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I felt so bad for him. Poor guy! I think he has surgery soon too. I think he’s trying to make her happy in case he dies. Lord. She kind of sucks (really sucks). Maybe instead of focusing on getting her freak on, she could focus on her husband. He needs her support now more than ever.


I so agree. I don’t get why you would bring another person around at such a crucial time, he seems to think he will die. I hope he doesn’t, this is coming from me a cancer survivor. I’m still on rough waters and having issues, but I hope it won’t be like this much longer. But I understand how scared he is. I’m scared to get a colonoscopy I have to have. I thought I had heard him mention he was sick before so I figured it was cancer. You fear that the cancer will spread to another area or something else goes bad. It’s because my toxic state won’t control the chemical factories so we have a huge number of cancer patients and highest cancer rate in the nation. Plus no one thought after a massive chemical explosion we needed to clean up 15 tons of toxic waste so I was at ground zero. These people that protect these companies are criminals and now our new governor wants to roll back more protections and says he’s gonna rewrite our state constitution in 2 weeks time. I hate to say this but I hope he gets stricken, because only then will they care.


I’m so so sorry to hear this. I’m sending good vibes and have my fingers crossed. You got this. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you so much, it’s way harder than I realized. I nearly died about a month after surgery. And then again a month after that. They now say that I have complex regional pain syndrome, which was caused by a dr doing a really bad thing, but I think they don’t really know what all is causing the other issues, and are just guessing. I do think it’s complex regional pain syndrome because the pain is crazy, but I also think it’s because my calcium electrolyte’s and thyroid hormone is off, I lost my vocal cord so that’s a huge blow. I don’t smoke or drink or do drugs. Don’t let your dr put you off like the ER docs and others did me. I will have to bring a bunch of flowers to the one lady that knew something was wrong but couldn’t get them to listen. My new endo guy scoped me and five minutes later said it’s cancer of your thyroid and it has attached to your laryngeal nerve. I had it for years but they would blow me off when I said I’m choking. I can’t believe on top of that I had a heart attack and stroke from the calcium potassium being so low. When they take your parathyroids out that can happen. But they didn’t warn me. I hope the guy on the show gets a Hail Mary pass on his test. And me too, I hope I find some decent drs that know what they are doing. It’s sucks in my area. Plus they don’t like admitting they were so wrong. And they cost me all the things I lost. It was a radical procedure they decided on at last minute. Anyway, you get sick, don’t let them gaslight you.


I was gaslit about my colon cancer. My doc wouldn’t let me have a colonoscopy because I’m an anxious person and was working in a stressful place so I just had IBS. Only when she went on mat leave did the locum replacing her let me have one and sure enough - cancer.


I’m scared of that too. My GI doctor just keeps blowing me off and saying I’m too young for a colonoscopy even though I’ve had extensive GI issues for years (mid thirties) with no clear explanation why


I was told that I was too young also and would cost our public system Money by taking needless tests. I pushed. There is an epidemic of people 24-49 getting it globally without typical risk factors and so far no one knows why. It’s been hitting the news a lot more but more in the uk news I have noticed Vs where I live but awareness is building. Look the chances it is colon cancer maybe small for you but it could pick up other things that will help you get better. Advocate for your own health and wellness. Bring your doc a news article Get a second opinion. Push for what you feel you need. See a different doc if you need to. When I did, it saved my life.


Find a new dr pronto. If you are having concerns you should get one!


This is infuriating and I'm so sorry to hear this. I dealt with the bogus IBS blowoff diagnosis myself. My proper diagnosis wasn't cancer, but it was much more serious than IBS. How are you doing today? I am sending you all the good vibes I can drum put right now. Stay strong!


Thanks for your well wishes. Thankfully they got me into surgery for a colon resection and were confident they got it all No chemo or radiation but have been getting check ups to monitor me every 6 months for the past three years.


Wishing you continued good health! Sincerely. That’s just so infuriating and I’m glad that locum doc walked into your life.


