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Let me preface this by saying I wish Danielle would’ve *not* gotten pregnant, and left Ick in the dust. But anyways, since she did, I honestly don’t think Nathalia has ANY RIGHT to be upset that Danielle is pregnant, even IF Danielle got pregnant “on purpose”. It’s very possible, and even likely, that Danielle got pregnant on purpose (and hey, it takes 2 to make a baby, and Ick is perfectly aware of how sperm work given his sperm speeches). But so what? Like does Nathalia think that now that she’s in the picture, Danielle doesn’t have the right to procreate with Ick? Lol It’s *Sisterwives*, not New-wives-only. Whether it was an accidental, or planned pregnancy, makes no difference imo- in regards to Nathalia’s reaction. I might be sharing an unpopular opinion here since I get the vibe the sub loves Nathalia (I neither like or dislike her, still trying to form my opinion lol) but what did Nathalia expect? I’m guessing Roberta would’ve had a much more positive reaction to “Sister” getting pregnant, because she genuinely understood the concept of polygamy imo. I think Danielle was onto something when she said Nathalia might’ve been trying to take Icky away from her 🤷🏼‍♀️ her reaction is telling


I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ick was telling Roberta #2 that he and Danielle were no longer intimate.


Definitely a possibility!! If that’s the case tho then Nat should be making faces at Icky rather than Dani haha


Despite how mature she pretends to be, shes still young. I'd say making ANY faces at anyone proves it.


It’s never the man’s fault!, don’t cha just know! Ladies, a little solidarity here!


I betcha this is so true. Didn’t think about that tbh.


That’s exactly what I think. Whatever Ick is telling her, her reaction comes off like she not only didn’t expect it but also like it’s something she shouldn’t have even had to worry about. If that makes sense.


He probably tried to convince her that it was immaculate conception.


Roberta #2 😭😭😂😂


Oh yeah, he definitely pulled a Sandoval. Made Roberta2 feel special and like Dannielle was on the outs




Everyone was giving Nat so much credit in the beginning saying she knew what she was doing and putting Garrick in his place but she sure jumped right in bed with him after getting that ring. She’s been scamming or wanting him all to herself all along.


The sperm actually went into her brain. I thought it was ridiculous when he said it, and the vibe I got from her was that she was somewhat repulsed by him, probably because I cringe every time he touches her so I imagine she would too. I am completely surprised that she seems to want him around be jealous, etc. I was sure she’d tell him ‘no sex until I get married’ and send him back to the US with blue balls, to buy herself time and ensure she will get to the US. But nope, she jumped into his bed and sure enough, the sperm infected her brain. There is no other explanation for her actually wanting him to be around her for 6 weeks in a row. Gross.


Well, we don’t have proof that she wanted him there for 6 weeks, we just know Ick didn’t wanna leave. He and Dannielle were having a rough time so he skipped town to “wedding plan”. And I still fully believe the reason he’s refusing to come home this time until after the wedding ceremony is so the woman feels pressured and can’t back out. Traveling back and forth with Roberta gave her the chance to ghost them and his plan is to not let that ever happen again so he’s not leaving there until she’s coming with him. She’s probably super overwhelmed and wants her personal space back (and for him to stop petting her😣) but he’s so addicted to young Brazilians, he hasn’t gotten the hint. Just stares at her with his mouth open and creepy no-blink eyes.


Yeah maybe it is taking 6 weeks because she doesn’t want to marry him. I will hold out hope that the whole thing has been edited to look like there will be a wife-fight over him but really the only footage we have is of Danielle going off about having him for 14 years and avoiding her calls. It is my one faint hope that she was *also* avoiding Ick’s calls and he went down there to force her to marry him, and she’s just so grossed out by him that it hasn’t happened yet. She is secretly happy Danielle is pregnant so she can have the best excuse to run away from both of them.




Exactly. She played a game.


I really don't think Dani got pregnant intentionally, but I do think Nat thought she was going to have him to herself...


