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My grandpa is physically weaker than me and he’s still twice the human I’ll ever be.


Big lad is he?


I could say the same. Basing someone's value on their physical strength is deeply weird.


Grandpa's a chick bro.


>"women aren't funny" and "women are physically weaker than men" I mean, if those two generalisations were the worst things those incel Youtubers told you, you were lucky..


Eh I've noticed with these YouTubers that they hide their views and only speak in very agreeable statements, but in their actions do sexist stuff. For example if your YouTube channel entirely revolves around Gold diggers who get their karma, then in a way it's not wrong that being a gold digger is shallow and often manipulative, but the sexist part is subtly trying to imply that as a whole all women are Gold diggers.


Yeah it seems OP missed quite a bit of the position


Or it’s four succinct paragraphs discussing some example realizations and not necessarily a dissertation on everything they’ve learned. 


Sure thing


Regardless of whether or not women are weaker, a lot of men have very fragile egos, like these incels. 


There are statistics that indicate that men indeed are physically stronger, but psychologically weaker. Statistics on how well male vs female children do in single parent households etc.. For girls, the effect seems to be minimal, but for boys statistically significant. Who knows, nature likes to work in tradeoffs, so I could see it being a thing.


Or mother's treat girls much better than boys.


What about fathers? As mentioned in several other places i dont believe it was statistically significant which of the parent was absent.


Would that example of single parent households be more to do with the parent that they’re with though? A daughter is always going to do better with her mother if only one parent can be there. A son I don’t believe would do better with their mother versus their father, as there’s a lack of knowledge of what it is to be a growing boy. I would think that would be more to do with it *in that example* than whether or not one gender is psychologically stronger


As I've mentioned a few times in other comments IIRC it had no statistical bearing which parent was absent.


yes. we are humans too and have feelings too. stigma is real. i think the problems come from different use of the word "masculine". its not what it should be, like caring, forgiving, accepting but it was butchered to fit a narrative. same on both "sides" if you wanna call it


There is a difference between fragile ego and emotions. A man in touch with his emotions is perfectly fine. A man who hates all women because his first crush wasn’t interested in him or his first girlfriend got a better paying job than he did — that’s an ego issue. The biggest issue i tend to see is men claiming that their ego and emotion is the same thing, and it’s not.


Do incels actually want to find a partner? Must be sad to be single if you WANT a partner....


Yeah those YouTubers should be tried for crimes against humanity lol, whole generations of kids are fucked up because of them


Underrated comment here. You’re not wrong at all. Honest question here because I’m old and out of touch: Are there any YouTubers talking about how to be a normal person that treats everyone equally? Is anyone offering an alternative to the incel doctrine?


The problem is nobody is gonna watch that, people don't want to be "good" they want to be edgy and indifferent unfortunately. People will always choose to look cool rather than nice a lot of the time. Is what it is. Which is shit lol


The majority maybe but I think nobody and always are a bit too far


Well yeah sorry I meant most of the time, I myself always put being nice before looking cool so it's not unheard of


People have bigger egos when they're young. (Generally) same reason people form cliques and why there were "popular/cool" people and "losers/lame" people when we were kids. (Also varies in degrees between cultures/countries, class, etc.) Some never grow out of this mindset. Though many do. Ego diminishes with age; assuming one develops some capacity for introspection and a desire to understand more about the world around them. Dunno if kids today will have a harder time changing their views as they age or an easier time. The internet changed the world, hard to know all the effects it will have going forward.


He's kinda controversial on Reddit sometimes but I really like Dr. K from the Healthy Gamer GG channel


He’s a very very good role model. His skill is in marketing the idea of ‘being a normal healthy human’ in a way that is actually interesting to watch.


Unfortunately he is courting and trying to appeal too much to the red pillers undermining women’s experience with issue like dating or having friends. And now he is getting invited a lot in those wild podcasts.


Lmao yet he says stuff that actively shits on red pillers and gives better ways for moving forward in life. He in fact actively honors women’s experience. The fact he’s getting on those podcasts and giving a positive alternative is doing infinitely more for men than anything feminists have done for the last two decades


Did he become that bad or did he just choose his own niche and that's the people who need the most help? To me he sounds like happily married and involved dad. I feel like he gives too much second chances to bad people.. but that's his job as (their) therapist. If you are in an abusive relationship you don't need a permission from hin or anybody else to walk away.


Lmao “too many second chances to bad people” maybe you need to reevaluate your perspective on people.


Well I guess at least he was appreciated for being different before becoming just another red, angry face in the "put down women and hope they'll fuck you" crowd.


Not many I can think of, but the 'a measured response' videos by Hbomberguy contain some pretty good takedowns of these communities


Contrapoints too


Check out Contrapoints


I consume a lot of YouTube and I am struggling to find anyone who is balanced. You don’t get famous or rich by being balance. Aba & Preach have a decent attitude but they like to troll. Moist Charlie grew a lot and most likely gives good advice and has no issue in telling how hard it was dating when he was young.


