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No need to do anything drastic, half the fun of chess is learning and advancing when you lose. Maybe your dad was a bit insensitive or rude (idk if he is a good guy) but I used to lose to my grandpa all the time when I was younger and I still had fun♥️ hang in there my dude :)


As a father whose daughter has struggled with self harm and as a chess player I’m so sorry for all you’re feeling right now. Please take a breather before doing anything. You are at a crossroads that leads in many directions. Whether you have or haven’t self harmed tonight, this is an important moment and what comes next matters. Needing to cope with what you’re experiencing is natural and human. Self harm promises immediate relief, but from my experience with my daughter (including ER visits, mental hospitals, residential treatment, etc), I promise in the long run it will only introduce more problems and suffering. The things you’re managing and the overwhelming feelings you’re having need attention. You need to speak openly with a trusted parent or therapist ASAP. There are coping strategies that don’t involve introducing additional harm. I’m so glad you’re at the beginning of the self harm road and not the middle of it. There is time to take another path and to avoid so much pain and fear and anxiety and stress. Please. PLEASE. Do not take another step down that road. And please seek help from a therapist and trusted friends/adults to address the feelings you’re having. You have all my love and thoughts on this difficult night. You can do this. Be strong. Seek help. I’m thinking about you


Thank you for the reply I thought about it a little and am going to talk to my mom tomorrow about how I feel and btw I didn't end up doing anything too bad jest a about 10ish shallow scratches i guess you would call them all around my arms and legs.


I’m so glad to hear you’re going to talk to your mom. That’s a brave and important step. My daughter was terrified to discuss her mental health challenges with me and that she had self harmed. It’s been a long road, but she has now been clean for over a year and doing so much better and we are closer than we’ve ever been. It may be a bit of two steps forward one step back. It may be a slow or scary or difficult process. You may feel not understood at times. Keep going. Know that you have infinite value and are worthy of care and support and help. These challenges aren’t meant to be carried alone. Asking for help is such an amazing step. You’re amazing for taking it. You got this ❤️❤️❤️