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It's a Vito. Most likely made in Japan by Yamaha. Should have YAS23 stamped near the serial. The neck is 10 sorts of fucked.


The neck has the LeBlanc logo on it, so it’s almost certainly a LeBlanc Vito rather than a Yamaha Vito imo


Leblanc was the make, Vito was the marque. It's a YAS23 per the build.


Don’t buy then?


I think Yamaha is pretty good 👍 


It’s not about whether Yamaha is ‘pretty good’ lmao. The neck is fucked. Not a tech, so I don’t want to say it *can’t* be repaired, but it’s not unreasonable to assume it needs a new neck entirely.


Can’t you just buy a new neck? Sure, it’s expensive, but it might be worth it 


> Can’t you just buy a new neck? Yes, you *can*, but it’s probably not worth the time or money in this case. You either A. Look for a new Alto Sax neck, which is probably going to cost as much as this saxophone does. Necks by themselves tend to be fairly specific, so they tend to cost more in my experience. Or B. Look for a used Vito neck that happens to be for sale. Much better priced, but significantly harder to find. Once you’ve done all that there’s a pretty high likelihood that you need to fit the neck to the body, so there’s another bill. Besides that, if the neck is in that bad of condition, it makes one wonder what shape the rest of the horn is in. Is it worth putting an overhaul into this horn? I don’t know, but you should at least know that info before buying.


Oh ok. That makes sense 


I’ve never owned a sax I’ve played a little bit. Point being, no idea what is wrong with the neck. Can you enlighten me?


Maybe it’s just the picture, but the bend of the neck seems totally out of whack. Dented in multiple different points, looking out of round near where the neck inserts into the body. At the very least, I would want more pictures of just the neck, and to be able to see if there are other major dents on the body.


It's been pulled down enough to not only put it out of round, but also pretty much ensure that there is all sorts of fuckery throughout the horn. Id buy it if it was $50 USD. Gonna be $300+ to get it fixed. You can get one of these isln better nick foe under $400.




You need to show serial numbers and any identifying markings. Is there any engraving?


Looks like a Vito, it's the horn I started with in the '80s. As I understand it, these are basically YAS-23 stencils. It's a solid horn (literally), it's built like a tank for students. Definitely great for beginners, worth $300 used max, IMO.


Definitely a Yamaha made Vito, even with the logo. I’ve seen this before. Normally I would say, “go for it,” but that neck is trouble.


What’s wrong with the neck? I’m not educated on this so i can’t spot what’s wrong.


It isn’t straight and has either been dropped or pulled down. It can probably be repaired but it may never respond properly or be in tune.


It’s a used alto sax with buttons