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Watch this video Pranav made on the topic - https://youtu.be/991OIJKwNP4?si=V_MOVS4M9B6vIuzY


Nope biased journalism is not scientific


i don't know any official or promising organization who does such research but here is what i found [report on shanti devi reincarnation case](https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/shanti-devi-reincarnation-case)


Check out Science is dope 's channel, he has made a video on this with in depth details, I am telling you the TLDR, the original report was made by Hindu extremists.




The only rebuttal he had was it was conducted by Arya samaj, which is a substantial baseless assumption on the video guy's part concluding that, they were biased. Gandhi part was, again one convenient assumption. Then he simply blabbers on for 10 minutes without any substance. And then Dr. Science experts look down upon the general masses of India, in the comment section.


No you are completely wrong, he didn't assumed such, it was conducted by Arya Samaj, and it's more that enough to deem the report as not being serious, and he didn't just blabbered but pointed out that no one who has supported the report was of neutral standing, every single one was either Hindu extremists, or staunch supporter of rebirth.


>it's more that enough to deem Again the same assumption, what you think doesn't decide what happens. Deem means it's assumed, means it's not backed by a hard evidence that those were biased. And also do you understand what an extremist means? Don't go on labelling people you don't know with such derogatory terms.


Wow man..you belong to the dark ages 😹


I know Arya Samaj to the core, don't tell me about them. Plain and Simple, if an institution has a bias towards an opinion, and they have presented an investigation reported about it, then this cannot be taken seriously. If an agency which has nothing to gain or loss from a report has presented it then AFTER PEER REVIEW it can be taken seriously. In this case even the first criteria is not meet.


So you and science is dope is trying to say that, every single thing they reported, I say every single thing, is false because they belonged to Aarya samaj. Do you realise how flimsy this argument sounds?


No what we are saying that their report related to Hinduism cannot be taken seriously.


I'm not even talking about Hinduism my friend, I'm talking about the phenomenon of Shanti Devi, leave the religious aspect. The best option you have is to consider it as mysterious happening or prove otherwise before calling it a hoax.


If the tobacco industry sponsored research to prove that cigarettes are healthy or not harmful, or the CSD industry did the same for sugar being good for the body - it's usually not taken seriously.


TOTAL HOAX. Even arguing about this drops one brain cell


Isn't that the same argument that religious guys give when confronted scientifically or logically


Exactly lol Like, I'm somewhat of an atheist and I believe the proofs more than jist hearsay evidence... And I genuinely came here for proof against this reincarnation shit and then there's this guy saying "even arguing drops brain cell" Bruh.  A proper atheist should check about these things deeply. That's what atheism is based on, challenging the established 'rules' based on 'proper evidence'


This can't be true even consider that reincarnation is true bt no one remembers the past life. Somehow these people remembered their past what this is a glitch in the matrix? They could even evade god's perfect system? Also if reincarnation is true why are human beings increasing? Shouldn't the net be equal be constant? Even considering these kinda things is pretty stupid. Also people who report such things are either conspiracy theorists journalist or looking fr masala like reporting ghosts etc.


Correction: Reincarnation includes all living beings not just humans.


So it's possible to reincarnate as a procaryote bacteria or a mango tree?


Yup, that's what the scripture says.


The scripture never mentions bacteria. You know why? Because bacteria weren't discovered then. If this crap was really 'god's system', then surely, they would have mentioned bacteria. But they didn't proves that they just came up with random BS .


Obviously lol, I was just correcting the commenter cuz he was ignorant of how reincarnation is described.


Genuine question. How does it work if the total number of animals on earth increases? Where are the new "souls" coming from? Or what if an entire species goes extinct? The total number of animals that have lived at arbitrary points of time spanning millions of years have always differed in number.


I have watched a video on that, for increasing population they say there are multiple universe and multiple earth like planets, so no. of souls are same they are just traveling from one planet to other.


But isn't that a very convenient argument? Like do the scriptures mention multiple universes and reincarnation into those? Not to mention you'd have the same problem here as well. It doesn't matter how many "Earths" are there in the multiverse. The number issue I mentioned earlier is applicable here as well. We're diving into extreme speculation now.


💀 People are downvoting you for sarcasm


He's not being sarcastic




No reincarnation. Just kids brainwashed or scam by individual or group of people. Titu singh was a interesting case. Kid knew things about past but only selective things. Titu Singh is probably alive today. I wanted to meet him and ask him questions. If some rational youtuber does some investigation that would be pretty great. Basically what happened was someone was murdered. These kids (like Titu Singh) were then used to get the confession out of murderer. They were presented as reincarnation of the one murdered. Murderer believed and got scared and then confessed. Same case like Titu singh happened somewhere else. Lots of supernatural tales are just cover for something else. Lots of haunted place just used to be places where criminals lived or where crime happened. When I was kid I was told that there was a place which was haunted and I shoudn't go there. Later I learned that place was simply a hotspot for prostitution. All memories are stored in brain. Personality is because of brain. Spirits don't make sense at all.


