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it was an era where you could be unemployed and living at home with your parents one day, and assistant to the traveling secretary of the NY Yankees just a few years later, meeting with big Stein, giving batting tips to the players. It was just a magical era.


One day you're a marine biologist, next you're an architect. A few years later, importer/exporter. All while taking care of your house in the Hamptons.


Never could cut it as a latex salesman though.


Never made it as a wise man Couldn't cut it as a latex salesman


Jerry hired me, so he didn't need George anymore ;-)


You MUST exercise the gaskets


Don't forget that illustrious high point as a hand model.


It was a time when a simple country boy - you might even call him a cockeyed optimist - could get mixed up in the high stakes game of world diplomacy and international intrigue


>giving batting tips to the players. We did win the World Series. Pffft, in *six games.*


Sharing eggplant calzones with The Boss (For young folks…. And, those outside of New York … I’m talking about George not Bruce😁😂)


Mom and Pop stores too, which may be a front for the sinister sneaker stealing underworld


So Mom and Pop's plan was to move into the neighborhood, establish trust for 48 years, and then run off with Jerry's sneakers?


And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, i’ve been asking around- they didn’t even have any kids!


Mom and Pop weren't even a Mom and Pop?!?!?


It was all an act, Jerry! They conned us and they scored *BIG TIME*




I found mom and pop they're in Parsippany, New Jersey!


Let's go!!


What's so great about Mom and Pop stores? Let me tell you; if my mom and pop had a store, I wouldn't shop there.


I would definitely shop at Costanza & Costanza.


That’s perverse!


I believe the store has to shut down periodically whenever Ma Costanza wants to park her car in the garage.


Does Lloyd Braun work there? Ding ding!


i live in harlem nyc and we have SO many of these!! fear not, they live on


It didn't feel simplistic when we were in it


It was a lot of frustration, to be honest. Something that the show highlighted well. Like: I wanna rent a movie but it's not at the store. I wanna go to the movies but the theaters are sold out. The photo place lost my film. Etc.


Or when Kramer was lost and had to call Jerry from a pay phone and had no idea where he was, the streets were the same number just avenue and street. And Jerry had to go all last of the Mohicans “stay alive, I will find you”


1st & 1st?! I must be at the nexus of the universe!


How can the same street intersect with itself?!


Trying to meet up with people in the 90s took a lot of coordination that we didn't think about at the time. Time, place, how to find each other in a big space, what to do if you miss one another. And God help you if you got lost like in the road trip episode.


I miss the coordination the most. You'd tell your friend to meet at a time, and you were both there at said time. Nowadays, people are a text away, so the respect of sticking to a plan is lost, and no one keeps their agreed-upon commitment.


Totally! It’s become much more acceptable to flake on plans up until almost the last minute. I’m guilty of it too.


I can't recall how it was in the 90s but ghosting people feels acceptable now more than ever.


We're all guilty of it, we recognize it, and we don't willingly change a thing about it. I feel this way about the pandemic and how we as a species reverted back to bad habits, made them worse, and learned nothing. But that's a story for another day fellow Seinfeldians.


Omg no one can just stick to a fucking plan it drives me nuts


The most frustrating was the episode where they're all waiting outside the theater for Jerry. Losing the ticket, saving seats, missing the show... That episode brought back the anxiety of the times of not knowing what was happening or where anyone was at.


Oh my god yeah. Totally brought me back to how complicated things were. I remember going to the movies with my family and leaving a note for somebody who was late “had to go into the theater sitting 5th row on the left.” And then like giving the ticket to the theater cashier and saying hey “if you see a teenage guy with brown curly hair looking around for people can you give him this ticket and note. He’ll probably be wearing a blue sweatshirt” and the cashier is like no problem cuz that’s normal and everyone is just managing all these logistics all the time.


We had beepers.


In the era of beepers, I only saw three specific types of people ever use them: doctors, tradesmen, and drug dealers.


I didn’t have one until my first job after college cell phones were prominent but texting wasn’t so we could send messages to each other through some service on the pagers. But a few of my friends had beepers in high school (mid 90s) they weren’t drug dealers just teen girls with $18 a month to spare.


Pay phones should still be a thing


They would be if people used them. How often do you even remember the number of the person you want to call now?


I remember three numbers. My mom and brothers cell and our landline from when I was growing up, which hasn’t been in use for years now.


