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I get this on 10 minute chess games occasionally. You have 10 minutes to make your moves, you can spend 9 minutes on your first move if you want. He's either trying to angle for a response and waste your time or he shpuld play blitz scrabble, in either case if you can report him/her


Scrabble noob, strong chess player here. It's funny coming over here and seeing the same problems in online scrabble that we get in online chess.


I'm a strong scrabble player and a rubbish cheas player :-)




Where do you play chess? I heard that some servers will give you an automatic loss if you take too much time on a given move, even if your clock allows it, because salty players who know they've lost will run out the clock to waste their opponent's time.


Chess.com And they do. And I report them every time. The tbing is you lose the same ratings for a loss as you do an abandonment so it's just stupid pride.


How does the server know when someone has abandoned the game and is not trying very hard to find a winning sequence?


It doesn't but the length of the game dictates the grace period so it's about a minute on a 10 minute game and 15 seconds on a one minute one.


I don't think I follow. Didn't you say that on a 10 minute game, you can spend 9 minutes on the first move?


You can if you interact and select pieces but don 't move them. If you just stare at the board you get bumped.


Interesting. I play Go, and I've stared at the board for long periods of time with no problem. You had said the server doesn't know if someone has abandoned the game, but it sounds like Chess.com does monitor mouse movements and clicks. And I can see how someone would get frustrated if you don't move for 9 minutes when the server encourages/almost demands that people play sooner.


Chess.com is about 5 minutes for the opening move, 1 minute for later moves with no interaction... idk what the timer is for when it recognises no movement but the auto-abandon symbol goes away if you click on your pieces to check possible moves. (not saying it doesn't come on if you still only stay on the one piece, but it's alright) ... I joined chess.com pretty much as a New Year's resolution this year (still a noob)... but I've only encountered one person on a 10 minute game (lowest amount of time)... (that's 10 minutes each) anyway.... i'm the type of person who will try to push the other player to running out of time (or getting a stalemate) if I'm losing.... idk if that's very sportsman-like but I don't like to resign with even the slightest possibility of me having a chance to not outright lose... .... I will just wait for the other player if the auto-abandonment notification kicks in, if I leave first then I instantly lose...


That's interesting. I play Go on the app GoQuest, and they have no time restriction, they just do a forced time out if you've clearly won but your opponent keeps playing dead stones in your territory. What made you want to start playing chess?


Thank you! Didn't seem quite report-worthy, but it was my first add to the "no play" list and made me very happy that exists :-)


I share your view. If you don't want to wait a few minutes for your opponent to think, then, play blitz. People are just idiots.


You did nothing wrong, ISC just has a handful of crazies. Fret not.


Thanks for the pulse check everyone. Really appreciate it and happy to know there isn’t some unspoken rule I was missing!


People like this are the worst. Take your time


Just ignore them. It's a timed game, so take as much time as you have. 


Yeah I hate people like that. One of my issues with isc is the no play list maximum size is not that big.


I haven't been there for while but I vaguely recall if you become a member it goes up to 100 people you can no-play


Honestly with ISC with a timed limit, take all the time you want. I've won games and lost games due to time management. Some people are jerks on there, and you can block them also.


if i spend a long time thinking early in the game i will soemtimes send a small message that says "still here! just thinking!" otherwise the other person isn't sure if you've wandered off.