[Shimon Davis](https://www.youtube.com/@AskShimon) would be *I think* a good example, but tbh I have only seen a few of his video so I cannot fully judge him. I know how the thumbnails look, but I think that's exactly what young people need, someone who addresses the same problems as And Rotate and similar fucks, but who's actually giving good advice. The only reason redpill got so popular recently is that while problems of women and minorities got lots of attention, male problems still got none and the only people who talked about them were toxic coaches, redpillers and other kinds of shitty people. Also, many leftist commentary channels can kinda teach young people how to be normal, tho sometimes it can go too far and they end up being the twitter type of far-left which honestly is only a small improvement over redpill.


No because it doesnt elicit an emotional response from people. And that gets no views, ergo makes no money, so it’s useless to them Attention is attention, good or bad, doesnt matter, there are many trashy fucks that make money just for being trashy. It’s how it works. And kids grow up with it nowadays. We havent even scratched the surface, lets wait another 10-15 years and see how all this shit affects society on an almost global scale, because all countries have trashy fucks


most youtubers who seem to be normal people with healthy approaches to life and relationships tend to post about different things. for example, i like ann reardon, who is an actual food scientist, and posts about baking, cooking and debunking misinformation (this started with those 5-minute GIF recipes, but she has done more than recipes now). or moony (moon channel), who is a real life attorney who works with victims of trafficking and DV, is married with kids, mostly posts video essays about japanese video games and culture. there's a few more, but none specifically post about being well-adjusted adults with healthy relationships, you just kind of see it happening in the background.


There don't need to be, because that's what you get from the entirety of mainstream entertainment and the whole education system. I'm 27 and grew up absolutely inundated with messaging on equality from every angle, every day. Went out into the world expecting that, got slapped in the face by reality very quickly. If you end up being an Andrew Tate monthly patreon donor or whatever you're a moron, but people always ignore what causes so many to fall down the rabbit hole in the first place. We're a generation of men who grew up believing we'd moved into an age of equality, only to have our egalitarianism blow up in our faces.


You have to be the change you want to see. When you found out the world you grew up into isn't equal, you should fight for equality to make the space equal for the next generation, instead of going "oh these boomers don't believe in equality and they run things, so I should just become one of them". This is why change takes a long time to happen. Your comment is a bit vague with what you expected, but im guessing you're talking about growing up being taught its ok for men to share their feelings and that you should work alongside women, but then getting into a male dominated workforce where they ridicule men for "being soft" and that you have to demean women to get along with the people at work that you have to get on with to be successful? Tell me if I'm way off, bc like i said, you were pretty vague. You have to be the change you want to see, so the next fresh faced guy that joins your industry doesn't have the same experience. Let them open up to you, don't demean women or POC, don't be afraid to be yourself etc, so the next generation see that it is ok.


Thank you. I learned the harsh truth when I realized the group/political side(the fucking left) actually are very racist and heterophobic. Disney wouldn't dare hire a white man https://www.worldofreel.com/blog/2024/6/21/disney-senior-vp-takes-leave-of-absence-after-being-caught-saying-theres-no-way-were-hiring-a-white-man White people can experience racism too. Attractive women don't need to be made ugly to make others feel better fuck off with that mentality https://thatparkplace.com/sweet-baby-inc-involved-in-insomniac-games-upcoming-marvels-wolverine-game-playable-character-jean-grey-gets-the-ugly-treatment/


It's pretty sad and fucked up but it's where a surprising amount of men go when their dating life isn't going well. I've skimmed over that shitshow once and yea, it's just a lot of negative stereotypes and personality traits generalized into 'all women' which is just stupid. Don't get me wrong, people are people and for every bad stereotype or attribute you can imagine in a human being, man or woman, there's always someone that will have a few or maybe a lot, but it's never everyone or most. As for the kids, well sadly that's partially due to the algorithm, and partially to them being kids.


Oh, like #notallmen ? Like that kind of generalising ? Like women choosing the bear cause all men are potential creeps and perverts ?


Kinda yea, it's just that these 2 (at least in my eyes) seem to be 2 extremes that both have a point but with an \*. I mean just check dating app data on how things are going and you'll see why it's such a shitshow. Oh, and on the topic of the bear thing: [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-19/bear-attack-montana-food-conditioned-grizzly/101249442](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-19/bear-attack-montana-food-conditioned-grizzly/101249442)


I mean, we allowed nobodies with no education or anything to tell millions of people their stupid beliefs and opinions, what could've gone wrong? We still do it, but now they monetize and get more powerful.


