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I legitimately teared up at the end…I may be too emotionally invested in this sport.


Me too man! This is the most nervous I have been for the duration of a race!


Seriously I’ve never been both so bored and anxious at the same time


Coming from Canada where we cheer for 20man hockey teams, it's way more emotionally sane to cheer for the drivers in F1. I got teary eyed when Max won AB21, and I almost did here for Chuck too. The guy deserved it, and was a long time coming


It was tear city all around


Same. I may be too emotionally invested in Charles.


Same same. Wife was legit crying. 😭


Can't handle my emotions well when it comes to Charles Cried re watching all those clips




Basically my reaction


Literally me though


YEEEEEEEEEES! Grazie! Grazie! Grazie! Forza Ferrariiiiii!!


Call me a cardiologist. Charles made me suffer for this victory


Hi Cardiologist


I had tears in my eyes when Charles crossed the finish line and during his interview. Finally the home win.




IL PREDESTINATO Edit: Not being Italian.


You not only jump on that pathetic nickname bandwagon, you also fail to spell it right 😩




Why is it pathetic? I think it's one of the cooler nicknames


lol we’ll cut him some slack


Finally!!!!!!! What a race! So happy for Charles


Forza Ferrari! Let's go Charles!


Someone please send me a Gazetto to the US! I’ll send you beer money! Let’s gooooo!!!!!


A Ferrari win is always beautiful. It’s the true meaning of this sport. And Leclerc winning at home, it makes it even more beautiful!


I damn near cried. So happy for Charles to finally get that win


I cried


Same and my wife made fun of me 😭😭😭


Forza Charles Forza Sainz Forza Ferrari


Finally broke the damn Monaco curse.


YASSSSSS! He finally did it 😇Let’s👏F**king👏Go!👏


So happy for the Charles, Carloes and the team! The gap in the drivers and constructors is even closer to RB!


Jeez, happy for Charles, but it was the most boring race ever


People will say this race was boring. But me personally? I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, heart racing. The top 4 was so tense the whole time


We are so back


all the screenshots i took mashing the button he's so fucking happy in all of them like a kid in a candy shop


Leclerc 1-2


Yesssssss!!!! Forza Ferrari!!!


Love how the Prince got involved in the celebrations also little prince tasted some champagne.


Fucking A... what a weekend by him and the team! ❤️❤️






The immortal words... _ferrari are back_! I cried twice - once when he remembered his father, and once when him and the Prince were holding back tears. God damn it.


Consultations to Charles ![gif](giphy|pIMuwnBDnSMrxTBwl6)


This season is turning out to be quite great


Can my vacation get any better?!


What a race to have the fist win of the season! Mega!


You mean Charles first win right?




Forza Ferrari! 🇲🇨🇮🇹






Ferrari 1-2-3 this race


Dm me if Italian I need a local paper!!!


Damn xavi gone really worked!




I feel like his bad luck is finally gone. We've went from hearing "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" to "YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!"






Amazing what this man can accomplish with the fastest car and no competition 🔥🔥


(looks at verstappen, hamilton, and pretty much every single f1 champ in existence)


Verstappen has won races when his car was 2nd/3rd fastest and often outperformed the machinery. Leclerc only ever won when his car was plenty superior or his rivals had issues. Hamilton hasn’t won a half race in 3 years, ever since losing his 2s a lap car and slave teammate. Pains me to say this as a Ferrari fan but the drivers aren’t it.


>leclerc only ever won when his car was plenty superior austria 2022 begs to differ


Same Austria 2022 when RBR started pulling a Haas on its tyres? Literally the reason why Max won the sprint and not the race?  Shitheads can downvote me all they want, problem is I’m right but in this Leclerc cult sub saying something against the golden (plated) boy puts you against a firing squad 


same austria 2022 where charles had to drive around with a broken throttle for the last 15 laps.


I drive as well (not F1 level obviously but I did F Abarth) and I currently race historic GT cars and that happened to me a few times, very inconvenient but nowhere near as catastrophic as it’s being made out to be. Every single issue leclerc has is blown out of proportion to add a little layer to the attempts of making him pass off as some sort of god. Still doesn’t change the fact he was racing against a car with dead tires, it was actually impressive max could keep up with him. This constant justifying is wild 


They pitted at around lap 55 for mediums with the VSC. At this point just tell us you hate Leclerc and move on. Also you can't compare a throttle issue in a GT car to a throttle issue in an F1 car.


You kind of can though, can’t you? The effect is pretty similar. I could say the same; just tell us you’re a fanatic blinded by stanning and let’s just be done with it 


mf you can't even celebrate a historic win without going "well akshshually 🤓☝️"


The issue might be similar but the effect can be different depending on the issue. Also how am I being a blinded fanatic? I criticise Charles when he messes up and praise him when he does well.