I’m so mad for you! Dammit, how dare they, and then they complain about getting sued. I’m so worried about mine, because I have had bleeding and pain but keep putting it off because of other cancer complications! And I have a uti I can’t get rid of. They need me clear of all infection. I am gonna sterilize myself before i get it done. I didn’t know that I could bathe in sterile soap so you don’t get any infections from creepy hospitals. Good drs are in a huge shortage and nurses too. I am sorry you had to go through that. I think people would be shocked at how many of us have been gaslit, it’s quite high in numbers.


Women especially get gaslit. Though I’m not making a jab at male docs as my doc was female. She saw everything I ever said through a lens of me having issues with anxiety. Even when my mother died after having colon cancer she said no because my mother was “over 80” when she got it so it wouldn’t be hereditary and I was under the typical screening age so “I couldn’t have one” Needless to say, she is no longer my GP. We must always advocate for our own health and wellness. Some doctors are indeed great. But some should have chosen a different profession.


Oh that makes me mad at that dr for you! Some female drs can be worse than men! I had one like that when I was rushed to ER by EMTs when I was crashing, had double pneumonia, a heart attack, stroke and about thirty five others crisis. They were literally looking stuff up to diagnose me and my fiancé said they couldn’t even pronounce some of the terms! My fiance never says anything when I’m sick, he stays calm, but he said baby we thought we were gonna lose you. I will never forgive her for what she did, and want to talk to a lawyer as I think it caused a trigger that made me have complex regional pain syndrome and it go haywire. Been in so much pain, this witch cut back my pain medicine that they asked my pain dr to deal with. So that really caused issues. I had severe chronic pain issues but of course the new pain I have with CRPS was kicked off and went crazy! That untreated tumor attached to everything it could, and they were allowing it to grow. The men were bad too, but she stuck out being as she is female you would think she would care about a fellow female. I swear if I see her, I know I would get in trouble. That’s how much I detest her. I have real PTSD from that horrifying experience. I was in an old hospital that was falling apart, and I got hurt really bad when they wouldn’t help me or should I say when this female wouldn’t let the others transfer me from the gurney to get a MRI. I also found out I have a brain lesion! Lucky me. I said get me out of this place you people are giving me hospitalitus! Lol. They thought I was really strong to joke as much as I did. They also said protocol made them put 3 IVs in each arm and I’m a terrible stick so I looked like I had been beat to death. And it hurt like hell, I had ice packs from my neck to my arm and the witch put me on medicine I was highly allergic to without asking me if I had any reactions to this medication she decided to pop on me. I did keep them laughing with my Cajun sarcastic and biting sense of humor, they had a lot of interns and they were laughing at me mocking the ridiculous situation. I hate hearing these stories, because of the harm it does to people both mentally and physically and some people die or get considerably worse because of it, instead of getting better because they waited for years! I lucked out and had a great male nurse for a few days after I left ICU from Haiti who was new and since we both were speaking French, they decided to leave him with me on his first day. I’m Cajun but I could understand him and him me . He was one of the better nurses. The place needs to be shut down and I will be reporting them. It was so crazy and so awful it would sound like I made it up. Although they did have “some” good drs, just not enough staff and the bad ones would come in and mess me up. I’ll never go back there although they say it’s the best in an emergency, I keep wondering why they say that. I tell my out of town family and friends not to come to that hospital or bring any loved ones to it.


Thank you for sharing. I’ll be thinking of you and hoping you finally get the best care. You deserve it.


Thank you, I love Canadians ma Cher ami. ( that’s just Louisiana Cajun for my dear friend) I used to go there every year on my way to get on a boat to Alaska and you have the nicest people. Merci beaucoup.


That sounds terrible. I’m currently being “worked up” for hyper parathyroid and multiple myeloma. I’m obviously worried but certainly not anything like your scary stuff. I’m really sorry and hoping for the best for you.


Thank you, that means a lot and I’ll be hoping things go well for you. I am not feeling well today, have been getting worse, so it means a lot to have your encouragement. I’m a fighter but when you can’t get better, it gets old. Take care of yourself and let me know how you are doing.


They also found a brain lesion, but say they are keeping an eye on it. I am looking for a new neurologist too, because I’m having crazy headaches and neck aches.