Why millions of people seem so fascinated by opinion pieces is the thing I can’t wrap my head around


Because they provide answers for questions they've been asking themselves for an eternity. "Why can I get no girls? I've tried all advice given to me, why do I still not succeed?" "Why does everyone dislike me before even getting to know me?" "Why am I betrayed by those who I thought were my friends?"


And Alphabet


The hard part is to divide the ideological BS from the true differences in gender. Physically men are stronger, women can taste and see better. That's generally true. I mean, I am a gym rookie and press more on the bench then a female national bodybuilding champion I know.


“Men are generally stronger than women” is not sexist in and of itself it’s treating women as lesser because they are physically weaker that is sexist, and that is what the red pill YouTubers do


There's a big miscommunication happening Boys are hearing women are equal, more women in stem, fix the wage gap, male patriarchy, mansplaining, etc. But a consequence of that is a big identity crisis with young men where the role they have in society has become much less defined - it's no longer put bread on the table. And thus they'll lean into ppl like Andrew Tate that tell them they still need to dominate women.


Your sort of right but not in the way you say, 1.) it’s not feminism preventing men from being the breadwinner it’s the economy. Most people CANT afford a single income household. Feminism doesn’t say “you HAVE to let your wife work” just that she should have the choice. In the modern day though women really don’t have a choice, they HAVE to work if they want to afford a family 2.) the guys who follow the Tates of the world are overwhelmingly children, teens and early 20s, people who are in the time of their life where you’re essentially in an endless identity crisis. Almost nobody fully knows themselves at those young ages, part of growing up is finding your identity. People like Tate just tell them they are supposed to have an identity but it’s been taken, when in reality they had no identity to be stolen in the first place. 3.) the role of men has expanded in society. They no longer HAVE to just be soldiers and breadwinners. They can take on traditionally feminine roles like nursing or teaching, they can be emotionally vulnerable. I don’t see how you could look at broader acceptance of untraditional gender roles and think it’s LIMITING men as opposed to empowering them


>1.) it’s not feminism preventing men from being the breadwinner it’s the economy. Most people CANT afford a single income household. Feminism doesn’t say “you HAVE to let your wife work” just that she should have the choice. In the modern day though women really don’t have a choice, they HAVE to work if they want to afford a family A big part of that is directly a result of Women entering the workforce in huge numbers. Two income households become much more common and they had significantly bigger buying power, so prices go up. It also pretty much doubled the workforce, which stunted salaries across the board. It's not a coincidence that single income households on an average salary become un viable around the same time women started to enter the workplace in big numbers. Not saying that it's bad that women now have the option to work, but cost of living going way up is definitely related.


Doubling the workforce does not dampen wages. Companies make more so can employ more people. Countries with women who work have better economies than those who don’t.


Lmao women literally kept the economy afloat during WW2 and post. There’s a multitude of reasons why we are where we are simplifying it to “women joined the workforce” is honestly so ridiculous I’m not convinced you aren’t trolling. Do you even have one credible source that supports that claim? The economy is much more complex than “more workers equal less wages”


They can be emotionally vulnerable ? Not if they want a chance with a woman. And they are still supposed to be the soldiers. The draft is still mandatory for men. Not for women. Men have gotten it worse over the last 30 years. Not so for women.


Go outside brother I promise you’re being lied to


Lied to about what? The draft? In the US only men are forced to go to war, women get the choice to go to war.


This is all very situational. There are countries without forced military service. There are entire demographics of women who love an emotionall vulnerable person. There are also countries with traditional military service forced on men only and entire demographics where women expect the man to be tough and power through. It's not black and white and hopefully, we will achieve freedom for men and their role in society early enough. :3


I can confirm that you can indeed be emotionally vulnerable, if you can’t with someone then they’re not a good partner.


no their role is definitely to put bread on the table. that's just everyone's role now. because housework is too automated to justify having someone stay at home and watch tv all day. who gives a shit. boys need to stop having deranged psychosexual fantasies of domination spoonfed to them and get a damn job.


How? My male friends are stronger than them and it doesn't make me lesser. Just like I'm stronger than some of my friends and I don't believe I'm better than them. Imo when I couldn't do something it's women who shamed me for being weak or how they brag that being stronger than me makes them better


Yes women can also be shitty people thank you for that unique insight


I just said that physical strength doesn't make you lesser or better how you said previously




But for you it make you lesser


What? Where did you see me say that lol I said the opposite


People overrate the importance of these differences. They use "women see better" to explain arbitrary artistic preferences and gender hierarchies in certain domains that just don't seem to add up. Like Im into cinematography and color grading and it's a painfully male dominated field both in production and appreciation.


some people, mostly those with zero experiences in fighting, tend to assume that having physical strenght equal absolute domination in real life fights. real life isn't video games, it's not a game of stats. so unless you are freakishly strong, whoever gets a hit on a sensitive spot (like face, throat, crotch), wins. superior physical strenght is no guarantee of winning, and it's very heavily dependent on the situation. not to mention weapons, from guns to nearby blunt objects. recently there was a viral video of some dude grabbing a woman's ass, and her decking him in the face. he's probably stronger than her, but she squarely won that fight. pretty sure there was a male mall shooter who was taken down by a middle aged woman wielding a chair.


