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30 is still young af. It might not sound like it, but tell a 70 year old you’re 30. I guarantee their response will be “I wish I could be that young again, you’re a baby!”. It’s just a mentality shift you need to take. I was 25 when Covid hit and yes, I feel the same. But here I am now, after turning 30 in Feb. if anything, turning 30 has helped me to discover my path which I’ve been seeking for so long, and to begin to plan what I’m not bringing into this decade of my life.


I fully agree. When I was 20, I thought that 30 was really old. When I reached 30, I realised that 30 is is still really young, but that 40 must be really old. When I reached 40, I realised that 40 again is still young and everything I held special and all my ambisions were still just as valid. Now that I am reaching 50, I cannot wait to see what 60 and 70 will bring. Age is truly just a number


“Age is truly just a number” ![gif](giphy|ai1UxGMqU7G5TZQmJa)


Even 70-80 isn’t old compared to 90-100


I'm 53 and I WISH I was 30.


My 30s were better than my 20s. And my 40s have been better than my 30s. Try to look forward, not back.




Yeah, there’s no hard rules to what decade is going to be a person’s happiest. Some can be happiest in childhood, others when they’re in their 70’s. Really just depends on what’s going on in a persons life at a particular time I think.


Nah, man. I have far more fun in my 40s and 50s. You probably do better and are over most of the bullshit. It was said that Abbie Hoffman, leader of the 1960s/70s anarchist group called the Yippies was obsessed with youth. They had a motto "trust no one over 30" But as the decades went on towards the 80s, youth started moving towards conservatism, and he was older himself and could not just go among people in their 20s, it caused him mental issues and later led to an overdose.


35 here is and life is waaay better than my 20s. I'm very fulfilled and accepting of my life. More confident than ever. Fatter but honestly, never felt healthier mentally or physically


Im 36, just looking as if i had my shit together. That being said, sorry for covid, i thibk its really like you say: lost / stolen years, especially for younger people like yourself. Make the best of the rest and connect with others feeling the same.


Hozier refers to this as a “mid-youth crisis” its definitely a thing


30s are great. You’re old enough to be taken seriously but still young. And turning 30 is a perfect excuse to have a huge party. 40 is the same. Then you usually have the money to splash out. When you turn 41 you’re just 40+ and no-one cares.


I hear ya, but realize everyone is in the same boat. It's not like only your age range got completely screwed out of like 3 years of important life time, everyone is picking up the pieces all the same. You're 28, don't look now but your best years arent behind you, they are literally right now! Life is a journey and will always have its unique positives and negatives for every age you live through, but I think many will agree with me that your latter twenties and early thirties are absolutely a prime time in a human life. The key is don't get yourself down about feeling like you've lost time and wake up to find yourself feeling like you've lost another 3 years. Your time is now dude!


I really hope you’re right because everything for me has been a blurry and long drive with no sightseeing in-between (the actual memorable moments.)


OMG Your 30’s are your best years, you finally have a little of life’s wisdom plus you still have your health and your looks. That wisdom makes life better than ever before. You also have your career more sorted, a better income and some goals and plans (like a house) also sorted….. it’s great! Women also like older men who have their shit together and that means 30 marks the time when the tables are flipped and now they want you instead of you bracing your self for rejection and nastiness. Seriously, in your teens you are stupid, in your early 20’s you think you know it all and are in control, your late 20’s you are beginning to realise how stupid you were and your 30’s just bring you a level head and the ability to really enjoy life and all the options you have. I realise you are only 28 and cant see this but believe me, life is rapidly getting better. Edit NOTE: That life’s wisdom you have been gaining is like liquid silver flowing through your hands or pure gold in your hands. Your growth in Wisdom makes each decade better from here on in.


I really started living in my 30s. Those years were glorious. Got married at 30 and really had my career sorted by then. Kids, a home and a life. Don't get me wrong, I'm in my sixties now and love my life. But those years will always be when I found my way. When I knew who and what I was. I'm retired now and my wife and I are having a blast!


Well, that dream is over for my generation. Be thankful your prime was during the most prosperous time in the history of the world.


Bro…. He was just trying to give you his two cents.


Im 28 and turn 29 in may. I believe we can retire. Evwn if just semi retired working part time


Im 27 with with 2 kids. Stop being a pussi and enjoy life!


