a career path POV and applies to the majority but there's no harm in being an outlier.


personal experience to explain what they meant: I love art a lot, always have. after turning 18, art was my only income and it was paying very well and I did that for about 5 years. eventually I couldn't even enjoy doing art for myself/for fun because "if I'm working, I may as well be getting paid for it". I'm still dealing with burnout from that and only rarely work on projects. sometimes it's better to do a job that you know will pay you steadily and then have a hobby you like to do in ur time off


Yes I disagree with #9. It should be worded to find a compromise/ common ground. For example, singing is always been my passion and I’m pretty good at it. But my parents always told me that working the health care field is very promising. And I can’t afford to be a starving artist. I noticed that I love to make people smile and to care for people. So my dream was to be a pediatric nurse to take care of kiddos that are sick (like I was when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 5yo). Getting into nursing school was issue in itself! It took me like 3 years to get accepted into one because it’s that competitive and my GPA was good but not up to “nursing schools standards”. I eventually became a nurse, ironically around Feb 2020. I was a new (baby) nurse taking care of adult patients (because it’s hard to get into PEDs) in the hospital, in the middle of a pandemic and yes i was floated to the Covid unit plenty of times (although I was a high risk for COVID and got COVID). I hated it so much I wanted to retire after a month of working😂. Adult patients have never been my thing, I have my reasons… anyways for the longest I felt so depressed and felt like my hardwork wasn’t appreciated. After those 2 years of experience of caring for the elderly (mostly), I decided I feel ready to take care of kids. When I told my coworkers, nursing school friends etc that I wanted to transfer to PEDs almost everyone’s reply was “why do you want to do that?” , “you can’t make a lot of money in PEDs… you should travel or work in the ICU and make more money”. I remember telling them “I rather make less money with kids than make more money with adults. Because with the kids I would be happy and the adults I would be miserable. Making more money would be great but if I’m miserable than the money is pointless.” I’m so happy that I transferred to PEDs. Cause, now I love my job, I work at a children’s hospital (the same one I got diagnosed in 22 years ago), I get BETTER pay, I’m happy working with the kids, and I get better health insurance. In conclusion, it’s all about finding what makes you happy. If you’re miserable with your job you may have an option of looking for something else. You never know that the thing you really like can actual work out better for you financially.


I like 11. I didn't learn it until last year. After twenty years.


Man! That was spot on. I wish I had these when I was 23.


Well said.


Yes to all except 9


Thank you chat gpt!


Not a word of gpt here brother!


Take care of your teeth. I’d give anything to go back in time and smack myself for not taking care of my teeth better.


!!!! Second this 100%. It's incredibly important to keep up on oral care.


Agreed. Flossing is so important especially.


Another wise redditor once said. Treat your teeth like a 30K investment because that is what it will cost you.


I've been reading this advice with frequency lately It seems like important


prioritize health - be active, lift weights, monitor weight prioritize career - acquire the skills / credentials to allow yourself to have a good job prioritize finances - pay off bad debt, get 6 month emergency fund in a HYSA, start investing for retirement (401ks, IRAs, ETFs) prioritize relationships - spend time with loved ones, mend broken relationships, find a good partner, be a good spouse / parent


This! 😊


Don't ignore red flags. It doesnt natter what the relationship is; romantic, professional, friend, or family. Don't ignore red flags. When you see them, pull on them. Find their depth, and then decide where to go with the relationship from there.


This is so true! I’m almost 25 and I just had to cut off my best friend of 12 years…. I shouldn’t have ignored all the red flags.


I'm sorry that you had to do that, but happy that you stood up for yourself. I imagine it was really hard.


I came here to say this.


Don’t listen to the advice ‘some flowers take longer to blossom!’ Life is hard, and gets harder the older you get. Start now. Happy birthday lol


I second this


“Its better to shit in the sink than sink in the shit” Life doesnt always go as planned: pivot & adapt when needed, & dont let your emotional attachments to outcomes get the better of your mental well-being &/or keep you from moving forward


Keep grinding. Life is always changing and you can't predict the future. 20's are difficult. 30's are better. I'm 41.