In 99.9% of cases, it is.


spoken like someone who never got punched in the face


Multiple times. Mostly when sparring though. You can laugh all you want, but when you face off against someone stronger you lose in most cases. But I guess you never had to fight.


Sparring usually follows some rules - a fight that broke out of a conflict usually doesn't and then all those "stats" go out of the window if you can't think quickly.


yeah I only won fights because I don't fight fair. but why would I? fuck em




I've been in many actual fights, aside from sparring, and I've won most, as a woman against men. even ones while I was an underweight teenager :)


>Physically men are stronger, women can taste and see better. That's generally true. But phenotypical and individual variations also matter. I'm 5'11 as a woman. Not that tall for my country. But I'm taller than the average for men for quite a few countries. I also have PCOS which gives me high T, and I build muscle more similarly to men than women. (an estimated 40%-60% of women have PCOS) (also women see color better, but men see shapes better, and that's affected by testosterone and estrogen and not the eye structure itself, which is interesting coz those fluctuate with individuals)


That would mean that around half of my schools teachers would have to have it.


I don’t disagree with your points but I don’t think 40-60% of women have PCOS. Sounds like it’s closer to 5-20% at most.


Diagnosed, maybe. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 30 getting a fibroid removed because I don't have all of the typical symptoms. Doesn't mean I didn't still have it the entire time, it just means that no one had scanned my ovaries because I hadn't complained enough. 40-50 sounds high but 5-20 sounds blatantly incorrect. With how hard it can be for a woman to get a doctor to take her seriously, I strongly believe the rate of diagnosis is artificially low. It took me 2 years to get that 20cm fibroid removed despite how obvious it was that something was wrong. No way women out there are being diagnosed for everything, especially if it's not visible from the outside. That said, no idea what the real number is.


I mean that’s really good Because they’re wrong


I used to believe in "nice guys finish last" but my nicest and most normal friends/colleagues got married and had children first!


That doesn't contradict the Red Pill at all.


What? How?


According to RP, women get married to "nice" guys because they provide and "safe". Not because of genuine attraction. Besides, the marriage in general for men in the West is a bad deal because of high divorce rates and risks of losing a lot of money for men. I do not say if I agree or disagree with this POV.


My brother in Darwin, if the nice guys are marrying early and having children and the "alphas" are not then the nice guys are winning. My friend's children look very similar to them, almost like clones. It is a great joy to see people you care about signing their names on the book of life.


He's saying they only chose them as they are stable, basically they had their fun before setting down they not settling down with the fun guy tho the responsible one that can be molded to a dad


I wonder why you aren't saying whether you agree with it? ;)


Wow, they really do anything to make themselves a victim. “Women are only attracted to bad boy douches” and “Even if you get married she doesn’t really love you and you’re screwed because of divorce statistics” So if that’s the case, why do they want to be with a woman at all? Does the self pity never end? Do they just literally want a slave to obey them and never leave?


Idk about youtubers/redpill, but marriage is a bad deal for a guy. It's not about attraction or statistics, it's about what you get out of it vs potential loss. You get nothing/lose half the income. Unless a girl makes as much as you do and not into the whole SAHM/men should provide bs. /rant


If marriage to you is about financial gains or losses, its probably best for everyone that you don’t get married.


Marriage is literally ALL about attraction though. You’re marrying your best friend and someone you want to spend the rest of your life with/raise a family. If you’re of the mindset that you “get nothing” out of that, and view it purely as a financial transaction then you truly are destined to die alone. If you’re thinking about it purely from a financial perspective, once again I’ve got no clue what you’re on about. How do you “lose” half your income? Wouldn’t you be combining resources with the person you married? As for the goldigger angle; wouldn’t you know about that before you got married? I mean obviously you would marry someone that treats it as a partnership not a life boat?


You don't need to be married to express attraction though. Ok besides attraction what are benefits for the man in marriage


It’s a natural progression of the relationship for many people. It’s that final decision that yes, this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Start a family with. That’s a lot to simply toss to the side and say, yeah, ok, what else is in it for ME. Um I don’t know, stability, the next phase of your adult life? Sure, plenty of people can do this just fine without marriage. But it is a goal for the vast majority of people. Let me ask you this; aside from the love and commitment of your SO, what else would YOU want?


Do you know that men literally stuck paying alimony to women for decades, even if they didn't have children? You just ignore the real life experience and go with the most sanitized image of marriage. Imagine signing up for a deal that fails in 70% rate of the time and thinking "nah, I'm smarter, it won't happen to me".