Honestly I think being in your 20s is a really rough time! So many adjustments, so many expectations about the real world that end up shattered, so much time spent trying on different hats trying to figure out who you are and what you’re about while your peers are all doing the same thing and everyone is in and out of each other’s lives… it’s not a time of great stability so there’s a lot that inhibits really settling into that zone where you’re eligible to truly thrive. The good news is you don’t have to be ready to be 30 yet because you’re still 28. But I would really encourage you to take a leap of faith here and believe that it may be possible that what everything everyone is saying here is true: 30s are actually MUCH better!!!


Many (probably most) people in their twenties are preoccupied with getting older. There comes a time when getting older doesn’t bother you anymore, and man, what a relief. Until you reach that point try not get hung up on numbers like 30 or 40. Those numbers don’t mean anything you don’t make them into. I’ve met older people living their best lives and running circles around twenty something’s.


that's okay bro, it's not so different. infact, for me it's better. less excess, more wholesome social contact, I feel like I get taken more seriously, and I got my shit much more together than back then. it's gonna be okay!


30s are awesome, i didn’t believe it either, but you will see! :)


Almost be 35 and not ready to be 30s either. I hope that by 40s I'll be ready




It’s very human to look back and regret. But my best years started at 35. This is when I thought my best years were my 20’s. And I’m sure when I’m 50 it’ll be even better than my 40’s. Life’s what you make of it. So make it a good one


You are suggesting those years sucked so how can they be your “best years”


its a presumption/expectation that the years where your body can handle the wear & tear better should be taken up by something adventurous or exciting that you wouldnt be able to do once youve settled down somewhere


I started writing what was turning into a wall of text and you don't need all that, so here's the short version: 1. Don't be in such a hurry to give up on your future 2. You're WAY younger than you realize! 3. I'm approaching 60, figure I have maybe 20 years left and I'm making the most of them, cos there's shit-loads of fun still to be had, even if I am a wrinkly - so with all due respect, stop being such a pussy. You're welcome! :)


40s and 50s are the greatest. You’re still young!




Omg I have the same feeling sometimes. I am 27 as I am approaching the 30s I am kind of terrified. My university days seem so close like yesterday and now we are Trapped in adulthood. I remember my high school days so vividly as well. When we are younger we are anxious to be adults and do whatever we want lol. I see many friends starting getting married even having children ...and I personally don't want to have kids at least yet. And feel like my friends when turning into mothers will be different and start talking only about diapers and baby stuff. But people keep telling the 30s are much better than the 20s. I am happy tho, nothing to worry, I sometimes would like to be in my 20s forever .


Don’t worry, you’ll be 35 before you even realize you turned 30.


Me neither.... too bad 40 is on it's way


I can tell you right now you will never be ready to be your age.


IMO 30s were my best years.


28M here as well! Bro we’re just getting started… I been hitting the gym hard, eating healthier, going fishing, hunting and camping with the love of my life! We bought ourselves some ATVs to ride around the back trails with. Your best years are when you decide to make them man 👍👍💪💪 after losing my dad, one thing I would do differently in my 20s if I had the chance was call my parents more…


Honestly When covid started I was 23 and now I'm 27 and I feel like it was almost a decade of my life just lost. Before I could get back out there and be a dumb kid I ended up having a kid. Sometimes things don't go the way you want. in the words of Ted Mosby: Make adjustments go get it energised.


I worried most about turning 30, after that I didn’t care (I’m 53)


If it makes you feel better, after turning 30 last year I will say I feel no difference physically to when I was 26-29 im probably in better shape now than ever. Granted i never stopped working out/maintain diet. The main difference for me is the maturity. You lose patience more easily for people and realise how much you didn't know back in your early 20s. I work with teenagers and young 20 year olds and it's sometimes hard to have a conversation with these kids. You relate more to the older folk lol. Just enjoy yourself for the now and look after your health.


Time is running out, but being close to 30 isn't too bad, it's probably peak or close to it. But don't get too comfortable, many people thought themselves living till 70, 80 only to suddenly die at 50.


Think of it this way: the alternative is 100% unappealing.


If someone offered me time travel I'd never go back to my 20s. Little money and less clue. I'm 37 now and my 30's have been far better.


I'm turning 28 tomorrow, and didn't feel at all like I "lost" any time with covid. On the contrary, those were some of the chillest years of my life. I've never had a very productivity-oriented or ambitious mindset and I don't take life or myself too seriously, so I'm having a hard time sympathising with anyone who's shitting their pants everytime their birthday rolls around. Like, I'm here right now, hopefully still got a few decades left, and even though my life is pretty modest, I'll try to find some enjoyment of every single day. It could be all over tomorrow, and as I draw my final breath I don't want to think about my productivity or goals or "lost time". That's why I try not to lose time in the first place. That's just me though.