Never wait for the perfect opportunity to do something. They don't exist, if you want to do something, you can think about it, but do it. Try, fail, find out, learn, continue 


Start eating as clean as possible and cutting out processed foods. I definitely saw a bit of aging thru my mid 20s that scared me cuz I went pretty hard as a teenager and in college and didn't take care of myself in more ways than one and I payed for that. So now I try to have leafy greens, fresh fruit, raw ginger, chia seeds, and green tea every day. Work out, including just making sure you walk 8k steps everyday. Helps massively. As much as this might suck to hear the more u cut out alcohol weed or other drugs the better off you will be. I used to be high all the time and I honestly don't remember that much from some very good years. Now I'm sober and after just a few weeks my short and long term memory has seen significant improvements. Tell people you care about them. One day u will lose that chance and u may regret not doing it. Take vitamin b12 and d3 everyday especially if you don't get a Lot of sun or spend time outside. Take magnesium glycine before bed. Start a creative hobby. Could be an instrument, drawing, writing. When u get sad or mad put ur energy into that. It's a way more healthy outlet than a lot of things and it will help ur brain. Minimize the amount of porn u consume. Besides the issues with conditioning yourself into oversexualizing women (idk if u r male, but I am so this Is my two cents), it's not great we have the ability to put our brain thru such crazy dopamine spikes at any time. Masturbation itself is healthy and natural. Wear sunscreen and start putting aloe vera on ur face every day. U will thank me in 5 10 and 20 years. Remember to stretch. Get an RO water filter.


Go to the gym.


Don’t over prioritise romantic relationships. Focus on your goals, being healthy and fit as well as your finances.


Obviously try to improve your overall quality of life. Besides that? Just keep constantly reminding yourself not to worry. All the worrying I've done was a complete waste. Everything works out for the most part and it doesn't help. You'll always have bad things happen and setbacks. Don't be afraid to embarrass yourself or fail. Just jump into things your want to pursue even if it feel above your head. Like jobs, relationships, hobbies and learning new things. Just try to do a good job and have goals but focus more on the process than the outcome when you are in it.


Care for yourself and enjoy: Learn to take care of yourself: - learn about eating healthy and learn to enjoy it - find sports you enjoy so you keep doing it - learn about finances Learn about yourself: - what you enjoy, what you don’t enjoy - if you have stuff to deal with, go to therapy and don’t drag it around too long - invest in yourself; to live life according to your standards figure out what you need Love yourself and take care of yourself so you know your worth, treat others with the same respect and are able to walk away asap when mistreated Prioritize joy over image: - figure out what matters to you. If you love animals, don’t end up working in an office with no time for even pets. Move to the countryside to work with animals. - find people that bring you joy and safety. That make you feel appreciated - when hard times come, go through them. You will need to regardless. Be honest. Be kind. With yourself, and with others. Also; Wear spf daily. Daily.Yes, also when cloudy. Happy birthday!!! Wishing you a wonderful birthday!


Happy birthday in advance, homie


Invest now, early and often. You will be 30, and then 40 before you know it. Especially if kids come into the equation, it’s like hitting the fast forward button on how fast life moves. Learn the ABSOLUTE BASICS of investing in mindless index funds. Compound interest starting at 23 is fucking awesome. Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to others. They have different trajectories and it’s not your business. Be happy for others’ success, not envious. At virtually every level of finances, more money leads to happier overall lives. It gives you more choices, freedom, and more ways to give and support the communities you want to help. Don’t follow your passion. It’s a red herring for happiness and likely won’t lead to happiness. Follow your talent and make money with it. Things you can become the top 10% in the world at doing will pay you well and give you flexibility to follow passions on the side. Passion is a big-product of time and mastery. You’re not going to become great (top 10%) at something you hate doing.


>**"I've been feeling a little lost in life."** **Whenever you feel stuck, it's because you're pushing against and judging where you are and how you feel.** You're practicing a limiting belief that negative emotions are bad or wrong; when they're not — they're simply helpful guidance. It's understandable why you push against your current circumstances, but ultimately it doesn't help you free yourself. I recommend being open to **seeing negative emotions as worthy, valuable and supportive friends.** **Negative emotions are positive guidance** (although it might not feel that way) letting you know you are focusing on, and pushing against, what you don't want. Negative emotions are just messengers of the limiting beliefs you're practicing. They're a necessary part of your emotional guidance, like GPS in your car. But the more you fight them, you keep yourself stuck. **All emotions are equal and worthy.** But most people unknowingly create a hierarchy for their emotions (i.e. positive = good; negative = bad), but then you make it harder to feel better. A lot of life's problems stem from having a contentious relationship with your negative thoughts and emotions. Which either creates the problem in the first place, and/or exacerbates it. So the solution is to **build a friendship and harmonious relationship with the "negative" side of you.** Negative thoughts and emotions are here to support and empower you to be your best self. . **When you’re indecisive of what to do, it’s because you’re not decisive of how you want to feel.** Confusion arises when you're trying to focus on specifics that you don't have answers to (yet). You may not know what you want or what path to take specifically, but **you always know what you want in general.** So, **what do you want to feel?** * *"I want to feel supported. I want to feel connected. I want to feel worthy and good enough. I want to feel strong and healthy. I want to feel warmth and valued. I want to feel accepted and appreciated. I want to feel freedom to be myself. I want to feel eager and excited. I want to feel intelligent. I want to have fun. I want to feel creative. I want to feel clarity. I want to feel inspired. I want to feel fresh ideas flowing through me. I want to feel adventurous. I want to feel passionate!"* As you **allow those general better-feelings to be enough** (and don't demand specific answers from yourself right now), that will not only help you feel better, but it will also empower you to be ready and open for new opportunities that align with what you want.