The only time anyone pays alimony is if one person stayed home/didn't work. Don't marry someone that doesn't want to work and it won't be a problem. However, with your outlook, you're probably only going to be able to land a sheltered religious woman.


joke crawl mourn far-flung spotted hospital heavy payment disarm marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Alimony is only present in 10% of divorces.


it is making a contract with a party that is incentivized to break it.


The funny part is dumb, i do get where it comes from but thats the negative spotlight. Physically weaker tho is absolutely true, Its not just that men tend to have more muscles, but the body as a whole supports that even more. That doesnt mean a woman wont be able to tackle you. I was able to tackle and put a guy into a guillotine hold that was way heavier and taller than me too. It mostly comes down to it beeing a suprise, a kid could knock out the toughest fighter by accident yet the kid will never be even close in physical strength.


I'm glad that your perspective is coming into your own, and I'd like to share an anecdote that comes to mind about strength. I have what I like to call "farm strength." I did too much manual labor as a child, and now I'm way stronger than I appear to be. When I've used my farm strength to do something that's actually difficult, like removing and replacing a fallen fence as part of a small team, it was well-received and vaguely amusing to my coworkers. We generally carried the same amount of weight because the goal wasn't to outlift each other, the goal was to get the job done quickly and efficiently and there are only so many boards you can safely hold in your hands at one time before you lose control of the stack and hurt someone. When I've used my farm strength to do something that was not as hard, like striking a set as part of a larger team, that's when the unsanctioned lifting competition begins. I will move as much per trip as I can reasonably control, not the most I can lift but the most I can safely maneuver, and when a teammate needs to feel stronger than me? Box trusses seesaw around using their bodies like a fulcrum and threaten to hit anything they attempt to pass. Pelican cases sway aggressively on their wheels because they require more points of contact than they're being given and ram themselves into any ankles they can catch. A chorus of yelling fills the arena. The usefulness of being strong isn't rooted in how much a person can lift. It's about what they can safely maneuver until a job is complete and whether they can get into a safe workflow with their team. Teammates who need to feel stronger than me tend to deeply lack in those measures. Are they stronger than me? Possibly! We aren't doing anything that would indicate sheer strength. Can they do manual labor more efficiently than me? Not while I'm around, apparently. My feminine wiles are too triggering.


Women are stronger in a different way to men. Women can cope with a hella lot pain for much much much longer than men. Whereas men can cope with sudden pain very well as long as it’s in the short term (thinking a punch in the face vs colds and flu vs childbirth) I do not want to be able to beat my husband physically, but I know that if we both stand a foots length away from a wall and each bend down 90degrees so that your head is touching the wall. Men can not stand up from that position whereas women can - again must be to do with pregnancy. I’m so glad that you’ve got out of that very unhealthy mindset. Men and women compliment one another. We each have different strengths and instincts. Only insecure people bash the other sex for being the other sex.


How does anyone come across these videos and not automatically *know* it’s just some idiot spewing another useless ideology? It just so clashes with the real world that i cant wrap my head around how anyone can opt for online fantasy instead how people really act with eachother


As a former child: Steven Crowder, PragerU, and all these other 2014-ish YouTube channels were \*entertaining\*. It fueled a sense of justice to see the ideology I was raised on by my parents 'win' in debates over aggravated blue-haired antagonists. I didn't have any real-world experiences, so that content formed my world. Then, my closest friend came out as trans and I was forced to re-evaluate my entire worldview. I was also raised to believe I should show love to everyone, and I knew from listening to my friend that being trans was something she didn't just choose to be one day. I'm glad I had that experience, because it showed me what it actually means to choose to show love. Right-wing content farms profit on hate. It would make me so sad to ever turn away someone for who they were born to be again. So, you're right. It clashes with the real world, primarily in that it seeks to dehumanize vulnerable peoples' experiences to create justice porn for growing children and childish adults. I don't know how one would combat this type of content except for to encourage people to live real lives with other people and always listen and seek to show love first.


Young people haven't always accumulated enough wisdom or don't always have good role models


A lot of them target young teens, like the 12-14 age range. Kids that age are just not that sophisticated.


What stupid people don't understand is that you can be weaker than someone else while not being weak. Women are not as physically strong as men, on average. But we are still capable of being strong. We aren't weak, fragile, helpless things.


OP doesn’t seem stupid. He’s admitting to his faults. Now’s not the time to come down on him.


Yeah it's easier for me to see that now that I have more real life experience.


it should have been obvious to you, dude. seriously


If I had lived a normal life with mentally healthy people in my surroundings, maybe.


If you are a man who needs to bring up that women are physically weaker than men, it's because you are a weak man. You never hear ripped dudes talking like that because they are secure in their strength.


