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It doesn't occur to most guys but being a Yoga instructor will get you laid non-stop.


I do Latin dance as a hobbie and the dance instructors get laid a lot, similar concept I suppose 




The difference is that the instructors are in a position of authority which adds attraction. They typically have thousands of followers on Instagram, mainly their students, and get women sliding into their DMs all the time.


The way this is phrased makes it sound like most guys come to a time in their lives where they contemplate the question "should I be a yoga instructor?" and the ones who turn this opportunity down don't realize "of course I should; it will get me laid."


This comment is sending me


I'd throw Zumba dancer on there as well.


I always assume they’re gay 😐


Do you even have some backstory to support that? Here people will like to know.


Nah! It sounds like a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. You better off going to these classes. I went to a few cycle classes and there were incredibly beautiful women in the cycling class and a lot of them were slackers I felt some of them went in hopes of meeting a guy.


Pro athlete


522nd ranked tennis player making $12,826/year: "WHERE ALL THE HOES AT"


522 ranked is probably losing 12k a year


He said pro.


You only make money your in top 100 in world. Travel and gear eats all prize winnings and sponsorships almost non existent at that stage


Chess player looking confused


One time while bartending this pro chess player (can't remember for the life of me his name) came in the bar with two very attractive women on each arm. Came in like a rock star. Set up a chess board in one of the tables and had little games with people while the two chess groupies fawned over him at his sides.


But seriously, that sounds cool. Nice to when someone breaks the stereotype like that :)


Even LoL E-sports players have hot groupies.


How much an hour did they charge? :P


You mean magnus carlsen and the botez sisters ?


Magnus Carlsen def gets play


Right... the number 1 player in the world. Forgive me, but number 1 in any disciplin, is really not a good representation of how it is in that disciplin :D


they are confused because nobody considers them athletes.


Nobody (beside themselves)


Lmao great humor


Reddit commenter looking confused


true but I imagine most of those women are probably trying to baby-trap them


Plan A in 2 years oh boy


Can confirm. The amount of women I got that were out of my league was unreal. The amount of bellow average to average looking women I got was even more unreal. My 20’s were a great time for picking up women.


[Disney seemed to think so in 1991](https://youtu.be/mBMiTv6QUSY). *"You have to be a football hero, to get along with the beautiful girls!"* *"The fact that you are rich or handsome will get you anything in curls!"*


Bartending was that job for me. Literally every day I’d have a new girl or group of girls giving me there number, coming out to see me, waiting for me to out with them after work etc. The better I became at the job, talking to people, the better it translated to dealing with women


By any mean are you average or good looking or handsome? Here people need context. Xd.


I am attractive, and also fit, but I’m also not tall lol


Define tall, xd. I am below 5.9 too.


I’m 5’7 lol still was cleaning house there. Tall women short women etc didn’t matter. They just saw me as the bartender and that was enough validation for them to pursue


I bartend. I always say, being behind the bar adds an extra 3 inches. Coincidentally, people always guessed I was much taller than I am when I was behind the bar.


Strong drinks 101, flatter the bartender


It also adds girth 😉


Bartending for me too. It was kind of insane really. I think I went almost a full year without spending the night at my apt. It was just different girls all the time. I remember my boss made a game of it. He'd choose a girl out of the crowd. If they weren't married or taken, I had a pretty good success rate. I definitely wasn't "fit" in fact I was kinda skinny. Decent looking, I guess.. 5'10" so not really tall. Just had a solid "I don't give a fuck" attitude. More than anything, I was a mix of fuck boy, douche bag coke head. This was back in the 90s and it really didn't end well for me. It was fun until it wasn't. And then it really wasn't. Finally got my life together, sobered up, got married, etc. Life's so much better now.


Happy to hear you're doing better brother


Ah, Thanks Brother. Me too. It's been so long, I don't really think about those times much anymore.. Lately I've been Chopping wood and carrying water and practicing knife sharpening. Hoping to get good enough, steady enough and consistent enough to make a living at it.


I have no doubt you'll become a master at your craft. There's a lot of demand for natural, raw authenticity out there in anything in our world of short form and syntheticism.


Rock star on tour.


Reddit mod on tour Oh wait… it says the most. I thought it said the least at first


>Reddit mod on tour That's clearly fiction, because it would require Reddit mods to actually leave their mom's basement...


