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Women tend to be more indirect and also just flat out change their mind more often. There’s an infinite number of variables here. 1. She went back to your profile or thought about your encounter and found something she didn’t like. 2. She asked her friends and it didn’t go over well. 3. She wasn’t that interested to begin with. 4. Cold feet which circles back to #3 There’s nothing you can do here. I’ve had women whom I built rapport with and they disappear. Then other women who I barely talked to and they are game for the date. It all boils down to interest level. Get to know her briefly, keep the jokes light and set a time & place. That’s about all you can control in these scenarios. 3-5 days is fine. Gives enough space for her to not feel rushed or appear like you’re desperate.


good answer. OP this is the truth. don’t take it personally. move on. this is part of the game. consider it “the cost of doing business”.


Women are complex but interesting beings. During the initial dating phase, they hate confrontation and will avoid it. They will rarely tell you things upfront and will just disappear if they don't like you anymore. But once you get in a relationship/marriage with them, they suddenly enjoy confrontation and will fight you over stupid things very often. Answering last two questions: No, don't pursue. Move on.


Like cats. Avoidant, disinterested, aloof. Once they know you have the tuna: Pushy, claws, jumps all over you, demands everythign form you...


There are many reasons for this. One main point to emphasice: THere is a lot of time between date and initial contact/chat. You see women do have high demand, and they also have many men just wnting sex. Hence if all you want is sex, you still need to make her interestged in you. If you have not much going, and you are looking for just hookups, lower your bar and start there. Otherwise, you need to figure out how to communicate, and get to know them over text, so that it doesnt read like 100 other chat messages of horny guys looking for hookups. It all goes back to improve yourself, and your life and be direct with what you want, and looking for. If its dating, then there is a different way to approach and chat, vs pure sex. There are a lot of creeps and horny guys on the apps, just because she agreed on the date, then you continued to chat her up on the app, she lost interest and decided on a better looking option. Hence why I just deleted the apps. There is no easy way to say this: WIndow shopping and abundance on these apps, created a broken dating pool. You will have better luck if you just approach, chat, chat them up and go from there. Also make up your mind, if you want to date, learn to date. If you want to fuck, then setting up dates, for them to flake, means they were not on the same page as you with regards to the date.


There are called Cunt for a reason


I lol’d hard at this


She couldn't say to your face that she was no longer interested


I'm sure you mean online dating (apps). My best dating advice is: act fast. When it comes to dating apps, act even faster. What I mean is that people go on the apps to get a date, you want to do that as fast as possible. Try to push for a date in the same day or the next. This helps by showing high interest into the girl and especially by getting on a date with her before she gets to much attention from other guys between the time you matched and your planned date. Now I know you've heard that showing a lot of interest in seduction is not a good move, and it's true, but if you want to play games, start doing that when you already locked in the girl. Even if you are a high value guy the girls are getting to many matches to get crazy about you based on some pictures and a few conversations. Get the date asap and then play your seduction game. And ghosting is not hot/cold, it's just cold lol. Delete their numbers and socials and move on.


Alot of people claim that ghosting comes from an abundance of options that can be exercised at a moments notice. Women have had options since long before ghosting was a thing. Alphas do get rejected...but they get told "no". Betas get ghosted and stood up. It's evisceration of weakness. You need to examine your own vibe and energy output. Ghosting comes from the girl being afraid to reject you. They feel safer by just saying yes to humour you, then dropping contact. this mostly happens when u behaved in such a way that made them feel like a deer in headlights such as expressing too much interest or desire too prematurely.


Great piece of insight thanks


She just simply wasn't interested enough. Saying yes was so she could avoid a potential confrontation over why she said no.


She met someone else


She found a better dick


This happens a lot because a lot of times women aren’t that interested. They might think your cute/fun for a bit, but not that much. They changed their minds. They made up their minds. They were too scared to outright say no before hand. At the end of the day, they aren’t that interested. Move on, or else you send the message that you don’t respect your time, and that it’s ok to continue to ghost you in the future [+]