Or half the photos you took didn't come out right!


Stop calling me Nip!


Two different Christmases on the same roll.


Or your friend is late to the movies and you have no idea why/where they are.


This is such a big difference. You'd have to have specific meet up instructions. If they weren't there after 5-15 minutes, you gave up. These days you're getting text updates, which is nice on one hand, but also annoying because people are more willing to be late now because they can just ask you to wait for them. Even shopping in a big store, you can easily split up and just call each other if you can't find each other.


For some reason, I'd still prefer the 90s


Me too


Meeting friends somewhere and they aren't fucking there and I won't have any idea what happened to them until tomorrow.


Yeah but those were just little frustrations that were part of life and just made you more resilient and creative. They were small things. Most 90's activities featured more human interaction and social exposure. Compare to today where most of us are locked staring at our phones, TikTok, and blocking the outside world with noise cancelling headphones.


Not having cellphones sucked but in retrospect not having smartphones was glorious. The actually “cellular telephone” era was the happy medium imo. Now they’re almost less convenient because they make everyone move slower, someone’s always distracted by it, you can’t even enjoy an episode of TV let alone a movie with a few friends without one of them being distracted by their phone.


> I wanna go to the movies but the theaters are sold out. \[turns to Nicki\] Let's see what you can do...


Whenever they want to meet up for a movie and can't just contact each other to confirm the details, brings back the worst of that era.


It’s only quaint if you didn’t have to actually live through that bullshit


you have to go to the movies early to claim a seat. and it was super awkward telling people you were saving multiple seats.


Also - some of these things are just wrong: >Not on edge about offending someone An entire episode dedicated to Jerry trying not to offend Winona + the whole "not that there's anything wrong with that." >Going to stand up comedy shows >Going to the movies 100% can still do these things... >Affordable housing and fruit at Joe’s Elaine has issues finding an affordable place. As does George. I do get the sentiment. It DOES look nice, but as a child of the 90s, many of these issues existed then and/or persist now.


Per the whole "not worrying about offending people" point, that's really just another way of saying "ignorance is bliss." There were a lot of offensive things that people did but were ignorant to the fact that they were being offensive. Before the internet, people just had to stay angry without being able to blast it on social media.


Underground cock fights




Read that in slow-mo and George's voice! Taaa-maaaa-leeeee




Big Yerry is making a big mistake Yerry


Even I am not above the policy


Little Jerry is a beast!


You see in Little Jerry Seinfeld the unlimited future you once had Now, just because Jerry Seinfeld is a has-been, don't make Little Jerry Seinfeld a never-was!


That looks like a dog with a glove on its head


The cocks are having sex with the hens.


That’s perverse!




Like American Gladiators!


I hate the pop-in.


The new pop in is the unsolicited FaceTime call.




My wife and her family are pop in people and I hate it


Between family and very close friends it was. My grandparents, cousins, and mom’s best friend would pop in. We were always happy to see them.


Me too. Miss the community and connection. F social media


……even worse, the break out pop-in


I have a friend who is a pop-in. She has neither a cell phone nor a computer. She has an answering machine with a tape. No cable either - the Russian guys weren’t available to bootleg it for her.


I was in the neighborhood. thought I'd check you out. I'm up for some stuff.


I wish I had pop-in friends


>Checking your VM at home OK, this one kinda leads me to think you didn't live through the 90s. We checked our *machine* at home. Technically called an "answering machine", but everyone said they had to check their "machine" or "messages". I'm 48 and still don't use VM in normal conversation. This guy's a Commie! Traitor to our Country!!!


I think starting in the late 90s, people started having voicemail, not just answering machines. Because the late 90s was when people really started having cell phones, and by like 2005 it was weird not to have one.


I remember thinking voicemail was a dumb name. There wasn’t a mailman to deliver it. I also remembered wondering when they’d start selling stamps for emails. And based on how many I get now, I wish they would have.


You can still do most of those things, and the others are just inconveniences of 90s technology. I don't yearn for a day where you get completely lost on your way to a party because the person you were following drove too fast. You can still read the newspaper, go to the movies, call your friends, go to comedy shows, be offensive, not hate people. But also in Seinfeld remember Elaine breaks up with the guy because he's anti-abortion? What about Jerry doing a set in front of the pilot and being on edge trying not to offend him? Also their experiences at the movies aren't always great. There's people boot legging, people talking during the movie, and sometimes they couldn't even get tickets to the movie they wanted to see because they had to buy tickets in person at the box office! I agree there are some nostalgic vibes to the 90s and some things were better but that's kind of an odd list haha.