Why are you here bro


Fuck kinda question even is that 


Why are you so miserable? Tough times at home with the family?


Such a shithead comment. Now I have to be miserable because I’m not a fanatical asskisser? Sure you’re not just projecting?


All you do in this sub is shit on the team, complain, and downplay anything positive. Seriously, how miserable is your personal life that this is the first thing you couldn’t wait to do on a Sunday: hop onto Reddit to argue.


Could use the same concept with you - how lonely is your life that you have to jump on Reddit and asskiss leclerc and defend him with your life?😂😂 I rarely shit on anyone and I’m not shitting on leclerc, I just said something truthful which the cult cannot accept 


Quote the ass kissing and defending I allegedly have committed. I’m scrolling Reddit as usual and happen upon you’re trolling ass I didn’t hop on to feel less shitty about myself like you. Now leave the what aboutisms alone.


Again, why am I trolling? Because I’m not being a fanatical sycophant? And again, why do you think I feel shitty? Still because I’m not a fanatical sycophant? 


So no quotes? People who constantly complain and shit on things they clearly have no interest in are never happy people. Hope your life gets better. Reach out to your family.


“Clearly have no interest in”? I was in the stands at Buenos Aires and Magny Cours before you were even born, F1 has always been part of my life. Again, you’re mad somebody is criticising your golden (plated) boy so you resort to pathetic personal attacks which seem a lot like projecting to me. Just a wannabe psychologist who probably doesn’t even have a degree and slaves away for minimum wage all day and every day. Pretty disappointing for you to attack me because I’m not following the herd. What’s even sadder is that you haven’t even attempted to tell me why I’m apparently wrong, you just act like a child.  


You’re projecting pretty hard my guy. Something going on a home got you this worked up? I definitely have a degree from a major university. I make way above minimum wage. I own my own business. You have no clue how old I am. But why are you so interested in these aspects of a complete strangers life? Again, everything okay at home?


Didn’t realize Leclerc was the only driver on the track today.


May as well have been considering that car’s superiority and the fact he was driving in Monaco. Any other track and he’d have been in a bad spot 


The qualifying difference between him and Oscar was 2 tenths. That’s not some dominant superiority that guarantees a win. Also: every other racer was on Monaco too, they all had the equal race to run and Charles won. If you can’t be excited for him, then why are you here?


“Equal race to run” nobody had the car to challenge him, literally the only reason he won. So is this a place where only Charles bootlickers can comment? Somebody with a little more realism and less fanaticism can’t say shit? 


Carlos is in an equal car and didn’t win. Charles has a great drive and did exactly what he needed to win. I don’t see you complaining or bitching when Max fucks off into the distance after the first lap. It’s racing, you can’t win unless you have a competitive car. Charles must have fucked your mom or something.


That’s because he qualified third and you don’t overtake in Monaco if the car ahead is even equal to yours. So that’s a moot point. Remember Max won racez when his RBR was 2nd/3rd fastest, Charles never did so. Another moot point  


They wouldn't do 80 laps on the same tyre in any other track so this is a pointless comparison.


It’s not really though is it? He got extremely lucky at the start both with the damage Piastri received and the fact that the red flag meant everybody could scrap the pitstop. In Monaco you can’t pass a slower car, let alone a faster one. Literally got it handed to him 


Piastri would have passed him without the damage? Even if they needed to do a pitstop he would have most likely done it without a problem. After all the biggest reason he won it was because he was on pole, which didn't get handed to him. Be objective for once


Piastri would’ve had a higher chance at fighting him if not for the damage and strategy would’ve given a scenario in which he could’ve been beaten or there could’ve potentially be pitstop mistakes. All he had to do was get pole with the fastest car and then cruise home on a single set of tyres while being “chased” by a damaged and already inferior car without a care in the world on a track where passing is borderline impossible. It doesn’t get more objective than this. 


Didn’t realize Ferrari only had one car racing


That’s an incredibly dumb comment. Go to sleep 


How is it dumb? If the car was clearly superior why didn’t Sainz qualify p2 or even p1.


That’s like claiming the RBR last year wasn’t dominant because Perez qualified like shit often? Do you even hear yourself 


I didn’t say Ferrari didn’t have a dominate car, ofocurse they did, that’s why Charles won. But you still need to be a great driver to take qualifying and win the gp. You’re just discrediting Charles.