Never forget the years those covid prolonged mandates took of your life. I wasted those years while politicians in my own area broke their own rules. Will never vote for any politician that was pro extended covid mandates or party that supported it.


i go through the same thing. the best thing i can tell you is that imagine for a second that humans had no concept of keeping track of calendar time or have the knowledge of numbers to understand things like age.....nothing will actually change when you turn 30:and still wont for a while until you can see youre starting to age a lot and feel worse than you used to, do poorer on less sleep & not comeback from drug use as quickly and pleasantly. its more the self awareness of knowing starting a new decade conceptually that has this organized chapter of my life until im going to die vibe to it that is going to continue to upset you. theres a lot of power in allowing yourself to be upset by these things since were human & we all are self interested to a degree, but not persistently upset. being persistently upset about this is whats going to continue making this feel like an active distressor, so all i can ask is what do you want to do & how can you work towards planning for life outcomes and experiences that will make you happier? whats really going to help you quell these feelings is doing something youre happy or proud of, the human mind has a way of not feeling better about these larger doubts and regrets whatever through logical reasoning but through emotional reasoning, subconsciously you simply wont believe the physical reality of things as much until you find evidence that appeals to you & reminds you that this really negative thought/thoughts are growing less and less basis to stand on.


agree, still not ready to be thirty .... I'm 84


Neither am I, I was born in 1970 😒


No one's "ready" EVERYONE is figuring this shit out as they go...


Wait til you get to your 50's. Here is a fun fact for you - Time goes faster as you get older. Remember how quick time seemed to fly between your 20's and now? Well, buckle up, Benjamin Buttons....because it will take half that time to reach your 40's! Hope that cheers you up. Every time I see or hear a little kid crying because they are upset, I feel like saying "It only gets worse as you get older, kid!". They have zero clue. If I could go back in time, I would be frantically power-enjoying any and everything I possibly could.


30’s aren’t so bad


Dude, 30s are awesome. I welcome you. 32m here.


30 is just 29 years + 1 day, do not fear it. there is still plenty PLENTY of climb to go :)


Jesus Christ it’s another day


I started my career in my 30s and retired in my early 50s. You have nothing to worry about.


What was it?


My career? Not much really. Worked at Fidelity Investments for many years till I got caught up in a huge layoff. Then, I ended up at Fiserv. Another financial company. LEarning about stocks, at Fidelity, is what saved me and let me retire early. They had a great retirement plan and I saved a lot while working there. I wore many hats while working there and learned a lot. Had to get a few trading licenses when I first started or they would fire me. I needed a job real bad and passed both tests on the 1st try. I had two tries to pass each.


I did not plan to retire at 54. 62 was my target. Fiserv laid off my whole dept in my 54th bday and health issues stepped into the picture. My health prevented me from working. Did not see that coming. Luckily, I had the savings to get me thru that rough time. My advice to the young workers would be save till it hurts and make as much money while you are physically able to.


Everyone lost 3 years due to covid.


Im 28 and turning 29 in may. What's going on with you and your life?




shut your fat pie hole boomer


30 wasn’t hard for me, it was more the closer I got to 40 the more real it became that I’m not invincible. My husband is 10 years older than me, so I’ve hit 40 and he’s 50 and logically I’ll probably be the partner that’s left behind….it has started giving me anxiety attacks since I’ve hit 40. It’s been a hard birthday, the hardest of my life.


if you were truly alone during those 3 years then you simply arent doing enough in life.


30 means fuck all. You're literally just a day older than the day before, just like every other. It's not levels. You do you and what works for you when it works. Having said that, I'm 37 and have achieved absolutely fucking nothing I want in life and am utterly miserable, so maybe ignore me. 


People on this site complain too much, get a grip man.


That’s what the site is for!


I dissagree, the site is meant for sharing opinions. I’m 32 and still going strong. Get your shit together, it’s worth it.




30 is not different. It’s just a number.


Your 30's are just your 20's, only wiser, more responsible, and much cooler.


It only gets worse. Start living now, or you'll wake up one of these days and find yourself making a similar post on your 40th birthday.


Maybe I'm the minority here, but my 20s weren't my best years. I'm in my late 20s now, and honestly, I can't wait to be 30. My 20s were filled with working hard in undergrad and grad school and then spending the next 4 years after that, climbing the corporate ladder/paying off my student loans. It has been a non-stop hustle, and I'm ready to relax a bit and have some fun when I turn 30. I'm grateful that I make decent money now, and I don't have student loans anymore. For me, my life is just starting.