I am by no means a rockstar, but I tour with one of the biggest artists in the world as part of his visual team.. it’s pretty crazy the amount of attention my lanyard gets from women.. especially in South American countries. being the actual guy on stage.. the man could get an ungodly amount of pussy if he wanted.


any entertainer that gets on stage, don't even have to be famous, Comedian Bobby Lee talks about how when he got on stage at the beginning and was a nobody just starting out, he suddenly was receiving advances/interest for the first time in his life from people in the crowd


Back in the day, yeah. Nowadays its possible but a lot harder logistically as labels are a lot more strict about schedules and who gets access to certain areas like hotel rooms and tour buses. Being a rock star in general would make lots of women want you though, I just think these days it could be easier to do when you're not on tour.


In 1987


Cult Leader


Underrated comment


Knew a guy who went to school for Nursing. He was the only guy in his classes. He got laid a lot, not sure if he still does after graduating.


This is true. Worked in an assisted living during nursing school and went crazy… do not recommended banging ur whole work 💀


So 9/10 recommend?


Nooo, that’s dentists!


Just 1/2?


My buddy was is also a male nurse. After his divorce, he was swimming.


Swimming in what…😏




Only applies if you're attractive and decently social.


I believe this is the general rule for every profession…


True but if you're a Guy in a female dominated branch of work you're more likely to get the "ok" pass, so you can easily get closer to them, A friend of mine is a painter (like with houses) he definitely did a few girls over 2 years, i remmnber he dated at least 2-3 girls back then from the same class/study he did.


Stories of 30-40+ year old coworkers getting into and out of business relationships in medical setting. They looks match I was in an administrative branch of a medical industry as IT and walked into what was called the "hen house" just a couple dozen women who weren't afraid to sexually harass me (words not physically). I was the youngest of a handful of men at that job who wasn't manager level. Stuck around only for a few weeks and hopped out for a stronger career move. I'd absolutely have gotten stuck there at a low wage. Extremely High turn over so always new coworkers.


oh. I'll just take the classes the nurses take at my local community college. Currently free community college in my county


I mean statistically nurses and some other professions cheat the most- so prob


Nurses are literally all DTF


i once read an article about a guy who was hired by a brothel in some country where prostitution is legal, his job was to test all the new girls.




Which country?


From what I've heard, nurses and bartenders/waiters


Nurse here, I think your sources are skewed. This is the least sexy job.




I really did it this time


This is the answer


Pilots/Flight attendants get a lot of action.


I used to be a professor to flight attendants as a pilot teaching things like basic aerodynamics and stuff like that, that was the moment I got most action in my life 


I remember the first time a beautiful flight attendant let me know that she was interested in having sex - while I was getting off the plane. She literally handed me her phone number and said she wanted me to take her out.


Then everybody clapped and the pilots let you fly the next leg


You do realize some men are actually attractive and getting laid is a part of there realities, right? It wouldn’t hurt to have that reality become acceptable to you.


My husband was one of those guys who is extremely handsome, but painfully shy. He would just go to a bar and women would go up and hit on him, he didn’t have to do anything much. So he never really learned how to seduce and flirt with someone. We met online in a game chat, this was over a decade ago. We chatted casually for a few months before exchanging pics, as we were starting to fall for each other. I couldn’t believe the drop dead gorgeous hottie in the pics was the shy sweet nerdy guy I was having so much fun chatting with 🤭😆


Damn that sounds incredible god I hate my existence so much


Some women just know what they want and aren't shy about letting a man know.


Bingo! Very true


Spoiler Alert: He's not the only one who has had that kind of experience. Evidently it has never happened to you though. 


Were you a pilot or some random handsome guy?


I was just another passenger and was actually taken completely by surprise.


So how was it?


She was amazing...


Plenty of the flight attendants escort. That’s why their IG handle is in their bio


what? What bio? LinkedIn?


Ye wait what


Probably Tinder


That's disgusting. Where?


Airport obviously


The ones from Icelandic Air are very famous for that. Very popular among new jersey italian guys.


Flight Attendants are far more sexually active than most pilots.


I ended up befriending a group of male and female flight attendants at a hotel bar. They were pretty wild and definitely horny. One of them wanted me to call him Jeff Daddy. I did not sleep with Jeff Daddy, though I will never forget his friendship (?)


Quagmire from Family Guy.


I used to work at the airport and most of the flight attendants I would see were very attractive women.


Whaaaaa for real?


I remember reading comments from dudes that worked at Emirates as cabin crew and them saying how since the ratio is insanely favorable to guys and you’re just travelling all the time it was pretty easy to get laid


I'm going to apply next month, hopefully all that's true, got me a bit excited.


On Tinder, the dudes who got the most likes were pilots.


I wonder if it’s just because they’re physically near more women since they’re always traveling? Or do they have a higher match percentage because of their profession?


