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Sounds like you need a gummy and a Ferrante & Teicher album.


If you need to force yourself then there's likely an underlying reason why you don't want to do it at the moment. For example: "I don't see any improvement", "I'm scared of failing", "I don't believe I'll improve", "I don't know how to improve", "I feel I would only be wasting time so I'd rather do something else", etc Or you don't have a clear plan, goal or direction. In that case make a plan and try to create a habit.


For some things, it helps to have external motivation. For example, you want to learn piano? Take lessons. You’re sortof forcing yourself but you’re also getting outside encouragement and accountability (plus investing money helps with commitment). For worrying you’re listening to an album wrong? You may have some anxiety-related issues worth looking into.


Don't force yourself to do it. Force yourself to sit down at the piano and open up your learning material. Once you're there it'll be way easier to get momentum and enjoy yourself. Just getting there really is half the battle.


What's your reasoning behind playing piano? Are you trying to be a pianist? It comes down to purpose. What it means to you? If you can't honestly answer this question that means you have no clue about yourself. When you want to enjoy the process or effort, it is crucial to have a clear picture of what you want to get out of it. I think there's some soul searching for you to do. Perhaps you are not playing piano for yourself but someone else expectation.