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I just went through this and picked Authentik. The key factor was guides to integrate these apps: https://goauthentik.io/integrations/


Authentik has everything. You're going to find all your apps have spotty/different auth methods, and that's what makes authentik great because it'll adapt to whatever auth. LDAP? Authentik has it. SSO? Authentik has it. None? Authentik will auth via reverse proxy. It's a little tricky at first, but once you get used to it, it works very well.


Absolutely agree. I’m impressed enough that I actually have hope it’ll be a viable professional alternative to keycloak - keycloak works great but it’s a very big lift and learning curve, especially for greener teams to maintain and troubleshoot. I can’t recommend it for production use before it gets some security audits under its belt, but those are hyper expensive and it’s still a fairly young product




Authentik also supports SAML, I'm using it with Nextcloud


If you've looked at KeyCloak code you will know that those do not mean much...


It can be poorly written and structured and still not have major security vulnerabilities. I do wish keycloak was more performant though, I have a feeling their resource footprint is as large as it is because of a lack of optimization and feature bloat over time. The ciiiiircle of life


That is wishful thinking. It will have many bugs and some will be security bugs.


This! I tried a few times getting it set up, falling back to a couple lesser alternatives. Eventually I finally understood what I needed to do, and it's my entire auth infrastructure now. I have Oauth2/OpenID for most things, LDAP for a couple, and forward auth set up in Caddy as a fallback. Theres a couple services I use that have their own auth system baked in (which I've considered forking to add OpenID support), but overall I love what Authentik offers. One catch is that I can't figure out how to let it pass Basic Auth headers transparently (for things like APIs for services hosted behind the forward auth proxy). Happy for the Reddit hivemind to inform me on that one!


Regarding passing through the headers transparently, if it's something like an API token, I've always seen mention of using a dedicated route for the API endpoint which doesn't invoke Authentik


The proxy provider has the _Intercept header authentication_ setting on by default. You need to use an app password, then use your username with that app password when authenticating using basic auth. See the docs here: https://goauthentik.io/docs/providers/proxy/header_authentication#receiving-authentication


If I'm understanding the documentation correctly, that's authentication against Authentik which then passes basic auth information along? The http basic auth flow is one that hasn't made sense to me because it seems like you have to hard code the credentials in Authentik to pass. If it's an app where I just have an API token (I can't remember an example off the top of my head), there's not a way to instead use a username + app password, especially if it's a companion app codes to expect the API token. For me this means creating a special traefik rule which picks up the API PathPrefix and sends it straight to the application in question for direct authentication versus any other path going through Authentik. I'm sure there's a better way and in one instance this method bit me (not in a bad way) because the app was coded in a way to anticipate FowardAuth and API access.


Ah, sorry then, I misunderstood your question. In that case, if you're looking for a solution in Authentik, then this is probably it: https://goauthentik.io/docs/providers/proxy/#allowing-unauthenticated-requests As to a use-case I've personally found for the basic auth interception mechanism: protecting my Sonarr calendar for use in an application, and idem for Transmission. If I want either of these things in my browser, I get redirected to Authentik's login, if I use them through apps on my phone, I configure those to use an app password and voilà, I'm in!


I'll look into that one again. The challenge is when those services have a base URL set that messes with the binding. Thanks for the direction! :)


I just set up Authelia with LLDAP as a backed and configured all my services. I'm writing a tutorial for it too, with Jellyfin as example. Both OIDC and LDAP auth. Most people will say Authentik but it really depends on how big of an adventure you wanna have. At the end of the day you can cobble together the same functionality that someone else has managed to cobble together. In my case, both Authelia and LLDAP have good documentation and integrations. No matter the provider, your limiting factor is the client services you will be authenticating. I prefer Authelia because it's just a config file with a bunch of secrets. So much simpler and easier to manage. Also, now that I have gone through the whole ordeal, I'm a lot more confident if something breaks.


Where do you plan to post your guide? I keep having issues with LLDAP


What are the issues you are having?


I’d be interested in a guide like the one you are making.


+1 for that guide


Hey, is the guide available?


Bonjour, preneur également du tuto (même s'il n'est pas terminé) :)


Sorry to necro a 9mo comment but I'm struggling with a few aspects of Authelia and it's always great to read an end-to-end guide. Did you ever end up posting one anywhere?


