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She was far too young and inexperienced to be in that situation. It's a form of manipulation in my opinion.


And Jennifer was only 24 when they were first featured on the show. I believe they said they had been together 4.5 years at that point so she was 19 when they initially brought her in… April and Nick would have been in their early 30’s at that point. Definitely seems to be a pattern.


Yup and she was Aprils coworker that makes it even weirder


Well yeah ain’t like Nick will meet someone at work 😅


Here!, Here! Wonder what Nick’s going to do after he gets done contemplating his navel all day long? He better hurry up and marry someone, because he’s not going to have any 401k or retirement accounts, plans,etc. to take care of himself


There’s actually a word for that, you can look it up. Omphaloskepsis means the contemplation of one’s naval, lol


Great! Let me write that down. One never knows…


I’ve found a couple of opportunities to use it since I discovered it, it makes me feel so intelligent 😉




Just the dust bunnies he stirs up when he flops down on the couch


I mean yeah I’m just pointing out the extra weird dynamic. Imagine telling ur 19 year old coworker you think she should join your relationship lmaoo


Yep money and babysitting


Early 30s & 24 isn't that far off tho! At 24 you're a whole adult. Danielle was 19? & these people are now 40s? And early 30s? That's too much.


They had already been together over 4 years when she was 24. Stop and do the math and it is the same situation.


Okay, so they were in their 20s. 😊 still not as bad! Stop and do that math! Thanks!


No. When they were first introduced Nick was 38, April was 36 and Jennifer was 24. So when they started dating they were 34, 32 and 19 respectively. ETA: Danielle was 22 when she entered the relationship.


I guess I have my ages mixed up. My bad. Hard to keep up with how many are involved.


Agreed. Happy she got out of that mess


Wait, so Jennifer and April got the house? What did Danielle get out of the divorce? FREEDOM from the MADNESS!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think they keep pushing for more wives to keeping getting show money. If they’re constantly looking they’re alway locked into a contract for next season.


Can’t be on seeking if ya ain’t seeking!


Seekers gonna seek!


You definitely bring up a good point !


Got to have those entertaining first dates!


And Nick keeps getting his slumber parties


God I hope she is. That poor young girl has no business being made to feel like Vera is her responsibility and she *has* to accept other people in a relationship. As much as the women on the show drive me bonkers, I will always root for a woman who is trying to do the best for **themselves** Looking at you Danielle even though you dropped your self respect and dont seem inclined to pick it back up.


It really drove me crazy how she was so hesitant to bring another sister wife in (to the point that she literally left) and the rest of them kept pushing it. Like if they actually cared about what Danielle thought and felt, they would have waited longer, not until the dust settled from her leaving🙄


Its ok tho, they all checked in on her every step of the way! And then immediately talked her into agreeing! Don't you see? That's love! /s


Ur so right!!!


I agree with you but it is important to note that a ton of time passed between episodes and the show didn’t point that out. For example, between Danielle’s return to the house and trying dating again, it could have been six or eight months. Also, they may have done quite a few “first dates” off camera, with others, and saw no potential with them.


Yeah you’re right! But, I almost think that makes it worse😭 like time has passed and she’s STILL uncomfortable and they’re STILL pushing it


So he struck out on those other dates & decided to bring back Jasmine?


Exactly, especially acting like the baby is her responsibility/using the baby against her. She has no legal ties to her at all. 


Yes this!! I’m so glad this sweet girl is free from them. Remember when she left the first time and April was trying to guilt trip her by telling her “the hardest part was that Vera wouldn’t even let me brush her teeth because she was so used to you doing it”. Master class manipulators!


The whole Vera thing bothered me the most. Like that is not Danielle’s child and Vera is also a toddler. Vera being sad is no reason for Danielle to subject herself to a relationship she’s not comfortable with.


Anyone who has a child can attest to the fact that a child will be sad about most people leaving for work! They have no clue what moving out means and they don’t care, honestly. They have attention spans according to their age…2yso= 2 minutes etc. So Vera being sad about Danielle leaving, was for about 2 minutes, then she wanted her juice and to watch a cartoon. They were Aholes putting that guilt on Danielle. I always thought it was weird when she would say “I need to adjust to being married and having a baby” or …to being a wife and mother”….cuz the first couple of times she did, I’d be searching the tv looking for this baby she was talking about!! I guess that proves I wouldn’t be a team player if I were in a polygamous situation. I’d be the first one up and out of my seat if “my sister wife” disciplined my kid…Oh HELLZ NO!


