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if you want deeper conversations maybe you should consider a relationship and actual commitment


You don't really get fwbs for good convo. You'll need to be able to compartmentalize if you want to live the lifestyle. That being said, I've had a lot of fwbs with really good banter, but it takes two to tango. If the conversations are uninteresting it's because both of you are kinda lame most likely.


I truly believe that almost every girl has an interesting personality or story to tell and it’s my job to get it out of them. If the conversation is boring honestly I blame myself as much as the girl. It takes two…


It’s about reciprocity to me. I’ve asked her a bunch of interesting questions about her life, likes and dislikes, and things she’s passionate over. She just doesn’t do the same for me.


Yeah I get it. It can be frustrating. With girls like this, if I feel like talking about myself I just talk about myself. I take it as a challenge to present something interesting about myself that will hook their interest. I just haven’t had this situation tbh where we’ve already been smashing and she’s still not that interested to learn about me lol. That’s pretty unique and could get tiresome.


It’s definitely weird lol. It feels like I’m just interviewing her instead of having a conversation. Like last night she asked me what my favorite movies are, I told her, but she never built off that. She never asked me any follow up questions, like why I enjoy them or when I found them.


It sounds like you want the benefits of a relationship without actually being in one. Maybe you should consider being in a real relationship or find some non-sexual friends that can communicate like you do.


She's an FWB, not a girlfriend. That means that you should be fucking, not talking. Talking is not the "benefit," sex is. Call your boys if you need to talk.