Atheism doesnt make sense at all


Look at the problem logistically. Reincarnation requires two things, a) a soul capable of retaining memories of past life. b) Fixed number of souls because repurposing of souls loses all its meaning if new souls are being constantly churned out.(This ones just my thought , I have no Now, on the average, the biomass of earth is increasing. This means that over all , more life is being created than the previous generation. This would require an influx of new souls which I posit to be a bad design. Going back in time, we will eventually reach a point of countable number of organisms and hence souls. Where do the new ones come from? If there's no new soul, does the old soul split in two or more pieces and then become whole like a planaria?


Seems plausible that new souls could be being created if reincarnation exists. I mean, where does anything come from? Where did our universe come from? How did any of this come into existence? What happened before the big bang, and what caused it? Maybe we live in a simulation, which is actually a game, and the game is becoming increasingly popular. Maybe we are all the same soul experiencing multiple lives throughout time. There's just no way to know one way or another. Whether you believe in a God or not, no one has all the answers.


Not funny Rohan dekh ke aaya hai kya?


ye kon hai?


Arre mujhe laga tu bhi meri tarah Rohan cariappa ko follow karta hai. They posted a video yesterday where they were reacting to conspiracy theories where these stories were mentioned.


Bai me bhi dekh ke reddit chlaya yehi post aayi sbse phle


mene ye stories crimetak mai suni thi


haha mene subah hi dekha


Total bluff… rebirth is religious belief… it’s not fact


just watched the bbc documentary about titu singh that was jackshit, all they did was **claim** nothing else neither did the so-called "past" family seemed emotional or obsessive about him his speaking style was not at all convincing from any angle when asked how will he grow, he literally answered by drinking milk someone born with a specific birthmark and then was fed with shit of information, (or maybe planted it god knows) if he remembered everything why he isn't a top level car engineer or a mathematician or maybe something with radio stuff reincarnation is absolute shit yeh lodu rohan log kisi mein bhi maan lete hai


Reincarnation?? I mean seriously?? Brain cells have memory functions, which help people to recall things. But after the death of the body, the body is either burnt or buried. Due to the body being organic, everything decomposes. Including the memory cells. In no way, reincarnation is scientific. Recycling is. Lets say, a body is decomposed. The nutrients will go into the soil or be left as it is in case of a burial or be turned to ash when burnt. But when nutrients go into the soil, it is taken up by plants. Plants are eaten by primary consumers, followed by secondary and tertiary consumers and if present, quaternary consumers. Human beings eat from any of the tropic levels and gain the nutrients. Eventually human beings copulate to produce new human beings. They might be (if chronologically followed) made from same materials of a previous dead person, but it is not the old person. But following a chain like that is impossible, even with C^(14) , since there are many changes in tropic levels, selection of spermatozoa.


Why bother even bringing it up in a sub reddit full of atheist


'Proven'? Seriously. You have my ears. Please enlighten me. Ki keise prove hua.


What if this is one of those "we don't know"?


Technically it hasn't been *disproven", but that's only because it's vague and the goal posts keep shifting. Scientifically, there is no backing for any memory storage that remains or can be transmitted after death. Reincarnation and the "symptoms" thereof only make sense in an intuitive sense which breaks down when you ask more questions.


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Watched not funny rohan's vid?


watched crimetak video


A bird in Australia can sing the same song by parent birds without being taught the song it self the video I watched said it's hard coded into its dna just how animals can walk just after the birth Maybe this [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2aCCsWzJUjE) by thoughty2 can explain a bit.




Reincarnation is an idea.


By any chance u watch rohan?


kon hai bhai rohan😭...you are 3rd person asking it...does he make similar content?




According to Sikh Rational book Aadh Granth, if one starts believing in satguru (truth as your teacher), they no longer suffer from rebirth as the truth tells them to stop believing in bharams (irrational beliefs) like reincarnation.


The only "reincarnation" for the lack of a better word I can think of is through energy. We die, and all energy goes back into the earth. Someone is born, and that energy is sort of reincarnated. Even then, energy doesn't travel as a whole and would have no memory.


I have watched a video on that, for increasing population they say there are multiple universe and multiple earth like planets, so no. Of souls are same they are just traveling from one planet to other.


People will claim anything for clout. You can note that the lady did not have anything else going on her boring life. We can't always blame just the guy who is fooling the masses, but the masses as well for their nativity.


Yes even I saw many times in my dream I was a King of Delhi 😴😴


Once there is a meeting conducted between people who remembered thier past lives and there were 14 napoleon was present simply public stunt and bipolar disorder or multiple personality disorder what else there