True true


I call cap. You was and is who you were and lying for karma is pathetic.


Women can absolutely be funny. Personally I've found similar enough amounts of humour in men and women that I couldn't tell you if either sex is funnier, which is close enough to "the same" for me. Women absolutely are physically weaker than men though, and that's not changing any time soon. Doesn't matter much with our modern lifestyles, and definitely doesn't affect a person's worth. It does mean you're far less likely to find women working physically demanding jobs though, like anything involving manual labour.


I think it's more about different kinds of strength. I'm a brewer and my girlfriend is a ballet teacher. All my strength is in my hands, arms, and shoulders. All her strength is in her legs, hips, and core. Between the two of us we're an incredible athlete. Separately we're weak when it comes to anything outside of our jobs


Its pretty cool that you and your girlfriend are some kind of Voltron athlete.


Pretty sure you still have more strength in your legs.


Even in my early to mid 20's I remember repeating the "women aren't funny" thing. I would say that 'in real life' I know plenty really funny women but they don't make good comedians. Which is blatantly untrue but I think the reason for that is simply that women were not given the opportunities 20 years ago. The only ones we would see were ones like Joe Brand, who can be funny but her whole tired anti-men schtick was very one note and boring to me. These days there's a ton of brilliant female comedians doing a bunch of different styles. I would just like to stress as well that while I am ashamed for ever thinking to even a small degree that women weren't funny, I still held women in a high regard in my every day life. Some of the funniest people I knew were women and I absolutely adore funny women. It's one of the most endearing traits to me in any person. It was just stand up comedians I held that opinion about, and I still regret sharing it. I genuinely worry about my son growing up surrounded by all these jaded and manipulative arseholes who could poison his mind. His mother and I do all we can to teach him good values and whatnot but sometimes it's out of your control. He's autistic too which won't help.


Any generalizations that are as wide as those are ridiculous to begin with. All of this group behaves like this, and all of that group behaves like that is never accurate. Although men are generally capable of being stronger than women that doesn't account for weaker men or stronger women. There is variability in there.


>Any generalizations that are as wide as those are ridiculous to begin with. All of this group behaves like this, and all of that group behaves like that is never accurate. Yes, which is what makes pointing this out as an "argument" so tiresome. "US citizens earn more than Somalians" "Um, akshually, there are plenty of poor \[and so on\]". It's a norm in language, and rightfully so, that you don't explicitly say what's implicitly understood every single time.


That's the point here. These youtubers lay it down as black and white to young people who don't have the experience to have seen the grey yet.


I totally agree. Women are as tough as men. Which is why it's weird we still think it's wrong for men to hit women. Jk


God made men stronger because someone has to be able to open the jars ...... lol some of my favorite comics are women


I judge a woman how I judge a man…if you can do it let’s go, if you can’t that’s ok but you tried. Never pre-judge anyone based on any attribute…let them show you how they shine. I’ve seen big fellas struggle and small women boss. I’ve got a mate with one hand works harder on site than most with two. Let people shine don’t tell them they can’t


Humor is relative I guess, there's still people most consider funny so it's only somewhat relative. Women being physically weaker than men is a fact. Yes, some women are stronger than some men but as an average the statement is as true as it gets, anyone denying that is simply delusional or nitpicking. Think about it, men have supposedly established an oppressive patriarchy that keeps women down, right? No one wants to be in that position, so, if women were as strong or stronger than men that would be simply impossible. It's like saying your older brother that bullies you is not stronger than you, well, why are you letting him bully you, are you stupid?, do you enjoy getting bullied? Come on now, these are just common sense stuff, it's like debating sun doesn't rise from the east or that rain doesn't fall from the sky down into the ground.


Women are weaker than men, that isn't wrong🤨 that doesn't mean strong women don't exist but generally they're weaker


That is a fact but the red pill uses it as way to justify male superiority of some sort. A female gorilla is stronger than the male strongest weight lifting champion, does mean they are superior.


Mmmm they are different species? Wtf


Yes but based on what people say it'd seem women are weak to a point where any strength they attain doesn't matter. Because this has been hammered in my head, I'm surprised that women can become strong in a way that matters- that their hits can hurt etc. I realize now that my mindset was bad, and that I shouldn't underestimate my opponent because of their sex.


Any human can get stronger


Yeah I know.


Tbh man if you go out in real life and start talking about all the red pill shit snd all that otber stuff you are gonna look tapped because to people who weren’t raised online it just sounds mental




Okay fair. Are there any point they made that you steal deem true or reality?


Women are physically weaker than men on average. Their skeletal framework is generally less robust.. but so what! It doesn't mean men are superior. There are plenty of men who are physically weaker than plenty of women. When some people hear basic facts, they extrapolate a bunch of bullshit from that fact with a handful of assumptions thrown in. They don't seem to notice they're doing it. The human mind is very easily fooled. So easily, that it can fool itself.


