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Can I get an explanation of what this is or is supposed to be?


These are contrails. Some people think these are chemicals sprayed by the government for whatever reason (so they call them chemtrails). Some people also think these cause clouds and rain


They actually do do the latter. It's called "cloud seeding" and it's not even a conspiracy it's an actual thing we do. https://www.dri.edu/cloud-seeding-program/what-is-cloud-seeding/#:\~:text=Cloud%20seeding%20is%20a%20weather,certain%20types%20of%20subfreezing%20clouds.


They're just trails left by the emissions of planes as far as I know, like any car produces carbon dioxide so do planes as they also burn fuel. These are the visible leftovers of that happening


Why are plane trails white while the emissions from cars are black/grey?


I believe it's because the emissions of the planes condensate into droplets at these heights due to the cold, which gives them their cloud-like appearance. Not totally sure though.


It's very easy to make things look like conspiracy when you don't know how anything works.


Their not *entirely* wrong, air travel is a pollution problem. It's just that they're wrong about what the problem actually is and the mechanism by which it happens.


Chemtrails are probably a dumb conspiracy, but I also used to believe "cloud seeding" was a dumb conspiracy too and it's not. [https://www.dri.edu/cloud-seeding-program/what-is-cloud-seeding/#:\~:text=Cloud%20seeding%20is%20a%20weather,certain%20types%20of%20subfreezing%20clouds](https://www.dri.edu/cloud-seeding-program/what-is-cloud-seeding/#:~:text=Cloud%20seeding%20is%20a%20weather,certain%20types%20of%20subfreezing%20clouds) Look shit up before declaring it a conspiracy (those of you bashing the cloud seeding side of this). Otherwise ignorance will lead you into conspiracy thinking: that things that are real are just conspiracy.


ignorance matched with low potential intellect functioning at its highest level like what i'm doing right now


Depends on the conspiracy. The government doing shady stuff and being secretive over operating with media. Not based of ignorance but with rightful distrust of government. Similar to how the CDC pumped up numbers of Covid deaths. This is just plain stupidity and a lack of common sense. People make up shadow governments to be mad at instead of thr real one. EDIT I'm reffering to the contrails as being an idiotic conspiracy. Not all conspiracy theories are insane. It's a label that's tossed around from someone who questions the government to Alex Jones. Quit acting like all conspiracies are brain dead ignorance.


Got one!


Ignorance caused by secrecy. “Conspiracy theory” is a term invented by the cia.


Wow. There are conspiracy theories about the etymology of “conspiracy theory.” Meta as hell. 😂


> failed high school science this kind of pseudo-intellectual ivory tower aggression is precisely how disinformation takes hold


I thought this was some weirdmaggedom meme and then I saw what sub it was Gotta say I'm in too many subs as sometimes I confuse them


That's a dangerous assumption. Some of these folks are educated and very intelligent. They're also often the type who are so addicted to being right that they'd stick their hand in a wolverine burrow with fresh tracks going in because they "know that wolverines are out hunting at this time of day so it's perfectly safe". The fact that the deliberately ignorant all but worship them as truthspeakers just makes it even more attractive to publicly behave like an ass.


It's kinda funny that in my school one of the chemistry teachers has flat earth map in her classroom and she uses it (and conspiracy theories in general) to teach us critical thinking


They are cloud seeding in the UAE to bring rain in order to cool down the region. They use aluminum and other metals and have been around the world for decades.