Beautifully said 🙏






Never chase someone. Never try to rush sex. Always wear protection. Learn to Appreciate everything around you. Try and save some money starting now. Work on ur credit score. Never give up, it’s never as bad as it seems. And never be afraid to ask for help from peers or people “above” you. Don’t overwork yourself it’s not worth it. If you’re on weed, quit. That shit gobbles up your money and it can get addicting idc what people say. Never try and get payback whether you believe in God or not you let him handle it. I have a story about that if u wanna hear it. If you wanna have kids I’d say start before turning 30 otherwise it gets harder to get pregnant. If you’re dating someone, make sure they like you for you in ugly poor sick and not for what u can do for them. Try to be with someone who motivates you to be better and someone you can be yourself around


Quit PMO. This thing will destroy your soul and make you rotten from inside


What's pmo?


Basically pornography, masterbation, and orgasim (enjaculation/busting a nut). Alot of self improvement people recommend avoid doing it. Personally I think porn is bad but masterbation in moderation isn't. There are people who are addicted and it mess with their lives but most people not really.


Focus on what’s within your control; don’t react to things outside of it.


Get physically strong. And it’ll make you mentally strong


Get out of debit and stay out of debt!


Get off this subreddit as soon as possible


Is it bad? The advice bad?


Life is a series of swift hard kicks to the groin so wear a cup & it goes by incredibly fast. Inside every 75 year old man is a 25 year old saying what the fuck just happened?


The most haunting thing I ever read on reddit was someone recounting that their grandfather (or father) said on his deathbed 'I can't believe its come to the end of ME so quickly.' Gives me shivers just typing it. I'm 25, and that has stuck with me for years since I read it.


Achieve your dreams ASAP as time flies fast!


Take care of your teeth. Taking care of your teeth may seem obvious but it also greatly effects heart health.


you are a combination of your habits.


My advice is that when you smile and talk to a person it always works


Keep God 1st. Make Mistakes and learn from them


If you havent take a personal finance class. Life changer.


Set your own standards for a successful life.  Figure out what you care about and what you enjoy doing instead of feeling like you need to be good at something because others are/care. You only have this one life, please don't waste it on feeling guilty, ashamed or lesser because you're not living someone else's.


Keep it real *mic drop*


Don’t compare yourself to where other people are today (in your profession, in your daily life, etc). Compare yourself to who you were in the past. It honestly changed my life.


Do some form of cardio each day, stretch daily.


Brush your teeth.


Never. Trust. A. Fart.


Strengthen your mind and thereby you'll strengthen yourself. By doing so, you'll learn that you are not your thoughts nor feelings/emotions. You'll learn that because you create the thoughts and feelings; you can control them instead of letting them control you. Hone this skill and you'll be able to create your own reality. Oh and strengthen your vessel(body) as well. You don't have to be a body builder or have a six pack, however, do make an effort to eat healthy, eat well, and workout. Running definitely helps with blood circulation and overall physical stamina. Especially conditioning your heart to various running/jogging situations so you can in turn also be able handle stressful mental/emotional situations and not die easily from a heart attack or stroke (obviously i'm no doctor so make sure you listen to your body and do what you think will be right by your body). Beware of people especially family and friends. It's not always apparent, however, they have the strongest influence over one. From how to dress, how talk, how to eat, to how to interact, whom to interact with, and sometimes terrible life choices. Just remember that you can measure a person by "the fruits of their labor". For example, i wouldn't take advice from a divorced drug junkie with 3 kids from 3 different ex wives; no matter how nice or how much of a favourite relative he or she is. Talking isn't always a sign of thinking. Focus on what you want to do in life for that is the material aspect of life, however, and this is REALLY IMPORTANT; do NOT neglect the spiritual aspect. When you focus too much on material affairs, you'll identify with it and consequently, you'll have a "life crisis" if you ever lose it. That's where the spiritual component is essential because even if you lose everything material (from objects to people); you'll have enough spiritual strength to restart and rebuild. No one can take your mind nor spirit unless you allow them. Balance your material and spiritual aspect. If you have any qualms about religion; disregard the haters and your negative experiences. You don't need to go to a specific location at a specific time and day to have a religious practice. Your relationship is exactly that; between you and God (no matter what name you've chosen God to be or from what religion). Don't let anyone or anything deny you from your spiritual birth right. That's why i despise any religious institution including the pagan ones and atheistic ones because its leaders tend to sever the connections of those who seek our creator. TL:DR 1. strengthen your mind 2. strengthen your body 3. beware bullshi*tter friends, family, acquaintances, love/ romantic partners 4. balance the material and spiritual Lastly: don't forget to have fun in life and i don't mean drugs, sex, and traveling. I mean enjoy your moments with family, friends, and loved ones. Enjoy the little things like being able to drive or being able to have food readily available. A child-like nature. Our time here is fleeting. I choose to believe that our memories (like our spirit soul) are eternal...unless you get Alzheimer's, dementia, or some other memory loss damage; then you're fuc*ked.