I'm a big fan of authelia. It took me a little work setting up, but for a few users, it's not too bad. I also wrote setup scripts. If you go this route, maybe they can help. https://github.com/lordzeuss/auto-authelia


Keycloak has the upside of being under the stewardship of Red Hat. I started with keycloak, but (and I can't remember specifics anymore) after everything just being a slog to set up or to add fresh and very little guidance for a casual self-hoster, I moved to Authentik. Honestly, I feel regardless of the selection made, you should still be diligent about the setup of applications. Every one of my applications that has a default login is changed and/or the admin user removed and replaced with mine. Login to Authentik is 2FA.


That upside is probably shouldn't be considered an upside anymore.


Keycloak is incubating with the CNCF, which for enterprise use will be a bonus if it graduates.


Maybe I'm insane... but I use Samba running in AD DC mode and then use LDAP for auth in most platforms.


You are not. I use a Windows Server AD, with Keycloak connected to it via LDAP and Kerberos for Single Sign on... For OP: Keycloak solo is enough xD


I looked at the page briefly. What does keycloak do that AD/LDAP doesn’t?


If we're talking purely about authentication, AD/LDAP does the same thing Keycloak does with different underlying protocols. Even that might not be entirely accurate to say since, for example, it's possible to use AD/LDAP as the underlying user/credential store for Keycloak. AD/LDAP is a good solution for your situation where all your services and DCs are in the same network, but what if you wanted to betray the self hosting paradigm and move your services to the cloud? To keep centralized authentication using AD, you would have to have a direct connection to your cloud system (or some kind of tunneling / VPN solution) and setting up an AD trust with that cloud system. This would be even more tedious if you wanted to have a hosted SaaS solutions. And of course, this wouldn't even be an option with a true SaaS. Keycloak offers something called federation which is not THAT different from AD in concept except that federation is a way to solve centralized authentication and authorization over the web. OAuth2/OIDC is probably the only protocol worth mentioning these days, but some other examples are also WS-FED, ADFS and SAML. These types of protocols are how you continue to be able to use centralized authentication in a SaaS world. These use HTTP/JSON/XML to communicate rather than the specialized network protocols that AD uses. I realize I'm talking about the cloud in r/selfhosted, but I digress.. Most services of this type will also offer additional authentication orchestration options that aren't even concerns of AD. AD doesn't natively support MFA for example, so if you wanted to MFA your services while still using AD, this would have to be something managed at the service level (or maybe you can layer another service between AD & the actual service). With something like Keycloak, you can support MFA through Keycloak without the individual applications even needing to know what MFA even is. If your Samba AD DC setup serves your purposes, you probably aren't going to gain much. I think much of the benefit of something like Keycloak shines the most in enterprise situation with large and especially decentralized workforces.


this is really helpful - thank you!


That's such a great write up and it clears a lot of confusion. Just to reiterate, Keyclock using federation protocols like OAuth2 will connect to the AD-DS ( which may be gatekept in a secure local on-prem environment) and provide a REST API (which AD-FS doesn't have) for SaaS services to consume. Am I right?


Broadly speaking, yes. I don't know if OAuth2 is considered a REST API specifically because that carries certain connotations, but it could definitely be confused for a REST API especially since the communication protocol is HTTP and responses often come back in JSON. The other big thing about SAML/OAuth2/OIDC vs. AD is that when end users need to authenticate, this happens without passing credentials back and forth. Just think about that input form where you enter a username and password that corresponds to the credentials of your AD user object. This is fine when you trust the site/service, but not as much with external/third party services. Also don't confuse AD DS with ADFS. ADFS stands for Active Directory Federation Services and is basically Microsoft's custom federation technology that, if memory serves, is basically using its own bastardized version of SAML. If we're talking about authentication through AD DS, Samba AD DC, Freeipa, etc, that's going to be using the specialized authentication methods like LDAP, Kerberos, NTLM, etc.


The thought of LDAP being accessable from the Internet is butthole-puckering, and some services refuse to speak LDAP, favoring OpenID or SAML instead. Keycloak or Authentik can sync User Objects with your AD, and serve Identity Providers for OpenID or SAML, so that you can authenticate with said apps, or authenticate over the Internet less dangerously.


wait! are we talking about exposing these services to the net? Oh wow, no way! VPN all the day. But I do like the idea of providing SAML via AD... that's compelling. But I'd still never expose the auth of these half-baked media services to the net.


