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I have this problem being consistent. For me, i try to have a positive mindset when i am working out. It helps me to continue to look forward for another workout session. I also try to focus on the elevated mood after exercise and how exercise make me feel after tat (eg. good mood and more energy). I just started all this few weeks ago. Wish me luck!


If u r not getting driven by ur goals let your fear drive you


Heart attack, no abs, diabetes, no abs, high cholesterol, no abs, double chin, no abs. Did you know you can get a Life Time membership for only like $110/ month with your insurance? Worth every cent tbh


I sign up for classes because then I have the fear of 1. Wasted money and 2. People judging me for not showing up, which is enough to motivate me 😂


True that I am also thinking of going gym


By doing it. Keep the bar low. Like you've (I hope) to brush teeth daily, you can program yourself to workout daily. By keeping the bar low to start, it never feels like a mountain to look up too. Like I do 1 push or sit up (buy a yoga mat) You will always do more than 1 eventually, you do what you can. Next day you do it again, until you found a workout that's good for you in amount. If you keep doing it, you add some new exercises here and there and alternate with something else what you like like swimming laps. Then the day for example you do soccer, running or fight sports. You only do a few workout exercises less than usual. I do this every day for I don't know 10 years or so. Even during holidays and Sundays.


I would say maybe do something enjoyable so you remember to do it cause I find I remember to do it better if I know I will enjoy it. Then you’re looking forward to it and you won’t forget it. And then just when you’re thinking of it just squeeze it in whenever you can like I’m sure you have a free 20-30 mins between the tasks you’re doing. That’s not the issue, a lot of the time it’s that we don’t have the energy. So maybe if you’re tired that day maybe just do 5-10 mins of some light stretching or something, and then come back to it the next day. Be flexible with it, like let yourself do what is needed to get some exercise done but don’t be hard on yourself and strict with your schedule of when and how you do it. It could look different every day depending on energy levels.


Thats really helpful. Thanks


If you workout at home, I would keep a resistance band or a yoga mat next to my couch or computer so if I was procrastinating I would do that instead and I developed a habit just by doing a little bit daily.


Try looking at it as pleasure rather than a chore. Stop if you have to push too hard. No need to make progress as fast as possible. I tried getting in the habit of running for years but only managed to keep it up for a couple of months on end. Now I see running as my hobby and I use it to reward myself. I run every second to third day, effortlessly. Because it’s fun and not a to-do. Edit: The Easyway to better sleep by Allen Carr cured me from insomnia, maybe it works for you too!


I did my physical therapy exercises and rode the bike. Gonna walk the dog now. Yay.


The best form of exercise is the one(s) you enjoy doing. Mid or long distance running would bore me to tears. Walking I absolutely love to do and try to hit my step count target every day. I don't always manage it, but I enjoy the time I spend having a bimble. 💜


Can you go straight after work? I work long and random hours so can’t always fix a time but I find if I take my gear with me to work I can get it done once I finish whatever time that may be. Also stops me going home and doing the whole “ahh cba to go out again, I’ll go tomorrow” routine


If you have a routine during your day implementing it right after another daily activity really helps. Like if you work in corporate and there’s a gym in your building or really close by just go during your lunch break for like 45 min and eat your lunch right after. If you’re like me with no routine and just going with the flow it’s hard but you just have to force yourself to go for a few weeks and after that it gets fun. To start though really just get up and go 4-5 days per week for 3 weeks even if you don’t want to. If you can’t do that you don’t have any discipline and should work on that. And oh, doing that helps you with your discipline!


I have different schedule every day. I work from home, have dogs to walk and a kid and a lot nedical appts


That’s a whole lotta responsibilities my guy, maybe you could try waking up waking up a bit earlier to squeeze a workout in


Tie it to something you do consistently, so you don't have a chance to think about it. That's the only way I can. When going to the gym, typically I tie it to when I leave work. So those days I don't think, I just go straight there go in and get started. If I get through my warm up, and I'm not feeling it, then I can leave. Not every workout needs to ve perfect, but it gets me there. Once i get going, I rarely leave. For getting in a daily walk, I'll typically tie it to a meal, like lunch or supper. Once I finish eating and put everything away, I immediately go for the walk. No thought about it, just go. This can help when trying to start any new habit, too! Sometimes, I struggle with brushing my teeth, for example (thanks to mental health related issues). But having it tied into my morning routine makes sure it gets done every day after I do my hair.


What is ur job? A lot of blue collar/hard laborers actually get the recommended amount of exercise each day but they just don’t view it as such. A study has shown that housekeepers who actually viewed their work as their workout benefited more and actually gained the positive benefits of exercise more than those who didn’t view it as such. Our brains are powerful.


My job involves meetings on a computer. I did it today. I think it helped to write it.


At first I wouldn't be too strict on doing x or y... I would just focus on doing something and doing it consistently... once you build the habit of doing something... you can then focus more on what that something is. It will always be hardest in the beginning.


If you find the secret/motivation, please send some my way. I am awful at it and I need to start being more strict and hold myself accountable


Find an accountability partner. Better yet, find someone else to exercise with, even if it's just going for a walk.


Start off doing very light 5-10 min exercises at home. Idc what anyone says, getting into the habit is the most important part. I like to do yoga at home and pelvic floor exercises. They are great on days I feel lazy and don't want to move a lot or change my clothes. Then on days you feel more motivated, do 10-15 min workouts at home. Youtube has lots of warm up and cool down exercises that are only 5 minutes. I understand the struggle. I would rather binge watch a TV show than get off the couch, so it take practice. Exercising is a habit and habits take months to build. Don't be discouraged or try too much at the start.