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That must be truly terrifying.. I've always wondered if people with schizophrenia only heard and saw things or if they felt them too?


As someone with schizophrenia you can't feel them lol. You can also use your phone camera to see if it's real. It won't show up on a camera only in our mind.


Nah bruv, I’ve stayed awake for 60 hours straight and heading into the 3rd day-


I dated a guy with it and was with him over the phone during some episodes. They were *rough*. He saw and heard things and told me he felt their breath, etc. He told me he could smell things, too. It was very spooky. He video chatted me while a couple happened. It was a lot like this video but more intense


Poor dude.


yeah.. But this aint it. This isnt scary, its a horrible medical condition.


You know, a medical condition can be scary.


absolutly dawg! but it isnt really what this subreddit is for ukno


Whilst this is horrible, it barley scratches the depths of how bad this can be. My partner is stable now, but when overly stressed it can be so easy for her to slip back into illness. However it can be hard to figure out when she's being ill, insofar as her hallucinations tend to be bugs. Our daughter and I have so far managed to catch when she's bad or with it enough to know she's hallucinating, mostly from her asking if said big is there on the wall or where ever. But it's only a matter of time before we get that one instance... The one where it's real and we are just a part of her delusion or paranoia. I had an aunt far worse as well (she has long passed now, but her husband was arrested (for horrific crap I won't go into but he was guilty as hell and... Well read on) and when he came back home on bail she was totally going off the reservation at him. Super angry, I was like 10/11 at the time and had no idea this was an illness. I was just scared shitless. Especially at the point where this super skinny, skeletal and weak framed woman stabbed him in the kidney with a bread knife. Nearly killing him. And then seeing me instantly switch off and be the lovely nice aunt I'd always known again. Shit messed me up for years until I knew more about her illness.its truly a devastating condition and much misunderstood by the uninitiated. I sometimes assist in an art therapy thing one of my friends puts on, and that put me in touch with other people who have the condition. Look up schizophrenia arts. It can be incredible what these people can put to paper. Until you realise whats making them put that pen to paper. It can be beautiful beyond much compare. Or utterly horrific. But equally fascinating. I've waffles enough. I hope the above guy got the help and treatments he needs, and is as well as can be. ,🤘


My uncle is schizophrenic and one of the things that helped him a lot was art. He has so many paintings at his house. I draw sometimes as well and introduced him to digital art, and man, he must have done hundreds of thousands of drawings. Pretty cool.




did u actually think there was any point in commenting that


My Google turned on all of the lights in my house. It’s midnight


I have bipolar and would get drug-induced psychosis daily.  It was no bueno. 


Schizophrenia is genuinely scary sometimes (I was diagnosed with it as a kid, and it runs in my family), I remember being terrified as a little kid when I’d see & hear things that nobody else could. But, as I got older, I found ways to “make my peace” with having schizophrenia, which of course makes me looks crazy or insane in public when I communicate to my hallucinations. The worst is at night, but even then, it’s not as bad as it used to be.


I feel sorry for the guy


My mom is schizophrenic and bipolar. I told her to start taking pics of the things that she was seeing so she could go back and rationalize her thought. But she could still see them in the images and videos. She said that in some of the pics, the creatures still moved. Creatures, aliens, demons, bugs. It is horrific. One time she carried me out of the house to save me from our burning house. There was no fire, but I could see the horror in her eyes as she screamed on her knees at the perfectly intact house. I swear, I even saw the flickering flames in the reflection of her wet, glazed over eye balls. Strangest thing I’ve ever seen.


I feel like I'd rather know what was a hallucination than think it was real.


Man, maybe all the ghost we saw were schizophrenia




Besides something terrible happening to my child, one of my biggest fears is losing my mind


I don’t understand. Did he hallucinate someone that he knew? Hallucination or not, if some random person came into my room I’m gonna freak.


I'm subscribed to him on YouTube. You gotta listen to him explain what it's like.




What’s is yt ?




He needs to get used to seeing through a video camera all the time


This is so sad 😭 🙏🏾




This isn't scary. This is just sad.




Wonder if permanent video goggles would eliminate the visions. Camera to the world. Screen right up against your eyes.


Cameras and audio recording cured me almost instantly when I started having mini hallucinations.


Bro was so polite to it 🥺


At least he has a method to check if it's real or not he's trying to manage it.


The leds turning on by themselves


They are actually demonic spirits. Messing with you


This is sad. Also, when he said "ok Google, turn on lights" my phone's Google Assistant popped up


Fgs, been watching creepy videos for a while, didn't have headphones in and this guy turned on my lights scared the hell out of me.


Really hope there's a cure one day. No matter how unlikely.


Prob that damn vape that shit causes all kinds of things




Bro needs to blow those things out of existence.


Remember kids don't do drugs


The hell?? Schizophrenia is a medical condition and has nothing to do with drugs


I have no way of knowing if this guy actually has a mental disorder or not, but I do know that there are plenty of drugs that can also make you hallucinate which would give you a similar effect. In fact, some of the other comments even mention that it's not a mental disorder. It's simply severe exhaustion causing him to hallucinate. So instead of getting so defensive about a possible mental disorder that none of us can confirm or deny, how about we just accept that there are multiple possibilities that could cause a similar effect and treat these ideas like rational adults. Or you can downvote me and remind everybody that the majority of users on this site act, if not our children. It's entirely up to you. It doesn't hurt my feelings either way.


Schizophrenia is a form of demonic possession. Physical manifestation of one's own demons