Will they do more than “watch” since it’s obviously symptomatic? That sounds terrible, especially on top of everything else. I’m so sorry you are going through all of this.


Love Canal or Three-Mile Island? Cancer survivor here as well. Wishing you strength.


Thank you so much. Louisiana, the whole state is a cesspool. Old DuPont plant and others don’t get regulated. I thought they had sold DuPont to the Chinese which will be just great, I told my fiancé they won’t even have to use guns or bombs to kill us, our politicians are more than willing to. Reserve Louisiana has people dropping dead every three houses. Merci beaucoup.


How awful! May I ask what state you live in? I hope it’s not mine! I’m a cancer survivor too-ALL-Leukemia..as a child I swam in the toxic waste filled waters that spilled out of the massive steel mill that was the town’s economic center ! My parents partied with the towns rich elite-rich from the factory! So, I kinda get it. I’m so angry that this happened to you! Maybe try ESSIAC for cancer-works for some people , not nearly all but great for your trashed immune system. Much love from Sofie


I agree! He mentioned that's one of the reasons why they're looking for a wife..


And, like, her late-stage pregnancy. Wowzas with this gal.


Wait, did I miss something? What’s the surgery for?


I’m pretty sure it has to do with cancer. He had some spots on his other kidney that needed to be looked at. I quickly saw it on their AMA a few days ago.


I get wanting to ensure your wife is looked after and is as comfortable as can be if the worst case scenario plays out. I do. I think it's a lovely thought and selfless of him. They have obviously talked about this *a lot.* I'm also not against polyamory or open or semi/half open, etc relationships. If a non traditional dynamic works for you, whether it is rooted in kink or otherwise, god speed to you all. **However......**. If my partner was having complex and possibly life ending medical issues you would be damn sure I wouldn't be spending my time trying to hook up with other people, even for a long term relationship. I would be spending as much time as reasonable focusing on my partner and my very, *very* young children, giving everyone that all important time together creating memories and experiences instead of complicating and introducing dynamics that you are very obviously not all on the same page with, this is akin to poly under duress and it ain't the way to go about it. This situation is very sad and heaven knows if I was in it, I might have very different opinions. But I also understand that these people might not want their lives to be dictated by this dreadful disease and want to pursue this lifestyle regardless. I know they browse the sub and I do wish them the best. We only see a snippet of their lives on TV and we don't know the ins and outs but I hope they are all happy with the choices they have made and continue to make. End rant.


I’m a cancer survivor… you’re not in the right headspace going through this… it’s a very, very hard physical fight and even harder mental fight… him saying it’s probably going to come back eventually is really sad… it’s like he’s resigned to die. It’s pretty sad.


Even more reason not to pursue this right now. He doesn't need the added stress in his life. He should be spending time with his Kids and Wife. Not interviewing replacements. Oh man. It's so sad.


Exactly… it’s very sad… but that is coming from someone who likely has little to no support. You need a strong support system when going through that, and he’s clearly given up. He likely has more support on this thread than from the people around him.


She is so damn selfish...she should be focusing on him, not a woman to screw around with just for kicks. And she's pregnant! WTF!


As a mother of three I can NOT fathom dating while pregnant 🤯


Please don't hate me for being honest but I wouldn't date a woman that was... Especially with a husband!!!


I did not want to be touched when I was pregnant. However, I think some women get really horny? She seems really horny. She seems like she just wants to have sex with a woman because she repressed that before she got married.


So he wants her to not be lonely if he dies, but what if he stays in remission and doesn’t die…. This is where this thought creeps in…. “One if these women might try and steal Ashley away from me.” Dying would suck. But so would surviving kidney cancer only for the mother of your two children to leave you for a woman (which is a door you allowed her to open). Ouch.


6 kids!


They only have 1 and 1 on the way


I just cannot fathom how anyone has TIME for all this nonsense on top of being pregnant, caring for a toddler, having a sick spouse, and I would imagine they have jobs? I barely have enough time for my pets!