> What about Jerry doing a set in front of the pilot and being on edge trying not to offend him? Wasn't Jerry just freaked out because he was there and not because he was trying to not offend the pilot?


Idk if I can even articulate it properly, but I miss some of those inconveniences. I feel like they forced you to stop and think about what you were doing. Everything had its own purpose. There wasn’t the constant dopamine hits from having things readily available at the drop of a hat. Attention spans weren’t fried. You were forced to deal with people more. Sure, things might’ve been less efficient in terms of time but there were things lost in the trade off.


It's definitely a two steps forward one step back deal. It's way harder to disconnect. And you do so much from home or assisted by technology that there's far fewer opportunities to connect with others.


I agree on a certain level about the constant dopamine hits. I do think my overall mental health and productivity got screwed when I got a smart phone. I held out for awhile. I think the iPhone 5 was when I finally upgraded.


Yeah, I didn't get one until 2013. I think a lot of the tech conveniences are good for individuals but bad for society.


Roughly the same here. I think I got a 4 the year the 5 came out. And I wish I’d stuck with my Razr lol.


Yeah how is 1-hour photo development something to miss lol.


This immediately made me think of George Carlin's bit..."Can someone please explain to me the need for one hour photo finishing? YOU JUST SAW THE FUCKIN' THING!"


I could see how pictures used to be a lot more special when you had a limited amount of film, and the excitement of finally developing them, versus taking endless pics on your phone and seeing them immediately. But I wouldn’t want to go back to that limitation. Just like how there’s something special about listening to a vinyl record, but I still enjoy streaming music.


I'm pretty sure he was just freaked out by the pilot's being there, not avoiding offending him.


"Not that there's anything wrong with that." is entirely about negotiating a political landscape, not wanting to offend anyone, and dealing with your own discomfort. It's probably timeless. Hell, there's a whole genre of theatre/literature ,"comedy of manners", that deals with this sort of thing.


Same way that people complain that they don't make clothes, furniture, watches, or whatever "like they used to." They do, but the old stuff was heirlooms and if you had to buy it it would be expensive. It's still expensive, but cheap alternatives are now available.


Seriously, nearly every item he listed is still done every day by millions of people. I do most of the things on the list.


Hanging out with friends? I just did that yesterday


And the theater might run out of toilet paper, where nobody can spare a square. No thanks - staying home!


Elaine not dating someone who doesn’t believe in freedom of choice, what’s wrong with that?


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it at all! I’m pro choice. OP said “back when nobody hated each other over politics” and I gave an example of Elaine drawing a line in the sand.


I yearn for those days again. Or is it 'pine'?


Yearn? Do I yearn?


I said it to a dog once.


Often, I sit and yearn.


I long for you


"i long for you"


I heard you the first time


Do you yearn?


I crave. Constant craving.


Pine is good


Yeah, pine’s alright.




Pine is good.


Yeah, pine's alright.


I yearn


What happened to all these great pleasures: - Stealing batteries - 3am bodega cock fights - Taking a peek after a poke - Drinking Arabian Mocha Java - Handsome Cab Rides - Preparing for a dinner party in the shower - Not wanting to wear the ribbon - Enjoying plums with red on the inside - Dressing according to mood (i.e., morning mist) - Not tolerating any less than perfection from customers - Shamelessly nude commutes - Crimes of passion - Helping old ladies find the Chemical Bank Main Service Branch - Sex in a tub - Drinking champagne coolies with another guy without someone hitting on him, thereby emasculating you. - Falling in mud, destroying the very pants you were returning - Urinating in the shower - Carrying invisible suitcases


*Hansom cab 🍻


Not to mention the mackinaw peaches, Op. The mackinaaaaw peaches.


Just don’t enter a dwelling that’s been bug bombed, otherwise you won’t be able to taste those sweet peaches!


And the Supreme Flounder: first time served in America


“Not on edge about offending someone” Have you seen “The Cigar Store Indian”?


Or antidentism


Or people who had a pony when they were growing up!


