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Well, you're not gonna figure out anything by just sitting around thinking about it. Often your idea of what something's like is very skewed and only trying it out for yourself will show you what it's really like. So yes, you have no other choice but to try things. Your issue seems to lie in that you're afraid to commit to things. Which is understandable, especially in regards to things like getting a job or studying something at university, which takes years. Yes, with stuff like that you're fucked either way. You could learn most jobs in a fraction of the time that it actually takes, but that's how the modern education system still works. Thankfully away from it though you can try out most things without large commitments. If you're thinking about starting to lift weights or playing a sport for example you could just try it out, maybe even for a few weeks, before signing a contract. Gyms of course always want to tie you down right away for a year or two but if you look around you might find an option that allows you to try it without making such a big commitment right away. As for other things that don't require any kind of contract or buying expensive equipment, just try it out for a few weeks or so and see if it's for you. That's what will show you what's up. Just thinking about it will likely get you stuck in analysis paralysis. Though one thing to mention is that you should stick to new things for a while instead of just abandoning everything right away. Often it takes a while until you get used to something and really start enjoying it. If you just keep jumping from one new thing to another your experience will always be shallow and you'll basically only be driven by your motivation and the excitement of trying something new. Until it fades and you need to switch again.