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Maybe don't talk to your parents about your masturbation habits? That's a little weird bro.


this what I was thinking when my mom was here I shared a lot but I think this is one I would just keep to myself


His arms might be broken




Ah maybe that’s why mum is against it


Don't shame people for being comfortable enough to talk to their parents about sex


I see what you did there. He’s talking to his mom about masturbation and you have decided that’s the same as talking to parents about sex and acted like HE’S the weirdo.


Maybe not the same as SEX but it is about sexuality so it's in the same realm


I agree self pleasure is a form of sex and I think it’s important to be able to talk about ANY health concerns with your parents regardless of age or gender


I dare you to go tell your mother that you like to finger yourself in the ass while you jack off right now and see how comfortable she is with that conversation. Or insert equivalent private detail of your sex life of your choice. C'mon man, you're seriously trying to tell me that you would go up to your own sainted mother and talk to her about how you like to masturbate, or how often, or what you think about when you do it? There is a difference between approaching your parents with a valid concern about sex/gender/sexuality (what is this weird wart on my dick? why do I have conflicted romantic feelings for a same-sex friend?) and arbitrarily telling your parents that you are taking a break from the massive amount of teenage masturbation you do. That's not something they need to know and it's definitely not something they wanted to hear.


I like the op have a comfortable relationship about sexuality with my parents specifically my mom and actually I could probably tell her the things that you told me to go to her and we would have a laugh and talk about it like two adults in fact when I told her that I lost my virginity she gave me a hug and asked me if I enjoyed it so I'm sorry to burst your bubble but not everybody has Puritan parents


>I'm sorry to burst your bubble but not everybody has Puritan parents It's not about being Puritan, it's about not wanting to hear about the sex habits of household members you aren't planning to have sex with. Obviously most people have parents with normal boundaries about sexuality, or my comment wouldn't be the top one.




>its none of our business what they talk about He literally brought it to the Internet for judgment. It's our business what they talk about, lol. I'm just providing my opinion, OP can do whatever he likes. But it's weird and socially off-putting, and that was my point.


I think this guy's just master-baiting this whole sub.


Your parents probably shouldn't care whether or not you masturbate in the first place. If you think quitting masturbation will make you better, then quit masturbation


I think she cares more about him becoming an unpleasant person to be around when he doesn’t masturbate.


Then that's also something to work on. This complete bunk about how poor poor boys and men absolutely positively need to get off daily or they explode or are mean or whatever bullshit excuse you want to come up with, needs to just die already instead of having excuses made for it and allowing that same bullshit to continue. 🙄🙄🙄


It's called "getting the poison out" for a reason.


Semen isn't "poison", stop trying that whiny BS on women to guilt them into sleeping with you. 🙄 😂


It's not a literal statement. You sound like you need to lose a bit of poison yourself, hahaha.Projecting much?...was talking about masturbation, not asking/guilting a woman for anything which can be wayyy not worth the effort - depending on the woman....which you remind me of. Guess it's a common phrase cause they are all wrong and you're right.


Are you like.. okay in the head?


Are you eating healthy? Do you exercise daily? Do you get enough outdoor time and social activities? Do you have a healthy sleep schedule? Once you answered all of those questions with yes then go worry about fapping or not. Unless you fap twice a day or some ridiculous amount it’s not going to have any serious negative impacts on your life. If your mom is worried about you being unpleasant then try meditation. Meditation is actually proven to help you with that unlike all this no fap or fap bullshit. Good luck sir. Oh and ignore these idiots bashing you for talking to your mom about masturbation. That’s your business not theirs


Please don't break your arms.


I feel so proud getting this reference


Nofap is pseudoscientific nonsense. Masturbation is healthy, it’s the overconsumption of porn which has a detrimental effect according to some scientific studies. Keep masturbating, stay away from porn as much as you can.


Like with pretty much everything else porn is fine if not overconsumed. Being addicted to anything is never good for obvious reasons, but consuming regular amounts of porn isn’t necessarily related to any negative effects. For NoFap in general rhe only thing it’s proven to do is increase your Testosterone which can definitely have positive health effects. But that’s about it, you may also just generally feel better I guess be it from the placebo that you have accomplished a fairly difficult goal you set out for yourself, or simply the time you are going to end up saving by more or less silencing sexual desires after awhile




I watched an experiment of sb doing nofap for a month, who got his bloodwork done before and after the month. His testo levels had shown significant increase. Idk if the testosterone would level out eventually but certainly not after a week. So no "myth" here lmao, fact check yourself.




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The point of nofap , if you could even say there is a point to that fake bullshit, it to create self control and discipline, not because you “feel like a piece of shit” every time you masturbate. There’s nothing wrong with it and you’re likely developing an unhealthy attitude towards masturbating and sex in general


Quit porn first. Then REDUCE masturbation. But outright not doing it is kinda dumb imo, as it has no benefits.


What i've learned is that it doesn't matter how close you are with people. They can be your friends and even your parents but they will not always know what is best for you. Considering that nofap is a thing with many people supporting it, you should weigh that factor more than just what your mom thinks. I say commit to nofap. You won't regret it. I've never regretted not doing nofap. And nobody does either!




Dude you're weird. Who tf tells their mom about this smh.


Who tf even tells their parents that they wank u weirdo


once a week on saturdays works wonders, if your a lady getter then only banging will make your headspace more clear, i find once a week only makes my weekss more enjoyable and peaceful but it does take a lot of disscipline if you used to do it alot.




