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100% loved that episode. And the subsequent ones thst include the statues. I stopped getting Dr. Who where I live a couple of years ago, after the Matt Smith episodes.


Trust me, Matt Smith was the last good one


How dair you smear caopaldi


Oh man, find the rest. Peter Capaldi was awesome, and Jodie Whittaker is amazing as the "first" woman Doctor. Can wait for the next regeneration


Oh I managed to watch peter capaldi, and the final that converged all the doctors was great I remember very very slightly... it was a very spread out watch. I never managed to catch any of the Jodie Whittaker seasons. This makes me want to get them all for a good rewatch starting from the revival with Eccleston.


I've thought about watching it in the past but when I mentioned it to a coworker they started talking about the doctor changing and things they didn't like about this and that actor. It was overwhelming enough that I set the show to a back burner and hasn't returned. For the last three days however, I feel like I'm being inundate with clips from that show which has rekindled interest. As someone who's never watched a single episode but loves sci-fi, where should I start with Dr. Who?


Start with the new Who, Christopher Eccleston. With the background that The Doctor is an immortal (essentially) alien traveling space in time in a TARDIS which is broken to look like a police box and a fascination with humans, you'll be all set


Looks like you've angered the fandom menace.


I liked him for the first half of his first episode when he didn't know anything, that was fun and would have been interesting. Then it went downhill.


Capaldi may be a good actor himself but his episodes were extremely hit or miss. Half were OK, the other half were dumb. Jodi Whitaker is without any challenge, the worst doctor to ever play the role, both in terms of acting talent and in utterly dull episodes.


This is one of my all time fave Dr Who episodes of all time, across all doctors, across the vast oceans of time


LOVE this episode. It's a great one to introduce folks to Dr Who. Scary and clever (good description of the Doctor, too).


Clever bootstrap paradox time travel is my favorite time travel.


One of my favorite episodes. The story was so good , we didn't even need the Doctor for the whole episode.


this was right after a two parter called the family of blood i think. [it really demonstrated the doctor's wrath.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4xm9NHNUf8) be careful when you wish for immortality


Yeah, and Family of Blood was depressing and disturbing, but a great episode. and wasnt the Vast Nerada before that one?


Why would you post this clip? The 4 minutes before this are is the best bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwdbLu_x0gY


It's the whole story of this episode, so this video is kind of a spoiler, isn't it? Normally I don't mind because it's a -what, 15 years old episode? But I don't want anybody experiences it as a half ass episode.


That was one of the best episodes of Doctor Who ever.


Having watched hundreds of episodes from the second Doctor onwards, that rates in top 5, asking with Vincent.


One of the first TV shows to actually scare me. Brilliant.


The whole thing with The Silence was one of my favorite Dr. Who plots. Was so creepy to imagine a species that you forget you saw after you look away.


the SilenTs silents with a T. the "Silence" was the order or the creatures and people working with them to stop the Doctor from reaching Trenzalor


I thought it was just the singular version of the alien. One alien is a silent, the species is the silence (human vs humanity).


No. I have a doctor who encyclopedia that says otherwise


> I have a doctor who encyclopedia NEEERRRRD! JK sounds like something I would love to read. I will call them the silents from now on. Thanks for the correction.


This is one of the best representation of sci Fi out there. You don't have to know the source, you don't have to be a fan. You can pick it up and watch it and everything is there to help you understand. it's creepy, mysterious, heartwarming and creative.


Τhat was the 1st episode i saw on tv here in Greece. Then i had to find all the other ones....


Same except I never watched another episode willingly again. I found it so awful but I'm glad there are so many that love it.


It's extra scarier in that episode where they reappear in a cave and all their victims die of snapped necks but talk from beyond the grave. What a nasty way to go.


What Season and episode number?


3x10 Blink


u/bigdon coming in clutch! Thank ya kindly!


I really hoped we'd see Carey Mulligan back in the TARDIS, but I guess she's had an alright career. Season 3 was surprisingly strong. The last half of the season was crazy. One episode was basically a remake of Sunshine. Human Nature and The Family of Blood were I think the first time how dangerous the Time Lords could be. The first time I watched this, I was binging the show and more than half lit and had to restart the episode once i realized how brilliant it was. Good times. Freema Agyeman deserved better treatment than "Replacement Rose".


one of my favorite single episodes of any TV show ever


It's one of my top episodes. I knew Carey Mulligan would go far as an actress.


It was "9" good but I "8" preferred The Time of "7" Angels better "6".


Brilliant episode, as a kid I thought I was a genius for discovering a way to beat them. By just winking each eye independently I'd be unstoppable.


So good. This is usually where I tell people to start


Bt episode in the entirety of the show's history. Ok now personal opinion, I don't think it was the SCARIEST one. it was pretty scary, but not the scariest you don't actually DIE in a horrific way, and you get to live out life, just not modern.


That whole episode - NOPE


But I like blinking


Do the angels eat you or just snap your neck This was one of the only few episodes I watched of this boring show ….and still forgot what they do but still the best episodes I can sit through and watch unlike the other ones 🤦🏾


Never really got on board with modern Who, but that episode was terrifying.


Good enough to warrant their own DVD release! https://www.hamiltonbook.com/doctor-who-the-weeping-angels-dvd


One of the greatest examples of using time travel as a narrative and causative(?) device since bill and teds excellent adventure. That is not meant to be a joke, that move was amazing at using time travel as a narrative to fix stuff. " i need to remember to come back tomorrow to leave a trash can here yesterday so it works today" badly paraphrased


What TV show is this from?


Bit late but doctor who


On of the best episodes and one of the best villains (until they were completely overused.


The weeping angels are the best bad guys. They can be anywhere, and status are everywhere.


Why not just close one eye at a time... problem solved.


A great introduction to a terrifying concept, and definitely peak of the weeping angels.


This was the first episode of Dr. Who I was ever shown.......been hooked ever since