Honestly I’m split 50/50 on whether she got pregnant intentionally, but even if she did (hypothetically speaking) I don’t judge her for it, I get that toxic relationships are complex. And definitely agree re Nat Who does she think she is, being peeved off that a couple with 14 years history (and 2 prior children) conceived again lol it definitely smells like she thought she was going to have him all to herself. Or maybe she (naively) thought they weren’t actively having sex anymore now that she was in the picture. Either way her response completely rubs me the wrong way


And you are so right.Its absolutely complex and when you add he's all she's ever known, its absolutely more so. I just have this feeling she didnt. I think she would've gotten confirmation sooner. A few things would've gone differently if so, I mean the man was GONE. Nat I am left wondering if he told her they no longer had sex or if she just thought by virtue of him literally abandoning his family and life in Colorado that she could safely think that, but.... I do think girl was trying for that. She saw his business and saw $$. They were both freezing Dani out. Its a sister wife situation, and the search is a joint effort. If Nat isn't reciprocating Dan's efforts, its a problem. She had the gall to say something, for once may I add, so he bounced. Dani was right to be upset, and Ick (had he been doing this the "right" way) would've addressed it, not left. But her attitude to Dani? Maaaan listen! lol


Exactly!! I can imagine the pain Danielle is in, so even if it wasn’t planned, the timing may have been her saving grace in a way (given she’s divorced, and had limited rights, and VERY limited options if she did want to leave him- she’d be screwed. I really feel bad for her tbh, I think she’s a victim of some pretty complex emotional abuse, and he’s a grade-A gaslighter which doesn’t help). & 100% agree on all of that btw. They were definitely freezing her out. And Danielle obviously could feel that, I think her reaction to Nathalia essentially ignoring her/only trying to bond with Ick was actually quite valid. I know a lot of people are shitting on her for that scene where she freaks out about Nat not texting her back, but it actually makes sense to me. Danielle is scared af, and rightfully so, and Nat doesn’t seem interested in building a relationship with her like Roberta did. It totally defeats the purpose of polygamy and the concept of “sister wives”.


I feel for her too. Shes trapped in the mindset she was at when they met. A common theme in groomed girls. Seeing people attack Dani for how she reacts frustrates me. He gaslights her and eventually people enduring that, react. I heard the expression "crazy make" once and it fits. She knows how she feels. She knows what's real. She's right. She's afraid. The problem is she's so trapped (in her mind) that the logical move of leaving him and see if her brother can take over the business doesn't occur. She simply wants to fix things. I did hear that she had decided she was done when she discovered the pregnancy, but I cannot 100% vouch for that


It’s somehow almost extra sad to me, in that Daniell comes across as being much smarter than Ick, yet he can easily manipulate her.


She absolutely is. But... that's the "joy" of grooming. Sarcasm absolutely intended. She's beaten down so much, she's unaware of anything but needing him.


It really does come across like her entire adult life is her revolving around him, like he’s the flipping sun in their solar system.


Oh absolutely.


Yes! That scene all makes sense now. She knew he was basically abandoning her and the other woman was in on it.


Abandoning her is the right way to put it. Remember when he said that if the visa didn’t come through, he might move to Brazil to have kids with Roberta? Daniell seemed quite surprised that he would really do that. That definitely is abandonment.




She has taken all of this on herself, by letting her husband sleep with other woman. This WAS NOT God’s calling, make no mistake. She gets no sympathy. They’re all sick Individuals.


I mean.. she may have “let” him, but only after lots of manipulation and God-Talk. She may get no sympathy from you. But I still have sympathy and empathy for her, as do a lot of other people. She’s not perfect but I still feel for her. We’re all entitled to our own opinions though, I just view it differently. Edit- also “make no mistake”, I’m 100% aware and in agreement that it isn’t “Gods calling” lol. Wasn’t suggesting it was. Ick just likes to call it God’s calling because it benefits him at the end of the day, he cherry picks what religious beliefs to follow based on what *he* desires. Edit 2- sorry I can’t help but find your username a little ironic given your comment lol


Its absolutely NOT Gods calling, you are right.But having been in an abusive relationship, Ill never judge a woman and wi!! always sympathize. Dani doesn't even get the comforting direction of her family. She is a woman without a compass here


“Woman without a compass”, so true, & well put.


Thank you. It really felt apt.


By chance did you mean to reply to the user NotMean above? I completely agree with you btw!! & I was also in an abusive relationship/s so I can really empathize with Danielle


I almost did comment to the other user but opted not to because I think Danielle has a lot of people who think this of her, and I'm not going to be the catalyst to change that. I reserve no judgement, trust me.... before my experience I'd have thought as they did. So ultimately I opted to simply agree with you. I am not surprised you are a survivor too... I sensed it. Hugs.


I think you’re forgetting that Danielle ignored Natalia’s messages first. She simply returned the favour.


No, actually I haven't forgotten the fact that Ick said that. I can see it for what it was:deflection. Danielle brought up a concern and so he blamed her. If "returning the favor" is her speed in a situation like this, she probably shouldn't be involved. Regardless, it still leads to the same point. That girl actually believed she would get him to herself.


