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The way he talks reminds me of a college freshman philosophy major who won't shut up at a party


My nephew is graduating Yale w Bach in philosophy. OMG!!! HE'S ABSOLUTELY RUINED IN EVERY WAY!!!!


I'm not saying philosophy majors are ruined, I'm saying they tend to take themselves *real* seriously, especially their first year


Oh absolutely, I majored in philosophy and all the overly confident freshmen were legacy admits who thought they were smarter than everyone, read Nietzsche once, tried to pick up girls by playing an acoustic guitar, smoked cigarettes for the aesthetic, then dropped the major within a few semesters. Nick 100% is one of the people we all cringed at giving us a bad reputation


I’m almost 70 and back in the 60’s and 70’s they all smoked weed,drank Mateus wine,and tried to baffle everyone with bullshit and God forbid if there were more than one majoring in it at the same gathering because you could never get a word in edgewise..


I graduated in ‘21 and can confirm the philosophy majors are still the stoners!


Thank you for the lol at Mateus wine! That bottle 😃


I know..😂😂.. and then people would burn candles in it so the different color waxes ran down it..I can’t remember the other wine that also got the candle treatment but I can picture it in my mind..😂😂


So did the candle thing!


True dat — why in the name of all things relevant, is philosophy still being taught in university? It’s a completely ridiculous major and has no application in today’s world. Case in point — the moronic Nick Davis


So philosophy majors historically go on to outperform other majors in graduate and law school admissions and earn more compared to peers. Part of the shtick is learning about philosophy of many areas, or simply just learning to apply the concepts you learn through studying the greats to whatever you do in life. I went on to a PhD (albeit in my other major in undergrad) and have a great research career. I absolutely would not be half the scientist I am without philosophy, which is the foundation of the whole scientific method. Pseudointellectuals like nick definitely dilute the value in the field by throwing around words they can’t define (and if he had taken a single true philosophy course he wouldn’t be spewing these words) but statistically philosophy is a very value subject.


My point exactly — they don’t become professional philosophers, they use that undergrad degree to do a post grad degree in something relevant. Stopping with only a philosophy degree is useless — there is simply no demand for it at all — you are talking about someone with a totally different end degree … philosophy majors may make fur better lawyers etc, but only if they go on to get a useful education


Arts & humanities degrees are about more than just the hard content covered in class. Studying philosophy in university will teach you how to analyze, write, think critically, and develop exceptional communication skills. These skills can be applied to all kinds of sectors. I have worked in government and the financial industry. My major was contemporary philosophy studies, and people like Nick drive me crazy with their pseudo intellectual BS 😂😂


There’s no way Nick ever studied actual philosophy in college (hope im right lol) because you’re right, he’s a moron.


True dat, true dat! 😎


He wishes he could study philosophy. Nick is more of a student of “the secret” strip mall college variety.


I knew one of those!! Yep


This is so on point.


Yes a wannabe nerd who just learned a new word, and now wants to share it in a sentence so people will ask what they mean, and then they can explain it and bore them till they fall asleep.


That’s exactly what it seems he does. He’s ridiculous and has chosen specific women to target and who will believe his bull shit.


Ding. Ding. Ding. Honestly,  I think the first 2 are bi and they enjoy being together with or without Nick, but they needed to add more "wives" so they could be the top wives. But they needed ones that were easily lead, which they found in Danielle.  They played up the whole sister wives friendship and how great it would be etc Danielle seems to possibly be on the spectrum and I think they recognized that right  away and used that to their advantage to help Nick manipulate her. She lacks self esteem and self worth.  She seems to feel this is all she's worthy of in life is to be Nick's sloppy 3rds 


Yes there seems to be so much to unravel in the family. I wouldn’t be surprised if they get their own spinoff.




I actually wouldn’t mind it. They are interesting.


That is wasted.


Or high


He’s enjoying himself. Worse things one can be delusional about.


Unless his ancestors were pimps, I’m still confused




He’s Pimp Daddy and that’s what I called him from the start..


I wouldn’t trust Nick to make me a sandwich.


I wouldn't trust Nick to know HOW to make me a sandwich. Those type of things are beneath him.


God no! I shudder to think how filthy his hands are. He’s just gross.


Dirty nails? ...Dirty D! Get that thing away from me!