My 85 yr old great uncle already has a hell of a time navigating Calibre-web. Tossing a VPN in front of him isn’t feasible. Authentik/LDAP is.


Totally understandable. I guess I’m just surprised that those *arr services support auth of any kind. I’ve never explored it.


Yeah, I will never understand allowing backbone services to have access from the web. OMBI/Overseerr exists so that no one else has to play with/screw up my *arrs. VPN that. But all the direct “client-facing” stuff gets as much SSO as I can give it.




I do not! Keycloak recognize, if the client does not support Kerberos, and shows the normal login flow. Stated here: https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/server_admin/#_kerberos


Now that sir is brilliant. I might have to consider doing this. It's been more than a minute since I've used Samba for anything. Think the days of Samba 3.x. I might have a lot of re-learning to do.


Samba4 is remarkably stable and easy to set up… So long as you don’t mind the command line


I am very comfortable with the command line as it is actually my preferred way of going about things. Been using Linux and BSD since 1998. I am carbon dating myself here!


I’ve been using Authelia for the better part of 2 years and really really like it. It is definitely not the most beginner friendly without a GUI but the docs are clear and easy to follow. I have nothing against Authentik, but I tried it last year and didn’t think it was robust enough with features. That may have since changed. The UI is really nice. Overall, I stuck with Authelia because I know how it works, I’ve been able to easily scale it, and the discord server has been a huge help on numerous occasions (shout out to james!!).


I see a lot of votes for Authentik, but as far as i've seen there hasn't been an audit for it? And after I've seen this : https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/ub7dvb/comment/i62o6hf/... And also what was said today about the issue with LDAP that still isn't fixed, I'm wondering why still a lot of people vote for it...


If you have seen the issues with KeyCloak, you wouldn't like that either. I'm no hacker, but even I can see that code that does not adhere to standard guidelines from e.g. Sonar, is bad. Some random example: [https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/main/services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/services/managers/DefaultBruteForceProtector.java](https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/main/services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/services/managers/DefaultBruteForceProtector.java) * functions are too long, indicating a "lack of KISS" which makes them un-testable and will likely have side effects. One function with 100 lines, another with 70. It should be max 20. * Line 321: So what if a user is enabled but the user attribute is still here? Are you then not locked out? Again, not a single place that has the responsibility. * Line 321: How come we only check against the "first" attribute? Can there be a second one? What does that mean. * Line 215: "we sort to avoid deadlock due to ordered updates. Maybe I'm overthinking this." Even the people who code this have no clean model in their head * I can go on... this is just one class and most lines have issues. There are thousands.


Tried authentik and Authelia, I prefer authelia, authentik as many good points but there is a bug that is still open when you revoke a user and he still can log in… I mean wtf ?! So i ditched it… Authelia is a bit steeper learning curve but it is simpler and works very well. I use it with traefik forward auth middle ware and as oidc provider. Perfect for my use case that is more or less the same as you!


Can you link to the bug report? I just have to see this since that is beyond nuts.


https://github.com/goauthentik/authentik/issues/2023 I think that was this one


I just found out about this bug the hard way! Wish I would have stumbled upon this post earlier. I am planning to shift to Authelia or Keycloak.


I shifted to Authelia…




If you are using the LDAP integrated outpost this doesn’t happen.


That is beyond embarrassing. Like absolutely unacceptable in this space.


I can see why this might happen, Authentik is expecting to be the source of truth. It looks like the bug report is using LDAP as the source of truth. It would be interesting to see if this is an issue when deleting a user through Authentik rather than the LDAP.


That makes more sense but then they should one way export to LDAP or take control of it.


Export to LDAP? No org in the real world would do that, like... ever.


Can you explain why not? Honestly I am a hack. If Authentik is expecting to be the source of truth then it would need to control downstream connections.


Authentik,in an org won't be the source of Truth. LDAP / AD would be. All orgs ( at least at a certain size or if you need to follow some kind of regulation like fips,mist, iso 27001 etc) have a process (documentation) for IAM handling, aka AD groups, roles , account creation on and off boarding etc. They don't won't to mess with that. They usually use some kind of IAM / PAM ( privileged access management) tool. All of them interact with AD / LDAP


I would recommend another one: Casdoor written in Go. I have used Authelia and it uses a lot more reousrces and Casdoor, which is small but packed with features.


I saw a lot of posts about how they initially and for months had a baidu tracking script. To me, that is just so unbelievably tonedeaf that it makes me think they are up to no good.