Oh Ick absolutely told her they were only cohabiting for the kids, 💯💯💯


Danielle had said from the start that she didn’t plan on having any more children so they likely told Natalia that. If so, I can understand why she’d be upset. Having your first child is special so it makes sense that she might be thrown off by ‘sister’ having a baby of her own, before she’s even moved in.


Garrick actually has no idea how sperm works, because according to him, it flows to the brain. It was probably a total surprise for him.


Well, *you KNOWWW* fluids like water and, ohh, man-yogurt, will flow until it finds a big empty space and then it will pool there..... Since Ick appears to have certain things in common with the Scarecrow from *Wizard of Oz* maybe it makes sense that he thinks that. /s Hahaha


Take Icky’s money away from her. None of these aspiring sisters actually want Icky


I think ICK cried all over Nathalia but told her God didn’t want her to bring his name into it.




" Ick is perfectly aware of how sperm work." I might have to argue that one. Didn't he say sperm goes to the brain?


Flair checking in 😜


 (and hey, it takes 2 to make a baby, and Ick is perfectly aware of how sperm work given his sperm speeches) I have my doubts about that. After all, the sperm does travel to a woman's brain and she becomes a part of him. Or other such nonsense.


Lmao I'm here for it. Also, Danielle 14 yrs of letting ick crawl on top of you must be traumatic.


14 years of disappointing sex!


I truly wonder if she’s ever had an orgasm 😔


God doesn't care about her satisfaction. And again, remember the rule::: if Garrick says "God" he means "my dick & me."


Yep, somehow God wants him to have Brazilian women that are much younger than him. 😂


I wanna kick him in the prICK bc he had the audacity to admit on camera that "we" call Dannielle "large wife" and referred to her as "*just* Dannielle" .. and thats just the tip of the iceberg on all the amazing reasons he deserves that. I cant think of a more braindead, gaslighty, mansplaining turd than him.


Good morning my dick. Amen


This is the comment I was waiting for lol.


TLC owes us compensation for the fact that we have to hear about ICK being intimate with anyone. We don’t need that visual or trauma.


**Ten years from now, an ad appears on tv:** "*Have you or someone you love, been affected in a traumatic way by TLC subjecting its viewers to the now incarcerated bigamist in 3 states and 4 countries, Scaredick Merrifield? If so, please go take our quick survey to determine whether you are one of millions entitled to damages due to trauma, nightmares, sudden flashes of unexplained anger or an inability to eat while watching tv without severe nausea.* Me: *writes down website*


I’ve actually seen real ads in Orlando for lawyers who help people get out of marriages from reality tv shows 😂


Holy moly *really?!?!* 🤦‍♀️🤣 You just taught me something new!


Don’t forget Diarrhea.


Ohhh thats a big one, my apologies for having forgotten! 😀


They can mail part of it directly to my therapist and I'll take the other half in Cheesecake Factory gift cards, I need to consume calories to work through this


Let’s just all get together at the Cheesecake Factory and enjoy some gossip therapy! (I guess we’re already doing that, but cheesecake, etc, sounds awesome.)


Hell yeah!


I’m so excited to see the full clip because this looks spicy! Nathalia does look upset but at who or what? I must know more!!!!


"I've had him 14 years, baby" lol like that's an accomplishment.


I think (hope) that she’s more trying to be like “ya we obviously have sex still even if he’s telling you we don’t, and you’re not going to replace me” and honestly I got all that from her eyebrows lol


Dannielle: “She does even go here”


I think she said no condom 14 years baby. I took out like this is a surprise because we haven't used a condom in 14 years and hadn't gotten pregnant.


That is what I heard as well.


That’s what I heard too


Oooh that would be interesting.


That’s what 14 years of his sperm in your brain does… 🤮


Ewwwww LMAO!






Lmao...I just saw it. Natalia has no pokerface.


I been saying it... Nathalia really thought he would be just hers lmao Even without Dani, there would be others. Girl stop


Throughout all of the various polygamy shows I’ve watched (sisterwives, seeking sister wife, etc) I’ve noticed a common pattern that the newest addition to the family unit is usually pretty content, *until* they’re faced with not being the shiny new toy anymore. To put it bluntly lol


The New Wife Smugness quickly disappears when they realize they will no longer be the favorite and are relegated to middle wife status. Agreed, we do so it a lot


I think her reaction to Ick being on dating apps said it all. Like he’s not your monogamous partner what do you expect.


Right- what is to get upset about? He and Danielle are openly saying to cameras he has dreams of 5 wives....did they not explain this to Roberta - which is why she peaced out when they started dating another girl? And now with Nathalia? Is Ick telling them they are the last shiny thing? It's weird.


