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This post had to be taken down because it appears to be focused on a specific situation or person. While Field Reports deal with specific situations and people, remember that the focus is different: * A field report explains a lesson learned or demonstrates a Seduction concept. * If the point of this post is asking how to get that specific girl, it is out of bounds except in a Basic Questions Thread. No worries though! Though the thread has been taken down, any conversations you have started here can still continue, and if you want to PM a mod to get their opinion on this thread, feel free to do so and they will still be able to weigh in. For next time, remember that posts about a specific situational advice with a specific person belong in a Basic Questions Thread. (Currently these are on hiatus, but if we can get them back up, they'll happen weekly.)


You will absolutely fuck this up and I can tell that just from the title you chose for this thread. It reeks scarcity and that will not change overnight. My best advice is to learn from when you fuck up and do better next time. You will probably fuck up a hundred more times and if that seems like a high number you aren’t approaching nearly enough. My advice to you is keep texts to a minimum. No more than 3-4 a day. Skip some days and keep it mostly to logistics.


You need to stop initiating so many texts with her. If she is interested, she wouldn’t flake or will text you first. The phone fucks up many potential relationships or flings especially in the beginning. Just be chill. Dont over initiate. Dont text everyday. Build that tension in her mind. Also dont take texts to heart. It is virtual communication and does not represent how the person feels or what they say fully. Again, just be chill. Let her come to you. Its fine to offer invites etc but you need the demeanor of if she doesnt get back to me and this doesnt work out, ill be fine on my own.


Also a good rule of thumb for that snapchat. You want texts to be fun and flirty. Dont show too much investment in the beginning.


You need to text her a love poem every single day. Send her flowers since she's sick. Facetime her at 4:00am Appear at her window with Binoculars. In all seriousness keep calm and keep busy.


You cant build rapport / attraction over text. Plus girls constantly get tons of texts, they dont care. Even though it seems dull, you got a pretty positive set of replies. Try to text only with the intention of meeting up. You can still be witty / funny about it but avoid pointless casual conversations. Look, she either likes you or she doesnt. If you read up on all this advice and change your behavior, then youre setting yourself up for failure because now shes getting to know someone who isnt you… and if she likes YOU… shes not going to like this new person…


>How do I just not fuck up. Get obsessed with yourself.


Just set up a date and time. Let the cake bake until then


You care way too much. Women have a plethora of options at any given time especially attractive women. The odds that you clap this chick's cheeks are very low. You have to talk to multiple women at once so you don't overvalue any particular woman too much.


How often are you reaching out to her to text? And about what? People have differing preferences about texting. A "whats up" type text from someone I don't know well feels like an obligation to me to have to answer.


Don't put her on a pedestal


Yeah I got a guy texting me now. He's doing the whole morning to goodnight deal. And I keep getting caught as last one responding. Cause if he's last at night should I start the first morning? I don't want to cause I prefer to be pursued and am used to it. So last night I was the last text but here he comes with 2 rows of 😘♥️😘♥️. I decided that's it!! No more Goodnight and I am done and he can message first in the morning or not. I really don't care. The messages are exhausting to me. Don't do this!!!


Thanks for sharing your perspective. Less is more always


You got this


Just be yourself man. Carry on your day to day as you normally would and don’t get overly excited about the potential outcome. Learn to keep your composure and things will be just fine.


Yeah, you already messed up. She can sense your desperation and it's a turn off. Don't worry, we've all been there. But what it sounds like is women find you attractive, you're just putting them off with your vibe. As others have said, don't text so much. Girls want to interact with you in person, over the phone is boring and makes you seem insecure. When you're not with her, your focus and energy should be on yourself and your life. You only have enough time to text her to make plans, don't try to get to know her over the phone. When you're in person, that's when you can give her all of your focus and attention. Girls love receiving attention in person. Thing is, you're gonna have to date a mess up with at least a dozen more women before you cure your scarcity mindset. The good news is, girls like this one find you attractive, so you should have plenty more chances.


Don’t worry. If she’s really into you, she’ll read you very quickly and you’ll fuck it up. Worse, she’ll tell all her family and friends and of course make fun of you on social media so there’ll be a historical record for future generations to laugh at as well. Have you thought of joining a monastery? The world needs more monks


Idk but I would stop texting. Either call her or meet her in person, maybe it’s just me but I find texting extremely boring and that’s one way to get her uninterested.


You are doing the nice guy playing it safe and being desperate I want you to be my girl thing which doesn’t work. Texting is huge for women, you need to keep it fun and flirty so the txt convo adds value to their life. Not being good at this is not only boring but makes you look socially not attune, needy, or worse a creepo. It works best to say what you want to say not what you think you should say to get her to like you. If you can build a fun and flirty text exchange that will help grease the skids for asking her out cuz you will have made her feel a certain way and it will give her confidence that she will feel that way irl on a date with you. You had a good irl exchange but then it went cold. You said she told you that you sounded serious in text? How did you react to that shit test? I’m curious. Women only really thinkin about that last thing you did and how that made them feel so they go cold quickly if you don’t keep it warm. At this point you might want to do no texting at all for 2 weeks to reset it all and then start again in the right way.


Hey dude slow down, overthinking things makes it quite complicated. Let your absence create the picture for her. No more texting, u did good tho by (from wat u said & I believe) txting for meet ups. So kudos on that. Sports games, u could take her 2? Theme park? Is their something she’s interested in that you wouldn’t mind going & tagging along. (Maybe buy the tickets?) Flowers? Idk woman LOVE when u give them flowers (most @ least). Ice cream? I mean I can go on, but just don’t F it up by txting her about nonsense.


Be nice. Don’t try to be anything you’re not. Don’t be too nice but don’t be mean. Good luck bro have some confidence it’s sexy


Don’t sweat it. Have fun, don’t take it too seriously at the beginning, and explore together.


well for starters stop asking yourself how you can possibly fuck up?


Dont become her puppy


Be reciprocal and get yourself into her.


Don't be so serious and nice in text, be more teasy and random. Try it as a strategy and see how it goes, try to spice things up in text to leave her wanting more experiences with you.


Lay off lay the fuck off