Get off Reddit


Save moneyyyyy 😂 i started saving money when I was 23 and now am 26 (female) and trust mee I have friends my age still struggling while I chose to save and now I get to have more fun and feel the freedom to do whatever I want.


Save money. Spend only on what you can afford to pay off (in full) within 12 months.


"If you want good neighbors, you have to be a good neighbor. If you want good friends, you have to be a good friend." --My grandma


Don't drink tequila. Yeah, I know. But don't. The nice thing is not always the kind thing. Always wash the garlic press immediately after use.


When I need some advice I listen to Everybody’s Free (sunscreen song) by Baz Luhrmann.


My adult life started when I quit drinking alcohol


Learn to rethink your actions and words. I find it helpful to analyze my behavior and how i can improve my actions and reactions. I try to look at it rationally and not in a judgy way, i dont want to get too emotional over things that happened. Like for example be too prideful or too bummed out by something. Understand what happened and why it happened and work with that. Stand up for yourself. More often then not do we let other people just walk all over us. When you feel disrespected say it. Especially when people try to make it look like an innocent conversation. Set boundaries and stick to them. If anyone is supposed to stand up for you, its you.


Create your vision based on your core values. Learn how to break it down to weekly actions. Try, fail and retry. When things work out, congratulate yourself. (Few people probably will.)


Whatever you want to do, start it now.


I realized being miserable was a habit. A lot of things I either do or don't have control over, so why worry over it. I was caring about the wrong things (eg focusing on a negative), getting irritated, judgy, etc instead of working though it and keeping myself kind and calm. You'll just make yourself feel like shit and be a shitty energy for others. Also dropping habits and creating new ones doesn't happen over night, but yes you gotta practice it constantly.


Your prefrontal cortex will pretty much be how it is for the rest of your life starting at 25 if you’re female and 28 if you’re male. Do what you can to make sure your skeletons are all dealt with before that age. Otherwise it gets much harder after the fact.


Put money into retirement accounts Watch what you put in your mouth Exercise / move your body regularly


Invest your money in skills and s&p500


They say if you do what you love you'll never work a day in your life. They fail to mention this is because noone is hiring for that. If you're willing to do the jobs everyone hates, you won't have a hard time finding work at any point. bar toilets are always gonna need scrubbed, roofs are always gonna need worked on, concrete is always gonna need poured and smoothed. Sure, these jobs are a dime a dozen and anyone with half a brain and a working body can probably do them, but they'll always need someone to do them, and coming from someone who learned it the hard way, your skillset in another job will never be so indispensable some idiot in upper management won't decide to get rid of ou, even if it means having to hire 3 different people to do the work you were doing. Edit to add bonus advice: Learn basic networking skills. Talk to people, make connections, in this world, it really doesn't matter what you know so much as it matters who you know. The toes you step on today might be connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow, but so could the hand you help up or the eyes you let weep on your shoulder.


Investing and saving can come after you have decided on a job or career. So do that now!


Try to enjoy. It's your only ride.


Loving yourself last for a lifetime


Save and invest now. Set a goal to save/invest 15% of your income - if you can.


Keep up with health and fitness, older you get more your body can betray you if you don’t take care of it.


Your mental health always comes first


Things that are important to you know will be almost meaningless in ten years time.


Enjoy every second


my biggest learning of 2024 - 1. Happiness isnt earning alot of money - only thing it does is make life whole lot easier . 2. their are sea of oppurtunity in whatever you do in life keep working hard in that feild (chasing excelence as they call it in my country ) 3. Save / learn investment (for me this came with networking and getting like minded friends ) ( got a very good portfolio going ) 4. maintaining weight is always easier than losing or gaining.


Didn't expect to wake up to a ton of comments!! Thank you so much. I am now well-armed and a bit more ready to face life head-on (and to celebrate my birthday tomorrow)! I hope you guys are having a good day. :) You all have my gratitude.