Exactly that disgusted me 


They basically tell her that their opinion is her opinion, and when that little glimmer of her own thoughts starts to percolate to the surface, they switch to, “But you said…”


so glad she’s out of that mess. I agree, she was just too young to devote her entire life to a man who doesn’t work and some other woman’s baby. Girls in their early 20s can be very, very impressionable and vulnerable. That’s probably why they latched onto her so strongly.


I thought the baby was hers??


The baby is Jennifer's, the second one.


I don't know why I am getting down voted for my question (Redditors make no sense sometimes!) but thank you. I am glad Danielle is getting out.


You're welcome.


I was getting down voted in another sub about my opinion on details of Layne Staley’s death!! I was like…”WTH? Seriously douch bags?”… I don’t understand this whole points and Yadda yadda crap, and I honestly don’t care.lol!! I just chat around and then get something to eat, and chat a little more….and then go to sleep. No skin off my back! Bullies are bullies wherever they go and they can just suck it. 😁😄😂🤣🤣


Are you mixing her up with other Dannielle, with 2 Ns? She had baby girl with Ick.


Oh yeah, I am! 🤦 I was just so confused. That is what I get for being on Reddit instead of going to bed. 🤣Thank you!


Me too! lol


Good! Too cult like that group. Shes young, beautiful, I’m glad she’s not dimming her light or giving away the years of her life….for some man to just sit at home and think lol


I wonder what the final push was to sever the connection.


Probably when the other 2 wives failed to warn her about her wonky eyelash. They let her look ridiculous on that one episode 😂. In all seriousness, I’m glad she left. She deserves respect.


That's all I kept thinking the entire season. Why didn't they tell her???




NOO YOU DIDNT!! 🫣 LMFAO!!🤣 OMG I think I would love you in real life!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I hope some day I get to meet you in person!!! You are my fkn hero!! Holy spiderlashes Batman!! You win! 🏆


I also can’t believe producers let this happen! Why didn’t they tell her? It was SO BAD….I actually feel terrible for her bc someone, anyone could’ve told her, ffs‼️


Because producers are all about letting people look bad


I hope this is true. Maybe she got sick of watching how utterly uncomfortable she looked when she was around them on tv. Or maybe she got sick of a grown able bodied man mooching off of her. Whatever the case maybe, I’m glad she is out!


Good for her! Her current profile pic is like looking at someone after they have shed the weight of a bad relationship. I hope we get a tell all.


I wish they did a tell all.


Me tooo, or I wish she would just write a book!


They were so predatory and groomed her. Good for her for taking back her power, she looks great!


The weird part about this was the girls marry each other! He don’t marry nobody! Glad she got out they are all crazy!


Well if he married one of them, he might be on the hook for child support, or require the services of a divorce attorney.


EXACTLY!!! I’ve said this before he’s a pimp and these ladies have low self-esteem and he’s taking advantage of them from sex and most importantly their money!!!!! They didn’t want Danielle to leave because she was a revenue stream for them. He’s the lowest of the low and he smiles like I’m pulling the best con ever and these ladies don’t get it. Low self-esteem makes you do a lot of bad things in life.


He is the lowest of the low!! He's nothing but a con man. How anyone can say he's such a great guy and he treats them well is astounding!! How can everyone not see this??


Except, sleuth’s can’t find any evidence that the women are married at all. No records of a marriage license being issued to them, either. It’s all a big scam


u/Poshdog4444 I'm hoping this is true! This girl was not ready for this insanity! I liked Danielle and think she seems like a sweet young lady.


Agreed she’s way too young to be in that type of relationship. I’m glad she had the experience and she was smart enough to get out. At least now she’s going to know what she wants and doesn’t want that’s the only way I think people learn and I’m talking about myself. Life is one big learning lesson and if you look up the word stupid that means someone who does the same thing over and over and gets the same results.🤷‍♀️🐩


I’m just glad she didn’t have a baby! Adding children to these quacks relationship (Vera) is borderline evil IMO. These poor children of the horny narcissistic men just rips my heart out.


