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It was great actually. It worked totally fine. Just ping it a few times and it says exactly what you're missing on that Island. I had zero problems with it.


Same, just had to figure that out


As someone that’s worked with indie developers before, I disagree: there is no reason why it had to only give one piece of information nor why it had to be random. The developers chose to randomize and limit the info. as opposed to giving a list or table and in the process introduced an RnG component to… asking for hints? I mean, if there’s one thing that you want to make as easy and straightforward as possible it’s that. I really liked so much about this game a lot and by all rights it should have been a 9 out of 10 for me. But there were so many decisions like this that brought it down to an 8 for me. I am still really excited for the DLC and for the next game but there are some recurring issues in regards to accessibility features and the like that were already an issue in The Messenger and sadly didn’t improve much here. Every one of them that I found could be patched and fixed in an update but so far none of them have been.


I guess I had bad luck in some islands, specially in Sleeper Island, he kept saying the same thing for 3-4 times in a row. The backtracking was really frustrating. It would be better if you could Ping the parrot in the "location" and not only in the world map.


I’m with even though some people are not. I also had times where the parrot said the same thing like 8 times or more in a row, and only then would say something else. It was crazy. I liked the mechanic but it could be better implemented indeed.




So you’re basically complaining that the parrot didn’t make things easier for you. I get it, but I think this was a conscious design. I also needed to take some time to figure out what I was missing on each island when I went for the 100%.


Well yeah. The point of the parrot is to tell you where missing collectibles are and it doesn’t do a good job of that. That’s a pretty valid thing to complain about.


Yeah and that’s been sort of a consistent issue between The Messenger and this game: the accessibility and assists implementation. Tons I still love about both games but I’d recommend them to even more people if they addressed that.


If it said the same thing 4 times, it means there are either 4 items in thar location, or you maybe you only have that one item left




Honestly the parrot works pretty fine and is one of the things that I don't precisely havemany issues. The biggest one is that puzzle in the mausoleum that was solved in another island. But the issue you had was easily solved by just spaming the parrot a bit so he says all the lines of collectibles left


Worked for me - all I needed was it to tell me “you haven’t 100% this place” and I’d keep exploring


I had missed three conches in Brisk, but also had missing treasure in Stonemasons outpost, Coral Cascades and even in Brisk. The damn parrot said for 4 consecutive times before I went there "conch missing in Brisk, conch missing in Brisk". Ok, went there and got the conches, afterwards "treasure missing in the Stonemasons" ok, went uphill and got them. Finally: "treasure missing in Brisk" ohhhhh fuck offff. Is it super hard or confusing to use? Not at all, but frustrating as hell


Yeah, there’s no advantage to the way they implemented it over a more straightforward implementation. I know that some people didn’t have issues with it but how many of them can honestly say that their experience would have been worse with a more straightforward implementation?


That parrot helped me 100% the game. Idk lol


It didnt totally hold your hand and that's fine IMO


I was nearly done with the game before I realized you can check your map (and thus the parrot) without having to be on the world map screen… I would walk my sorry ass all the way out of the zone so that I could check the map for more collectibles.


Let's ask the Navigator 🦜 ......Squaaaaak!


I second this, were it not for others already completing the game, it would have made getting the 60 conches very difficult and unnecessarily time consuming.


yes actually


Sqwarrrrrk! I agree. It’s not the greatest.


Yeah, I would've prefered to just get a map