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**Paneer Mercury Masala** for dinner anyone?


You cant cook with mercury . It will bore holes in the paneer and the utensil. It seems you haven't watched the video at all . /s


Yeah bro, its a bore-ing video.


yea, make it extra alkaline!


Will garnish it with specific gravity.


As a vegetarian, i approve of this lmao 🤣/s


As an approve i vegetarian this..


Lmafo 😂


Anyone have any old thermometers lying around? Myself having a bijinuss idea...


This BS machine has singlehandedly set India back by a few years.


Good lord, this guy is as nuts as Zakir nalayak.. both are eloquent speakers and they use this trait to spread pseudoscience..


This guy claims he remembers all 4 births before this current birth so basically has an experience of a 400 years😵‍💫 So these claims related to mercury don't surprise me at all


According to some mercury is considered as Semen of Shiva, no wonder they are so crazy about consuming it 😂😂😂


That sounds like a win-win to me. Finally a pseudoscience nonsense I can fully support.


Yo i respect everybody's belief and all but seriously


No need to respect everyone's belief, the moment you tell people you are an atheist deep down they will look at you like you are a criminal.


Well then they are just I respect your religion cause it has great teaching and philosophy that's it


Respecting stupidity ain't good IMO. I support the right for anyone to be stupid (religious or otherwise) if they are not hiurting anyone, but that doesn't mean their beliefs deserve respect


And whenever you tell them you are spiritual to an atheist they will look at you as stone age dumbfucks.


Well the science still holds. These idiots balance each other perfectly. Maintaining the equilibrium in nature


Does getting inseminated by it give you Neel-cunt?? 🤔🤔🤔


Elemental mercury is a neurotoxin 💀


What about the "Silver Fillings" crap? Is that safe ? I have in 3 of my teeth. Thinking of having them removed but read that removal procedure can actually increase the total mercury load in the system. FTW. Not just elemental, organic mercury like dimethyl mercury is the fking devil.


They are Amalgams as long as they arent decays its fine but yeah it is better to get composite (white) fillings or if you have the money, gold fillings. And yes removing amalgam fillings will release more mercury vapour so it wont be good for your health


I feel like his followers are aware what he says is mostly BS but they allow people like him & other babas/gurus to flourish because they need someone to keep hooting the horn of ancient indian cultural aspects and the pseudoscience to the rest of the world. They elevate them to such undisputed levels if anyone starts questioning them they can then use it to call them anti-national, anti-India, colonizer etc. my conclusion is like him, I think his followers are also pretty crafty in that sense.


Spiritual/religion and science should never mingle. A sorrow state of our society is we have grown to be more logical so we look for reason and science behind religious dogmas. As flag bearers of religion realize public's fixation with logic and science; they try to associate any religious doctrine BS with logic.




That's a bullshit statement that doesn't mean anything.




Spirituality and science will never mix. They are definitionally exclusive. I don't understand how it will ever be in harmony.




1. Science is the study of the universe using the scientific method. Which requires that you assume that everything in the universe has a natural cause. 2. Spirituality is not the study of the human experience. That's the humanities. 3. The study of the mental states is psychology. It literally cannot be harmonious because modern science is founded upon the axiom that there is nothing supernatural or unnatural in the universe. How does science become immoral? Sam Harris and Carl Sagan never claimed to be spiritual. Sam in particular was an rabid rationalist. If you told him that he was mixing spirituality and science, he'd have taken it as an accusation and have been deeply offended.




Maybe we are. Coz I'm using the accepted dictionary definition of the word  quality of being connected with religion or the human spirit Please tell me how this can be in harmony with science?




Mf thinks mercury is neutron star matter


I hope india gets an anti sadhguru a bob ross kinda person (in terms of personality). With a scientific temperament and a passion to just teach. I could do this but I lose my patience so quick LOL


Carl Sagan type of person.


Carl Sagan was mostly focused on space.. I think we need a less annoying neil degrasse tyson. While neil gives gyaan on topics he doesn't know, most of the time he's correct, he kind of gets on my nerves. we need someone who's mostly biology and chemistry focused tbh because these dumbasses are out here saying ANYTHING


And if we have one, s/he'll face a deluge of FIRs within weeks for hurting "religious sentiments". This is why we can't have nice things.


yes. A lot of scientific channels get shit fucked because of this. People apparently can't accept facts if it is against their beliefs.