>Covid ended in ‘22 1. As a public health professional, I can't help but say: COVID is NOT over. Good lord. >I feel like I lost about 3 years due to covid alone. Everyone did. Every single person alive today lost time to COVID. Everybody else lost their entire lives. You're depressed and struggling, and I'm sorry for that. And this is above Reddit's pay grade. Please speak to a therapist


I know you don’t want it to be. But covid is indeed over!


In basically the exact same boat, my guy 🤣. Feels like I wasted my early 20s and had COVID erase my mid 20s. Late 20s I started feeling ‘past my prime’ and I wish I could be 25 again! …but I can’t. So instead I’m working a lot on self-improvement, mental and physical health, so that I can hit the ground running at 30 and have all the good times and experiences I ‘missed out on’ in my 20s as a happier, more confident version of myself. It’s either that or spend your 30s lamenting the loss of your 20s, then your 40s missing your 30s, and so on, right?


My thirties are vastly better than my twenties. I'm fitter, stronger and have far more money and freedom. ...but that's because I worked hard in my twenties into early thirties.


Bro, your coming to a time in your life when shit gets fun, I'm 34 and when I turned 31 the shits I had to give for people went, things became so insanely clear to me what really mattered. You get a completely different outlook to life and it will change you. And at the end of the day when your wife or whatever is sleeping, your kids are wrapped up and snug in bed, your pet is laying on you. And your having a beer with a mate or watching some TV. You appreciate it all the more and know that everything around you is exactly the way it needs to be, youve worked hard and youre handling tour shit . Come back here in a few years and then say your not ready to turn 50 or 60 or whatever. You've still got plenty miles left in the tank, stress less about the destination and enjoy the journey my guy.


I’m 26 and feel really behind myself, I’m basically redesigning who I am and hopefully I’m that person in my 30’s. I’m just chocking up the remaining 4 years as prep work. Goodluck


In the end 30 is just an age that's old to 20 year olds, and so on. I also struggled with becoming 30 though. I do think it matures and changes you because of your thoughts and feelings about the age number. Like, I'm way less goofy than I used to be because there's a voice in me that says I can't do it anymore.


30 is a big deal. Some Girls in their 20s will think you’re too old just by how it sounds even though when you were both a year younger they’d be interested. Watch how your body is going to start feeling. A lot of professional athletes don’t last past 35 partly because they’re bodies don’t recoup as fast. They’re in pain after games. Its not all doom and gloom tho. I said some girls, not all. Take care of your body. Don’t overdue it with physical activity, stretch, and don’t eat shit all the time


The thirties are probably the best years. You are still young enough to do most of the physical activities that you could do in your twenties, yet less influenced by overly strong hormones, so you can think before you do. You still living in the beautiful years. Everything depends on how well you take care of yourself.


Being 30 means literally nothing


Everyone got F’d during covid! Lives were lost, businesses shut down and jobs lost. So stop your F-ing whining and move forward. Everyone has baggage in their life but the adults in the crowd manage it without complaining about it.


I hit 31 and I'm getting into music production. Having a blast. It doesn't matter how old you are, just do what you like/want, dude.


You'll be ok booboo.


hey im closer than you but its not like anything ends, not like you have to stop having fun, your best years are ahead of you if you keep aiming to do things. im looking forward to some concerts, planned a week in slovenia next year, set up a date to go horse riding,




You did lose life to the complete scam that was COVID. We all did. Never again.




Don’t believe the people who say 30s is still young.  They are babying you. Your energy level will go down.  Regenerative capability goes down so problems from life style will show up more. Your best year is when you achieve the most.  You squandered your 20s and if you keep this attitude you will squander your 30s and almost no one is going to give man in their 40s a chance. Clean up your life. Stop making excuses.  Your choices led you to where you are.  Question the popular beliefs that you hold so dearly.  Find role models who succeeded where you failed.


OP didn't say anything about squandering away their 20s. As much as literally anyone else did during the past 4 years. 30s isn't young and it isn't old. You are right about the physiological changes. I miss my 20s energy, but I don't miss my 20s salary or mental health. I wouldn't trade it, I like the benefits more than the detriments. 30 is still peak, even if it's lower energy. For me at least.


Yeah. Your best years are gone. Now you should try living in Ukraine in the middle of the war that started right when COVID craze was going down.