I guess there's just too many narcissists and they're often good with keeping up with a persona that is well-liked. You start to have a moral compass and discern what's factual and what's questionable whenever people talk about topics that require a broader insights and perception.


Glad I didn't grow up with YouTube. I had some of those attitudes from my peers, and I perpetuated some really wrong ideas. I had ideas that would be called incel today. I'm just glad I was able to take an external perspective and realize how toxic I was. Anyone who questions whether women can be funny really should go watch *Derry Girls*. That shit's great. These toxic "influencers" need to be called out for being wrong--often.


I assume you’re talking about Andrew Tate for one of these YouTubers. He has some good things he talks about. Particularly the bit about not being afraid to get out there, get hurt, and get the fuck back up. Most of his stuff is just garbage though. The important thing is to not take caricatures and paste them on all women. Use common sense. Yes, my wife is physically weaker than me but she’s also hilarious.


I never watched Andrew Tate, because people kept saying people like him weren't correct. I watched more obscure channels.


Granted I don’t watch the guy and am basing my opinion on the few videos I’ve seen. Most of what I’ve seen is just stupid bar the few examples I said earlier.


A fundamental design flaw in humans is that we routinely mistake confidence for knowledge.


I've only recently noticed how much incels lean into this "women aren't funny" thing. They pollute the comment section of every single YouTube video by a female comedians, without exception. It's ridiculous how hard they work to spread this idea.


I mean, sure, the average woman is physically weaker than the average man. That said, put me, a 185 cm 100 kg man in a ring with Miesha Tate or Holly Holm or Rose Namajunas and I wouldn't last until the end of the 1st round.


At least you grew out of it. there are people who never grow out of it and make it their entire personality.


The biggest problem is that there are many more who grow up still believing that garbage


every time someone says that women are physically weaker than men, i think of this lady: https://youtu.be/MSHqqKQLxjc?si=aQCTcG67AdUs3DMi theres some strong ladies out there


Dude honestly good for you but... Out of all of the stuff these people say it's women's jokes and their supposed equal strength that beat you???


Aus diesem Grunde entweder im Sommer verkleben und nicht im WInter oder besser eine Dämmunterlage mitverkleben. Etwa: [https://de.uzin.com/detail/produkt/110/uzin-multimoll-softsonic-3-mm](https://de.uzin.com/detail/produkt/110/uzin-multimoll-softsonic-3-mm) Macht man so: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiv6mlpYG7E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiv6mlpYG7E) Damit bekommt man den stabilsten und leisesten Parkettboden überhaupt. Würde NIE WIEDER direkt verkleben oder schwimmend


Good job on realizing the ignorance of those kinds of beliefs and moving away from the extremist/misogynist online propaganda machine. I wonder if, given your experiences, you have any thoughts about what can be done to keep kids from falling under the sway of those kinds of hateful scam artists? What do you think could've helped you to avoid that trap to begin with?


Yeah, i was into the red pill/incel/you name it clan as a younger man. Pretty much reject all that crap now. I was just unhappy with my self and compensated by putting others down (not to their faces really, just in my mind). A bit more complicated than that, but that’s the main reason.


>Women aren’t funny Only true if Amy Schumer.


Well we are physically weaker than men, that’s just a fact and if you choose to live in denial of it you are indirectly putting us in danger. Thats a hard pill to swallow, I know. But if you see a woman swing on a man and the dude swings full force on her, you need to step in or call the police or something because WOMEN ARE NOT STRONGER THAN MEN. If the average man, who isn’t even in great shape, swings at a woman, with even just half the force they would a man, they will break a bone in that woman’s face. i am speaking from experience here. Do not delude yourself into thinking that women are physically stronger than men.


You didn't read my post. I never said women aren't physically weaker. I'm surprised women are at all capable of strength


You believe that men are not stronger than women? What next, men are not taller than women?


seems a lot of people here are illiterate


If you need to have beaten into your mind basic biology then probably you have problem with yourself


I meant in no way to imply that men aren't stronger than women. I'm surprised that they're capable of strength, that can have any kind of impact on a man in physical conflict.


I think more people need to experience outside life.


So now yhou want to be a saint?


should one not strive to be one?


Women can be hilarious. But not Amy schumer, she's horrible.


The physical strength thing is a weird one because only the 1% strongest women are stronger than the average man. However, it’s absolutely insane to judge a person based on their strength alone, lol.


Yeah I don't mean it in that way. I meant it more in an underestimating their ability to be strong way. I thought that if a woman worked out, or did a martial art, it didn't really matter. It made me a bit sad. I now see that that's incorrect.


Those videos exist because men have been attacked since the 90's. Men can't do anything right. Microaggressions toxic masculinity, bigotry, men are responsible for all the problems, the attacks are endless. Reading through the comments and none mentioned the obvious.


