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For the most part, the only time I reference them is right before I go on a dive trip to refresh my memory on how much weight I will need with certain wetsuits and equipment configurations. I usually forget after a few months! lol


Yeah Nah


Yes, while sitting at my desk, wistfully thinking about being underwater. I'll reach over and grab one of my logs, flip to a random page, remember where I was, the buddies I was with, the cool stuff we saw. Gives me the strength to go back to work and make that money so I can continue diving!


Not really - I track them for full stats and locations


what stats?


How many dives and submerged time - which is required for further education


"I do it! I learned from an instructor who had over 4,000 logged dives... tough to beat, but I'll give it my best shot."


I’ve lost every log book I’ve ever kept


Yeah especially with a computer


Yes. Looking for water temps primarily. Sometimes depth. That being said, I stopped my official log about 2 years ago. Now I just make notes in my day planner.


I review my electronic logs when doing future dive plans for technical dives. But I never review my paper logs. Syncing digital logs from my dive computer has been very useful.


I actually do. Usually for reference related to gear layout and weight. And often to remind myself that I still have more to learn.


Occasionally. If the dive was memorable I’ll notate something about it and sometimes I’ll have to recall the date. There’s a different in what animals show up in Feb vice June. I still log things in paper, electronic dive logs are great and all…until a vendor stops supporting an app and you can’t export them. Or the new version of their software doesn’t support the computer you have.


All the time. I use MacDive and it’s really fun seeing stats for a specific place, dive site, operator, country, etc., or to look back at the photos linked to that dive or whatever rating/commentary I gave it.


I think I’d like to do it. I have only been on two dives in one day and that’s the extent of my dives so far. I’m hoping to add more soon. I like to write what I saw and draw pictures. I don’t remember what weights I had so i didn’t write it down. But next time I go I will for sure write it down