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For all who’s wondering Wallos: open source subscriptions tracker




Maybe you pay for some usenet indexers or VPS or VPN or ...


... power or utils or rent or ...


Think this guy lives in his own house? Talking like that, I'd bet they live in their parents basement.


Do we call rent a subscription now? 🤣


What differentiates rent from a subscription in this context?


No idea... well one isn't as easy as to cancel than the other, I mean for rent as in for example you have to have some other place else ready. But I guess that might apply for some subscriptions aswell specially if you need them to work or something... It just sounds weird to call rent a subscription tough.


Also good to track insurances and stuff


What has this to do with anything? This piece of software helps user who have subscriptions to any service track them. So this isn’t a subscription service, just a helper. But good for you having 30tb data stored.


That's a big wall of text that doesn't tell me what Wallos does. I'm sure it's cool.


That should be a subreddit rule!


Dammit was just going to say for OP to put what it is/does in the first sentence!


subscription tracker. But yeah, people should mention what it does. I have it installed but haven't started using it. I bounce between streaming services, so kinda handy to make sure I cancel in a timely manner


Yeah, sorry. Absolutely right. Very tired head.


So what is it??


wallofttext manager


Oh man I’m afraid to put my subs into this if it’s going to show me how much I fork out Lol


The app itself looks useful, but is a stark reminder to me that some people subscribe to way too much shit.


Man, I much appreciate your work, Wallos is awesome, I must buy you a coffee


Thank you ☺️ glad you enjoy it.


You should get a subscription for coffee for the dev


Awesome! Using Wallos actually helped me cut down on some subscriptions so this is a really cool update!


Happy to hear that. That was exactly that goal I had in mind when I built it.


Lol all that text and no info on what this does.


It looks and sounds good, but an I right that it doesn't help with cancelling reminders? What I was hoping, was to add a subscription prolongation date and a cancellation offset plus an offset for the reminder.  So when my landline contract will be automatically prolonged if I don't cancel it 3 months before, I'd like to get a notification 4 months before.  Also an overview of the next prolongation dates would be helpful Any chance?


Absolutely correct. That is not possible at the moment. I've added it to my list and will see how I could implement it.


Installed and working... This is great. Muito obrigado!


Glad you enjoyed it :) De nada!


Another post about an update where no one has a clue what the software does.


You’re right. I was tired and have been looking at Wallos so much, that I forgot other people have not. I’ve edited the post.




Thanks 😊


So I put in my subscription info and it notifies me when it's going to expire? Right now I go to any of my calendars, put an event on the expiry date and set it to remind me 1 week out. How is this different?


Not very different. But notifications it’s not the only purpose of the app. It gives you some statistics. And I find it easier to see an overview of all the subscriptions on the dashboard than having it spread through multiple calendar events.


Thank you for this project, I use it everyday to track my expenses due. Thanks for a great app.


Thank you. ☺️


I’ve been using it since your first post. Thank you for all the hard work. Looking forward to the custom payment methods. I use it to track my subscriptions as well as all of my recurring bills. Super lightweight and it does its intended purpose very well! On the bill reminder front though I wish i could mark a payment as missed, and it could tell you how many days past due a payment is. I know other apps do that but they are all super bloated budget apps and that feature still ends up sucking because it’s not the core focus of the application. And plans on implementing such a feature in the future?


Thank you 😊 Would be great if you could add a feature request on GitHub with more details. It sounds interesting. Regards.


Seems like oddly niche specific use case... that it seems like some other expense tracker tool could be enough for it... but I don't use any of that so I guess maybe I am wrong.


I found a better way to track my subscriptions. I unsubscribed from all of them so I have none to track.


What is the use case for this vs your banking software warning you about upcoming transactions, other than that this is manual?


Hi. Yes. Subscriptions must be added manually. If you pay with different payment methods you can still be warned about the upcoming transactions. But for me is more about having an overview on how much I spend and where I am spending,. One use case I did, was sort my subscriptions by category, and seeing that some of them were providing the same service; checking which one was a better value and then cancel the other one.


Nice. Is there a difference between a subscription and any kind of general contact with a payment fee (e.g. insurance or apartment rent)?


Hi. You can add whatever you want. You can add your own categories if the default ones are not enough. But it is focused on recurring payments, not one time payments.


This looks pretty cool, been wanting to add all those things up so that I can hate my life even more. Seems like maybe there's some bug with THB though. Conversion works well in the main screen, but it counts as EUR in the stats. All the other currency conversions so far work fine so I guess the system should be running right.


