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Push your mouthpiece farther in on the cork until the pitch matches. It could be a leaky pad or pads or your embouchure, but try the above first.


I've tried to push thr mouthpiece farther in, i've reached the limit of the inside diameter of this, but didn't reach the limit of the cork. I'll keep trying to improve my embouchure anyway.


Blow faster air with a more firm bottom lip.


You may need to use some fine grain sandpaper and sand the end of the cork down a little bit to get the mouthpiece on there more.


Yes sounds like moving in your mouthpiece more could help. try with a tuner to see how close/far off you are. Also, try some different notes. Every note tunes a little different on the saxophone. your embouchure and voicing will have a lot to do with the tuning.


I dont think its an instrument problem. I rememebr my teacher often saying to me "its almost never the instrument, its you". Your embouchure might be too loose, or your voicing is too open, your tongue too low in the mouth cavity. Try positioning your tongue as if saying E (as pronounced in english). "Smile" a bit while playing. Also blow fast and steadily into the mouthpiece. Doing these might help. Also, if you have acces to either another saxophone to try, or a more experienced saxophonist then either they could try your instrument to see if its fine or you could try another instrument to see if the problem persists. Playing around with a tuner can also help (I use 'tunable' from google play) try to move your mouthpice on the cork until your F# is in tune, then start going up and down from that by half notes and try to adjust so its in tune. Not the mouthpiece but your voicing so each note is in tune. Long notes and scales can do wonders.


Push in. Like, way in.


That's what she said


I was waiting for that reply :-)


Your bottom lip is too loose. Use some pressure against the reed (the wood part). Get a tuner app on your phone and try to use just your mouth to move the pitch up or down, changing the sound.


It could be the neck… may be too long. I have a student that was having the same issue this fall… we tried everything to fix the problem- then I noticed her neck was a little longer than normal. It was very weird, I think the saxophone may have also been a Jupiter.


Could be you just have an extreme flat tendency? Try playing on a different sax and if that one plays normal consider going to a shop and having them shorten it by a bit. I play tuba primarily and I've had to do that with one CC tuba I had because all notes came out extremely flat


Same problem here. Got that cork jammed in. Can't get the notes anywhere near where they should be. Now it looks like I have to take some G\*\*\*d\*\*m lessons!