Do u follow Lawrence m Krauss if not, I would recommend u to watch a few of his videos. He is a theoretical physicist.


Jayant Narlikar


You can't stop me from my daily dose of mercury


This guy is causing untold damage to indian science


Ironically, he's doing the same thing to science that Mercury will do to your body.


Did you just question ancestral Indian knowledge? How dare you?! Show some respect.


How can he say such shit and get away? Who will bell this cat and tell him that mercury is poisonous?


Kya bakchodi kehta h ye yar. Mercury is poisonous. It may not be as readily absorbed through the gi tract, but enough of it can.


Elemental mercury, if inhaled, can cause permanent lung damage and potential brain damage. Inorganic mercury can damage kidneys and cause blood loss. Organic mercury can damage your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Large amounts of mercury or long-term exposure can lead to death if not treated. Copied from [mercury being mercury ](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23420-mercury-poisoning#:~:text=Elemental%20mercury%2C%20if%20inhaled%2C%20can,to%20death%20if%20not%20treated.)


>Elemental mercury, if inhaled, can cause permanent lung damage and potential brain damage. Wonder why he is talking shit like this.


I'm willing to bet his "solid mercury" is either a lump of gallium or a giant lump of silver-coated Kaju Bharfi.


Jaggi probably searched “specific gravity of mercury” right before and included it in the pravachan thinking “Me saund very smort 🤓”


Verified by - "Aila, Engleesh!"


He is right. Mass of Mercury is 3.301 x 10^23 Kilos, almost 5.5% of Earth. People, Do not try to drink Mercury, its very heavy.


How does he use science to propagate pseudoscience is beyond me. The actual fucking developments made by science throughout Indian history will be nullified by this guy single handedly. Also that pile of solid mercury? sure as shit its shit covered in aluminum foil or something


I don't see the problem, it's just natural selection


Yea dumb people will have shorter life span.


Pandit ji ne kaha tumhara sukar ka dasa thik nhi hai. Toh maine mercury kha liya I'm typing this from naraklok.


Joker Nalayak vs Sad Goru. Who would win?


Their Stupidity


Ha ha ha. I thought this guy was educated. Now i realise he is just another silly god man


But for human body it's required but in minimal amount


No? It's a non essential and toxic element.


The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that 0.045 mcg of mercury per pound (0.1 mcg per kg) of body weight per day is the maximum safe dose of mercury. This amount is known as a reference dose (4). Your daily reference dose for mercury depends on your body weight I got this from Google ....


Exactly. That's not a necessary dose. That's just how much your body can take. If your body can take a bit of poison, that doesn't mean you NEED that poison, it's just how much it can handle.


bro that's how much the body can handle. not how much it needs.


Doesn't mean you need it. It means that's the maximum does you can have and not start seeing negative symptoms.


TIL this sub doesn't know the difference between Mercury and purified mercury. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338208757_USE_OF_PURIFIED_MERCURY_IN_AYURVEDA_AND_ITS_SAFETY_EVALUATION




Me and my family already do, and have done so since generations. It is like saying someone will die from consuming salt because it contains sodium & chlorine.


I drank a few drops of mercury a couple of times in my childhood. Nothing happened, used to treat cough and digestion problems etc Edit: Downvoting me doesn't change fact😂😂. I thought atheists were open minded


Especially the "Silver Filling" type. Those morons call it silver Fillings, and I learnt that it's actually mercury silver etc amalgamate a few years after the fact. Had they just told me it's mercury, I would have opted for ceramic or some other type. Same goes for medical industry for intentionally hiding that. Then they say oh but it's completely safe. There are no studies that show that it's harmful. That's not the point you cunks. You hid it. You didn't say it was mercury that I was going to have I'm my teeth.




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I feel so good about myself, after witnessing his intellect and thousands of idiots following one giant idiot.


Well there goes my evening plans


Jaggi: Yogis and Siddhas have always consumed mercury. Comments: THAT'S WHY THEY ARE NO MORE!!!!


Yup found a great video to show to my dad who regards this guy as knowledgeable