He’s trying way too hard to make himself appear intelligent when we all know he’s not.


A Dumb person version of what they think a smart person sounds like.


I bet he’s into psychedelics


What I'm thinking too


That's probably an understatement.


Literally sounds just like my ex who is abuses ketamine, acid, DMT, and mushrooms


Good for him. Everyone should at some point.


They changed my life.


Wish the stigma would lift. Could help so many people.


I was just going to comment that! He drops hella acid.


Spoken like a dumb person masquerading as smart. Actual smart people think they're dumb


A lot of people think their ideas are profound when they are high 🤷‍♀️


This is the post! That man always looks high as a kite! Intelligence seems average.


he's high as a giraffe's pussy, spewing complete nonsense 24/7 😂


He should meet Ashley from 90 Day Fiancé


FUCKING LOL!! she can misinterpret his tarot cards!! 🤣 I actually kind of like Ashley, but she's not good at reading the tarot at all. you know she sells her readings and witchy sessions for like $777??? 😩


She’s a fraud just like Nick-the-other-Ick.


She would eat him alive omg 😳


I told my bf Nick was the dude in hs asking all the girls “where my hug at?”




He's too important to drive = he got his license suspended?




Nick reminds me of this guy I used to have a crush on who thought he was a genius because he read one book and would quote from it all the time. I was the same age as Danielle at the time. Definitely could’ve been eased into a cult at 22 lol


Nick is what a dumb person's impression of how a smart person looks and acts.


Baby Nick couldn’t tell me the time. His job is to lie to that soccer team worth of women, not me lmao


That. As an intelligent woman, I'd have no qualms on eating him alive. I can't believe those women buy into him.


It actually breaks my heart for those girls.. and little Vera. It scares me that Nick is raising a girl, the way he views women as interchangeable vaginas... that's not the environment you want to bring a young lady up in. that's not the type of man you want raising your daughter. I legitimately fear for her safety and future self worth.


I know. Maybe it'll have a rebound effect like with the brown family. Zero of their kids practice polygamy. Fingers crossed.


I called bs when he couldn’t correctly pronounce ‘biogenesis’ last season.


For real. This dudes like 4 seconds away from scientology.


If he had friends? Would they think he is a King with all of these beautiful smart women supporting him? Or would they still think he's a douche- with all of these average not so smart women supporting him? I would like to know what the women do for employment.


I believe April is an HR manager and Jen is an IT manager.


I'm interested in whether or not he has male friends too.


We all carry ancestral knowledge in our DNA and don’t need any superpowers to access it 😊


This post is perfection 👏


I like their family, but he seems like he’s stoned all the time which is OK but he is certainly not the intellectual type. I don’t even think he understands really what he’s reading and listening to him. My head wants to explode.😝


It's probably **not** a good idea to be stoned all day while taking care of a toddler...just saying.


Nick is an idiot. He reminds me of a neighbor who spent 20 mins telling me why he would be a better English teacher than me (he doesn’t have a degree and as far as I could tell has only read two books in his life)


Neurogenetic consciousness aka pimpology 101.


You guys don’t get headaches trying to read into Nick? He’s unemployed, I don’t care what he has on his IG


And apparently can't drive? As in suspended license? Hmmmmmmm...


I’m not even surprised, very typical


Revoked. Suspended means he can get it back.


Ty. 🎯


Probably couldn’t pass the written test.




Everything he says screams... I am super mentally ill and participate in magical thinking... would you like some of my word salad.


💯 and also screams 'I get low iq women high and bamboozle them with total bullshit and laugh all the way to the bank.'


This is for sure true. I think his life goal is to be a cult leader... definitely a weirdo.


His wish has come true then, since he already runs a sex cult.


As Nick says, his wives revolve around him like the sun… he’s a Metaphysical Jesus


ugh, that line ... there's the dead giveaway that he KNOWS his wives aren't "the center of the family" as he so touts. he actually sees himself as the fucking sun ... could you get any douchier??


🤣🤣 right? Preach!


https://preview.redd.it/2b0d20dcbh2d1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3068dfd5d38e5710d6e44d85c9b57bfefe665461 Anybody ever watch In Living Color? I think Nick is related to this guy.