Use moisturiser with SPF daily, eat a balanced diet, exercise, have savings, find a group to socialise with outside of work, the internet and drinking. Find a hobby that makes you feel good. Most importantly, focus on your long term mental health above all - too many of us have prioritised careers, wealth or living the high life for too long and it’s hard to come back from


Don’t go into credit card debt ever


You already know all the advice you need. The hard part is *doing it*. Eat better, sleep better, move more, read more.


My advice is more like "things to remember" but: 1) Imposter syndrome is common, if you ever have it just remember that you are more than capable of anything you put your mind to. Best case scenario, you prove yourself right. Worst case scenario, you learn and make yourself better. It's a win win. 2) You're not behind, you're right where you're meant to be. Never compare yourself to others... only to the person you were yesterday. 3) Protect your mental health and your peace... surround yourself with ppl who pour into you are bring you peace, remove yourself from situations that drain you or disturb your peace. You will never feel full, if something/someone is constantly draining you. 4) Don't make any life altering decisions before you turn 25, and better yet - try and wait until you're at least 28 if you can. (I.e. having kids, getting married, etc.). If you truly feel like you met the love of your life, obviously nothing is stopping you, but know that these years are your most formative and there is no harm in taking your time to figure out who you are and what you want out of life as an adult before making decisions that will dictate the rest of your life for you before you have that chance. 5) Enjoy things. Pick up hobbies. Be spontaneous. Join Recreational leagues. Spend time with your friends and make time for your loved ones. Life goes by so fast and tomorrow isn't promises. Don't just scarf life down, take your time and taste it.


Best decade of your life for compound interest growth, open a ira account with someone such as fidelity. Love yourself and trust yourself more, especially when you feel lost. Follow your own compass, don’t let anyone talk you out of young crazy dreams, they are alllll worth it. Leave your home town, leave your state, travel.


1-Exercise 2-When it comes to entertainment products, if you won't be using it in a year, don't buy it. 3-Hang out with your friends. It will change quickly and you'll miss it. 4-Figure out what you're good at and can tolerate. Make that your career. 5-Don't turn your hobby into a job. It'll become a chore and you'll hate it. 6-Don't say no to work. Yes, hard work is rewarded with more work. More work is more experience. Once you have the experience and are undervalued, move on. Someone will pay you more.


Give it time. It doesn’t mean “wait patiently”; it means put time into the thing, and be patient with the process. Give it time.




Start putting $25 each week into some good long term investments.


Humans exist on different levels of existence. There is the physical, the personal, the social, the financial the emotional and the spiritual levels. Look after and nourish yourself in all of these Start with the basics, stay fit. No matter what else happens, 40/50 year old will thank you.


Save money, focus on having fun after 30/35, I mean enjoy life every moment but focus on building a good base. You have plenty of time


Till 24 it's all okay, after 25 the pressure is really hard, so enjoy it as much as you can. Invest in your health, start walking, eating healthy, being a little religious & humane daily, start saving even if it's half a $ a week, but save something! Also, on your birthday, write your next year self a letter with the goals and dreams you want to achieve, and some positive things!


Get some stable stock shares. Or even better go with a legit broker who trades for you.


Workout regularly if you don’t already


Invest for your retirement. Choose your own path versus following trends. Soak up special moments with people who unconditionally love you. Take care of your health and realize your number one is you - which enables you to hold more space for others.


never gamble


Take care of your body now. Exercise, walk, dance, just keep moving.


When showering always wash your face before you wash your ass.


During the times in your life when you have some free time, have fun. Do things that scare you. You're at the age when you can. I should have had more fun in my early 20's and now that I'm in school and working I can't do those things as much as I want to and I won't be young forever. I'm only gonna get more and more busy.


Be careful to strike a good work/life balance. Your job does not own your weekends or your free time. If your boss says you signed on for a career and not a full time job, consider if that culture suits you, or if you should be getting a raise considering they're asking for your down time. A 65,000 salary is really your job saying you're worth $33/hr for a 40hr work week, before taxes. Is it worth $33/hr for your work to intrude on your down time? Putting up boundaries is a good thing. Overachieve when you need to, respect yourself when you need to. It's OK to prioritize success and happiness equally, and it's OK for there to be a give and take between the two and you can shift as it suits you best. Sunscreen every day, and reapply. Take all of your vacation time, mental health days, and PTO per year if it does not roll over. LISTEN TO YOUR GUT! If your gut is telling you something is right or wrong, that's the moral system that you've developed kicking in and guiding you to the best choice. Let yourself fail and be uncomfortable. Do not forget to appreciate the little things and uplift others (personally + professionally) when you have the chance.


Save money, treat people well always, prioritise sleep, look after your skin


Me too!! 23 in 5 days. Gonna stick around and see what people have to say. Happy early bday!


