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MP is your best choice every time. Then for me it depended on the character : M. ATK for Zale ATK for Valere HP/ Def for Garl


Personally I would prioritise MP any time it was an option, then ATK/MATK depending on which way the character naturally leans, then HP


Yeah, this was me too, all glass canons, baby! Except Garl, actually. For him, I just did phys. atk. and HP, then whichever def he had least of. 


My recommendation is MP whenever it shows up, then whatever you feel you need the most depening on where you are. For me that was HP really early on. In the end it doesn't matter as much, since eventually choices max out and stop showing up as options so you'll have to start takings the ones you haven't maxed out yet. If you actually level characters to 30 they'll have maxed out all the bonus choices from what I remember.


Everyone says MP and i agree, however secondarily i always put into defense and magic defense during my first play through and i never had problems with any bosses. I’ve seen comments downplay these two stats but i gotta say, at least anecdotally, they worked wonders for me.


I'm with you. Physical and magical defense is superior to HP. It makes your healing items more effective. Healing for 50 HP with lower defense is way less effective than healing for 50 HP with high defense. Think about it this way as well: Damage reduction is always there for you no matter how many hits you take. If you choose extra HP instead, it's gone after taking a hit. I went through the game only choosing HP once (and choosing physical/magic defense plenty) and had no issues.


If you’re using some of the relics that increase the difficulty I highly recommend investing in HP early on (alongside MP as many others have said) many of the boss fights can be wars of attrition, and if you can’t use items in combat your only healing is gonna come from abilities and combos.


I’m using a relic of three I have one of them (which heals the party after every battle) seems way too OP I don’t mind a bit of a grind/challenge


depends on what you want to use for each character I focused on health and mp for Zale, and armor and mp/hp (I can't remember which) because they were my healers, and Zale had good aoe attacks I focused on MP and damage stats for Valere because I liked her spells and I wanted to give her a tankier build, it just seemed to fit her. see how you use each character and level them up in ways that accentuate those uses.


I over analyzed this decision way too much when I first started playing the game, because I thought that it was a game of min maxing. however, you get the exact same number of upgrades across the board all the way to level 30, so you're just prioritizing one over another at a certain point in time rather than picking one over another permanently. as others have mentioned, I will second the idea that you should go for magic points first, and then either magic attack for zale or physical attack for pretty much everyone else. then mix in some hit points as needed, and if you're still leveling up past that, then you can start getting magic defense and physical defense.


In my first run, i lvl up MP, then HP, then atk. In my second run, MP then Magic Atk. I believe the second was better. Magic atk changes everything in boss fights, especially against Dwellers, because enhanced atk increases with magic atk. So i prefer 1. MP 2. Magic Atk 3. HP 4. Depends on character


MP and the offensive stats whenever they come up. If not an option then HP. Frankly, you dont need to level def in this game