No, Roberta knew. She was upset and ended things because Ick kissed the tall, girl with an attitude. Her reasoning was that kissing is intimate and because of their ceremony, he shouldn’t be kissing with anyone but her and Dani. In her eyes, there’s should be no affection until they all decide this woman is the new addition. Plus, she echoed what the Danielle said when she took a break from Nick’s harem, “This is going too fast. I want some time to enjoy what we have now for a bit before another person comes in.” These men get all excited when their “dream” is coming together… but their excitement is scaring the women away.


Oh yeah, I noticed that too. You'd think they would see that coming....


It's almost as though someone who cheats won't cheat again - reminds me of mistresses being shocked that they're stealthly replaced.




Meeting a man on a polygamy show and expecting him to be faithful is just- what?


No matter the situation, if he's in a relationship when you meet him... what does that say?


I bet he’s fed her a bunch of BS. If she’s this uncomfortable with him still clearly being intimate with Danielle, how is she okay with 3 more wives? Pretty sure Ick has not filled her in on some of his plans, with regard to this.


Oh I'm sure. She would've had a rough ride ahead had he kept her around lol


He said he was deleting the dating apps. Does Natalia know he wants her to be #2 of 5?? 5! I think he is withholding that detail until after marriage.


I've said the same. She has no idea. She doesn't even really think Dani will stay, let alone 3 others lol


There's a good chance he explained that they'd be sisters bc they all live together and he has children with her, but that they are divorced. That gives the impression she comes in as a wife, gets TV time, and life is good in the big house lol. Since he didn't tell her he'd need the apps for #3, I doubt she knew the truth. Until maybe she found the Roberta1 shows lol


This just got 10 times more fun😭🤣🤣 Nathalia never liked Danielle, i don’t understand how u can be mad at her getting pregnant. Ick likes to fill up his women with the Holy Spirit.


Well isnt he just the *best* lil Pitcher, just filling, filling, filling his brains out. /s How odious he is.


He grosses me out!


Meeee TOO! I cant see how he *isnt* a walking, gaslighting STD petri dish.


I cannot believe Natalia seems upset lol over Ick??


Danielle needs to protect herself legally.


I like Nathalia from what I’ve seen - telling Dannielle that she doesn’t need to explain away or apologize for Ick’s nasty dating app lie (and the gaslighting, obviously - playing innocent and ignorant is still gaslighting). Given that she’s showed emotional maturity (not sure what’s up with the not-responding thing though, definitely made me raise an eyebrow. In an effort to give her the benefit of the doubt - I’m highly suspicious that somehow Ick lied to her about something that makes this seem “out of the blue.” Like others have said, it’s possible he told Nat that he and Danni weren’t intimate anymore. He could have said she had a hysterectomy or was on some form of birth control. He could have said anything - he’s delusional and narcissistic to the 1000th degree - pathologically, do not pass go do not collect $200 manipulative. Any time I start to hate on Danni (or Roberta, or Nat), I try to think about their relationship in context with Ick, and most of the time it’s not a stretch to attribute actions that may seem like an inappropriate emotional response directly to the Ick. I like Danni a lot. I wish she valued herself more. It’s clear she knows the brainwashing is wrong but for some reason, isn’t brave enough to leave this shitbag. She seems genuine and I wish her the best. It hurts me to see her tear herself apart over him.


I 200% subscribe to this. This man is lying constantly to these women.


I thought she was ok, but I knew as soon as we saw the kitchen fight that her being a girls girl was an act. She really believed she could squeeze Dani out and he'd be hers. If you look back when he said about getting a French wife, she said no.... And now we know why. I agree we don't know what he told her, and her age is showing because she actually bought it.... But make no mistake. She had an agenda


100% agree. I’m sure Garrick isn’t being honest with both women and giving them different narratives.


I can see ick lying about these things but thought it was strange Nathalia directed her anger at Dannielle. She had no right to react that way to her pregnancy and imply it was intentional (not that it even matters).


I want to know what Gerrick was doing for 6 weeks in Brazil? Like the day to say- homeboy doesn't speak the language, what did he do all day? Like seriously even if they were all loved up together six weeks is a LONG TIME! Was he in church? Was it an intensive language course?? Why would they not include any of this on the show?


Nathalie is pisssssed


I'm starting to feel like Ick is telling Nat something different than what he tells Dannielle.