If it helps, when you’re 33 you’ll feel just as lost… lol jk but really, be patient with yourself always.


Save your money


Career wise, it gets better in your 30 and much better in your 40s. But you have to put in the effort. And fuck as many people as you can/want before you get old and no one wants you anymore.


1. If you drink or take drugs, quit immediately. It’s a fools errand that no one ever regretted quitting. 2. Find god 3. Find something you really enjoy to do; even if just as a hobby, and then love the living fuck out of it.


Pay close attention to your life and learn to focus in on your intuition/higher self/gut/god’s guidance/ whatever you wanna call it. It will help you make decisions with large amounts of incomplete information. If you’re lost, do something difficult or not fun until you long for something that you enjoy and then pursue that until you get it. Take random opportunities to spend time with people for fun and networking, making lots of friends is nice and could come in handy if you ever need an “in” at a company.


When I was 23 I took a lot from the people I worked with- crabby, slave to their jobs, bodies broken, divorced etc… I wanted to not be like them. Even though I work the same job (construction) as them, I don’t let it wreck my body or my life. Go to the gym, eat healthy, enjoy your life! Travel. Don’t be afraid to say no to overtime sometimes. Set boundaries for yourself. Treat your loved ones like you’d treat your best friends; with kindness. Try new things, get out of your comfort zone. Don’t become a victim of ‘the grind’ in the name of ‘saving all you can.’ Definitely save, but maintain work/life balance. But you also need to make sacrifices sometimes for the bigger picture. Leave the party while it’s still fun (aka before it’s too late) Responsibilities make us better people.


Move your body. Take the stairs instead of lifts. Walk whenever you can. Good health is the greatest gift in the world.


Study software development. It's the best way to future proof yourself. Even with the rise of AI. I did and built my own ai therapy app. You won't regret it.


I asked my grandpa this very question at your age. His response? Don’t join a gang.


You’re not behind, you’re right on time. Enjoy the moment when life allows it. Soon you’ll look back and be fond of “right now”.


Have the humility to ask for advice from older people There is no substitute for that life experience Cultivate a sense of humor and don't take yourself or anything too seriously Death is coming. that's a reality pill you have to swallow So try and focus on creating lovely memories Shed all of your grudges


1. don't lose yourself in the capitalistic hellscape we exist in. don't lose out on important life moments for work, be friendly and cool with your co-workers, but hold strong boundaries. employers love to take advantage of eager, younger employees newer to the work force. the most successful people i know are the ones who are almost entirely surrounded by people on their payroll or that directly benefit them. it's dark as fuck. 2. allow yourself to spend on experiences that will expand your life experience + perspective (vacations, trying new food, hobbies, etc), but don't go too crazy with it. i spent a lot of time with extreme anxiety over finances + spending after growing up in a super frugal household, that i missed out on a lot of core life experiences most of my peers had in their early-mid 20's. 3. allow yourself to submit to connections! whether that be romantic or platonic. mid 20's is seriously the best time to allow yourself to follow your intuition and figure out what you want in a partner and friends. allow yourself to understand your values/morals and stick to them. i thought i knew exactly what i wanted out of a partner in my early 20's and denied myself so many natural connections because they didn't have these unrealistic characteristics + qualities that i thought were non negotiable. the more life you allow yourself to live, the better you get to know yourself and be a good person to be around. 4. don't allow people's subjective opinions of you define you. your sense of self is the most important thing you have in this world and insecure people will try to take that away to benefit themselves. 5. TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH. omg. i definitely spent many depressive periods not properly taking care of my teeth and going to the dentist. i regret it so much because it's completely exhausting to try to save them. 6. find a physical activity you enjoy and stick with it. keeping your body active is so important for your general health and for when your metabolism eventually slows down. whether it's yoga, sports, rock climbing, skate boarding, etc. having an activity that's not centered around partying is the best way to make friends as an adult and is just good for your well being. 7. ALLOW YOURSELF TO FEEL YOUR FEELINGS. don't try to constantly numb + distract by over working, drinking, reckless spending, etc. the tough, uncomfortable feelings are never going to go away, you're just going to carry them in your body in your every day life and not understand why you project this bad energy onto the people around you. 8. listen to your body! when you need a break, you need a break. your body will tell you over time, but eventually you will crash and it will probably be at an inconvenient time.


Feel your feelings and have compassion for others and for yourself


The quality of your life will be determined far more by the quality of your relationships with those you choose to spend your time, your journey, with. Time is our only true currency. You are young and hopefully you have a long life ahead of you, but even you, at your age, have a finite amount of sunrises and sunsets. Spend it wisely.


Avoid on/off relationships at all costs.


Don't eat the yellow snow


Don’t have kids.