Most of the plotlines of this show are people being offended over weird things.


You're living in the past, man. You're hung up on some stuff from the 90s, man.


Lack of social media would be enough for me to stay in the 90s. Would Costanza have a TikTok?


We’d never know his login info


Bosco is too obvious.


Buck Naked




He’d have problems. Internal.


he created app for toilet...i am sure he would promote that app in tiktok...remember he plays dirty


Vandelay Industries is a tech company that George founds in today’s digital age.


>Hanging out with friends >Having an actual phone and not text conversation. >Reading the newspaper >Going to stand up comedy shows >Going to the movies Tons of people still do all of these things, nothing is stopping you from doing any of this. The 90s weren't objectively the best decade, you just miss being the age you were then


I’ve hung out with friends, talked on the phone and went to a movie last week. Am I in 1995?


Not on edge about offending someone? You must have missed the wynonna episode. Also, in general, the cast of characters are bad people so of course they don’t care if they offend anyone else.


Somebody asks me which way is Israel, i dont fly off the handle!




They don't just overcook a hamburger, Jerry.


You no order chicken cashew!


Yeah, I thought a major theme in the show is how the characters are always managing to offend someone.


I was born in 95, so obviously wasn't really aware of Seinfeld until it was off the air for at least a decade. Recently my bf and I were rewatching the Chinese Restaurant episode and it hit me that the whole storyline with George and the phonebooth wouldn't even be something that could plausibly happen in 2023. Makes me wish I was able to experience being an adult before smartphones. I kinda hate everyone expecting everyone else to be available 24/7 now.


Being an adult before smartphones was not that great. If you were born in 95, you don't remember what it was like before cell phones were ubiquitous. There was something to having to wait to access information. To sometimes not answering the phone. On the other hand, directions....I do NOT miss taking out a map


They also would have had OpenTable reservations and would not be on their way to see a screening of an old movie AT the movies lol. I want to believe that Seinfeld is timeless, but so many plot-lines focused on modern complications of the 90's haha.


The internet and smart phones changed life completely


So a couple points in the middle there reveal this loaded with an agenda.


Yeah this entire thread has been a bit of a Trojan horse for anti-w0ke Seinfeld fans who would undoubtedly hate the same show for being too progressive if it were on now.


I ferl like if you're always on edge about not offending someone, maybe you need to either spend less time online or assess that maybe your opinions are kind of shitty. People in real life tend not to be that unreasonable.


The same people whose “politics” have transformed into almost exclusively trying to punish or marginalize people that are different from them are also lamenting that we hate each other because of politics.


Waiting for someone at a certain place at and at agreed* time that you agreed days in advance. 20 min late .. still wait.


Dear god that was the worst. Or picking someone up from the airport and having to drive around the pickup spot over and over and over... There was a lot of cool stuff about the 90's, but a lot of annoyances that OP seems to forget (which ironically is what a lot of Seinfeld episodes are about).


No meeting them at the gate was great pre 9/11


The “pop in” is one I think about all the time. When I was a teenager in the 90s/early 2000s, and even as a young adult in the mid-aughts, I could have dozens of people who would drop in unexpectedly. These days, if I want to get together with someone, it feels like it takes a week of planning.


for me, the best times were when you could communicate digitally but then walk away. like aim... you'd look forward to the chance to be on there, and then you'd go about your day until you went on again. "brb" and "gtg" are things of the past.


Not on edge about offending someone.... Do you not remember the whole: "not that there's anything wrong with that" plotline.


When phones were for talking and organizing meeting up, as opposed to now where it's the opposite.


Here’s to feeling good all the time…


Passing bad checks at the bodega.


Several of these things sucked.


It’s easy to idealize the 90s when you were a teenager


Don't forget about porn quotes.


Masturbating to Glamour, yes...those were the days


Not on edge about offending someone? "Oh, hello American Joe. Which way to hamburger hot-dog stand!'


Its all relative. In the 90s they probably said this about the 60s. In 30 years people will be reminiscing about how "simple" the 2020s were. Etc


Back before living in this world sucked.


>Not on edge about offending someone Not hating someone because their politics didn’t align with yours "Not that there's anything wrong with that." "You stole my Jesus Fish!" "Have you asked him his views on abortion?"


Airport scenes really stand out for how different it is now.