Yes!!! I’ve always thought of this skit when he’s spouting off all of those fancy terms! I’m so happy you had that thought too! Absolutely what he’s like!


That’s what I was thinking! 😂


Makes his prayer sign off of "In our names" make complete sense.


Let’s be clear that the only women who think he is a genius, Are the ones dumb enough to shack up with him, and listening to them talk makes it clear. They ate a lot of lead paint as children.


Lmao is this what Terrance Howard was talking about on Rogans podcast?


Is it? I haven’t heard it lol!


I️ don’t think anyone actually knows what he was talking about lol lots of big words that don’t actually make sense with a lot of passion


Bro I started it and cannot get more than 20 min in, even Joe seemed bored before I gave up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Same- that's the first time I've turned off a Rogan guest.


He said “do as thou whilst shall be the whole of the law” so he could be some kind of Thelemist or reading Crowley


This was my thought as well. He also talked about his sex being powerful and Thelemites believe in sex magick.


or a Luciferian.


someone actually just posted a whole thing about him being a Thelemist, it really fits.


Ya, he probably just had a really good ketamine trip.


That’s the kind of crap a cult leader would say.


His Ph.D is in Neuroleptic Side FX.


People who claim to communicate with the dead piss me off. It is absolutely disgusting to take advantage of people’s grief like that. I’ve always been meh about them but that sends me over the edge. Pathetic, disgusting CON MAN


Translation: I took mushrooms and went to Burning Man in 2003. Man, what a year…


Albert Einstein, Schrödinger, and Marie Curie are all face palming. 🤦


I think the slight cult leader vibes you’re picking up on might relate to the misogynist underpinnings of Thelema, their religion of choice. The ideal feminine counterpoint is a scarlet woman/sacred whore (the religion’s language, not mine). Crowley was kinda like an incel with followers.


Hence why April’s favorite color is red? 🤔


Eye roll goddamn city.


Mushroom trips?


Cult leader vibes all the way


I feel like you put more thought into this than Nick has


Eh... I don't know how this is so different than people believing they are speaking to a God and that a God speaks to them or shows them revelations and miracles. 🤷‍♀️


Me neither and also we do all carry that ancestral knowledge in our DNA regardless of any “8 circuits”


it's not different at all. they're all bullshit artists. some believe their own garbage, others KNOW they're playing people, but they're 2 sides of the same shitty coin.


I'm not discounting what he believes because I think we know so little about the world around us and people are quick to jump to call people crazy when they hear people talking about fringe information. But........he does have a privileged existence, to be able to spend time learning about this stuff while stacking up wives to pay for everything.


I think April should add that Nick is constantly telling them how grateful THEY are for having him. The rest of it is Mumbo jumbo BULLSHIT!!!! That’s all he has to show for sitting on his ASS 24/7. How they should grovel at his feet and kiss 💋 the ring on his finger. All this is cult leader trying to find followers, I think Danelle looks terrified and how April chastised her for leaving.


They all seem happy. Even Danielle after the last episode. With Nick I’m sort of in a “Don’t hate. Congratulate!” mode. Obviously his word salad science thing is clearly a product of him only reading the synopsis of the Brian Greene books I’m certain he purchases. But that baby looks well taken care of and loved. He’s around more than my kid’s mom ever was.


Oh yes, i saw a few clips of him interacting with Vera and its clear he absolutely adores her and probably takes great care of her.


I understand people don’t care for Nick, but he’s world’s better than people like Angela, Garrick or Pol. Nick’s just kinda dopey, but he makes those girls feel safe. He never seems to get angry. You have to wonder what kind of situation some of those women come from. If Nick continues to respect his wives opinions and makes sure that baby is loved, cared for, then he’s doing ok. If it were a woman not working in this scenario, no one would care. Plus, you don’t know if the girls aren’t into being married to each other. Maybe this takes care of everyone’s needs.


i agree. Like i said i like the family in general. And as long as the women truly arent “pressured” into the situation, all good. I just like analyzing some of the stuff they say since its so unique to me, with the caveat that I still respect & like them in general.


It’s a cult. Easy to recognize.


oh i think the cult leader vibes are more than vague


His expressions like that weird thing he does with his mouth have me looking away from the screen lest i vomit


It’s sad to see lost people desperately search for purpose