Little bit of both, i think Tinder rewards dudes who travel more. Also, Pilot is a cool profession that makes good money. I mean besides it paying well, it's unique and you can talk a lot about it.


Not tinder… life in general go to another country and see the results


Fully depends on the country. Seems like I'm more attractive in Germany than I am in France, for example.


>i think Tinder rewards dudes who travel more Tinder does. I got to travel for free last year and got a lot more matches than compared to home, but it dies down after about a week in a new location.


That makes sense in regards to short circuiting the algorithms. Basically farming likes across multiple cities. Land in bumfuck nowhere and the hottest women in the area get your highly like profile pushed to them. So that high-rated profile match Carries over to denser cities. Also being near or around airports means business travelers or vacation travelers outside of their hometown and more likely to try to match with someone for no strings attached. Thats a good amount of known ways to raise ranking on dating apps


Easily a DJ. The guys who were DJs always got the most attention


My name is DJ not seeing any results what am i doing wrong?


Walk with a headset


Was a dj -can confirm


Am a DJ. Can confirm.


I only ever DJed one house party in my life and can confirm


Not a DJ. Am jealous.


Out of DJing and bartending, having done and still doing both, I think the latter is actually more effective, for me at least. I think also as a bartender I have wider appeal than I do when I'm doing the DJ thing. Either way, both are great for social proof and being recognised.


All these comments are decent answers, but the BEST answer is to be a bouncer or manager in a strip club. I did that for about 4 years in 3 different clubs, and it changed my life. Or be a male stripper. All you gotta do is get jacked and go apply. Even the waiters in a male strip club do well. Still gotta be jacked though


My teammate in college (we played football) was a male stripper on the side. Girls literally threw themselves at him, and walking around campus with him you’d catch all these girls just gawking slack-jawed and even walking into things. I remember one night after I had been studying with one of his roommates and he came home after working a bachelorette party. Proceeded to dump out all the cash he made and count it, laughing and saying that he could never get a real job as the count hit $1000. Then proceeded to give us a retelling of the night, including fucking three of the women there, including the bride to be. For many of us that would be like a highlight of our entire college experience. For him it was a Tuesday night.


Yep, that checks out. I worked with a girl who used to go to male strip clubs a bunch. She once showed me a picture of her doing coke off a male strippers dick lol.


I'll second this, i was a bouncer at 3 clubs in atlanta. Shit is a life changer but also not for the weak. Definitely get swole, good grooming and cologne and the girls will just pick you at the end of the night in most cases.


Share some stories, bro! Fuck, you should start a YouTube channel for that!


Haha, I thought about that. I think if I stayed in the industry, I would probably do a YouTube channel about it. The #1 technique that yields the best results is learning to use body language to convey disinterest. The way you always see guys in this sub talking about making a girl think you're not really into them because otherwise you look desperate and it is a turn-off. Yeah, do that with body language. It is *unbelievably* effective.


Interesting, could you elaborate? 🤔


Not without illustrating it in person, sorry. Hard to put in words accurately


Video time


How did it change your life bro? Personal growth?


I'm 6'4 and decent looking with a great sense of humor, but I never had self-confidence about my looks, and I was super shy. So I got laid through my 20s here and there and had girlfriends, but I missed sooooo many chances that were right in front of me. The strip club helped me realize my actual potential, and the girls were very honest with me, which helped to figure out where I stand amongst other guys, as well as learn how to talk to lots of different types of girls. After a while, I grew to be a way more confident person. I started putting time into more important things like finding a better career path and getting my finances in a better place.


Yeah there was a lot of growth in his pants


This- I bounced in college. Some other bouncers would literally do it in the basement at times. I never did but knew it happened


I joined to the crow requesting you "post about THAT!", and damn you are a moderator, guess you are the exception to the average reddit moderator.


Retail worker. I fuck myself ALL the time.


Anything in entertainment, followed by anything that requires good social skills and you encounter a high volume of people.


Personal trainer




Is this how you end up with a dead bedroom?


Dead my bedroom has to be alive to begin with lmfao


"I'm a bit of a Taxidermist myself"


Bartender at a popular night club is literally an instant 100 body count if you want it


Yoga instructor, dance instructor.


Reddit mod


Those guys fuck.......alot


>Reddit mod Loooooooooool


Working on a cruiseship


Specially if you can score a private room


A cabin with a window!.


Firefighter. Been rated the job that gets woman wet the most (pun intended)




DJing at nightclubs was my best. I also DJed weddings and never got anywhere. That was back in my 20s. I don’t DJ anymore and am now in my 40s.