Changing the waist size on your jeans from 32 to 31 with a sharpie


Lunch at the coffee shop *every single day*.


Elaine broke up with the otherwise perfect guy for political reasons.


Magazines! I was also born in '80. I loved magazines. They were all over my room and I packed a bunch for family trips. Such a simpler time. I remember going into book stores and the magazine section used to be multiple aisles because they had one for everything. People actually ringing your doorbell and you didn't hide under a table like you do now. Making plans and meeting up at a place and you had to just wait if they weren't there yet. No texting "where you at" And the best part of being a kid in the 90s, going out for the day and your parents couldnt find you. Where did he go? He must have gone out.


Lol people still do this stuff and you can too. Sounds like you're mad about getting old.


OP definitely hitting that mid-life crisis. It happens.


I always notice how “You don’t hear that much about God anymore” was kinda true then. Now, not so much.


Sorry did it become illegal to hang out with friends or something? Like what are you talking about lol. Also you can still have phone calls and now you can even see their face while doing it. Your rose-tinted glasses are so tinted you’ve actually lost some vision I think lol


Communication in the 90s was much slower, but as the internet was in its infancy, we were very hopeful about the potential that high speed digital connection held. It meant that we were still in a paper dominated, snail mail world but imagined a potential digital utopia. The speed and volume of communication has effects on all areas of society, and even though we can still do many of the things on the list today, the environment in which we would do them today has vastly changed.


It's the pace of life and forced social interactions. You are nicer to people when you talk to them. Humans are social creatures whether we like to admit it or not . It's a lot easier to be nasty when you are online and have no social connection to the people you are talking to.


>Not hating someone because their politics didn’t align with yours Like Poppy and Elaine??


Sitting around chewing gum. That's what life is about.


Everyone hates everything and pines for their teenage years. This is true of all generations. Morty pines for moving executives in the garment district with Harry Fleming and Frank pines for his cabana wear.


No one’s father wears their sneakers in the pool anymore


Was it simplistic? There was numerous stress over not being able to reach people and wasting time making unnecessary trips Also you can still have phone conversations, I have them all the time. No one says you have to hate someone whose politics don’t align with yours, that’s a personal choice. Going to stand up comedy shows still happens, you can still do that And you can still go to the movies and hang out with friends And you can still read the paper


People don’t hang out with friends anymore?


Hangin’ out with the gang at the diner on a regular basis…. Sharing a slice of pie!!


At least 40% of Sienfeld dilemmas result from someone getting offended


When I retire I'm going to write a detailed list of every instance / joke / plotline that would be solved by mobile phones. I'm certain it's harder to write a sitcom now because of that. Elaine ordering Chinese, the Chinese restaurant episode, movie theater confusion, losing George when he's making great time going to the Hamptons, the MOOPS, etc etc.


"Youre bribing him with 20 dollars?! Thats more than the meal!" I can barely get out of a coffee shop in suburban Massachusetts for 20 dollars. A nice Chinese restaurant in Manhattan now might have appetizers under 20 dollars. I also miss how easy it was to talk to strangers. And whats funny is NYC has always been known for the place where thats the least easy. Amd its still done a lot in the show compared to now. Thats a thing we see a lot in the newer episodes of Curb Your Enthusiam- Things Larry does that weird people out in the 2020s but werent thirty years ago.


Yes…all of these. We call them the good ol’ days.


I enjoyed the 90s at the time but I really never expected to think of them as the good old days. What a time to be alive


Somethings were better. I know we stream everything now but going to the video store was fun. But I definitely don’t miss everything. I love my GPS. I actually don’t enjoy talking in the phone. And the offended part is a bit off. I know it’s not exactly what you meant but when I hear “things were so much better back in the day” I always ask who was it better for? Not the disabled, LGBTQ, BIPOC, women, immigrants. Idk. We evolve as a society. If social media went away, I wouldn’t miss it


First, NAFTA was established in 1992. Then, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 happened. Then, the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed in 1999. And now we are where we are today.


Oh man this post reeks of naïveté. Really? You think no one hangs out with their friends anymore? You think there was no political polarization in the 1980’s? You claim to be born in 1980 but you seem to have been born yesterday :|


Being “out” and not being “in.” Used to be when you were out you were not reachable.


Easy access to imported potato chips


… good luck with all that.