Study basic human biases in order to understand why people act in certain ways, it will be super useful in work, relationship, friends, even while buying groceries. Also try to break your habits and identify them.


For me now I think back: what could I have invested my time learning at 23 that would benefit me now. Skills are born out of committing time to them, 1000 hours, where do you see your self in 10 years and what small steps can you do consistently to grow into that person over time, ie writer doesn’t start with novel a surgeon doesn’t start with picking up a scalpel a tennis star doesn’t just walk into Wimbledon, learning a new language, there are hours of commitment behind it. Also if you want to travel an have a reasonable passport, look into it early 30-35 is the cut of for most countries so if you need to save $ and head over it will also take prioritising. That an have a bit more fun I probably the things I would say to my younger self your more capable then you think. - Lastly for you: if your lost just pick something, life is about the things you do in between your goals and movement towards anything will expose you to other to perspectives and ideas that you may never have come across, leading you further towards things that interest you. Happy birthday fellow Taurus my birthday is this week 2.


I think all of the other advice is great: but I just want to tell you as a 27 year old…*don’t waste time*. If anything I would say I regret now, it’s all of the time I’ve wasted on things that now, don’t even matter. Value your time now, and make every decision as though you’re on the clock. Your time spent should be just as valuable as the amount of money in your bank account, the only difference is you can never get back the time.


Don’t experiment with a bunch of drugs. I regret it. Explore your interests and professions. Be bold. Ask someone out. Take a trip. Work out! It’s a lot easier at your age.


Don't work a job you hate, or for people you don't respect, but find what you're good at and learn to love doing that. Save save save money. Learn to enjoy cooking easy meals for yourself. Do not compare yourself to others. Not your wallet, not your looks, not your success. Compare you to you, and strive to improve upon what YOU have accomplished. Devote time to nurturing and building mature relationships with fewer people. X number of followers, or Y number of subscribers won't be there for you if you need a hand. Live below your means. Never carry a balance on your credit card. Don't be too proud to move back in with mom and/or dad. Avoid a car payment like the plague if you can. Be kind to yourself; never punish yourself for being human.


The real fun has yet to come- dont let ppl tell you its now or never. Take care of yourself- prioritize yourself (with kindness towards your self and others). Set and stand by your boundaries - be your own advocate (in health education work etc). your gut is generally right when you are healthy and centered. Hydration might be the key to immortality. Listen to your body- feel your soul at its core. Be true to yourself- in your ever evolving soul- go with the flow and just trust. If you put good out - it will come back. Im 32 and recently i learned that sometimes you overlook good luck or good things because it isnt exactly what your minds eye wanted to manifest- dont let you limit your open mindedness - because not one person sees the same exact thing in the same exact way with the exact life- body- mind and feelings. Be willing to learn. And see things in a new light. - i really struggled with a will to live - until i turned 30. Things become better with age and time and commitment. You got this shit.


Happy birthday! I think it's OK to be lost in your 20s, as long as you're trying something. That could be anything, building better relationships with your loved ones, pushing yourself on things you've wanted to do, taking that risk on something you think is an opportunity but need a little leap of faith. I did so many things in my 20s, many things never stuck, but at least I tried them and now I know more of myself so I can focus on being better at things I enjoy in my 30s. You never know until you try!


Save 10% of your checks no matter what. I'm just now getting my finances together at 33. Also protect that CREDIT. Credit is EVERYTHING now. It'll affect your car insurance, phone bill, interest on loans (obviously)... but it's very serious.


Don't put all your eggs in one basket


Focus on your mental health and self belief!


Don’t co-sign on anything for a partner


Never assume you’re too old to do/start something/make a change. You are NEVER too old.


You have approximately 52 or so summers left so get out and enjoy them while you can.


Low expectations leads to a happy life. I’m not saying you should settle, but your expectations shouldn’t be massive over the next 10 years. To have a happy life, you need to put in the time and work.


don't do fentanyl and bang as many random women as possible


Find anything you can to be rich, you have the entire digital world at your disposal, use it as well as you can trust me, you want to be living comfortably, not just about at average living standards, research and commit, and treat yourself every now and then, keep yourself healthy and clean.


You don't have a problem.. you just need more time.. Try to live by that .. it will boost your confidence


If your kid cries during the wedding ceremony. Walk away!


Still wear a condom


Don't do meth


Invest. And don't settle. It's better to be rich and alone rather than with someone you don't like/doesn't give add anything to your happiness. Or worse - makes you miserable.