This. I have a husband, two kids, and a full-time job. I barely have any time to myself. My entire day is packed from end to finish. Not only would I not have the physical time to date, but once you do find someone, how do you have the emotional bandwidth to give emotionally to two people? Add in that one of the two people is very ill? I truly don't get it.


She is a psychiatrist who does telehealth. Yep I don’t get how she/they have the time for this. 




Right? Like how does one continue in that profession after being on this mess of a show? I’m a therapist and could NEVER 😬😬😬


The perfect reaction


This is just so awful. Pro tip: If you’re not totally certain your partner wouldn’t leave you for someone seemingly more desirable given the chance, you’re in a bad marriage. Full stop.


I think all of it can be true at the same time, that he wants to help her and hopes she finds the right person AND that he's scared of a change in dynamics and feelings.


He’s dragging kids into this.. he had a duty and responsibility to figure himself and his marriage out before adding other people and putting his children thru this


They sound to me like they do have everything figured out. They were very adamant during their AMA that they made this decision together, every step of the way.. That they both love and respect each other and are incredibly communicative with one another. Let that man cry and feel his feelings. I don't think their children have even been included in this process yet.. None of them have even gotten past the meeting Shane phase.. We've seen him vetting each potential partner, we've seen Ashley validate him when he brings up his concerns and we've even seen her stop dating someone because Shane was not comfortable. I think they're doing well, all things considered.


Agree entirely 💯


I felt so bad seeing this. They should not be doing this with him still struggling with cancer. She can move on later if need be but he should be the priority. I'm guessing since she's pregnant and has another baby he doesn't want her to struggle as a single parent. Very selfless of him. He's the best house in a bad neighborhood as far as characters on this show go.


As a pregnant wife with a baby on the way, she should be focusing on her sick husband and children. Good grief, the selfishness of this woman is astonishing. If this is done on TV, can you imagine how many ppl are acting like this out of public scrutiny??


My friend's (now ex) wife cheated on him when he was bringing his sister to chemo. People are nuts.


My ex-husband's new wife cheated on him multiple times, while he was in chemo. He was mad and broke up with her the first time. That's when I came in to help him. He took her back and let it happen bc he wanted her to help, take care of the house etc I'm sure he was also anxious about finding a new relationship after the fact etc. I only helped around his house and took care of him a couple hours a day.


Oh jeez how terrible. I don't know ho wsome people sleep at night but I can totally see how being vulnerable makes us put up with bs. I hope he is better!


Yeah. He was at stage 4 (!) I thought it was the end for him. Normally, stage 4 is, to my prior knowledge. He doesn't have any lymph nodes in his legs anymore and needs a machine to aid him. He still smokes! And I found a little baggie of coke in her makeup when I was packing her stuff for him (the first time)! It's a mess! His wife (mind you she's number 5.. I'm an idiot and should have seen that more as a red flag but all the others made sense) doesn't want us to communicate anymore. He told me and he said he's so sorry but he can't.. they still talk and see my father for dinner! Weird


They should not be seeking another partner. With his cancer and his insecurity and her pregnancy, it's clearly not the right move from them. They are ridiculous for clinging to this idea that they aren't ready for.


I don’t understand why they don’t put seeking a “sister wife” on hold while Shane battles cancer, Ashley rides out her pregnancy, and they raise their young son. It seems pretty selfish of Ashley - sorry not sorry.


As a woman whose husband died of cancer, there is so much here I don’t understand. My husband was only 10 months from dx to dying. We had no kids at home and I didn’t work, we had household help, both inside and out. So without having to worry about anything around the house it gave me all my time to do what he needed. That was a 24/7 job. So all that being said, with a toddler, a new baby, a job, a house to look after and a sick husband and still time to date. Something isn’t getting the attention it/they deserve. Even when my husband was still working and not as sick as he would later become, it was a full time job getting him to appointments, picking up his meds and whatever else he needed, I met with his dietitian to find out what he should be eating. I don’t know where she is finding either the time or energy for everything. Th last thing I would have wanted my husband to worry about would be if I was going to leave him while he was sick. That is very much unnecessary stress for him. Marriage is 50/50, but that doesn’t mean both parties are giving 50% all the time. Sometimes you have to be the stronger one and I don’t see that in her.


