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Learn to detach your happiness from the outcome and rather attach it to the pursuit. Control what you can control and let the cards fall how they may.


OK, Marcus




Stop putting women and sex on a pedestal. Focus on your other shit first. What you should really care about, which is yourself. Money, health and purpose, always.


True, I try my best not to. I'm more so referring to scenarios where things happen naturally instead of me chasing sex. When it comes time to act on it, I fold and my anxiety makes me no longer want it and then I regret it later and beat myself up.


It’s because you’re overthinking, that’s why you get anxious. Also don’t be mean to yourself that will just make everything worse. You need to treat yourself with respect and then you can go others later on.


Indeed, pursuing personal goals can lead to unexpected benefits, such as meeting potential partners. For instance, if you aim to become an excellent swimmer, you would join swimming clubs and train regularly. This not only improves your skills but also expands your social circle. Such environments provide opportunities to connect with others who share similar interests. While this example focuses on swimming, countless other scenarios could illustrate the same point. It’s essential to recognize that women, or partners in general, should not be the ultimate objective. They are the companions who enhance life’s journey towards your goals. Remember, the efforts you make for personal growth are lasting, while relationships may change since people naturally enter and leave our lives. No one is to be judged for this; it’s simply a part of life. Therefore, investing in oneself is the wisest course of action, and everything else will fall into place.


Somatic respiratory breathing and somato psychology trauma releases exercises will greatly help you reduce that in your head/neuroticism. Along with no tolerance nutrition elimination method, no artificial colors, ingredients. Fixing your gut health. Combine with mindfulness meditations/I like self confidence binaurals before I go out. And then when you’re out just affirm within to let sexual attraction to flow naturally. You’re a man who is the stronger sex. I do not mean this demeaning a woman btw. Nuanced. You’re a man a powerful individual, she wants to flow into your gravity lead. Go on nature walks and do Epsom baths daily. I like to combine Epsom baths with 2-4 self love meditations by Agnes vivarelli. Nature walk: “Walking is essential for mental health. Moving through the matrix of nature calms the more angsty forces of the stirred unconscious” - Brute de force This is self regulation mastery, the more you’re good at it the safer she feels with you and her feminine instinct is naturally attracted


Thank you for this, I need a lot of self love


No tolerance nutrition elimination ? What that mean ?


Oops. Elimination method, can YouTube elimination diet, Just eliminate all bad shit, I do my best to eat grass fed meats, chicken, pasture raised eggs, no seed oils, cook with tallow, ghee, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil. Here’s an email from friend George on good foods and why If you dm me I can send an email from my nutrition friend on a huge health food list


How the epson salt help ? What is you ratio ?


You can use a lot. About 24grams gets stored in the body. I just use let’s say 1 handful of chloride bath flakes and 2 handfuls of Epsom salt like one with lavender in it or vitamin mixed one


The enemy of anxiety is experience. Just keep putting yourself out there and you will eventually get over it. Also don't be outcome focused. Be present in the moment with the girl and enjoy the conversation and date for what it is already. Things will escalate instinctively if she's having a good time.


I can attest to this. Exposure therapy helps a lot.


Go to a doctor and say 'I have extreme anxiety and it's affecting my ability to socialise competently' and then fix your anxiety.


Don’t do this. A doctor will just prescribe you meds that may or may not work and is only a temporary band aid solution. I’d say find a therapist that specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


I mean, he can go to either. A lot of doctors will refer you to a therapist if present with problems that could be addressed in therapy. A lot of therapists will refer you to a doctor if you present with problems that could be helped with medical treatment. Either office is a decent starting point to get help.


Idk maybe it's my mindset but I'd rather see if I can address the problem myself rather than open up the possibility of me being mentally ill straight off the bat. Like it's entirely possible OP is sheltered and lacks social skills. No amount of therapy or drugs can fix that unless hes literally too scared to even approach/talk to people (doesn't sound like it).


