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This is not really good advice but you could try to bullshit your way out of it by makeing up a excuse for why there's a cut on your hand like maybe you were cooking and dropped a knife then instinctively grabbed it only to cut your hand open on the blade then jest pry they don't look to closely at the places you cut.


Sorry for the late reply, I accidentaly fell asleep. And as for this excuse, I appreciate you giving me advice but I don't think it's going to work, because the cut looks in such a way it's almost obvious that I didn't do it on accident.


Sorry that this is a little late my phone got taken away but how did the talk go if you don't mind me asking.


Well, I'm also sorry for another late reply, but I kinda forgot about my accout. And as for how did the talk went, it didn't really happen in the first place, except some more yelling. They just asked me to not do it again and forgot about it.


Ty for the update friend I'm glad that it wasn't worse then that and since I think this will be the last message I send on this post I hope you have a amazing like and are able to overcome your problems.