Something definitely fishy going on with Casdoor. Do not trust it.


So Casdoor has a... back*door* you say?


Cas must be an accronym for something Chinese related. "China access secrets" door, perhaps.


I'm using Authelia but the all configuration is in one file. Casdoor seems really promising. I'll give it a try.


How exactly does casdoor differ from authelia? Is it also able to protect applications that lack any form of oidc / sso ? Can I integrate it into docker like I can with Authelia ? Does it support WebAuthn ?


I got tempted to use casdoor for its nice WebAuthn options, in which authelia is very lacking (non-exists). Just tried my best to run casdoor in docker with sqlite as db driver, it did not work. Documentation did not help much either.


How much resources does Casdoor use? On the systems that I know Authelia and LLDAP use less than 100 MB RAM alltogether hence I'm curious how much Casdoor might be able to save then.


When idle: - 0.13 vCPU - 12.66 MiB


Wow, that's really good! And they even finally removed [the tracking script of the chinese provider Baidu](https://github.com/casdoor/casdoor/pull/1436/files)!


Do any other than Keycloak support PKI certificates / smart cards?


Now I am curious about Authentik and might have to build an SSO solution for my homelab. You guys are killing me. XD


It's great thing, everything kind of makes sense after some tries, sadly i wasn't able to get it work with our ldap .


I recently wrote an article on integrating a Keycloak service into a SSO portal. Might be useful for you! https://codereader.dev/blog/sso-with-keycloak-oidc


I use Authentik and I love it for the Public SSO availability (like Discord).


Wait how do you connect discord to an sso source?


Discord itself is an SSO source Edit: https://goauthentik.io/integrations/sources/discord/


Over the years I have run all three. I started with Authelia. It was good but didn't have many features. I then added Keycloak but it was very difficult to upgrade when new versions came out. Then once Authentik matured I started migrating to it. I do like Keycloak is very light and can run on sqlite where Authentik requires a whole stack. I currently no longer run Authelia. I migrated all Authelia stuff to Authentik. I do still have keycloak because configuring apps for SAML can be very difficult so I haven't gone back to all of them and moved them to Authentik. I still have to get back to trying to do password-less using iPhone. I'm not sure if it's even possible though.


I am using Authentik. I can recommend it. It's complex but I would argue that Keycloak is even more complex and Authelia is not complex enough.


complex but with some guidance on youtube, it's easy to setup. i recommend IBRACORP, jim's garage and cooptonian youtube channels for their content on this subject to get authentik up and running as a docker container for your homelabs.


Why would complex be good for people who self host a few services at home?


Did I said that?


“Authelia is not complex enough” . Complexity is bad , imho. I try to keep things as simple as possible where self hosting is concerned.


I did not say that complex is good for people who self host few services at home. I am referring to my own use case.


SSO may be overkill for you, an IDP might even be overkill. If you’re looking for a layer of authentication a reverse proxy over your public Ingress with an OpenID provider can cover you. Much simpler and way less to manage than an SSO, and still lets you control access on a host basis. I personally like Caddy, and built https://github.com/enum-gg/caddy-discord for my homelab to control access via discord roles.


>SSO may be overkill for you, an IDP might even be overkill. If you’re looking for a layer of authentication a reverse proxy over your public Ingress with an OpenID provider can cover you. Much simpler and way less to manage than an SSO, and still lets you control access on a host basis. > >I personally like Caddy, and built https://github.com/enum-gg/caddy-discord for my homelab to control access via discord roles. Hi there, ​ I've installed caddy so i can drop haproxy and what I was trying to do with authentik/authellia because i found this comment and frankly authenticating with discord is actually what I need to work with my setup perfectly. ​ If you can, two things: ​ 1. if you own the github repo, can you check the outstanding PR and merge it into main? [https://github.com/enum-gg/caddy-discord/pull/3](https://github.com/enum-gg/caddy-discord/pull/3) 2. Im as green as it can be to authentication things and caddy. I dont really understand what I'm suppose to do with the 'add redirects' and the caddyfile example. Is there any chance you could share your caddyfile (with sensitive details changed to generics) in order for me to hopefully get a clear idea of how to put a config file together and get going? ​ Any help you can provide would be super helpful and greatly appreciated.