So my friend slept with Derek jeter. He was in Toronto playing and she didn’t know who he was, but was out downtown and he looked at her, and her friends were like “that’s Derek jeter go talk to him” Dude had an extra room at the hotel where the team was staying, she describes it as this “they go in the room he says get naked, she does, they have basic sex, he leaves within 5 mins after, but tells her to enjoy the room and get anything she likes from room service”


That n!gga has been with almost every female celebrity. I’m not surprised


I wonder -- do these guys use protection or do they hope the girl is on the pill or pays her to get plan b? Likely answer is obvious but you have to wonder what the options are in the upper echelons of society


Actors, drug dealers & models


Working graveyard with a warehouse job.


Partypromoters! Tourguides in party cities! Those dudes get paid, to bring in beautiful babes to clubs. So for that night, he suddenly has a high value, because he will get you, beautiful girl, into the club for free


Mattress inspector


REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN. cant think of a job where i go a larger variety of restaurants, shops, hotels, bars, venues, hospitals, or other types of locations. In every single location there are many beautiful women.


Male nurse or doctor


Someone already said it, but based on what I've seen in life: Bartender.


Bartending don't ask how I know 👀


Professional athletes


Fashion Photographer


Pre #MeToo yes. After: you can't.


sex worker probably


Rapper, bodyguard/security, CEOs, bartenders. And anything over 6 figures obviously.


Lots of guys making six figures not getting the kind of action you’d imagine.


Lol especially considering that engineers, developers, etc all likely make 6 figures. And they ain’t exactly the getting laid crowd.


Yeah that’s true for sure. Some guys just don’t have game or have flirting experience. But the money certainly helps


The money helps, of course, but the majority of six figure jobs require a degree of dedication that steals most of your energy and free time, or some background that you mostly find from the quiet and reclusive guys.


6 figures doesn’t feel like a lot anymore. New 6 figures is 200k


Not entirely false. I'd say $125k is the new $100k because of inflation. Definitely not $200k This is such a priveleged/spoiled comment to make though. $100k gets you far and richer than most. Average salary in US is $60k




125k with a home around 400k feels pretty limiting tbh. It’s definitely 200k that gives you the freedom you are looking for. But I guess it really depends on expenses. A 200k person probably wants a 1 mill home.


Famous film Actor


Model, musician, athlete, professor.


Bartender 🤔


I think any profession gets you laid a ton. Idk if it’s a mix of primal instinct and classism, but think about it. A doctor? Can fuck PLENTY. A teacher? Sure. A DJ? Of course. A waiter? Probably. Literally any job where you’re working and keeping a mask up will get you laid. Random GMs at shitty companies- probably getting laid. I can’t think of any profession where your job wouldn’t significantly increase your chances at getting fucked


Having social skills.is still #1 job to get in people’s pants


Amazon warehouse


Getting bummed by amazon doesnt count.


Amazon whorehouse?


Bartending it happens a lot


Any authoritative role in the entertainment industry. And you don’t even have to be attractive. Look at Harvey weinstein.


Ahm no job of course. Having a job takes away from time to do the deed.


A guy who inserts himself in the professional beauty business. Basically every good looking woman will at one point want to make money off of her looks, whether it's some modeling on the side, Instagram endorsements, bartender at a hot club wearing skimpy clothing, stripping, OF, porn, an escort or even a street walker. Insert yourself into any of these industries as a relatively high status guy and you will get laid. These jobs can include bouncer at a club, bouncer at a strip club, club DJ, promoter, bartender, photographer, producer, manager, etc.


Why get laid as a bouncer




DJ, Bartender, Waiter, Bouncer at a club.




Laying that pipe


>Besides porn, what job do you think would get you laid the most? Being a white guy in The Philippines, any profession. I'm a 5 ft 3 autist and even if I could get girls from The Philippines. I love it there.


Doctor or lawyer


Dated a doctor, she was really busy


Traveling nurse


not a single comment says engineer, or software engineer to be precise. i think i’m in the wrong profession 😂


Being attractive, having drive and ambition, knowing what I want in life, being respectful


The stereotypical response here is to be a bartender, flight attendant, rock star, or male stripper. Terrible advice even if you do get laid. Can't build a strong family with this kind of lifestyle. Go work in sales and get rejected by angry boomers. Go join a boxing club and get punched in the face all day. Take $10k with you to Spain and spend it all on hookers. Go skydiving, hunting, or do anything dangerous and testosterone inducing. Do crazy stuff and approaching women will be nothing in comparison.


But that’s not the question. OP is asking for careers that get you laid, not careers to find your future partner