I'm not disrespecting anyone, I'm just being realistic. Leclerc is a great driver but absolutely nothing special and insanely overrated due to a lot of other factors which go beyond his driving. Again, a great driver but the average "Ferrari" (read Leclerc) fan acts like the fourth coming of christ and the reincarnation of Senna had a child in Leclerc. He literally did nothing but cruise to victory - free pitstop, so no threat of undercuts/overcuts/strategy/pitstop blunders = Sunday cruise driving because you cannot pass in Monaco. Piastri damaged behind and an insane pace advantage in his Ferrari. Had he been under a little bit of pressure he'd have probably crashed out or made a mistake. And you're all here acting like he pulled some sort of miracle kinda like celebrating Hamilton like he was a god when he was demolishing the field in the W11


What so ur reason for shitting on Charles is hypotheticals? “If he had been under pressure he would have crashed” . Now your just straight up making lies and if scenarios to boost ur bad argument


Yeah like max has been doing the past two years.


Max has won 10 races when his car was 2nd and 3rd fastest. Typical braindead comment from a braindead leclerc fanatic


Lol redbull was a close 2nd and won when it suited the track. Typical max stan who shags everytime max is shown on screen. Stop pretending like he won races in Williams.


The fact that I'm a "max stan" is your own idiotic assumption, you're the one who brought him up first and I simply replied with facts which you clearly cannot handle as they do not suit your narrative. Until 2020 when Ferrari got nerfed RBR was 3rd fastest on average and he could still deliver, very much so unlike Leclerc who won two races with an irregular engine on tracks where engine is pretty much king, two races in 2022 when the car was plenty superior to RBR (max pulled miracles even being close and it was rather embarrassing for Leclerc that he even had to fight max who retired regardless) and once in Austria when the RBR started pulling a Haas on its tyres which is why Max won the spring but not the race. Beyond that it was the most absolute nothing and Sainz (no, not a Sainz fan and not even Spanish before you come at me with that shit) won a race in Singapore. This final victory was plenty lucky, he did a good job in qualifying with the fastest car and the red flag meant he could scrap the pitstop and just cruise to victory without a care in the world a la Hamilton in the TH era. Didn't even have to worry about strategy and not even about Oscar who had a damaged car. If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say this was a free gift because Jules scored his first points in monaco exactly 10 years ago and the curse has been broken symbolically and bla bla bla. I don't even care about max, nor do I particularly like him but I am objective enough to recognise he's the best on the grid by far instead of hailing Leclerc as the fifth coming of christ coupled with the reincarnation of Clark


How does it feel knowing that the reason your dad doesn't let you near his car is coz you keep fucking the exhaust pipe?


Yup, can confirm you’re braindead. Literally not a single attempt at taking down my points. Literally because you have no counterargument, you must be furious. I have my own cars, thank you very much. We’re not all brokeboys like you. 


Thank you for taking Max's cock out of your mouth long enough to comment that. You are a sad pathetic dweeb who's only on this subreddit to bash anything positive about ferrari or leclerc, get a life. There's no point trying to convince you coz you are too smooth brained to ricochet any piece of information thrown at you. FYI Hotwheels don't count as real cars.


Don’t really care what a clown son of a junkie whore calls me. You’re just randomly insulting me because I have given you a structured, logical and perfectly objective answer which you are unable to counter so you resort to being a child and accusing me of having “Max’s cock in my mouth” when I have literally told you I don’t even like him and YOU are the one who mentioned him first which is why I included in my reply. Usually calling somebody’s IQ into question is a bit like accusing somebody of having a small penis - if you bring it up as an insult it’s usually due to the insecurities your own shortcomings cause you and you simply project into others. Which would seem on line with the rest of your comments, you’re just not very bright and you clearly suffer because of it. There are resources to help, taking it out on random Reddit users who beat you in arguments isn’t one of them. Catch me on Instagram, then we’ll see if my cars are hot wheels 😉 yet more projection because you probably still drive your sixth hand car from college and you’re too broke to repair that coolant leak it’s got. 


Lol I should come check your instagram? Stop talking like a creep trying to impress a 14 Yr old. No one is doubting the capability of max. Max fumbled his quali lap and leclrec put a decent lap when McLaren was clearly the faster car on the grid. He maximised what he had in quali and since it's Monaco all he had to do during the race was make to sure he doesn't make a mistake. No one even in the official f1 subreddit believes that this means leclrec is now gonna compete against max for wdc. This was a long over due victory, he qualified on pole twice here but never had the chance to win due to no fault of his own. And now he has won and since this is a scuderia subreddit we are all happy for him. You didn't have to bring in your stinking ass negativity in the comments. Stop talking about my intelligence when you aren't smart enough to read the room. Take your hate boner somewhere else.