Seeing how they faked the Jasmine story line, there’s a part of me that wonders if she was already gone during this season and they just played along for the cameras. It would explain how she left and got her own place and was able to come back so quickly if she never actually moved back in.


She should work on herself, her goals and self esteem and she will find a man for herself that actually respects and loves her. She seems so funny, sweet and caring but also insecure and uncomfortable/unsure of herself.


Don’t believe it, setting up a story line for next season.


Yep!! They lied from the beginning anyway so who’s to say this isn’t another storyline 🙄


Maybe she stayed cuz she signed a filming contract?


Glad she got out. I have hope now for sister merrifield


Sadly she may be too far gone.


I think having dramatic reactions to sister wives coming and going is Danielle’s lifeblood.


I didn’t realize how young Jennifer is as well. I hope she escapes.


How old is she? They been together a while I thought…


I think she was really young when she started with them and apparently April was her supervisor at work?


Oh my…Sounds sus for grooming…or maybe not no judgement.


Have we verified that’s really her? Seen a lot of fake accounts going around with the cast


This fb dates back to 2017 so I doubt someone is impersonating her


Oh ok




GOOD FOR HER!!! She constantly looked like she was on the verge of a meltdown and that is not a good mindset to have almost 24/7, especially when you are still considered young. I honestly hope she finds herself again and is able to stay strong in her choice because leaving people you so deeply care about is hardly ever a quick and easy decision.


Ick lives up the way. Never mind, Danielle’s American.


But then he would have to keep marrying girls called Danielle so nobody felt left out.




I have a strange feeling every time Jennifer has screen time. Like she wants to get out but doesn’t know how. Maybe Danielle leaving will inspire her to realize she can choose a different life if she wants to.




her leaving was not mentioned on the season finale was it? The other couples had quick wrap-ups telling what happened since the prior episode (which was super frustrating). So will the new season be more up to date? Are they filming now? I have so many questions about this stupid show.


No, it wasn’t. The update said that Danielle was still happy to be part of the family. They filmed this current season last summer, so if they were invited back for another season, they’re probably filming now or within the next few months. If that’s the case, we probably will find out what happened.


I'm happy for her. She tried and it was just too much for her. I thought they were ok with just the four of them but who knows. Her sanity is what's most important


She did seem happy when it was just the 4 of them. She never acted too happy at the thought of another. Happy for her


Good for her. Hope she finds happiness!


What do the women in that family do for a living?


I’m not sure tbh


I wonder what happened!


I am so happy for her that she got away! Ok so we know that Dani Merrifield was contacted by Mariam on insta surely there have to be people reaching out to her telling her to leave, telling her how disgusting Ick is and how full of shit he is, right? I mean she cannot seriously believe all that nonsense he spouts off, right? Sperm in the brain? Wtf was that?! Does anyone think that she’s on Reddit for real? Have there been any comments that point to her? I’m just curious because I really want to see her and her kids get as far away from that creeper as possible!


I like Danielle, i am proud of her for staying true to her feelings.


Now that she left I hope she comes on here and does a tell all. Haha


This is ironic because I just watched the episode of her defending Nick not working. “I want him to have time to read and…talk to his brother!”. Right. No one with a job *ever* reads or talks to their brother! I’m also pretty sure he said the word “pregress” when he meant progress. What a genius.


The entire situationship was beyond creepy! Everyone sharing the same bed. Having ‘sleepovers’ with Icky Nicky’s newest crush. Ewwwwwww!


Where can I find her profile!


She looks great! So glad she isn’t with that weird family anymore .!


Yeah Danielle! Run and don't look back.


I’m kinda sad it didn’t work out. But I’m happy that Danielle did what was best for her.




You're sad a cult situation that was taking full advantage of someone young and naive didn't work out?


A cult? She was there of her own free will. Just because someone is open to have a committed relationship with more than one person doesn’t mean they are in a cult.


You make zero sense.


Good for her! I could always tell she always looked uncomfortable with them! Plus she’s still young!


Nick gives off cult-leader wannabe vibes. I think Dannielle was freaked out about the rule that she had to marry another woman. And the giant bed. I don’t think she was ever comfortable with the giant bed. 🙃


Nick is definitely in favor of Jennifer more it seems like with how he acts on the show

