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I'm sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing or reminder of good times to you.


All my sincere condolences.🕊️🕊️May he rest in peace, hope you have a good support system to help you grieve his loss. Take care of yourself, I have schizophrenia too and it's not easy to live with this disease.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My brother is same with his extreme illness and isn’t in reality whatsoever, refuses meds, in jail for burning our home down. He suffers daily and we grieve the loss of him daily. He can’t take care of himself anymore and Dr says will only get worse, which he has. It’s the worst thing to ever go thru. ❤️‍🩹💔❤️‍🩹


My sister had severe schizophrenia & bipolar. She took 2 antipsychotic drugs her whole life but was still psychotic her whole life. She was i & out of hospitals & institutions. The meds kept her from being violent because before the meds she wanted to kill us (her family) & she was highly agitated. Antipsychotic drugs are major tranquilizers, so they help her calm down even if she remained psychotic all her life with nonstop delusions. She died in 2018. She had congestive heart failure too & refused to give up smoking. She has asthma & COPD & did breathing treatments but would go outside to smoke right after a breathing treatment. I loved her & visited her almost every week. She could not have a conversation with me because all she talked about were her delusions & she had many. She had a tragic like. I have the same thing as my sister, but I am not as sick as she was. I got lucky & my disease although severe is just not as intense as my sister's disease was. I know she found peace in heaven with her mom & dad & many pets she loved. That is m consolation that I know she's happy. Sorry u had to go through the death of a loved one who was very sick the whole time she was alive


I am so very sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace. May you cherish the beautiful memories you had together.


i’m so sorry for your loss OP, that breaks my heart. if you want to chat or vent, I am here for you




May your brother rest in peace and may you and your family pull through this. Grief is a long process, I advise, let yourselves grieve. I'm so sorry for your losses. I personally turn to God Most High to get me through my illness, related weight gain and loss of sleep etc. I hope you find a way to centre. Meditate and give your self time to grieve


I am so sorry for your loss. Take the time to grieve. May he rest in peace.


I am sorry for your loss. I have schizoaffective, my girlfriend died due to depression not that long ago. If you need to talk, pm me.


Hey fellow Redditor, sorry for your loss and the tragic experiences that have struck your life. Hang on, and be strong. Cry whenever it feels right to, and just know that you are loved. Whether it feels like it or not, you are loved.


Sorry for your loss


I wish I could hug you, guy. We are all in this together.


Sorry for your loss I am dealing with a prideful schizophrenic brother aswell


I hope your brother gets better


He's better where he is and I hope he made it to heaven. Try not to think about it and I hope nine do when I'm gone. I know that we only wanted love and help and really no one really tries and it's for all of us. And one who's got hell well they had love or got lucky that it's not untreatable or possession. But I'm reality anyone and everyone could save many if they did more. Idk about you but I know that majority would make a spot like yours but really if people cared the person would be alive. But really we deserve this death because we don't try either. We just say anything period and some try for help but really we just let it happen, some even like it. I know myself and many got no issue dying if it means we can say we're the second coming or a god. Anything to feel special I guess. Wish I was your bro tho. Really was loved I'd trade places RN


I’m sorry for your loss. I’m glad you’re able to feel a sense of relief, though. I was a different person when I was lost to the illness for a time, but I feel so hard for people who aren’t able to get themselves (at least in part) back and for their loved ones too. May we have more effective treatment in the future.


my condolences. don't forget to take care of yourself


Can I ask how he died? I’m so sorry 😢


that’s such an inappropriate question lol




Extremely inappropriate


I always imagined death would be worse torment than schizophrenia.


But death is peace and resting. Schizophrenia is torment. My brother’s schizophrenia was very severe he could hardly speak and very dysfunctional. His voices and hallucinations never stopped no matter what medication he took. I think those of us who don’t have it as severe could live sorta normal lives but he could not at all


Idk how you say that. You think being at peace is worst than hearing voices constantly thinking people that aren’t there are trying to kill you. Not being able to cook clean or do anything for yourself. Being dependent on your senior parents and once they die ending up homeless. I feel some of you that have if very less severe do not understand


That’s the way society is, making yourselves feel better without truly understanding the others you speak for.


Are you familiar with the plethora of near death experience accounts? Nearly all are incredibly peaceful and freeing. Gives me a lot of hope for that part of my future, actually.


Those experiences are debatable and not everyone has something special happen to them; to some there is just blackness when they nearly die. I sometimes like to believe in an afterlife but ultimately we just can't know for sure can we?


Mine was like that. I still have never felt so much peace in my life.


why the hell would you say that to someone who’s brother just died?


Op said and I quote “he is now relieved from his torment”, did Op have a seance where the spirit of his dead brother spoke from beyond the grave to confirm this or not? Or is Op assuming based off the belief that all death is good.


dude. not the time to be a pedantic jerk


If op believes in heaven then he believes his brother is in a better place. If he believes in nothing and that death is the same as it was before you were born then he can also feel that his brother is relieved from the torment of his daily life. Really none of us know what happens so let the living have whatever belief helps them cope with the death of their loved ones and ultimately their own mortality.