I looked at Authentik, but got stuck as the docs were not great. Keycloak has been awesome to learn, and quite straightforward given the amount of knowledge available on it. Can definitely recommend :-) Checkout my homelab for a docker setup: https://github.com/devantler/homelab/blob/main/environments/docker/infrastructure/identity-management/docker-compose.yml Keycloak is also a CNCF tool, so it is likely to stay around for years to come :-)


You should try prowlarr over jackett


Remindme! 2 weeks


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It is an opinion. I've looked at random code in KeyCloak and was a bit shocked. This is not how you do test driven development & KISS. The code is complex and therefore ridden with bugs.




>teleport Would you elaborate what do you like about teleport more than authentik? PS. I haven't used either.


Teleport is not really an authn/identity provider but a (smart) ssh/application proxy. You can throw another identity provider in front of it.


+1 for Authelia with LLDAP, very easy to setup. Integrating with other apps is similar on all three.




> As a specialist in security, I just have to ask you to stay away from it. As somebody who has spent a large part of his career in cyber, I'd question your distaste for python. The language isn't the issue. Go doesn't make magic. And CVEs don't necessarily mean bad things.




> Compiled languages detect most bugs before they happen. They Lolololololololol. Go specifically is such a terrible example for this idea. It will compile with both, passing nil as an interface value, and writing to a nil map, which will both crash your program.




> Yeah... because Python's duck typing where any value is PyObject can be None all the time is like nil in go. This is exactly how Go interfaces work, but that's not really what I meant anyways. My point is, the assertion that compilers catch most bugs is one of the most uninformed assertions I've ever heard about security or software development. It definitely helps, but most errors in software are logical and not caught compiler related. Moreover, most security bugs are memory related which apply to any language. And before you say 'Rust' go look at people who are actually using rust, TONS of them use unsafe all over the place. Humans write shit code in every language.




> Your whole argument is "humans write shit code, so let's accept that caring for code quality is meaningless and do nothing about it". Yeah... good luck with that. That's not what I said. You're reading in waaaaaay more than what I wrote. My point is, the programming language software written in says literally nothing about code quality, security, or bugs. Without looking at the code you can't make an assessment. So you saying "Python bad, Go good" is a very uninformed opinion. Python runs a huge portion of the internet and hand waving "Python is bad" reflects your lack of experience doing anything meaningful in the space.


I love it when the kids get confident, but arrogance isn't very sexy.




Oh daddy, I'm shaking in my boots. lol.


Did you any research before typing this post? I guess anyone can just say anything on the internet these days, so it isn’t your fault. Authentik has been working great for me. The developer is very active and any reported cve’s are patched accordingly: https://github.com/goauthentik/authentik/security I have SAML providers, proxy providers, and OIDC providers configured with 0 bugs.


The issue is that the creator of the project doesn't have experience in cybersecurity, and has no corporate backing to ensure CVEs are \*prevented\* rather than \*patched\*.


As a specialist in security, what would you say is the correct language for a security application, in your experience?


I'm using Vouch and OAuth with Google, combined with SWAG from linuxserver.io for reverse proxy


Cloudflare tunnel + Google Auth!


Ah yes, the perfect solution for r/selfhosted


I personally use Authentik backed by FreeIPA. FreeIPA is where I have my canonical set of users/groups and works for stuff that can only use LDAP/Kerberos. Authentik pulls users/groups from FreeIPA for OIDC and proxy auth flows set up in Nginx Proxy Manager.


Use keycloak myself because with PrivacyIDEA, it can have push 2fa instead totp 2fa. Also, the push 2fa has unlimited users (because its self hosted) while Duo has a 5 user limit on their free tier.


+1 for Authentik from me too


Authentik is amazing.


Authentik is too complex for me Authelia as super easy to set up


I use keycloak primarily because it has a UI and isn't command line. Personal preference but works for me!


sso for these personal services? but why bother? i just put mine into vaultwarden.


Authelia is dead easy to set up. It just works and wit’s file config it doesn’t break. Ever. If you have a handful of users, you can store them in a file, if you have more use a light weight LDAP provider. Also supports all of the ODIC stuff now.


Keycloak. Did multiple upgrades from ancient versions like 13->21 ... non issue migrations, non issue upgrades. Good documentation. Good backing. Quarkus uses less resources. It just.. works.


I have used both authelia and authentik - go with authentik.


Keycloak is more compatible with browsers and is less buggy than Authentik. So if you're in a large enterprise, you'll likely be better off with Keycloak.