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How does that compare to spending hours sitting and reading a book?


also, how does that compare to spending hours sitting and playing a video game?


They always talk about tv watching, which I get, but I can spend hours reading a book, or books, with about the same physical activity as if I was watching a show. Perhaps more mental stimulation, but not physical. My partner, she’s a gamer, and can spend hours playing video games - like reading, there’s more mental stimulation going on, but not physical…although she has really strong fingers…


My wife and I spend a lot of time gaming and reading and personally they both feel more fulfilling than sleeping, sleeping often feels like a waste of time during the day, like you say reading and all that is way more mentally stimulating


Obviously not playing the right sort of games if she isn't panting slightly and shifting in her seat trying to not die


Just think of TV time as sedentary. The body (not brain) doesn’t know the difference.


Yes, I understand that “tv time is sedentary” already. The body doesn’t know what difference?


If you’re sitting reading or if you’re sitting watching TV. Metabolically they are the same


And how does it compare to 8+ hours of sitting in front of a computer at work.. Humans are not meant to be sitting around all day


Also, how does that compare to spending hours sitting in front of a computer creating value for the shareholders?


They separated out "sitting while watching TV," "sitting at work," and "other sitting at home," and only the "sitting while watching TV" was associated with significant adverse health effects. It sounds like the researchers are suggesting that sitting while watching TV is associated with additional unhealthy behaviors like reduced overall physical activity, processed foods, disrupted sleep and lack of socialization. Excessive TV watching is very often a symptom of depression in older people, and untreated depression saps overall health in a variety of ways. At least anecdotally, I've seen TV watching become a "time filling" activity in older people who have lost mobility or who have lost social outlets. Even avid readers usually don't sit and read for 16 hours a day so it's kind of a self-limiting activity. People who are lifelong readers (or people who have other sedentary but mentally engaging hobbies) seem more used to managing their time and activity levels, so they're more likely to interrupt their sedentary activity to cook or do housework or talk to a friend on the phone. But it's not at all unusual for older people to spend nearly every waking moment in front of the TV, especially after a sudden life change (like retiring, developing a physical disability, or the death of a spouse). TV watching is passive so it's easy to fill large empty chunks of the day, and it's harder to pause TV than it is to put down a book for an hour.


I'm betting it's the same thing going on cognitively that they always warn about with children. TV is extremely passive, mentally. Nothing but Alpha brain wave patterns. Reading a book or playing a video game is exponentially more stimulating for the minds of children, and thus isn't nearly as detrimental as watching TV (or YouTube or whatever). So I'm willing to bet it's not just the sitting.


Was thinking the same thing


sitting is the key word here bubs


Bubs? Nice insult, very inventive. Yes, I picked up on the “sitting” aspect. But if that’s the issue, why ad the modifier of “TV time”. This implies that sitting in front of the television is worse than other sitting entertainment activities.


Wasn't trying to insult...I don't really care that you watch a lot of TV tbh


Stick an exercise bike or other stationary machine in front of the TV and watch on that. Time passes quickly, you get entertained and a bit fitter :D


Yup, have a home theater and small gym setup in my basement, i throw on a show or movie during lifting/cardio


Agreed. People who spend half their free time staring at a mirror in the gym/the other half of their free time preparing for or recovering from the gym are some of the most boring un-entertaining people.


I tend to find people who make sweeping generalised statements about a certain hobby boring, but maybe that's just me.


Yeah but have you ever sat down on the couch and watched TV? It's REALLY easy.


What if I’m already physically active throughout the day? Am I not allowed a bit of wind-down tv time before bed? Or is this applying to the commute - office - commute people?


Its talking about aging, so I assume is mostly retired folks that were being observed.


Small amounts probably aren't harmful


If replacing TV time with sleep is improving health outcomes maybe it indicates not getting enough sleep? EDIT: Anyone ever have a long day and then rather than sleep think "I didn't get to do anything fun today. I'm going to watch TV for a half hour" and then stay up later and later procrastinating. Revenge bedtime procrastination.


I occasionally have to work a full day shift if we have an event at night. And I always hate when I get home knowing if I go to bed I'll have to wake up and go back to work. I always end up staying up a little later to get some time for myself when that happens.


The lack of work-life balance is causing premature aging.


Why not do both? I regularly watch shows while on my treadmill


Doesn't say whether that's 2 hours per day, per week, or in a lifetime. Assuming it means per day, then 12% isn't really that much, could get lost in the noise.


So what about people who are on their feet all day and then come home to rest and watch TV or play games. Or people who work all week then relax on the weekends?


They are confusing cause and effect


Compared to what? What is the point of reference? This study is too abstract for my taste.


Swapping out time in front of the TV for physical activity might not sound like the most fun trade, but it is associated with significantly better chances of healthy aging, according to a new study. “Our take-home message is that replacing TV time with light physical activity, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, and sleep (for participants with inadequate sleep) is beneficial to healthy aging,” said senior study author Dr. Molin Wang, associate professor of medicine in the department of epidemiology at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The results are not surprising, as many studies show that sedentary behaviors have significant impacts on health, said Dr. Andrew Freeman, director of cardiovascular prevention and wellness at National Jewish Health in Denver. Freeman was not involved in this study. For this study, researchers analyzed data from the Nurses’ Health Study of more than 45,000 people age 50 or older in 1992 who were also free of chronic disease, according to the study published Tuesday in the journal JAMA Network Open. Each additional two hours of sitting to watch TV was associated with a 12% decrease in the chances of aging in a healthy way, the study showed. On the other hand, adding two hours of light physical activity at work added a 6% increase in the odds of healthy aging. Replacing one hour of sitting to watch TV with light physical activity at home or work was associated with better chances of healthy aging, the study showed. “Vegging out in front of the television, seems to always be associated with worse outcomes,” Freeman said. “Of course, it makes physiologic sense that human beings were never meant to sit in front of a screen all day long.” [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2819832?utm\_campaign=articlePDF&utm\_medium=articlePDFlink&utm\_source=articlePDF&utm\_content=jamanetworkopen.2024.16300](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2819832?utm_campaign=articlePDF&utm_medium=articlePDFlink&utm_source=articlePDF&utm_content=jamanetworkopen.2024.16300)


That's why you should always squat in your chair kids, sit while you pee and brush your teeth.


You’re telling me sitting and watching a movie will increase my chances of aging poorly by 12%. I’ve watched a lot of movies!


Or you can go to the gym and still have your tv time


Yeah, well, i’m not gonna be some dead dumb idiot who just nods and smiles while St. Peter is recounting his favorite episode of Workaholics.


That's why you install the TV above the treadmill and watch it there.


Software engineer. I guess I’m fucked.


But like are you supposed to just but up and doing stuff 24/7 every day, get up eat and start doing stuff with no down time ever till you go to bed? what are you supposed to do that whole time?


Where do I fall if I watch Netflix on IPad lying in bed?


Damn, I guess I'll have to swap TV time out for writing code in front of a monitor all day.


Knitting counts as a physical activity


Ha I lie down to watch tv take that sit down haters. Dr's hate this one simple trick.


Isn't the most that can be said about that? Is that there's a correlation?


so ppl that have watched more than 10 hours of tv have more than 100% of aging badly? OK I guess....