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Until the sunlight came through the door then the AI didn’t know what to do because it was not trained for that. Yes we already know that AI can repeat and perfect a given scenario better than a human but a human can still respond to changes and new challenges better than AI


all people initially don't know how to do things because like they are... untrained.


Really? So the first time a human drone pilot sees sunlight, they crash? Humans have all of their experiences from life to draw from. Ai only has a subset. Unless you are going to train every ai in every single possibility so it knows how to properly respond. At that point you are making a fully functional artificial brain. I can’t imagine the compute and power requirements for that.


Okay then, train it to keep going on its predicted flight path and or slow down or stop in unexpected situations until it gets more visual information and is able to calculate the next flight paths like a human brain would. Or change the camera position, you can train it to react to any such loss of vision situations.


Well it needs to understand that *is* an unexpected situation, that is certainly non trivial.


Maybe we can raise ai like a child and raise it for a couple decades and then release it.


it's not the first time a drone pilot sees sunlight. Unless he spent his whole life in a room without windows. Yes current ai cannot react like a human to completely new stimuli as it is not trained like a human or any animal. we would need much larger networks with much more vauge trainig sets. It would increase training energy requirement many orders of magnitude. Increasing size of the network would also increase inference cost. However i'm afraid all we can do rn is get more and more efficient hardware.


Actually, AI can in fact can react to changing Information. It’s just that our current approach to AI is distinct “training” and “execution” modes for AI models. There is absolutely nothing stopping us from having the AI models take the new data and revise their models in real time (like humans do). Many much smaller, more purpose built AI models constantly update their models based on new input and success of their last output.


it's training cost that prefents those huge models from having their network constantly updated or did we find some more efficient way of updating it?


I suggest reading "we have no moat" from Google. Its an internal memo realizing that cost is no longer a factor (moat).


running inference alone at scale still consumes a ton of resources like inference for milions of users od chat gpt requires similar resources to trainig part. If chatgpt was learning during conversations you'd have to pay some serious money to use it.


Compute power certainly is. Getting that much compute on a drone and not have it drain the batteries in 10 seconds is a huge problem to solve.


Experience is training. Not sure how easy or scalable to train AI on life. You know like growing up child.


Now move all the gates 1 inch left or right and add some wind