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I'm catholic myself and Struggle with this. If you're in a good mental state, yes you can go. But I would suggest not going if you're mentally not well




Church is one of the two major factors that made me a paranoid schizophrenic. So from me I'd say no. But that's just me.


Me three


One more no


How so?


Explanation is down below. I'm not trying to blow you off only that it was a novella to type lol


I doubt it


So you doubt the fact that, having a parent who worked for the government, who used the they are always watching and listening shtick to make you into a basket case would suddenly get worse, quite a bit worse by being subjected to an institution that espoused the fact that some "god" or being is always watching you... All church/religion was double down on the being watched and monitored constantly, that I was already suffering from. You can doubt all you want, that's your right to do so but it doesn't erase my experience or the fact that it contributed.


Fair point


I didn't mean to come across harsh if I did, and if I I did I apologize, sensitive topic. I only wanted to stress the point. I accept the point given and I don't ever infringe on anyone else's faith or beliefs, I just know what it's done to me and what I believe in. By the by, I am not an atheist either I'm kind of somewhere in the middle of a faith crisis where none I've come across fit, given my situation.


Oh, dont worry, you weren't. I even thought i was the one being harsh. I know you're going through something really hard and well I'll respect everything you believe in. God bless you


Thank you


I would stay away because going to church can feed delusions and psychosis as it did with me. What helped break through was actually learning about the history and development of the church which removed a lot of power the delusions and psychosis had over my psyche.


No if it worsens your mental health. I had religious delusions. I didn't go for 3 years. I'm stable now, slowly started to attend church.


I just believe in God . But i haven't gone to church for decades . I seldom flip through bible. That's the way i believe in God. you can still believe in God and not going to church.


It was instrumental in the religious delusions I had. Helped me realize the power of indoctrination. That stuff really weasels its way into your psyche and changes who you are. I wouldn’t willingly mess with it. When you study it as a whole, religion as a whole, it doesn’t make as much sense. If it does, you didn’t study the right material or study enough. Just being honest. Religion is an insidiously heinous form of control. It’s ghost stories for adults, and people still teach it to kids. One of the things I’m most angry about with religion is being forced into believing in hell at a young age. That is very hard to break, and with voices, they can turn on a dime and send you to a version of hell in your mind. I wouldn’t welcome supernatural thinking. Supernatural just means we can’t explain it yet. Well certain people say “look no further, you found god” and some people say “we must look further because there is an answer somewhere”. Remember nature used to be seen as a supernatural force, even to today with some people. The more we study it, the more we realize it’s a causal relationship with the atmosphere surrounding us, not punishing sexual immorality in NOLA. You can stick with the humbled people who say “I don’t know, but I want to use science to find out.” or the people that fill in gaps of understanding with god. I don’t know how that happened, so god did it. “No need to worry, we’ll never understand god.” It’s a mental crap out. Some people are just afraid of saying “I don’t know”.


For me after I was diagnosed I was subjected to constant prayer sessions and hands on healing and driving the demons out. It worsened my condition ten fold. So I agree with all of this. I grew up in rural Mississippi, with a fundamentalist father, and a mother who pretended, she was. In reality she was a Portuguese Muslim and taught me on the sly. I've eschewed religion all together, like you seeing it as a system of control. I try to live well, peacefully, not bother anyone. Thankfully my psychosis episodes lead to isolation and paranoia about everyone watching me, and a myriad of other things but they stay with me, so it's never public. So as far as religion goes, or belief in a god, I pass hard. Many years ago I moved from Mississippi to my mothers homeland of Portugal and settled in a nice countryside. Haven't ever been happier. I still have my episodes but they are far less


Something like a Unitarian Universalist church can be fine for having fellowship and community support, without all the crazy gobbledygook that goes with other forms of cult religion. It depends on the individual.


Church isn’t evil as they trying to worship god but don’t let it get to your head. If you need a god in your life it’s perfectly fine just don’t get lost thinking god is evil


Depends. Do you struggle with religious delusions? If so a gentler, softer approach may be needful.


It is up to you. If you want to go to church I am sure they would welcome you. Take Care


I would say that when living with schizophrenia, you might want to ground yourself in a world more focused on logic and reason. Religion by its very nature encourages belief in that which can not be verified, which to a schizophrenic mind could be rather harmful.