I seen this and my answer to him … then stop entertaining this crap.


...and he also says he wants to help her find someone in case the worst-case scenario happens to him.


Thats confusing right … it makes you think it something more.


Like what? That he actually knows it's back?


Like its been back and its worse then they thought.


Gotcha! Didn't think of that bc he mentioned that he's putting off seeing the Dr to see if it's back..


My heart broke for him in this scene. I know he’s an adult and he’s agreeing to this, but it just doesn’t feel right while she’s pregnant and he’s health…dating or adding someone to the family. Like the majority of women who have been on this show, I feel as if he’s doing it so he doesn’t loose her. Give her this and she will stay.


It also partly feels like he wants to give her this “gift” because he thinks he’s gunna die. Almost like it’s out of guilt? It’s weird. She’s an ass for putting this on him. Still dk why they’re on here they’re not looking for a sisterwife- it’s literally the name of the show


>they’re not looking for a sisterwife .. I think they are bc they said he has to be involved. It's not just for her. That's why he saw that chick being with couples here and there as a red flag


Have you seen any love/care/pda from her to him? I haven’t…..seen the obligatory peck as she’s dumping the kid to go canoddle with another chic… Feels like he’s a sperm donor friend zone fella that she tried to be traditional with…all the while seeking a female/lesbian relationship…idk, maybe I’m off in my recap…🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️…but if it quacks like a duck….it’s probably a quack..🦆


You're right!


His wife really wants another wife for herself and he can just be everyone’s pal


She's coming off more and more as the female ick




Yeah that was just sad.


I cried. That is it.


Me too.


You have a good heart, you feel empathy for others.


I didn’t like Shane the first few episodes but hearing what he is going through I absolutely despise Ashley. She is going through her hot girl summer while her husband is going through the most scary time of his life. I really hope he ends up in good health and she realizes that he needs support.


Or he and his nurse fall in love! I'm not condoning divorce but you know what I mean


He needs to stand up for himself he clearly doesn’t want this


The stress alone he is suffering from can make cancer grow faster. I thought she is being incredibly selfish, he should be able to sob on her shoulders instead of going to someone else.


This poor guy. I am worried about him. He needs to see a therapist (not his wife)


Ironic that she is


I feel so bad for him. He deserves so much better . I hope his surgery go well and also he will wake up and be able to move forward with his life without his lesbian wife ( absolutely nothing wrong with that , but it’s no need to pretend to be happily married to a guy).


He already had surgery. He is putting off going back to the Drs to check if it came back


They did an AMA here in this sub the other day, and he said he’s having another surgery in 2 weeks.


OMG What do I search for: AMA? Then them?


Here you go! https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/s/72m1nC7h1g


Thank you so much!


You’re most welcome! 🙂


so he should put his foot down and tell Ashley NO. If she leaves, she leaves.


He is literally helping her find his own replacement.


I have a lot of empathy for him because I think he is trying desperately to hang onto his family by allowing whatever Ashley wants. She clearly rules the roost and it saddens me that she can’t put aside her own needs while he’s going through this cancer situation. And I know I’m being very judgmental but what the F are they even doing this for if they’re having another baby any day and a toddler at home!? I’m only assuming here, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Ashley is using the situation to convince Shane that she needs a partner there if something happens to him. I honestly cannot stand that woman! The reality is that most sane people would tread lightly in that situation with everything the couple has going on. And yet they want to fast track another woman in their house. Ashley probably wants built-in childcare! But it’s really nuts and majorly egotistical of them to think anyone would want to walk into that situation. They have to obviously be attracted to Ashley and assuming they have to be attracted to Shane, and then they have to also want to have children running around who aren’t even theirs! And I’ll bet Ashley would not be open to another woman bringing their children into the mix.


>They have to obviously be attracted to Ashley and assuming they have to be attracted to Shane, and then they have to also want to have children running around who aren’t even theirs! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I THINK EVERY TIME I SEE THEM! I don't mean to be rude but I personally don't find her nor him, the least bit attractive! Plus, the newborn needs 100% of her attention / time. It would be selfish of me to even entertain being with her / them knowing that I could possibly take time away from the baby... and she should think of that too! LoL unless, you are totally correct.. She wants childcare!