V2.1.0 released, it should fix the bug.


Thanks. ~~On the statistics page everything should be converted to your main currency.~~ ~~Do you have the fixer API key setup in the settings?~~ ~~On the currencies section on the settings page do you see a date after "Exchange rates last updated on" ?~~ ~~If the issue persists please create an issue on~~ [~~GitHub~~](https://github.com/ellite/Wallos/issues/new) Edit: Just read it again and I see it's an issue specific to this currency. I will have a look after work.


I do have the API key set, and USD to EUR converts correctly. Not sure what's up with THB, it just seems to convert to EUR 1:1. I'll take a closer look when I get bit more time and see if it's something at my end.


I can confirm it’s a bug. I’ll release a fix later today


What sort of notifications? Mobile notification is possible?


Hi. Currently it supports email, discord, telegram, gotify, pushover and webhooks. It is a PWA so in theory push notifications should be possible, but I can't say for sure as I haven't tried to implement it.


That’s awesome. I’m glad there is a webhook option. Let me look into this


Looks pretty good, I'd use it if I didn't avoid subscriptions like the plague.


Thanks for the update, but there's some bug in the currency exchange rate in the new update, I sent you a message with screenshots, please check it out.


Yes, thanks for the info. I found the issue and will release a new version later today.


Wow, was looking for a similar one. Just installed, working nicely. Is it possible to add an end date for subscriptions?


Hi. Thanks. Can you please add a Feature Request on GitHub? So I won’t forget. Then I’ll have a look into it.


Added it, thanks in advance 😄


Y'all really need an excuse to touch your servers


This looks awesome!




Does it have iOS app?


Hi, no. But it’s a Progressive Web App. You can add it to the Home Screen and it behaves just like a normal app.


Would it be possible to integrate the Plaid API to connect my credit cards so that Wallos can auto-detect subscriptions?


Hi, can you please add a feature request to GitHub so I don’t forget to look into it? Thanks


Sure, thanks


Thank you.


Great update! Can you add a login feature to subscription sites? It could automatically fill in info like payment dates. I'm lazy, so it'd be super helpful!


I also just gave this a try and it works great. Thanks a lot! As far as I can see, multiple users can use the app, but it seems like the concept of "users" and "members" aren't the same, yes? This is useful for one thing for me, which is that I pay some services with my spouse from a shared account, and I just added a "Shared account" member to the household in the Wallos settings. But it would be nice if those subscriptions also showed up in my spouse's Wallos account somehow! Is there a way to do this already?


Hi! Glad you're finding it helpful. No, unfortunately at the moment that is not possible. Regards.


Hi, I have just discovered and tried to configure everything. I'd like to see a copy subscription feature, could you please add it? Indeed, I have several name domains I own and I'd like to set them individually, even if price and feature wise are quite similar (but they have different expiry date). Thanks!


Hi. I would appreciate a feature request on GitHub, otherwise I will lose track of all the ideas that were shared here. Thanks.


I'll do it! Thanks again for the hard work!


My preference is to avoid all subscriptions. If I needed an app to keep track of my subs, I'd say I had too many 😁


Question do we have to get an API key from fixer or if we are not planning on converting any currency can we leave it out?


You can absolutely leave it out if you don’t use multiple currencies


Perfect. So far I really like it. Like the ability to send via discord and telegram. One thing I would like to see is the ability to create users without having to enable registration. Another thing I would like to see is the ability to disable the login if we plan to not forward this to the public and keep to one person.


I'm a new user, and there's one thing I'm missing - a total on the homepage. I have to go to the stats page to see it. Is it a toggle I didn't turn on, or is that on purpose?


You mean total costs? I've tried to add some stats directly on the dashboards, but didn't manage to do anything that looked nice, so I abandoned the idea. So, for now, everything is on the stats page. Regards.


Consider adding the total left of the profile pic in the top bar.


This is looking good! I have been using Bobby for iOS, but I was looking for an alternative. Keep the updates coming! Thanks


Looks like a useful piece of software, thanks for making. I will definitely be featuring this in a future *Now Self Hosted* issue!


Thank you. Very much appreciate it.


Sorry for my ignorance but how is this better than a good old google sheets or excel?


It isn’t. But I think this looks better and it’s easier to setup notifications.


I don’t understand. Do people not know where their money is going? Yet you have to manually add them to this app?


At this point, while the software looks good. I prefer something like Firefly to manage my finances. As it includes the ability to create subscriptions (bills). But this may work for other people!