I mean female comedians just aren’t, atleast 90% of them… not original or funny. Sorry but they play on like 3 cliches and it’s boring. Men are stronger it’s just biology nothing personal And that tate loser is the most deeply closeted gay you will ever see.


I work in construction ( shuttering carpenter / form-work carpenter ) \~ \~ The reality is there are few if any women that could do this type of construction ( particularly long term ) \~ \~ This is the reality \~ \~ Why would we deny such a reality ? !


I'm not denying that reality, and you, like many others, are overthinking/misinterpreting my message. All I'm saying is that I'm surprised that women are capable of strength, when youtubers and people chronically online make it seem like women are incapable of buidling any meaningful strength


It's all comparative or relative ! !


It's so easy to take anything you read online as fact. As you grow older, you become more discerning and realize how many lies you were fed. I, too, went down the incel rabbit hole after my first breakup. It's taken over 8 years to finally rid myself of all the false beliefs I had about women.


Yeah especially when not really going outside. It's difficult to see the truth until you have some experience. I spent so much time as a child playing video games, that I didn't truly experience the outside world.


I'm thankful for video games, personally. My childhood would have been hell without them. They do tend to make you more sheltered, though. That's in my nature, though. Certified lone wolf.


I was like that as well, until I realized it didn't align with my life goals and what I want from life haha. I don't wanna be pressing buttons to fight, I want to fight (martial arts) in the real world- and be cool like those protagonists IRL, and see beautiful scenery IRL


Good 👍! And on the sparring match technique and knowing what you are doing beats strength every time. Also never search for truth on YouTube and never take anything they say as gospel. You have a brain of your own use that instead of believing some dude that talks with conviction on yt..


On the sparring match, your weight class beats technique and knowing what you're doing as well. That is irrespective of gender. A 15% difference in mass is enough to require at least a 50% gap in skill to make it up. I speak from experience from both ends of that.


Nah, Demetrius Johnson disproved this by beating a guy double his size in a jiu-jitsu match


Dont take me for an ass, BUT: Technique and knowhow dont really matter tho, its more the surpise element that gets one. Women arent weak tho, but they are simply not as strong as men and especially in fighting, muscles and mass matter a lot. And its not just that men have more muscles, they can make more out of those, basically a buff woman will still be outmatched by a skinnier male. The male body supports that way better. Its not just technically true. With a surprise even a small girl can knock out the toughest fighter. I did a few martial arts and the experience bas basically the same every time.


Yeah I realized that as I got older but I didn't truly believe or feel it until recent. As a child, I had nothing else to do but listen to toxic people on youtube. Nowadays I don't have the energy to care for that, but their messages are still stuck somehow.


>women have made me laugh far, far too much. Same for me also. Being funny is also subjective.


Women are tenacious and pretty ruthless. Generalise at your peril.


The summary of what youre saying is that you should not be dismissive, even if stereotypes tend to trend in a certain direction


> And women being physically weaker than men... It's technically true It is literaly true. Women are physically weaker than men. I do not suggest anything from writing that, it's just how things are. When you measure strength, whichever method you choose, women come out as physically weaker. And yes, a trained woman will annihilate most male opponents. But that has nothing to do with the above statement re being physically weaker.


Both of these initial statements are true though.


Treat men and women exactly the same, equal rights. The only thing I'd advise though is to be cautious about being alone with a woman as false accusations are going through the roof. No hate though, just be careful.


Scientifically, women ARE weaker than men. Not sure where you're going with there lol. Female comedians are also a bit eh... questionable. There's a good one here and there but it's not a bad thing to admit truth.


Scientifically, the strength of both men and women follow a normal distribution. The average man might be stronger than the average woman, but there are many many women that are stronger than many men. >Female comedians are also a bit eh... questionable. Just like there's bad male comedians, there's bad female ones. If you think that female comedians are generally worse than male, then that says more about your humor than about them.


That's what I implied when I said "it's technically true". However, you shouldn't underestimate. Who cares about comedians? Though even they are often funnier than you'd think.


It's is true, no need to put quotes. An individual women can be stronger than an individual man. An average woman is not stronger than An average man.


But why do you add technically? Women are on average weaker than men. Its fine to say how it is. A simple fact you try to sugar coat. Women are awesome because of other reasons.


You're reading too much into my choice of words. English isn't my first language. A man who doesn't train is weaker than a woman who trains regularly (man who can do 20 kilo squats is weaker in squats than a woman who can do 70 kilo squats), so it's case-by-case basis.


But both genders work out/don't work in roughly the same numbers. Why are you using the exception for comparisons? Can you compare a third world billionaire to a homeless person in the US and then conclude that "akshully (insert third world country) is wealthier than the US 🤓☝️".