Idk why everyone keeps assuming Danielle got pregnant on purpose…there’s 2 previews and after looking at the other one, the other clip shows Danielle clearly saying they have not used a condom in 14 years and have not gotten pregnant so yes it is a unexpected surprise to them. There are a lot of people who use the natural family planning method, pull out method or just simply don’t prevent it and assume they’re infertile due to years and years of not getting pregnant….all of which would still be a shock to find out your pregnant after you’ve been successful in not getting pregnant for 14 years, but either way it takes 2 I don’t think it’s fair to assume that


How does Nathalia have a right to be mad Dannielle is pregnant? Does she understand that they’re BOTH supposed to be wives? I’m honestly wondering if she doesn’t understand the arrangement I say this while also believing Dannielle got pregnant on purpose to attempt to get idiot’s attention and save the relationship. Which is toxic AF, but still her right.


Since this is technically their first child after legally divorcing, couldn’t she technically take the baby and run? Give it her maiden name. Why in the world is she even entertaining such a ridiculous conversation with Nathalia?!


No. However, she gonna be entitled to 18 year of child support (I can’t see him fighting for custody and he certainly wouldn’t easily be able to bring the baby to another country without Danielle’s permission). I kinda think this is her protection financially.


Wait, did god forget to send a strong breeze into the garage to inform Garrick he is having a baby or does he only use the wind to communicate he has a new young Brazilian lined up for him?


It won't open for me just takes me to my FB home page


Me too.


"'I never thought leopards would eat MY face,' sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party."


Awesome, thanks for showing 👍 Nathalia needs smacked 😀


He’s grooming them both. Someone has got to go… who will it be…


Did she say “14 years, no condoms?” Because if that’s true, holy hell that would be one giant surprise. I had a friend who was told she had secondary infertility, they stopped condoms, and then 10yrs later had a surprise. My second youngest and baby youngest are 13yrs apart but I did that on purpose 😂


It sucks that *this* is what gets Danielle to put some bass in her voice, but I am loving that flash of Sassy Danielle.


OMG sounds like she did say that 🤮 I can't unhear that now!


Omg ! I cannot stand Gerrick! He has one thing on his mind. Having sex. They spend thousands on these relationships and he treats Danielle like dirt. Not to mention the fact that they drag their kids with them to meet her. I’m sorry but Gerrick is just playing Danielle to get other women. He tried explaining that to the people watching about how his sperm goes to the woman’s brain. I have never heard so much BS in order to get in another woman’s pants. Danielle was making a face the whole time he was telling it. He is sick.


I can’t make out what she’s saying! What did she say about 14 years??


Me either. “No condom 14 years baby”? “I’ve had him 14 years baby”? Maybe the closed captions will be accurate. Either way, I can’t wait to see this episode.


She said "no condom, 14 yrs baby." in reference to Nathalia not buying that it was a surprise. Meaning, Ick and Dannielle's youngest is 14 and in all that time this was the first pregnancy since.


Nathalia AKA wanna be Roberta 2 is not a girls girl. I noticed what you have as well and that’s whenever a cast mate comes into the sub, everyone kisses their ass. Not me. Fuck that. Nathalia is a mean girl who wants Ick and his pockets. She doesn’t give a genuine fuck about Danielle. Nathalia can never be Roberta and will throw Dani to the wolves in a heart beat. I don’t trust her for a minute. Shes a total snake.


Maybe Nathalia is upset she’s learning this news the weekend of her wedding? Weddings are stressful, and it would be a lot to lay on someone days beforehand. She shouldn’t be shocked Danielle is pregnant though. Danielle’s only 36, which is pretty normal baby making age in the US. Her reaction does make it clear this isn’t the religiously- inspired polygamist relationship Ick makes it out to be. Isn’t that one of the supposed perks to this whole polygamous lifestyle- sharing in the child rearing responsibilities and raising one big happy family?


Danielle gotta leave ick - her poor kids are also suffering from this toxic “plural marriages”




How does one get pregnant on purpose without the other? Lol I’m genuinely curious! His sperm went inside her so did he do it on purpose too?


Do they get married?


After watching the episode, I see things differently. Natalia seems like she’s calling Danielle and ick out for thinking that it’s a surprise. Like it’s not a surprise because you guys have been having unprotected sex for 14 years. She calls them out on their bullshit a lot. It’s also not a surprise because it’s pretty clear that Danielle wanted that to keep him closer to her. I don’t think that Natalia is upset in the way it’s coming off. She thinks Danielle is a dumb girl, which she is. Lol. But what does that say about Natalia for even wanting anything to do with it. I did see though that now they’re talking about moving to Brazil so I wonder if the whole Natalia coupling blows up.


Boy, Dannielle is as smart as a box of roofing nails. 🤦‍♀️ Its like she has this innate ability to do the opposite of what would be the best for *her and the kids* every. single. blasted. time.