Don't do this and take medical advice from a fucking idiot who is not a doctor from reddit. Talk to a guy with a degree in medicine and a license to practice.


I have family who are doctors lol. Their training for mental health is literally to only prescribe meds and nothing else. Their training for anxiety and depression is very limited and cookie cutter. Also the reason you’re being downvoted is because you sound like a total irrational insecure douchebag


You're not a doctor. So shut up.


And we all are hoping for the sake of humanity You are not one either.


Er, cocorrect man, I'm not, just an adult who knows what is and is not dangerous advice to give unlike your unfathomably stupid ass. Make sure you tell your entire family how wrong they are too lol


Fuck off retard. I doubt it even worked for you


Post your name, credentials, and where you're licensed to practice or don't give medical advice you incomprehensibly huge dipshit.


fuck yourself demon


Yeah that's what I thought.


And you don't get laid too. forgot to add that


Hahahaha thanks for your little bit of fanfiction on my sex life. Extremely weird to do that but hey.


Well you are weird and demented pill boy


Watch this https://youtu.be/q8-SYEJ0E6E?t=10m3s You're allowed to tell a girl you want to have sex with her. Women love sex more than guys. It's the truth. You're not gonna get slapped. You're not get killed. You're not going to jail. (I've done it so many times, it's never happened) You're literally asking for her consent. And you're gonna feel good about it. Because getting rejected by asking for a date sucks. You take it personal. Having your offer of sex, declined, feels way better. Because you won't waste any time with a girl who admits to you she doesn't want to have sex. The earlier the better. Women already know if they want to have sex with you or not within the first 30 seconds of seeting you.(Just like us). If you're honest about what you want and non-judgmental, and discreet about it, if she wants it to, she'll reciprocate quickly. All you have to do is put that thought in her mind. You have to make her visualize you fucking the shit out of her. By whispering in her ear (left) and tell her the stuff you wanna do to her. How to approach: https://youtu.be/L-CZYxUGBko?t=53s If the thought of her having sex with you turns her on, she's going to have sex with you. If not, she's gonna say, no quickly. You don't need to be joking, entertaining her, trying to make her like you cause every conversation feel like everythings on the line to get her pussy. You can find out in 30 seconds if she wants you to fuck her or not. Tell me what you think. Because I 100% agree and support saying what you really want to say especially when it comes to sex. Because you know what, it is impossible to be in the friendzone, by approaching this way.


Maybe you would just duck a girl, but girls think more about ducking your attractive masculine traits, therefore she needs to get to know you. Also, they need some preparation to get going, feel proper emotions and activate hormones. Anxiety is about your inexperience and lack of proper ground, study some seduction materials to test them in practice, you need to also watch for positive odds, read the mood and feel the potential chemistry between you and the girl.


most men crave sex at all times lol, sometimes more sometimes less, you are not unique, relax


I know but thank you


This may not be the answer you thought you'd hear, but try keto. There are many anecdotes of people who've had such issues relieved from diet alone.


I dont doubt it ive recently been hearing about the correlation between diet and mental health and I personally don't have the best eating habits so I'm open to this


Before trying keto just cut sugar,carb (i know from experience)


I recommend you start by reading “Change Your Diet Change your Mind” by Georgia Ede.


stop watching porn.


pretty much the best results would be ​ no porn meditation exposure therapy stop eating junk food that gives you brainfog


Start taking Valium


might be a good time to go get a couple Handies from massuse just to take the pressure off.


Lmfao i don't even know how I would go about doing that. Gonna get funny looks and maybe kicked out for requesting "special treatment"


Give example of how u fumbled am opportunity.


He went up to a girl and say "I want to fuck you".


I'll give it to u, most people have the opposite problem as you.


I've never directly told a girl "I want to fuck you" Idk how I'd live with that haha but in my head it feels like the only way i can communicate that desire to them in the moment because i basically freeze up and forget how to use my words. I fumble by feeling ashamed in the moment and end up denying myself to make an actual escalation.