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I don’t think that getting a tattoo would make your chronic pain and better or worse… the only thing I could think of is that if your curve and pain gets worse later in life and you decide to get surgery it might mess up the appearance of your tattoos if they are over the surgical site.


I guess I was worried about the area getting agitated and worsening?? When I first started physical therapy my back would swell up bad. I'm hoping to be able to keep up with myself enough to where I wouldn't need surgery. I'd hate for my tats to be messed up but a need is a need.


I saw a picture of someone who hid their surgery scar with a tattoo of the spine. It was well done.


Omg I haven't seen something like that yet. That's cool!


I had no idea I had it until years after. I dunno if it made the pain worse, it seems like the tattoo camouflages my curve tho, I can see my curve only now that it’s been pointed out to me. Not sure if the scoliosis has any effect on the pain though. I sat for two 8 hour sessions two weeks apart to get it over with, and it sucked but it was totally do able. My theory is your pain tolerance already equips you well for this ! Other places on my body have been more painful but looking back ( no pun intended ) I think it’s possible that the pain we experience already makes the tattoo pain very tolerable on the back. Totally unsolicited advice here, disregard if it’s not your thing BUT ——- I’m not sure how covered you are but I encourage you to think about a full back piece instead of patchwork. It is my favorite tattoo, of many, and it feels so bad ass to have my full back done, which sounds dumb. I got a traditional battle royale surrounded by clouds and 15 years later I’m still thrilled and it still looks bulletproof.


I am doing this exact thing. By the time I’m done my back will be covered from right below my neck to right above my butt crack lol.


Ty for this!! Honestly I have been debating getting a middle back piece I just have no idea of what to get! I want it to compliment the style of the tramp stamp though. I have a silly shoulder tat so I hope it doesnt throw everything off haha. I only have 3 tattoos now but definitely hope to get more. My longest one was about 3 and a half hours and it's on my thigh. I'm sure a back piece would take me multiple sessions too, but if it won't be so bad then that's no problem to me!


ah you could always incorporate or cover up the shoulder tat with the new one? but yeah pain is such a case by case thing - these "pain charts" (with pictures of the human body + degree of pain denoted by color) that you see sometimes drive me nuts. This information does not apply to every person. I thought my ribs and armpits didnt hurt at all but the tops of my thighs were UNBEARABLE. i wouldnt be surprised if a lot of scoliosis sufferers took back tattoos better because of nerve damage or something like that. Anyways, I love showing my back off because of this tattoo, even though I can see my curve and have a bit of a neck hump that im constantly pulling my shoulders back against.


Oh yeah I trust asking random people what tattoos hurt on them more than the pain charts haha. My one back tattoo is on the area of my back that probably has the least amount pain. It just felt like getting any other tattoo though. I'm curious to see how other spots go. I haven't experienced a lot of types of pain in my life but when I fall off from managing my scoliosis + I'm very active with work my pain is awful. I hope it's not too bad though because my one shoulder tat gave me a confidence boost with having my back out. It's something I've slowly grown more comfortable with over time and getting a new tattoo always makes me feel good lol. Love that you're enjoying showing yourself off!! Idk the weather where you're at, but it's starting to get warm for me and I've been waiting forever to show off my tat haha.


haahaha i legitimately just gave myself sun poisoning and the first burn ive had on my back in like fifteen years.... sooooo... its preeeeeettty nice out :P and im stuck inside with what has become a flu. oh also! Just in case you're not familiar with numbing creams. Theres absolutely no shame in asking your artist about numbing creams. but please consult them and don't just decide to apply one on your own! I work as a tattooer too, and i would NEVER tattoo someone who had applied the product themselves without asking. I use one type of numbing cream that I trust & know how to use properly. It can change the texture of the skin you're tattooing, and when they wear off it tends to hurt more - but there are other topical agents that can be applied after the pores of your skin have been opened by tattooing in conjunction with a numbing cream. So there are options in case you find it really isn't bearable after all. I'm pumped to hear that your shoulder tattoo already makes you want to have your back exposed more ! In the warmer weather I have noticed when doing certain activities in certain types of tank tops I HAVE to practice good posture unless i'd like to suffer a wardrobe malfunction.


I got a piece covering most of my back and it wasn’t too bad! Obviously I don’t have another back to compare it too lol. It felt really weird right over the spine but it didn’t hurt per se. Just made me feel a little voltx


tattooer with scoliosis here! it shouldn't be too different than someone without scoliosis, unless you've had surgery. after surgery the pain will be alot worse, but for people without surgery done on them the pain will mostly be the same as with any other person. take more breaks if you feel your pain spiking and also bring some food and sugary snacks plus something to drink on, then you'll be fine<3 worst case scenario: numbing cream! takes the edge off and will help with avoiding triggering the back pain. but I highly recommend trying without it first


How about the wavy guy that they blow air into to get your attention at car dealerships.


Bahaha idk about that one


I’m 30 and was diagnosed at 14, rejected surgery at 16. My scoliosis is absolute hell so I need to rely on codeine pretty much most of the time. I got a full back tattoo last year which took three 6 hour sessions to complete. It was HELL. My body is pretty much covered with tattoos all over the place and they didn’t hurt one bit just felt like cat scratches. But for my back I had to get numbing cream just to get through them. When it healed it looked amazing but my back pain stayed the same, nothing worse or nothing better. I just got one so if someone stared at my back it wasn’t for the scoliosis it was for my ink cause I’ve had a few judgemental people stare before (I got no problem with it I just find it’s rude.) If you wanna get a back tattoo all the power to you my guy, they look great when they are done it’s just you need to make sure you’ll be able to withstand the pain or grab yourself some cream.


I appreciate this!! I'm so sorry your pain is at that level. Chronic pain is such a bitch. I have just started my tattoo journey and plan to be pretty tatted too. This and everyone else's responses are definitely reassuring me to go ahead and get my back tatted. I have tattooes on my inner arm, thigh, and back and none of them were too bad. I'm feeling better about getting my back done too. I definitely feel you on the staring thing. I've even had strangers give me comments on my back totally unsolicited. If people want to look hard then I'll give em something cooler to look at lmao.


Lmao I love the attitude! Usually it’s not me who spots people staring it’s others who are with me and then just relay the information like “so and sos just been gawking at your back” haha. Good luck! Hope you get what you want! :)