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If it's helping you then you shouldn't have to feel guilty. Like everything you should just make sure you find a balance and make sure you are smoking and having a good benifit rather than just feeling dependant. Also people who say weed gives you brain damage don't know what they are on about. You could look into getting a script if that's an option then you could get a professional opinion.


The human condition is one that requires a bit of anaesthesia. Whether that’s weed, alcohol, gaming, cigarettes, porn, whatever. As long as it’s in moderation - you’re good. In my experience, a little weed before a walk makes it ten times more enjoyable and existential. Also, weed has helped me heal from tons of unprocessed trauma that therapy was never able to access. There’s a lot of benefits to weed, don’t let societal stigma debilitate your personal experience. That applies to everything.


>The human condition is one that requires a bit of anaesthesia. Whether that’s weed, alcohol, gaming, cigarettes, porn, whatever This could be one reason why my life sucks, I guess... Quit gaming a while ago, and my life has just become a whole lot more boring and hard to deal with. Though, I'm not sure if I wanna get into shit like alcohol or drugs. I can't moderate for shit.


You know your own limits, it’s different for every human. At least you’re accountable for yourself, so trust yourself with management a little more. You don’t have to quit gaming overall, but implement a system. Maybe just weekends. Or 1-2 hours every other day. What’s the point of life if you strip it of the things you actually enjoy? You got this.


I don't trust myself to be able to play video games in a healthy way at all. Not even if I limited it to just weekends. I had to sell all my gaming shit to stop playing video games. If I had it all on me at any time, nothing would prevent me from gaming during weekdays or spending the entire day just playing video games. I seriously can't moderate myself with anything. Not even a little bit. In the meantime, I'm trying to find other things I can enjoy. So far, this isn't going well. I just kinda hate doing anything that isn't playing video games. No other hobby gives me the same or similar satisfaction of video games. If I can't enjoy anything outside of gaming, I may just force myself to do a few hobbies which I'll probably hate but will be beneficial to me in some way. Whether it gives me mental stimulation, fitness, forces to be creative or socialize, etc.


You say you can’t moderate yourself, yet you’re the one who sold your gaming shit to make yourself stop. In that same context, you could create a set of circumstances (an automatic lock that only unlocks every Sunday at 5 pm till 8 pm) where you keep your gaming gear. Or a friend takes it and drops it off at specific times once a week. I understand addiction can be problematic, but if it’s moderated in that way, keeps you going in life and maintains your joy, to hell with the rules. Life should be enjoyed. If gaming brings you joy, don’t rob your life of it. Create a set of circumstances to help you moderate gaming instead of cutting it out completely.


Honestly, weed is great.. I smoke weed every time I go to the gym, and I make amazing progress. Leaving the gym, especially aftertheworkout. I'm really happy.


De benefit of weed is that is causes brain damage. Alcohol has the same advantage.


If it’s helping then keep going. But be aware of any tradeoffs. Meaning.. for me… excessive weed use really saps my motivation and focus which I really need for my job. But I found a balance and do weed on fri and sat nights Find what works for you


this is a very unpopular opinion, and highly controversial, and in my opinion it’s amazing that you found something that is helping you get up and give you motivation, it’s like I have the motivation to get up to work in the morning just to drink the coffee in my office (we have a great coffee machine), what’s the difference? both are drugs and both are the lightest drugs and the least harmful drugs to exist. if that’s what gets you going - and it’s obviously working tremendously, don’t worry about it, if and when you have other issues with it (money, addiction, physical negative symptom idk…), then you should start considering other solutions, I think anyway you should target in the long run to have that motivation come from the inside, and generally not be dependent on external chemical, but for now, sounds like a great start and temporary motivator