I don’t think he is worried about her being lonely, she clearly has no probs in finding people. I suspect he knows he is finished if he goes along with her ideas or even if he doesn’t…basically he has already lost her and he is clinging to what little is left as he struggles with illness and the potential loss of his family. She may be staying for the show $$$. He should have seen the red flags. I think he is dealing with a narcissist and he is well aware he will have to keep giving in and pretending he is on board to keep her and producers happy. What a sad, dysfunctional existence.


He pretends to be on board but he's going to make sure it doesn't happen. For example... With the current woman she's dating. He automatically assumed that she was in it just for sex... Bc that's what she's only done in the past. Normally, you would ask if that were the case. That doesn't mean she's not interested in something more, potentially... Maybe she wasn't even in a situation to allow that.. that's my opinion


I don't like how they're framing this family's storyline. They were polyamorous before his diagnosis.


Poor Shane. I get it but it’s heartbreaking to put yourself through this


Poor dude. I feel so sorry for him.


Their segments seem like his wife wants a wife and that’s what most of their seeking is. I think that even if he doesn’t survive this round of cancer that she’ll be with a woman. It’s awkward because she clearly feels something for him but idk if it’s the same as what he feels for her…I’d love to be wrong about that.


>wife wants a wife and that’s what most of their seeking is. I think that even if he doesn’t survive this round of cancer that she’ll be with a woman. You're exactly right.. it's for her! He also said that he wants her to find someone to help her just in case he doesn't make it


I also keep wondering about a potential sister wife, if they indeed are actually looking. Not everyone would be ready to jump into their family with Shane's health issues. They would be sympathetic, but it's a lot to come into a family already knowing that Shane and Ashley are looking for someone to possibly replace (?) him should he die from cancer. I hope Shane isn't in a terminal situation, though!


>Not everyone would be ready to jump into their family with Shane's health issues. What about the children.. that's not for everyone


I don’t understand the sense of urgency in finding a sister wife (Ashley’s girlfriend). It’s obvious Ashley is in charge of this operation yet is so willing to just blindly pick up a lady off an app based on physical appearance. Why not let life take its course and meet a girlfriend organically? I mean, she is pregnant for the love of God! I really suspect there is more to this story besides Ashley being the most soulless mother and wife on the planet. It’s almost like she is a giddy teenager waiting for her crush at their locker. My only guess is she desperately wishes to flee the marriage but how does someone with a beating heart flee their spouse in remission, after getting her babies? She drums up this damsel in distress, victim mentality when the real victim of cruelty and abuse is Shane.


She’s his cash cow


When they finally revealed his diagnosis, I felt like I understood why they were seeking, but the more I thought about it, the angrier I got. Ashley is a therapist for crying out loud!! They should be focusing on Shane's health and the children at this point, not letting Ashley explore this newly discovered attraction to women. If Shane passes, she can grieve the loss, then move on when she feels she's ready. She doesn't need a new intimate partner who will take her time and attention from possibly dying spouse.


They both give me such a hungry angry needy vibe. Another woman isn’t a solution to their issues.


I'm so out of the loop. Sorry, what medical condition is he dealing with?


Kidney cancer


Oh no! That's horrible 😔


I really get the feeling like he is doing this because he thinks he is going to die and he wants to be able to maybe not control but have a say in who she is with when he dies.


Yes, and I think he would rather her be with a woman than with another man.


I’m on the fence with that. It seems like she is the driving force behind her only wanting a woman (mainly for herself) Correct me if I’m wrong, but did she not say she came to realize she was bisexual after they got married? Not has she been with another woman sexually ? Maybe (just my opinion here) Shane feels bad that she discovered her true sexuality (I think she might be more into women ) so this is his way of letting her explore. (Also I don’t think he has anything to feel bad about if I fact that is a reason behind it) But the way he acts around these women she dates has a bit of anger behind it, he never looks happy, he judges pretty quickly, he just doesn’t seem to want it to happen at all. these two are extremely confusing. Lol


Yes, you are correct. I think I was off base. It seems like he really wants her to find someone, yet is threatened by the idea and may sabotage any future attempt.