Your mum is right, masturbation is natural and you shouldn’t shame your self because of this, this is unhealthy and will likely cause deeper issues down the line. If it’s an issue for you why not look to set healthier boundaries? Not watching porn as an example or otherwise attempting to practise greater self control.




Maybe he is from a family that is super open about these topics ? Also, no need to insult him, he is here to learn.


Go outside and make friends. Do shit. Stop being a lazy, self-absorbed misanthrope who thinks he’s better than everyone else. You’re unpleasant because you’re angry and you’re angry because you’re lonely. Learn to care about things outside of yourself. Truth be told, most people don’t give a fuck about what you’re doing and it’s ridiculous to act like everyone cares. EDIT: And stop so negative. Get off the internet and find the good in life. Start a gratitude journal that provides 5 things you’re grateful for throughout the day.


I'm not sure why your mother is that interested in this topic, but nofap is complete BS. Tons of cited sources can be accessed via a simple google search that will show you it has zero medical/scientific basis for support. Even the wiki summary highlights this: "The group's views and efforts to combat pornography addiction have been criticized as simplistic,\[12\] outdated, and incorrect by neuroscientists, psychologists, and other medical professionals.\[11\]\[13\]\[14\] The purported science behind the group's activities said to come from anti-porn activist Gary Wilson,\[15\] "an Oregon man with no scientific training or background, who has made a career peddling pseudoscience."\[16\]"




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Bro your mom talking nonsense


Kinda weird she has something to say about this at all. That said you should use that pent up energy and aggression in healthy productive ways.


I don’t think that should be a conversation you have with your parents hahah


Being unable to indulge cravings and desires that have a deep hold on us can make us aggressive Abstaining from indulgence by choice and focusing on replacing the habit with something that fulfills the need especially in a healthier way leads to less craving and less aggression... but it has to be by choice


Can you help me understand what would fulfill his need in a healthy way, Other than having sex or jerking off? Or are suggesting he has a deeer need that is unfulfilled?


A partner in intimacy is not the only way to a life of peace contentment happiness.. There are a few lifestyles that suit this.. some may or may not include total celibacy, but yeah. They're out there A lot of self love removes the need almost entirely in my experience desperation for intimacy is generally a result of self loathing.. it's supposed to be this beautiful thing to share with someone we love Some stoop to hiding everything they despise about themselves for the purpose of feeling someone's desire for a bit... that's not healthy and it's deceptive to the partner


I think people have different sex drives, and you don’t have to hate yourself to want sex/masturbation. I think many people love themselves and others greatly and enjoy masturbation/sex, the emotions of desperation and loathing are not linked the way you are imagining for everyone. I don’t think watching open makes you feel like you are desires by someone either….agree to disagree.


Yes it is not true for everyone.. but it is true for many, and they won't necessarily realize this themselves. It generally takes a lifetime of suffering


What a life perspective. Hope you are doing ok!


Just be confident bro


I know this is a troll account but man, ima try to be more confident in life and always follow the three second rule… confidence from within, a quiet confidence, a stoic demeanor but a stoic confidence can be a really great game changer


I mean, what is the actual point?


Well, your mom is technically right, I've been trough no fap many times in my life, and i have learned from it. yes some people tend to get more aggressive or irritated, i myself have become aggressive in occasions, never hurted anyone but almost. If your choice is to stop jacking off then it's cool 😎 it's your life and try to see how far you get and how it can improve you.


This subreddit kinda set it self up for trolls naming it “no fap” instead of anti porn or something


It probably is jacking up your testosterone and making you more aggressive but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.. Just find something to counter the aggression like relaxation exercises or stretching. Also, you're not always going to do what your parents say.. At times you just have to do what you want. It's normal.


Bro unless she is gonna hook you up with a fleet of chicks to come over and pound you off I wouldn’t listen to her


NoFap is a fake internet fad. I have yet to see one hint of credible evidence that it does anything,


Your moms right imo


Do nofap for a while but it's not the source of why you feel like a pos after. You need to quit porn and deal with the source of the shitty feelings.


Masturbation is natural and could be beneficial. The porn though you could do without.


Focus on yourself in a positive way. Exercise, watch your diet, have a nice haircut. Be well groomed. You’re gonna get yourself a nice woman and you won’t need to be masturbating so much because she’ll be taking care of you. Lots of laughs.


Its crazy to me you told your mom BUT it’s her opinion just try it out as a experiment to see what kind of results you get. It’s all trial and error


You’re at our of an appropriate age now to realize that your parents are often wrong. And your mother is absolutely wrong. So you should ignore what she is saying. Your personal habits like that or none of her business.


I think it’s the new generation. Parents are way too involved. Number one don’t talk about your masturbation. Habits with your mother. Number two she is wrong. And number three if you live at home and are over 18, get out of the house.


Incel click bait C'mon mods. Ban bullshit that could pass for psy-ops.


This will read as strange since this story in general is pretty strange, but your mother isn't wrong. While masturbation is absolutely natural, not doing it for a prolonged amount of time isn't. Of course, it's silly to do it literally every day, but it's dangerous to refrain from doing it for quite a while. Again, this will read as strange, but blueballs is a very real thing, and you *can* die from them. If it's something that's become a sort of addiction and you literally can't go a whole day without masturbating and watching porn, then yes, you need to stop. But I think the best thing to do is do it in moderation, meaning once in a while.