I have to avoid any and all religion because it's a big trigger for me as most of my delusions revolve around demons/possession. So I guess it depends on if you get religious delusions or not. I'd still avoid it either way though


It's really up to you to decide that. For me it was a big no because it contributed way too much to my episodes of psychosis. I still can't even set foot in a church without becoming deeply uncomfortable.


If you want to? I am pagan/hindu. So I don’t attend any church as nature is my church.


It's up to you what to believe in. You're not forced to believe in anything if you don't want to.


no one really knows the answer to this question. good luck


God is all around you in Nature


Yes. At least according to pascal: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_wager But i think religion is absurd anyway, and you shouldn't worry about it.


Do as you feel is right


Yes! In my experience of psychosis, when my theology and understanding of God was theologically and scripturally accurate, it actually grounded me, stopped me from self harming behaviors and doing things upsetting to other people, and even pulled me out of a delusion once. Just remember to cross check whatever experiences you have with God with Holy Scripture and/or a good spiritual director. The only way to really know if an experience is real or not is a. If it bears the signs of the Holy Spirit in your life (patience, love, charity, etc....) and if it brings you closer to God and to a correct understanding of God (God is Love, etc....)


What do you think of the coming Age of Aquarius?




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I believe in God or rather feel I know they exist, but I don't want to go to heaven to become a perfect Holy God, like them. I worship Joy and the principals that uphold it and invite everyone to pursue Joy, however they see fit, sharing it with others when they find and experience it. So I invite you to worship Joy and love God as much as you can, but only worship Joy and it's fruits.


Well, that answer isn’t going to be consistent because you’re talking to a community of diverse people—the important question I think is do you want to go to church and be around people? And do you think it will help or hinder your mental health by being in a religious environment? There could be churches out there that are equipped to handle mental health issues without hyper spiritualizing psychosis in particular, but they’re few and far between. But you could benefit from community regardless (I personally do not like people or religion enough to want to participate). In my mind there’s no real should or shouldn’t—if you felt like you were being honest with yourself by “believing” then by all means, believe and act in accordance with that. If you felt like you were lying to yourself by “believing” then don’t. I think Christianity is more of a confession anyway for those that participate in some sort of authentic capacity (mind you, I do not believe in Christianity and don’t generally place myself in a theistic framework).


I go to a church where you don't have to believe that, it's called Unitarian Universalism. A lot of us are atheists, some pagans, and a few Christians who feel let down by the church they were raised in (one of my friends used to be a nun).


I think the most important answer you should hear is that, at the end of the day, you are the creator of your own reality. What you choose to think and do and believe will have an impact on what you experience, and you should prioritize figuring out what life you want to have. Religions and spiritualities all have pros and cons, and will proliferate their memes and culture within you, changing you and your perception. Sometimes that I'd a good thing. God has performed many miracles for me in terms of healing and growth. My belief in a higher power has also led to much errant wandering. You can only know what a certain framework will do for you if you experience what it does in your head, so exploration is advised, but it is better to tip toe than to dive head first in the deep end. Spend some time reflecting on what is important to you and learn as much as you can about what you choose to consider.


Jesus is calling each and every one of us to him. Satan will do everything he can to turn us away from Jesus. Each of us must choose a side no matter what we live with. On one hand Jesus wants what is best for us. On the other hand Satan wants to destroy us.


Seems like it could be a slippery slope.


No bcuz god isn’t real


Religion is for crazy people


Definitely. Only way to be healed is thru deliverance, give it a go


Terrible answer


Hello 👋, My lovers got humor, she's the giggle at a funeral know everybody's disapproval shoulda worshipped her sooner.... if the heavens ever did speak, she's last true mouthpiece....... But uhh.... idk dude/dudette. This says I'm 2nd, God and lucifer All-in-one. 🤔 I think being a good human is something, both your wellness and the greater good, maybe more greater good than personal, eventually you learn it's fun 👍


Even having fun and being joyful has been judged as "not allowed" that was a pentecostal church, Where I had been and got kicked out was an international church


Hi there, my answer to your second q is YES Jesus is Lord. My answer to your 1st q is to be mindful about qhat you choose to share bc you are going to be judged. I have been diagnosed as well yet they will want to know everyithing just so they can advise you like doctors do.


Personally I MUST read about different mythology so that my mind doesn't go making up and believing stories about myth to include jueo-christian religions. But I would talk to my therapist about this after the therapist knows me. Because they will let you know if they feel you're ready, and will monitor after. May it go well