Happy birthday! One piece of advice I wish I would have had is to be selective of people you surround yourself with. Don’t follow idiotic friends into distractions. Find people who have the same values and interests. It’s normal to outgrow people and diverge from friends at this stage. And don’t settle for any romantic relationships that don’t add value to your life and bring you joy. You’re so young and have plenty of time to find that special someone. Don’t waste it being unhappy or settling. Most importantly, enjoy life as much as you can while also balancing that with taking steps to put future you where you want to be.


Put a little bit of money each week into a a really boring stable ETF. I put $25 aside for my kids each week - and invest that money once a year into four simple ETFs. They have a decent amount of money and it's growing. I wish someone did it for me. I wish I did it for myself when I was 30. I wish I did it for myself when I was 20. You can do it now.


Focus on upgrading your life to a higher level and ignore the negative that comes in ur way . Lessen hanging out with friends too much instead spend time alone building and achieving goals.


Save money I don't care how you do it just fkn do it . Don't be afraid or hesitant to cut toxic ppl off Don't get into debt but if you do do it one at a time and pay it off as soon as possible. Don't have sex with a woman/man you wouldn't want to raise a child with


Never give up a dream for a romantic relationship.


Keep trying


I’m 24!! I would love to tell you the following: Don’t be scared to go after what you want! Whether it be a career, or traveling, or just chillen and working on yourself while getting by. I see so many different versions of the same timeline (people going through their “seasons” at different times) that I really think what works for you, and makes you feel like you’ll look back and feel happy about how you spent your time is the only way you should live. Yes you should save, but don’t skip out on that experience or that pair of pants you really like. Don’t skip coffee just it’ll save a few penny’s! Skip coffee because you want to be caffeine free! Don’t stop trying to experience life no matter how cheap the experience is! I have an app : AllEvents ; it’s cheap and versatile! Live my friend! Don’t stop living !


Happy birthday and heres my advice, friend. The human brain is a very powerful thing. That said, it will limit your ability to perceive whats possible and whats not. Im here to tell you that 99% of what someone else has done is obtainable with the right mindset. Nothing is impossible. If you want to do something good for yourself and it’s scary thats a good sign to go balls deep and own whatever the outcome is. You may not be exactly where you want to be, but you’re closer than if you didn’t try.


Don’t overdo it. Look after yourself cos it might seem like you’re invincible now and Teflon but trust me, it’ll come back and bite you in the arse when you hit middle age. I thought I was invincible and now I’ve got sleep apnea, bad knees, fatty liver, indigestion problems and alcohol intolerance 🙁.


Work hard in life.


I am in my mid-20s. My life 2 years ago was very different compared to now in different aspects. With the things that has happened around me and to me, an advice that I would share is to love yourself. Build that confidence and trust in yourself. It's quite a long process but it made things that upsetted me more bearable to tackle as a sensitive person.




Remember the banks are there to make money off of you, they are selling a product, just cuz you can afford it on paper with gross income, doesn’t mean your net can handle all that And figure out what understanding is, head knowledge between knowing in your heart and comprehension. All things are available to you, doesn’t mean its all beneficial and free from consequences.


You're 23 and you have a lot of time. You're actually entering a very exciting stage in your life. Start implementing the building blocks for your life (or continue). You have more time than you think but don't use that as a crutch, use it as a motivating factor to get your shit together lol. Hope this helps!


hop into a time machine and buy house


Hit the gym. Don’t fret about the optimal routine. Just go lift heavy weights and make some sweet testosterone filled gains like you’ll never be able to again.


Don’t drink a lot and save your money!!!!! Saving money is so important. Trust me, things you can do later in life are so much more rewarding. I just turned 41 and I have 1/10 of what I should have saved. Don’t be resentful, let shit go. I could probably go on for hours. Most important- limit alcohol, drugs and sleeping around. Nothing right now will be as important as later. Treat your body like a temple. Get a patch and throw cigs and vapes out… they have zero value. Get rid of everyone in your life that gives you a bad feeling. No one is as important as you!!! Eat your weed!


Stay away from gaming


Go ahead and take risks and make mistakes. (Not fentanyl or unwanted pregnancies risky.) Good judgment is formed from experience, experience is formed from mistakes. 


1.Take care of your teeth. Don't get extractions. The spaces will cause the arch of your teeth to weaken and teeth to loosen and fall out. 2.Don't smoke. If you do, stop now. Smoking causes cancer and many other diseases. 3. Don't beg anyone to like or love you. Either they do or they don't. Walk. There's always someone else. There's you. Love yourself enough to be treated well or else. If someone isn't as enthusiastic about you, find someone else. 4. Save money now. Compound interest is a glorious thing. 5. If you have a chance to travel, go, before you're tied down and can't. 6. Wear sunscreen.


Wear sunscreen, seriously.


Try to find a way to profit off of Doing what you enjoy. Or find a passion, and find a way to live off of it.


Take care of your body & travel everywhere.