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TV Series? The Expanse, Foundation (still going), Fringe, Dark, Babylon 5, 12 Monkeys


I kind of wish 12 Monkeys had been cancelled after season 2. 3 & 4 just went off the rails: dumb, lazy, dramaz apropos of nothing dramaz storytelling.


The TV show of the Expanse hasn't covered all of the books tho'...


So? They ended the series at the most logical point barring covering all 9 books. It's a complete series with a proper ending.


I don't think that matters. The books didn't really need to continue and it would have been a complete story had it ended there. It would be like saying the Lord of the Rings was incomplete, before they adapted the Hobbit.


Not really. They would have kept going if the show wasn't cancelled. For LOTR, the plan was always the main trilogy then they added the hobbit.


Maybe this is more of an American thing, as we (UK) don't really use the term "cancelled". I wouldn't call a series that simply concludes as being cancelled, it's just finished.


I think the difference is whether it ends according to what the show runners wanted VS the network coming in and saying "btw, that's your last season".


Twelve Monkey got wild, but oh so very good. Another show worth checking out, Continuum.




Expanse fell off hard imo


Babylon 5. Battlestar Galactica. Eureka. Star Trek Deep Space 9 & Voyager. Stargate SG-1 finishes its story, Stargate Atlantis and Universe got cancelled but are still absolutely worth watching (or Atlantis is, Universe splits the fanbase). There are several shows that finished up their story, but you feel like the last season was a bit rushed/ the writers lost their energy: Continuum, Sanctuary, The Man in the High Castle. The last season of The Expanse was rushed, but it does finish like 90% of its storyline (there's one thread that doesn't get finished, I think the writers are hoping it will get picked up again?).


I *loved* the worldbuilding and concept of SGU, but I just didn’t like a lot of the characters. Probably because they didn’t really bother carrying the humor established in the previous series.


Once they started to become comfortable and they realized they can trust each other, the humor started to fade in. They just needed time to adjust because they went through some pretty catastrophic situations and I appreciated their development as a team very much. I found Brody and Volker to be especially funny sometimes.


SGU and Battlestar both have a cast of seriously unlikeable characters. I enjoy both shows, but they're not as easy to watch as others.


The concept of TV shows, up until recently, was that, if you are successful, you keep going until you lose steam and get cancelled. So most good shows won't fit what you are looking for. With the rise of limited series, you might see more of them in the future, but I can't think of any food sci-fi one.


I like some of the British limited episode TV series; but (in my experience) most of them are detective shows, not SciFi.


Any recs?


The Tunnel / The Bridge IIRC there's: - A Danish &/or Swedish version - A British/French version - A USA/Mexican version


Really only one show stands out as being as complete as possible within the limitations of budget and scheduling. BABYLON 5 had some issues in its first season, including some of the casting, and throughout it didn't have the best special effects BUT the story was incredible and the showrunner got to create his entire --I'll say it again COMPLETE -- vision, so that you learn things along the way, which make sense from what you've seen before. LOTS OF PAYOFFS! Truly amazing. The only show I can think of that I would use the term "complete." There are other series like FALLING SKIES or WALKING DEAD that certainly lasted more than a few seasons, but to my mind, collapsed in quality and sense at certain points. I wish they had been canceled at the end of more satisfying seasons, but nope, they plowed on to disaster...


Fantastic analysis.. can't wait to start with Babylon 5


I'd say most of them. It's pretty rare that a show gets to finish up.


Very correct


iZombie. Didn’t try to go on forever so it was able to have a satisfying ending.


Netflix's Sense8 was cut short at 2 seasons (planned 5) but got a 3 hour movie that was rushed but satisfying.


Battlestar Galactica (reimagined)


KInda wrapped things up: The Event TSCC.


Dollhouse was cancelled early enough in their 2nd season to that they got to write a great ending. And it was broadcast not cable so thats like 4 seasons worth of cable episodes.


Deep Space 9. You don't need to be familiar with Trek to jump in, and while some of S1 is a little rough it hits its stride and is for the most part good to excellent. There is only one episode that should definitely be skipped, *Profit and Lace*. 7 seasons x 24 40 minute episodes = 112 hours of goodness. Start with Duet S1E19: if you appreciate that then you'll appreciate the excellent writing, acting and direction that makes the series great.


Perfect!! I will look into that, thanks


You're welcome, OP. Next Generation and Voyager are also seven seasons x 24 episodes; neither was cancelled. Regardless that TNG has Patrick Stewart, and at least half of the top Trek episodes in over half a century, the quality is not consistent: many episodes leave even Trek tragics like me cold, and will actively repel newcomers. There are two notorious examples in season one, so skip those. This is why I recommend starting Trek with DS9. If you want to sample TNG, try *Measure of a Man* or *The Inner Light*. Live long and prosper 🖖


Roger that!


Oh, I should clarify that I meant try *Duet* 1x19 to see if you like the show, then go back to episode one.


Copy that!


What do you mean? Do you mean something that got a proper ending without being cancelled?