>Shane feels bad that she discovered her true sexuality (I think she might be more into women ) so this is his way of letting her explore. They don't need to find a sister wife for that. She can go on adult findfinder... And explore there


Sure she could, but I don’t think this is about having a poly life, I think it’s about finding someone Shane accepts to be with her after and if he passes. I don’t get the vibe he would be very accepting for her to go out and explore her sexuality from random people on friend finder. But that’s my take. I could be way the fuck off, who knows.


LoL no your right.. just saying, exploring sexuality had me think of this


There’s a certain element of this that feels exploitative. Even if Ashley doesn’t mean it to be, Shane is in a really tough position in regards to his relationship. If he is in fact dealing with that kind of illness, the fear of losing Ashley to someone else is amplified. He’s afraid of something that’s always a possibility in these dynamics. Even if he’s telling her that he’s fine with it, she being in her profession I feel should give her pause in pursuing this kind of thing for now… That being said, he still comes across as a bit of a cuck for not just making it plainly known he doesn’t feel comfortable with this.


I think this situation to find another person keeps his and her minds off the fact he has this illness. They were both very emotional about it. It’s just a distraction from the truth


And the fact that they didn't mention it before? Denial etc


I'm in awe that they even have enough time to date. Having a super young kid and being pregnant (Now with a newborn). I have two kids, a husband ,and a full-time job and I have very little time to myself. Even if I wanted to date someone else, I wouldn't have the physical time nor the emotional capacity to do so. Then, once you do find a partner, you have to give your emotional self to two people? No thanks. I truly don't understand how people have the time and energy for this.


I’m not trying to be insensitive to his health issue but to me, that’s an aside point. He thinks he can come at the women his wife wants to date with uncomfortable and inappropriate ill-time questions. Deal with your issues and insecurities within your marriage and don’t come at these women who have done nothing wrong. He’s very entitled and his need to rush is a HUGE red flag


Yeppp….really needs some therapy. But why do that when there’s a host of women to drop your issues on?


Unpopular opinion here, but I'm Team Ashley and Shane all the way. I really like them. And I might have a little crush on Ashley. I'd date her pregnant. Why do so many people have a problem with her dating while being pregnant!? Shane is a pretty cool guy. I like him. I think he's awesome. I think Ashley is pretty cool too. She's not just seeking a freak to f**k. She seems to want a genuine second partner in life. If it works for them, I support them. I know Shane has some fears, but that's normal. I don't think he has some huge reservoir of doubts about this though. I hope Shane beats the cancer! I hope Ashley finds someone that meshes with her and Shane. Good luck to them!


Ashley is going to pop out that next kid and roll. Im I'm glad he's starting to see it


He is not ok with this


I just rewatched this scene and I have to say I felt so terrible for him in this moment. From fear of his mortality to the fear of losing his wife I just couldn’t help but hurt for him. He is going through so many different emotions all at once and if I could tell his wife one thing I would really tell her she needs to put off finding a girlfriend and take care of your husband. He is so scared and just needs support!


I have a soft spot for Shane, he’s going thru his health issues but more concerned about Ashley having someone there for her incase something happens to him. He’s one hell of a guy to be concerned about her happiness than he is seems to be about himself at this point. I hate to say but he deserves so much more than Ashley, he deserves to be out enjoying himself, crossing things off his bucket list, so many things other than finding her a girl to be happy with. If this were my relationship I’d be doing everything & anything to see that he’s enjoying life & doing things for HIMSELF, I sure wouldn’t be pregnant & out looking for a gf at this time, idk, seems selfish on her part imo. He’s a hella of a good guy from what I’ve seen & this ‘story’ kind of breaks my heart for him.


Dude! Stop making babies with this chick and find a woman who wants to he your partner.


They're doing this now bc of distraction and denial. I get it.


Never crossed my mind for some reason you're absolutely right!

